AP US Government:

AP US Government: Study Guide[pic]

Chapter 15 = The Federal Bureaucracy

I. All the vocabulary

II. The questions below:

1. What are common myths about the federal bureaucracy?

2. What is the difference between patronage and the merit principle?

3. What is the purpose of the Hatch Act?

4. What are some common characteristics of “plum book” appointees?

5. Explain the roles of the following federal bureaucracies:

A. The Cabinet Departments

B. The Regulatory Agencies

C. Government Corporations

D. Independent Executive Agencies

6. What are the three minimum elements of implementation?

7. List four methods in which the President can control the bureaucracy. List four methods in which Congress can control the bureaucracy.

8. Explain the difference between an “iron triangle” and an “issue network.”

9. What happened to make the bureaucracy the ‘fourth branch’ of government?

10. Do bureaucrats sabotage their political bosses?

[pic] AP US Government: Study Guide[pic]

Chapter 15 = The Federal Bureaucracy

I. All the vocabulary

II. The questions below:

1. What are common myths about the federal bureaucracy?

2. What is the difference between patronage and the merit principle?

3. What is the purpose of the Hatch Act?

4. What are some common characteristics of “plum book” appointees?

5. Explain the roles of the following federal bureaucracies:

A. The Cabinet Departments

B. The Regulatory Agencies

C. Government Corporations

D. Independent Executive Agencies

6. What are the three minimum elements of implementation?

7. List four methods in which the President can control the bureaucracy. List four methods in which Congress can control the bureaucracy.

8. Explain the difference between an “iron triangle” and an “issue network.”

9. What happened to make the bureaucracy the ‘fourth branch’ of government?

10. Do bureaucrats sabotage their political bosses?

AP US Government Chpt 15 The Bureaucracy

History of …….Activity

Using your textbooks and/or other sources, create a timeline including a short history of the beginning of the regulatory agencies in the Progressive Era and the proliferation of these agencies in the New Deal and post War years. Also get into the topic of deregulation during the Reagan years and that continuing trend which persists today.

1. Where in the Constitution doe some people believe is the only part of the document where the bureaucracy was mentioned? (pg 406) Add the specific quote.

2. Dates to use in your timeline:



Civil War to 1882




Reagan Era/deregulation


-----------Each of these dates relates to some type of philosophical or practical change that effected the size or scope of the bureaucracy. On the timeline simply put the date and a picture to represent the change. On a separate piece of paper or the back of the timeline, explain what that philosophical or practical change was with an example of a new agency formcd, a Supreme Ct decision or some other debate/argument between the branches.

AP US Government Chpt 15 The Bureaucracy

History of …….Activity

Using your textbooks and/or other sources, create a timeline including a short history of the beginning of the regulatory agencies in the Progressive Era and the proliferation of these agencies in the New Deal and post War years. Also get into the topic of deregulation during the Reagan years and that continuing trend which persists today.

3. Where in the Constitution doe some people believe is the only part of the document where the bureaucracy was mentioned? (pg 406) Add the specific quote.

4. Dates to use in your timeline:



Civil War to 1882




Reagan Era/deregulation


-----------Each of these dates relates to some type of philosophical or practical change that effected the size or scope of the bureaucracy. On the timeline simply put the date and a picture to represent the change. On a separate piece of paper or the back of the timeline, explain what that philosophical or practical change was with an example of a new agency formcd, a Supreme Ct decision or some other debate/argument between the branches.


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