





Date: _____________________________

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Regents Review Sheet #1: Constitutional Foundations of American Society

European Philosophers of the Enlightenment:

During the Age of Enlightenment (1600’s-1700’s), the leading thinkers in western Europe thought that society should be ruled by natural laws rather than the divine right of absolute monarchs:

• John Locke (1632-1704):

• FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR (1756-1763):

o Great Britain v. France over control of North America

o British victory gained them control of much of North America including Canada

o This victory allowed for the British to maintain even more control and power over the colonies.

o Proclamation of 1763:


Charters and Self-Government

• Virginia House of Burgesses:

• Mayflower Compact:

• Fundamental Orders of Connecticut:

• Albany Plan of Union:

• Democracy:

• Representative Democracy:

• Natural Rights:


Great Britain won the French and Indian War and gained control of French Canada. This victory soon led to the 13 American colonies to revolt against Britain.


• Change in colonial policy

• Resistance to British Taxation

• British Retaliation

• Declaration of Independence

Important Terms:

• Mercantilism:

• Stamp Act:

• Tea Act:

• Boston Tea Party:

• Common Sense:


Articles of Confederation

During and after the Revolution, delegates from the 13 states to the Continental Congress drew up the Articles of Confederation. This document describing the new government’s official powers was approved by the states in 1781:

• Organization:

• Powers: Congress COULD declare war, make peace, and conduct foreign affairs

• Achievements:

• Weaknesses:

Regents Review Sheet #2: The United States Constitution

Task: Using the space provided on the right please define all words.

|Bill of | |

|Rights | |

|Separation of Powers | |

|Checks and Balances | |

|Limited Government | |

|Federalism | |

|Delegated Powers | |

|Reserved Powers | |

|Concurrent Powers | |

|Popular Sovereignty | |

|Elastic Clause | |

|Supremacy Clause | |

|Judicial Review | |

|Unwritten Constitution | |

|Bicameral Legislature | |

|Constitutional | |

|Convention | |

What is the Role of the Executive Branch?


What is the role of the Legislative Branch?


What is the role of the Judicial Branch?


What makes the Constitution a “flexible document”? What are three ways it can be changed?


How were the views of the Federalists and Anti- federalists different? How did the establishment of a Federal system appease both the Federalists and the Anti-federalists?




|Bill of Rights |

|1st | |

|2nd | |

|3rd | |

|4th | |

|5th | |

|6th | |

|7th | |

|8th | |

|9th | |

|10th | |


Regents Review Sheet #3: Early American Presidents (Washington – Jackson)

|President/Politician |Key Ideas |

|George Washington |Precedents- |

|(1789-1797) |Hamilton’s Financial Plan – |

| |Excise Tax – |

| |Whiskey Rebellion - |

| |Proclamation of Neutrality – |

| |Jay’s Treaty - |

| |Farewell Address- |

| |Formation of the First Political Parties- |

|John Adams |XYZ Affair – |

|Federalist |Alien and Seditions Acts - |

|(1797-1801) |Federalists – |

|Thomas Jefferson |Democratic Republicans - |

|Democratic-Republican |Louisiana Purchase - |

|(1801-1809) |Lewis and Clark – |

| |Impressment – |

| |Embargo Act of 1807 – |

| |Marbury v. Madison - |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|James Madison |War of 1812- |

|Democratic-Republican | |

|(1809-1817) |War Hawks - |

| | |

| |Treaty of Ghent - |

| | |

| | |

|James Monroe |“Era of Good Feelings |

|Democratic-Republican |Adams-Onis Treaty |

|(1817-1825) |Missouri Compromise |

| | |

| | |

|John Quincy Adams |“Corrupt Bargain” |

|National Republican | |

|(1825-1829) | |

|Andrew Jackson |“Spoils System”- |

|Democrat |Bank Veto- |

|(1829-1837) |Tariff of Abominations - |

| |Nullification Crisis - |

| |Indian Removal Act - |

| |Cherokee Trail of Tears – |

| |Worchester vs. Georgia – |

Regents Review Sheet #4: Sectionalism and Manifest Destiny

Task: Define the following terms in your own words and complete the charts. Be prepared to take a quiz on this material next class.


