Symbol and Ritual: Sacraments of Initiation

Symbol and Ritual:

Sacraments of Initiation


• Signs

• Symbols

• Celebrations

• Rituals

• Baptism

• Confirmation

• Eucharist




• Draw 7 signs that you see daily

• Explain in 50 words why we need signs

• Design a family crest or shield.......competition prize

RITUAL: A special, historic and repetitive way to celebrate an occasion.




















Signs are usually a simple picture that is a quick and effective way of communicating provided people know the meaning of the sign?

• List all the signs you passed on the way to school today.

• Discuss the meanings of these with the student next to you.

• Do we need signs?

What are some of the advantages of having signs?


|Sign |Meaning |Sign |Meaning |

| | | | |

|[pic] | | |No smoking |

| | |[pic] | |

|[pic] | | | |

| | |[pic] | |

|[pic] | | | |

| | |[pic] | |

| |Parking | | |

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|[pic] | | | |

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|[pic] | | | |

| | |[pic] | |

|[pic] | | | |

| | | |First Aid |

|[pic] | | |Or |

| | | |Red Cross |

➢ Find two common symbols that you can relate to in modern day society:


Symbols evoke an emotion. They are usually chosen because they have some link with the meaning of the thing they represent. Symbols do more then a sign, they stand for everything that is involved in an experience.

• Draw the school symbol - motto.

Answer the following questions:

1. What does the school motto stand for?

2. Explain the symbols in the motto.

3. Why have a school motto?

4. What does it mean to be a member of the school community?

5. What emotions, if any, does it evoke?

Symbols: symbols evoke an emotion

| |Symbol |Meaning / Emotions it may evoke |

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|[pic] | | |

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Symbols are not:

Images: images imitate what they represent, e.g. Photo,

whereas symbols need not resemble what they symbolise.

Signs: signs announce some fact or give notification, e.g. danger sign, whereas symbols provide inspiration rather than notification.

Subject – Verb Agreement

There is a very important rule you need to remember. THE VERB MUST AGREE WITH THE SUBJECT OF THE SENTENCE IN NUMBER. If the subject of the sentence is plural (more than one), then the verb must be plural. If the subject is singular, then the verb must be singular too.

______________and _____________= plural

e.g. Tony and Joel are altar servers. (are = a plural verb)

collective noun (e.g. class, choir) = singular

e.g. The class is restless. (is = a singular verb)

anyone / either / neither / everything / everyone / someone /no-one / nobody / nothing = singular

e.g. Nobody knows what to do next. (knows = a singular verb)

________ as well as / in addition to / with = singular

e.g. My uncle as well as my aunty is a Catholic.

(is = singular verb)

Put these subjects into the correct column - singular or plural.

The Catholic Church Pope John Paul II my parish priest students in Year 8 nobody The diocese of Sydney Christians New South Wales 7 Eucharistic ministers my grandparents Tran and Don Rome as well as Sydney social workers The Bible the local council a reader liturgical dancers Scripture readings

the feast day chapters and verses


Subject – Verb


1. Underline the subject in each sentence.

2. Work out if the subject is singular or plural and delete the wrong answer.

3. Colour the verbs in blue.

1. A symbol (singular/ plural) is a picture or object that has a special meaning or significance.

2. Living and non-living things (singular/ plural) can be used as symbols.

3. Some symbols (singular/plural) are universal, which means that everyone in the world recognises and understands them.

4. For example, a crown (singular/plural) symbolises royalty, a heart (singular/plural) signifies love, and a dove (singular/plural) means peace.

5. Advertisers (singular/plural) use symbols to make their products more recognisable, such as McDonald’s golden arches, and the Nike slash.

6. Most sporting teams (singular/plural) choose an animal symbol such as a shark, a wallaby or a bulldog.

The next exercise will help you with subject verb agreement.

1. Underline the subject in each sentence.

2. Work out if the subject is singular or plural.

3. Delete the incorrect verb.

1. Many symbols is/are used in religious rituals, and they has/have spiritual importance.

2. Candles and flames represents/represent the light of Christ.

3. At Pentecost, tongues of flame is/are used to represent the Holy Spirit.

4. Water mean/means renewal, cleansing and new spiritual life.

5. The Paschal candle is/are lit on Easter Sunday.

6. Rituals of initiation such as Baptism use/uses water as an important symbol.

7. The Cross is/are a symbol of Christ’s death and resurrection.

8. We learn/learns about the meaning of symbols so that we can appreciate their role in the sacraments.

Mark / Comment

Literacy Works Copyright © 2002 pages 24-25


• Divide the page in two, on one side put a heading ‘Family Celebrations’, on the other ‘School Celebrations’.

List as many as you can think of.

• Choose one celebration and look at the following:

1. How do we celebrate?

2. Why do we celebrate?

3. When do we celebrate?

4. With whom do we celebrate?

5. Symbols of this celebration and meaning.

Homework activity

• Choose a celebration your family has recently celebrated.

• Make an A4 poster with photos, pictures and symbols of the event.

