Goals & Objectives - participating in government Unit - HOME

Participating in Government Unit ‖ Development of Political Parties LessonGoals & Objectives Students will analyze political party roles on the national, state, and local level. Students will construct a graphic organizer in regards to political party organization in the American democratic system.California State Content Standards 12.6 Students evaluate issues regarding campaigns for national, state, and local elective offices.1. Analyze the origin, development, and role of political parties, noting those occasional periods in which there was only one major party or were more than two major mon Core Literacy StandardsCCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.9-10.5Analyze how a text uses structure to emphasize key points or advance an explanation or SS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.11-12.4Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.Driving Historical QuestionWhy is the structure of a political party so relevant?Lesson Introduction (Anticipatory Set/Hook/Accessing Prior Knowledge) ‖ Time: 10 minutes First, the teacher will access prior knowledge of the topic so that students can situate new content with what they already know. The word wall and the inference wall will be used to introduce the chapter of the text. The teacher will say the vocabulary words and then the students repeat will repeat them. To know what the chapter is going to be about, they have to know the words. Next, students will use the vocabulary words in the inference wall and try to connect it to clues on the inference wall with their partners. Once they make connections, partners predict to each other what the chapter is going to be about. Finally, the reading will be scaffolded by using a couple of images to introduce students to how political party organization is structured. The title of the reading will be analyzed and questions will be asked to see what they know about the upcoming reading.Vocabulary (Content Language Development) ‖ Time: 10 minutes (during introduction)These are the vocabulary words that will be listed on the word wall:Worksheet:Independent Precinct Precinct Captain Ward State Central CommitteeNational Convention National CommitteePatronageContent Delivery (Method of Instruction) ‖ Time: 20 minutesBefore the reading, the teacher will scaffold the reading by first giving a preview of the text by summarizing it to the class as they listen. There are lots relevant information and images in the US Government textbook to do just that. Students need to make connections to the background knowledge of the topic, identify the big ideas being explored, and clarify any misconceptions about the topic. During the reading, the teacher will read aloud the text to the class as questions to the students are being asked. There will be a strategy implemented in order to organize the information from the text into meaningful chunks. Students will use a graphic organizer in order to support different text structures. Student Engagement (Critical Thinking & Student Activities) ‖ Time: 20 minutesBefore the reading begins, students need to be aware of the purpose of what they are reading and discuss why they are reading the passage. This will happen when students pre-read the content. During the reading, students will get into pairs and create their own a hierarchy, graphic organizer. They will create this graphic organizer by organizing which committee goes into which box and demonstrate how the structure is set up. They are to figure out the basic components from the local levels of political party organization to the national levels. They will then participate in a discussion by integrating ideas with their existing partners.Lesson Closure ‖ Time: 5 minutes Students will write one pro and one con about how they felt about the lesson. The pro will be something they learned and/or something they enjoyed and the con will be something that they felt was not useful and/or was too difficult.Assessments (Formative & Summative)Formative - While students are in group pairs, the teacher will walk around to assess how much the students know and answer any questions they may have. Summative - Group pairs will be turning in their graphic organizers at the end of class. Students will be graded based on merit. This will assess whether students successfully created a party organization hierarchy.Accommodations for English Learners, Striving Readers and Students with Special NeedsThe inference wall gives struggling students clues on what difficult vocabulary words are about. Collaborative activities also allow these students to get assistance from their peers in order understand the text they did not understand. There is more to reading comprehension that just decoding words. In order to ensure that students are making the appropriate meanings, the teacher needs to make sure that they scaffold the reading experience before, during, and after the reading. Resources (Books, Websites, Handouts, Materials)United States Government (textbook)Bibby, Governing by Consent, 2nd Ed. Washington DC:. CQ Pres, 1995 ................

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