Advanced Placement U

Advanced Placement U.S. History

Summer Assignment

Christopher Parrett


Advanced Placement US History Summer Assignment

       Students in Mr. Parrett’s A.P. U.S. History classes are required to complete some preparation for the class by completing some work from the first two chapters. Students will need to check out of the media center the primary textbooks for the course: The Enduring Vision and United States History, Preparing For The Advanced Placement Examination 2016 edition (Amsco book) over the summer in order to complete this assignment. The assignment will be due the first Friday of the first week of school. In order to receive full credit, students must complete the 2 chapters in the following manner. First, You should complete an outline based upon the Enduring Vision textbook of the appropriate chapter (2 pages front and back should be sufficient). Do not use the Amsco book for the outline. It is intended to be used as a supplement- not the main text. The outline must be handwritten. Then for Chapter 1 you will define the identifications listed in the accompanying study guide. The ID should have an explanation including its significance but should not be more than one to two sentences. These may be handwritten, but it is preferable if they are typed. Students then need to complete the corresponding online test for chapter 1. These practice tests will help you greatly on the chapter tests and should be completed as part of your regular weekly homework assignment. The online test can be accessed by going to: On the text site, click on “ACE practice tests” go to the appropriate chapter and take the test after reading the text and doing the work. Score the test. If you don’t receive a 100%, exit the page, return and take it again. Do this until you have correctly answered all the questions on the chapter ACE test. When you achieve a 100% the page should be printed and stabled with the corresponding homework. Chapter 2 should be completed in the same manner; however, for this chapter, students are also to complete the short answer question which is below the chapter 2 IDs on this assignment paper. It is preferred that the short answer be also typed.

This is to be the basic procedure for homework for the entire year although some variations in the format of the homework may occur depending on the instructor. Study Guides may vary per instructor after Chapter 2.

Examples of the suggested chapter note taking method is provided on the following pages. However, variations of this format can be made on an individual basis per student. In other words complete the outline in a manner that you feel is best for you. Students should check with the instructor if they have any questions.

In addition to the online textbook there are many helpful websites available to you.

|Study website great for practice | |

| – go to AHAP Main Page link – Tons of | |

|Information | |

|Gilder Lehrman study site – excellent for review and overview| |

|of time periods | |

|Hip Hughes History YouTube Channel | |

|Crash Course US History | |

Unit 1 Chapter 1

Identifications: After reading Chapter 1, identify and explain the historical significance of each of the following:

1. Paleo-Indians

2. Archaic peoples

3. Hohokam culture

4. Adena culture

5. Hopewell and Mississippian cultures

6. Eastern Woodlands peoples

7. League of the Iroquois

8. Conquistadores

9. Anasazi and Pueblo cultures

10. Mound-building culture

11. Cahokia

12. Nuclear families vs. extended families

Unit 1 Chapter 2

Identifications: After reading Chapter 2, identify and explain the historical significance of each of the following:

1. Indulgences, Martin Luther, and the Protestant Reformation

2. John Calvin and the Doctrine of Predestination

3. Counter-Reformation

4. Separatists, Puritans, and Anglicans

5. Conversion experience

6. Prince Henry the Navigator

7. Treaty of Tordesillas

8. John Cabot

9. conquistadores and encomiendas

10. Hernán Cortés and Francisco Pizarro

11. Samuel de Champlain

12. Northwest Passage

13. Lost colony of Roanoke

14. Virginia Company of London

15. Joint-stock company

16. Captain John Smith

17. John Rolfe and Pocahontas

18. Headrights

19. Pilgrims and Plymouth

20. Mayflower Compact

Short Answer Question

Each question will consist of three parts. On the AP exam each part is worth one point, it is all or nothing for each part. SAQs do not require a thesis statement, but your answer needs to be clear and concise with specific and accurate evidence for each part of the question. Your information should come from the two texts.


1. Answer a, b, and c.

a. Briefly explain ONE common trait in the policies of TWO of these European nations toward Native Americans:

• England

• France

• Spain

b. Briefly explain ONE difference between the policies of two European nations toward Native Americans.

c. Briefly explain ONE reaction of Native Americans to European policies.

 If you have any questions regarding the assignment, do not get frustrated. Mr. Parrett will be checking emails during the summer. Just email your questions to him and you should get a timely reply. (Email address is at the top of page 1 of this assignment and also on the Boone website). A copy of this assignment will also be posted on the Boone website and hard copies will be in the guidance office.

Note taking example:

*For each blue heading in the section you should have at least 3-5 bullet points

*You can complete you IDs separately or within your notes. If you include them within your outline/2 column notes, they should be highlighted or underlined or in parenthesis.

Topic: Chapter 5- Physical Geography of the United States and Canada

- A Land of Contrasts (Section 1 Landforms and Resources)


Evidence and Detail:

• Depending on where you are in the U.S. or Canada you will find varying landscapes.

• U.S. and Canada occupy the central and northern regions of North America.

• Known as Anglo America (English speaking).

• Both have similar physical characteristics and culture.

• These countries are tied politically and economically.

• Both countries extend from the Atlantic (east) to the Pacific (west) Oceans.

• Canada and the U.S. (Alaska) have the Arctic Ocean to the north and the U.S. has the Gulf of Mexico to the south.

• Both countries are among the largest in area, Canada 2nd and U.S. 3rd.

• Both have fertile soil, sizeable water supplies and forests, and large deposits of various minerals.

• Because of the rich resources, both countries have become powerful in the global economy.

• Canada and the U.S. share many of the same landforms, mainly the western mountains and interior plains

• Flat coastal plain located in the U.S. (Gulf-Atlantic Coastal Plain)

• (Piedmont is a low plateau that has rolling hills plus numerous rivers and streams)

Main Points:

A Human Perspective

Landscape Influenced Development

Vast Lands

Abundant Resources

Many and Varied Landforms

The Eastern Lowlands


This ID is just an example. Your explanation should be more descriptive and should explain the significance of the ID.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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