Constitution and by-laws


(everything in red is new or re-worded; if re-worded, the original phrasing is left in but cross out)

Constitution and by-laws

of the

Three Rivers Archaeology Society

a chapter of the

Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology

and Wisconsin Archeological Society


Article I. Name

Section 1.

The name of this organization shall be the Three Rivers Archaeology Society, a chapter of the Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology (IAAA) and Wisconsin Archeological Society (WAS).

Article II. Organization

Section 1. -Objectives

The Chapter is organized to further the interest of its members in the study of the origin and cultural evolution of humans and their environment. The Chapter will endeavor to contribute to the science of anthropology and especially American archaeology.

Section 2. -Policies

The Chapter shall:

1. Adopt, sponsor and support educational programs for chapter members and the general public.

1. Conduct field trips.

1. Encourage the preservation and protection of archaeological materials and sites.

1. Cooperate with professional anthropologists and archaeologists to solicit assistance in attaining the objectives of this Chapter.

1. Cooperate with institutes of higher learning and other public and private agencies in attaining Chapter objectives.

1. Prohibit commerce in archaeological materials in activities of the chapter.

1. Solicit and accept donations and gifts which will further the objectives of the Chapter. (tax deductible)

1. When requested, assist in archaeological site planning, development and use.

1. Prioritize Chapter activities based on the need of local historical site preservation.

1. Support and to the best of its ability, carry out the purposes of the Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology and Wisconsin Archeological Society.

Article III. Membership

Section 1 -Qualifications


Membership shall be extended to any person interested in archaeology that and who agrees to abide by the constitution and by-laws of the Chapter and resides in Northern Illinois in an area not serviced by other IAAA Chapters. Every member shall also be a member in good standing of the Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology and/or the Wisconsin Archeological Society.

Section 2. - Membership Revocation

Personal actions in conflict with objectives of the Chapter shall constitute grounds for membership revocation. Membership in the Chapter may be revoked by a ¾ majority-vote of the members present at a regular meeting.


Article IV. Dues

Section 1. Amount


The amount of Chapter dues shall be determined annually by a majority vote of the members voting at its meeting in November.


Section 2. Classification & Dues


Membership classifications shall be: Individual ($21.00), Family ($24.00), Student ($17.00), Contributing ($40.00+), Sustaining ($55.00+), Benefactor ($100.00+) and Life ($250.00+).


Section 3. Collection 2. Dues


The Chapter shall collect each member’s dues and forward the correct portion(s) to dues for membership in the Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology and/or the Wisconsin Archeological Society, as designated by each member.

Article V. Board of Directors

Section 1. Membership

1. The Board of Directors shall consist of five members of the Chapter who are elected by a majority of the Chapter membership present and voting at the annual meeting.

1. Members of the Board of Directors shall be elected for staggered two-year terms. Two members elected in even years and three in the odd years.

1. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by vote of the Board until the next annual meeting.

1. The President of the Chapter shall serve on the Board as an ex-officio member and have no vote.

2. Any officer other than the President may be elected as a Board member.

Section 2. Duties

The Board of Directors shall meet when needed quarterly in February, May, August and November. Prior to the annual meeting the Board will develop an agenda which will include the following considerations:

1. Yearly objectives and goals.

1. Appointment of nominating committee.

1. Annual dues.

1. Any other items requested in advance by any of the membership.


Section 3. Advisors

The chapter shall solicit the guidance of special advisors to aid in the direction and goals of the chapter. Advisors shall be from a professional, educational or IAAA background. There shall be no limit to the number of advisors serving the chapter. Advisors may be elected as Board Members by a vote of the majority of the Chapter membership present and voting at the annual meeting. Advisors shall serve a one (1) year term.

Article VI. Meetings

Section 1. - Regular

Regular meetings shall be held on the second third Monday of every month except July and August. in February, May, August and November and be All meetings shall be open to the public.

Section 2. Annual

The annual meeting shall be held on the second Monday in December for the purpose of electing directors and officers and conducting such business as may come before the Chapter. If the day fixed for the annual meeting falls on a legal holiday, such meeting will be held on the next succeeding business day.

Section 3. -Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the President, Board of Directors or a 1/5 vote of the Chapter membership for the purpose stated in the call.


Section 4. - Procedures

1. Any member may propose deletions or additions to an agenda of a regular meeting.

1. Each member shall be entitled to one vote on items of business at a regular meeting.


Article VII. Officers


Section 1. - Officers

The officers of the chapter shall be a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer or other officers as may be elected by the Board of Directors.


Section 2. - Election

1. Any member of the Chapter including members of the Board of Directors shall be eligible to serve as an officer of the Chapter.

1. Elections shall be held at the annual meeting of the general membership.

1. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present and voting.

1. The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of officer nominees to the general membership. Further nominees from the general membership may be nominated by the general membership and so voted upon.

1. Terms of elected officers shall be for one year beginning on the first day of the year following the November election or if a successor is elected to fill a vacancy, the term shall begin immediately. Officers may be re-elected for succeeding terms.

2. Vacancies caused for any reason will be filled by appointment by a majority vote of the Board of Directors for the balance of that officer’s term.

Section 3. – Duties

1. The PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and shall implement and execute the policies determined by the Board of Directors. The president may attend WAS Executive Board meetings as a voting member. If unable to attend, he/she may submit relevant business to the WAS president prior to the meeting.

2. The VICE-PRESIDENT shall assume the duties of the president in the absence of the president in the conduct of Chapter business.

3. The SECRETARY shall:

A. Maintain all minutes, documents and archives of the Chapter.

B. Conduct the official correspondence of the Chapter.

C. Keep the membership informed of events.

D. Maintain a mailing list of members, prospective members and friends of the Chapter.

E. File an annual report with the Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology and Wisconsin Archeological Society before their annual meetings.

4. The TREASURER shall:

A. File an annual report with the Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology and before its annual meeting.

A. Have custody of and be responsible for all funds and property of the Chapter.

B. Collect dues from its members and forward state IAAA and WAS dues when received.

C. Maintain financial records.

D. Make quarterly financial reports.

E. Submit an audited annual financial report to the IAAA compiled by an independent Certified Public Accounting firm.


Article VIII. Curation and Repository


Section 1. –Location

All archaeological materials procured from state or public property by the Chapter shall be curated at the discretion of the Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology or until suitable secure exhibition facilities are made available to the Chapter. according to the conditions of the controlling permit.



Section 2. -Disposition

Should the Chapter cease to function, its scientific records and collections associated therewith shall be disposed of or curated at the discretion of the Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology and/or Wisconsin Archeological Society.


Article IX. Amendments to the Constitution and by-laws


Section 1. By-laws

Proposals for amendments to this Constitution and by-laws may be submitted by any member of the Chapter to the Board of Directors. A proposal for amendment to the Constitution and by-laws shall require the approval of three members of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall submit an approved amendment to a meeting of the general membership for consent of two-thirds of the members present and voting. Passed amendments shall be forwarded to the Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology and Wisconsin Archeological Society for approval. In no event shall amendments to the constitution or by-laws conflict with those of the IAAA Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology or Wisconsin Archeological Society.


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