7th Grade Utah Studies

8th Grade US History

Mr. Motta

Union Middle School (801) 412-2200

Class Rules

A. Come to class prepared – History binder, pencil and planner.

B. Students must be in seat with journal when bell rings, or it will result in a tardy.

C. One person speaks at a time. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized.

D. Respect the property and space of others.

E. Follow directions.

Class Policies

F. No unauthorized food, drink or gum in class.

G. Correct heading must go on all assignments to receive credit (see heading poster).

H. Binders: Students are required to keep an organized binder. Binders must have three dividers, labeled: Disclosure, Notes, Returned Work

Binders will be checked for credit.

I. Planners: School planners will be used daily in class to record assignments. Planners will be checked for credit.

J. Extra Credit: Bonus assignments can be found on the class website. Extra credit will NOT be offered on an individual basis.

Grading Policy

The following grading scale will be used:

A = 100-93% C = 75-73%

A- = 92-90% C- = 72-70%

B+ = 89-86% D+ = 69-66%

B = 85-83% D = 65-63%

B- = 82-80% D- = 62-60%

C+ = 79-76% F = 59-0%

Approximate point breakdown per quarter: Tests 25%, Projects 30%, In-class and homework 45%.

(See back of this disclosure…)

------ Cut Here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Please sign and return.

I have read the disclosure and will support the policies described. If I have questions I will contact Mr. Motta at Union Middle.

Student/Period: Parent:

Do you have internet access at home? YES NO

For faster communication, please include a parent email. Thanks!

8th Grade US History

Mr. Motta

Union Middle School (801) 412-2200


Class Website

I will be maintaining and updating a site for the class. Information on the site will include copies of this disclosure, extra credit opportunities, descriptions of the assignments, and a link to the online textbook. Please visit:


Online Grades

Student grades will be updated about once per week, and these grades can be accessed at:

You will need a student name and password available from the counseling office.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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