Complete the Chart based on the views of each region below.

|Topic |North |South |West |

|Slavery | | | |

| | | | |

|Tariffs | | | |

| | | | |

|Bank of the United States | | | |

| | | | |

|Economy | | | |

|Role of Government | | | |

|(States’ Rights v. Federal | | | |

|Rights) | | | |

Missouri Compromise:

Compromise of 1850:

Kansas-Nebraska Act:

Bloody Kansas:

Fugitive Slave Law:

Reform Movements


John Brown:

Fredrick Douglass:

Uncle Tom’s Cabin:

Harriet Beecher Stowe:

Harriet Tubman:

Underground Railroad:

Elizabeth Cady Stanton:

Seneca Falls Convention:

Declaration of Sentiments:

Dorothea Dix:

Temperance Movement:

Manifest Destiny:

|Territory |Year |Where did we get it from? |How did we get it? |

|Louisiana | | | |

|Territory | | | |

|Florida | | | |

|Texas | | | |

|Oregon Territory | | | |

|Mexican Cession | | | |

|Gadsden Purchase | | | |

James K. Polk:

Mountain Men:



Mexican-American War:

Transcontinental Railroad:

Regents Review Sheet #5: Civil War and Reconstruction

Task: Define the following terms. Be prepared for a quiz on this material next class!

Causes of the Civil War

• Sectionalism –

• States’ Rights –

• Slavery –

• Secession -

The War

• Union -

• Confederacy –

Lincoln’s Actions During The War

• Suspension of Habeas Corpus -

• Emancipation Proclamation -

Plans for Reconstruction:

|President’s Plan |Congress’ Plan |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|[pic] |

| |

|Civil War Amendments |

|13th (1865) | |

|14th (1868) | |

|15th (1870) | |

Black Codes:




Freedman’s Bureau:

Impeachment of A. Johnson:

Ku Klux Klan:

W.E.B. Du Bois:

Booker T. Washington:

Plessy v. Ferguson:

Compromise of 1877:

Regents Review #6: Closing of the West, The Gilded Age & Progressive Era

Task: Define the following terms. Be prepared for a quiz on this material next class.

Laissez-Faire Capitalism:

Captains of Industry:

Robber Barons:

Social Darwinism:


Interstate Commerce Act:

Sherman Antitrust Act:

Munn v. Illinois:

Wabash v. Illinois:

Populist Party:

William Jennings Bryant:

Samuel Gompers:

Terrence Powderly:

American Federation of Labor:

Knights of Labor:

Collective Bargaining:



Chinese Exclusion Act:

Gentlemen’s Agreement:

Emergency Quota Act of 1921:

National Origins Acts of 1924:



The Progressive Era


|Muckrakers |Action |

|Jacob Riis | |

|Ida Tarbell | |

|Upton Sinclair | |

|Jane Addams | |

|Thomas Nast | |

Meat Inspection Act:

Pure Food and Drug Act:


Theodore Roosevelt:

Square Deal:




Boss Tweed:

Tammany Hall:

Progressive (Bull Moose) Party:

Federal Reserve Act:

Clayton Antitrust Act:

William Howard Taft:

Woodrow Wilson:

Regents Review #7: Imperialism and World War I

America’s New Foreign Policies

• “Big Stick” Policy -

• Roosevelt Corollary -

• Dollar Diplomacy -

• Panama Canal –

• Open Door Policy –

What are the Causes of WWI?

|The Causes |Describe how this event caused WWI |

|Militarism | |

|Alliances | |

|Nationalism | |

|Imperialism | |

|Assassination | |

|Competition | |

Why did America get involved in WWI?

|Event |Describe how this event led America into WWI |

|Unrestricted Submarine Warfare | |

|(Freedom of the Seas) | |

|The Lusitania | |

|Zimmerman Telegraph | |

The Constitution Tested in WWI

|Event |Describe how this event tested the Constitution |

|Schenk vs. United States | |

|Espionage & Sedition Acts | |

The End of the War

|Event |Describe the significance of the following |

|Wilson’s 14 Points | |

|The Treaty of Versailles | |

Regents Review #8: 1920’s, the Great Depression, and the New Deal

How was an economic boom created in the 1920’s?

