Vocabulary 12 New Government - Quia

Vocabulary/HW 18


|Seven principles of the Constitution |

|Limited government - a principle of the United States Constitution |

|that states that government has only the powers that the Constitution |

|gives it. |

|Republicanism - system of government in which citizens choose |

|representatives to govern them. |

|Checks and Balances - a principle of the United States Constitution |

|that safeguards against abuse of power by giving each branch of |

|government the power to check the other branches. |

|Federalism – a government divided into layers; national, state, local |

|Separation of Powers – defining the authority that each branch or |

|level has so that no one branch or level gets too strong. |

|Popular sovereignty - a principle of the United States Constitution |

|that states that the people have the right to create, alter, and |

|abolish their government; |

|Individual/Natural/Unalienable Rights –rights that belong to all |

|people from birth |

|[pic] |Set many precedents (an act or |

|George Washington |decision for others to follow) |

|1st President |Created the Cabinet with Jefferson as |

| |Secretary of State and Hamilton as |

| |Secretary of Treasury |

| |Showed the |

|strength of the Executive branch during the Whiskey Rebellion |

|Warned against forming permanent alliances with foreign nations—the US should |

|remain neutral in foreign wars |

|Warned against forming political parties (he called them factions)—should show |

|allegiance to the country, not one’s party |

|Decided to step down after his second term |



1. when Washington created the Cabinet and stepped down after his second term

2. how Texans elected Lloyd Doggett to the House of Representatives

3. when the Supreme Court declares an act of Congress unconstitutional

4. the principle of the Constitution at work in Article IV

11. the fix for Jefferson's grievance about George III's policy of keeping soldiers housed in peoples' homes


1. the first three words of the Constitution display this principle

5. guarantees your freedom to worship without being denied by the government

6. stops the government from going against the Constitution

7. if someone sues you for $300, you have the right to request a jury trial

8. you have the right to remain silent when accused of a crime

9. Washington said these groups work to divide the country and should be avoided

10. Washington believed we should remain __________ when two other countries get in a war


Be sure to label and place a box around your final answer to each question. Show your work!

In 2013, we have…

|House of Representatives: |435 Members |

|Senate: |100 Members |

|States: |50 States |

11. How many members of the House of Representatives would be needed to propose an amendment?

12. How many Senators would be needed to propose an amendment?

13. How many states would be needed to ratify an amendment?


Bill of Rights

1st Amendment - guarantees freedom of speech, press, freedom of religion, assembly, petition

2nd Amendment - Right to own weapons; form militias

3rd Amendment - no quartering of soldiers in peace time

4th Amendment - freedom from unreasonable search and seizure

5th Amendment - grand jury, double jeopardy, and freedom from self-incrimination; accused must receive due process of law before any kind of loss

6th Amendment - Rights of the accused to face accusers, speedy trial by jury

7th Amendment - Trial by jury in cases of damages more than $20

8th Amendment - Freedom from cruel and unusual punishments; unreasonable bail

9th Amendment - People have rights that aren’t written down in Bill of Rights; all rights not written belong to the people

10th Amendment - The federal government ONLY has the powers listed in the Constitution; everything else belongs to the states and the people

Amendment – a change to the US Constitution. It’s explained in Article V

Amendments must be proposed by 2/3 of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Then, amendments must be ratified by 3/4 of state legislatures.

This is how the Bill of Rights and all future amendments were passed.


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