|Person/Event |Describe the person or event |

|Warren Harding | |

|Calvin Coolidge | |

|Henry Ford | |

|Normalcy | |

|New Consumer Products | |

|American Foreign Policy After WWI | |

|Protective Tariffs | |

|Widening Social Classes | |

|The Dust Bowl | |

What cultural values were contested during the 1920’s?

|Harlem Renaissance | |

|Scopes Trial | |

|Sacco & Vanzetti | |

|Prohibition | |

|Flappers | |

|Red Scare | |

|Palmer Raids | |

What are the Causes of the Great Depression?

|The Causes |Describe how the following caused the Great Depression |

|Buying on Margin | |

|Overproduction | |

|Unemployment | |

|Over Speculation of the Stock | |

|Market | |

|Stock Market Crash | |

How did the Federal Government deal with the Great Depression?

|Event |Describe the following |

|Hebert Hoover | |

|Hoovervilles | |

|F.D.R. | |

|The New Deal | |

|Relief, Recovery, and Reform | |

|F.D.R.’s Court Packing Plan | |

|Critics of the New Deal | |

Regents Review #9: World War II and the Cold War

How does the United States attempt to stay neutral prior to entrance into WWII?

|Event/Policy |Describe the following |

|Isolationism | |

|Neutrality Acts | |

|Cash and Carry Principle | |

|Appeasement | |

|Neutrality Acts of 1939 | |

|Lend-Lease | |

|Destroyers-for-Bases | |

|Atlantic Charter | |

US Involvement in WWII and the End of the War

|Event |Describe the following |

|Pearl Harbor | |

|Korematsu vs. United States | |

|The Two Front War | |

|D-Day | |

|The Holocaust | |

|Harry S. Truman | |

|Rosie the Riveter | |

|Hiroshima and Nagasaki | |

|Nuremberg War Crime Trials | |

The Cold War

Berlin Airlift

Marshall Plan Bay of Pigs


Berlin Wall

Korean War

Truman Doctrine Cuban Missile Crisis


Warsaw Pact:


Domino Theory:

Collective Security:

Iron Curtain:

Black List:

Loyalty Review Board:



Regents Review #10: Great Turmoil and Social Change

The Impact of JFK’s Presidency

|Event |Describe the following |

|The Impact of TV on Kennedy’s | |

|Election | |

|The Kennedy Mystique | |

|Flexible Response | |

|Bays of Pigs | |

|Berlin Wall | |

|Peace Corps | |

|Assassination | |

Lyndon B. Johnson

|Event |Describe the following |

|Great Society | |

|The Warren Court Cases |Gideon vs. Wainwright |

| |Miranda vs. Arizona |

| |Baker vs. Carr |

| |Brown vs. Brown v. Board |

Civil Rights

|Event |Describe the following |

|Crisis in Little Rock | |

|Montgomery Bus Boycott | |

|Rosa Parks | |

|MLK Jr. | |

|Sit ins | |

|Malcolm X | |

|Black Panthers | |

|Affirmative Action | |

|Civil Rights Act | |

|Voting Rights Acts | |

Women’s Rights

|Event |Describe the following |

|Equal Rights Amendment | |

|Roe vs. Wade | |


|Event |Describe the following |

|New Federalism | |

|Watergate | |

|Détente | |

|SALT I | |

|Realpolitik | |

|Stagflation | |

|OPEC | |


Benjamin Franklin, 1750

What is this promoting?

De Facto Segregation

Grandfather Clause

Literacy Tests

Poll Taxes

Jim Crow Laws

Transcontinental Railroad

John D. Rockefeller

J.P. Morgan

Andrew Carnegie

Henry Ford

Captains of Industry

Dawes Act

Homestead Act

Gold Rush

Development of

The West


18th - Prohibition

19th – Women’s Suffrage

16th – Income tax

17th – direct election of Senators

US Expansion

Puerto Rico






Panama Canal




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