• The following must be shown in some form on the poster:

1. How do we celebrate?

2. Why do we celebrate?

3. When do we celebrate?

4. With whom do we celebrate?

5. Symbols of this celebration and meaning.

See set out of presentation below on the next page.

Jesus and Celebrations

Note: Jesus, like us loved to celebrate. It is part of being human.

Divide into groups of four:

• Each group is to read one of the Biblical references below.

• Make a poster on butchers paper answering the five questions.

1. How do we celebrate?

2. Why do we celebrate?

3. When do we celebrate?

4. With whom do we celebrate?

5. Symbols of this celebration and meaning.

• Each group is to then present to the rest of the class, who must record each presenter’s findings in the boxes below.

1. Mark 14:1-26 - Last Supper

2. Luke 5: 29 - Eating with sinners

3. John 21 - Appearance at Tiberas

4. Luke 15 - Lost Son

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|Plural means more than one. |

| |

|We make a noun plural by adding “s” or “es” or “ies”. |

|e.g. oil / oils; watch/ watches; liturgy / liturgies |

|Write the plural form of these words: | |

|religion |community |

|church |ritual |

|Christian |wish |

|sacrament |experience |

|responsibility |charity |

|class |Belief |

Read this paragraph. There are 29 words which should be plural. Underline the mistakes, then add an “s” ,”es” or “ies” with red colour. There are some capital letters missing so add these where needed in red colour.

australian can belong to many different group. many youth belong to sporting club or dancing school. other belong to debating team or musical ensemble such as band or orchestra. before we become member of a group, we must complete initiation ritual. when we start school, there is an orientation session for new student who are welcomed by the Principal. when we join sporting club, we sign form, pay registration fee, and buy uniform.

Christian belong to group that share the same belief. the initiation ritual for Christian is called baptism. during baptism, new member of the Church are anointed with oil and water. usually baby are baptised in front of their family, godparent, friend and the whole Church community. candle are lit to symbolise the light of Christ, and baby wear white garment to symbolise purity. baptism celebrates the initiation of the new Christian into the community of believer.

Mark / Comment

Literacy Works Copyright © 2002


1. Define the term Ritual.


➢ Rituals mark special events.

➢ Ritual and symbols play a major role m any celebration.

➢ Every Ritual has an organized structure.

2. Look at the family meal as Ritual

We are a people who celebrate



and prayer,




or gestures

we call Rituals.

Within the Mass list as many examples of the following:

Word and Prayer Actions or Gestures

Ritual Structure

Pivotal time

Winding down

Building up

Preparation Rites of exit

Symbol and Ritual: Initiation

The example I have used is “The Amrit: Sikh Initiation” –

1. Preparation - Initiates announcing their intention to become a member. Presence of the scriptures, presence of five members of the Khalsa, and the dressing in yellow tunics with a red or blue sash over the right shoulder and around their waist.

2. Building up and gradual taking on of the holy - Opening prayer, the ‘five brothers’ circle around a steel bowl on their right knee mixing sugar and water with a double edged sword, whilst reciting particular prayers.

3. Pivotal time and action - Initiates are brought forward and given the sweet liquid to drink five times and five times it is sprinkled on their hair or thrown on their eyes, whilst a chant is said. Newcomers then are taught a special prayer and take certain vows.

4. The winding down - Sharing of symbolic food.

5. Rites of exit and ‘return to the ordinary’ - leaving the ceremony as full members and returning to ordinary life.

➢ Apply this structure to a present day celebration. Perhaps an event we have looked at in previous lessons.


Type up the Seven Sacraments.

• identify the sacraments,

7 Sacraments

Sacraments of Initiation are:

Sacraments of Healing are:

Anointing of the Sick

Sacraments of Service are:

Holy Orders


• State the sacraments you have received.

• Draw or symbolise some of the memories you have of the sacraments you have received.

• Discuss with class.

Sacrament is:

• Complete the acrostic, you may use the words below or some of your own.










Sacrament word list:

Eucharist, Life, Love, Reaching out, Communion, Resurrection, Christ’s life, Sign, Celebration, Commitment, Christ’s death, Belonging, Baptism, Forgiveness

• Develop your own definition of sacrament.

Sacrament is…..

• Together as a class develop a definition of Sacrament.

The classes definition of Sacrament is…

Initiation Rites

• Brainstorm Initiation rites that we have in society today.

Examples- .

• 21st Birthday, even the 18th Birthday

• Naming ceremony.

• Initiation into groups such as Guides, Scouts etc.

• Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion.

• Discuss this in relation to the Ritual Structure.

Initiation Rites for Adults into the Church


RCIA - The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

• Have you heard about RCIA?

• Discuss its role in the Church.

The Ten Commandments

Q1. Who received the Ten Commandments?

A1. Moses did on Mt. Sinai in Egypt.

➢ List the Ten Commandments in order.

Breakdown –

Duty to God (Numbers 1-3)

Duty to parents.

Duty to ourselves and others.

idolatry: placing someone or something ahead of God in our lives.

Sacraments of Initiation

Q2. What is a sacramental?

A2. That which is like a sacrament, sacred thing or action e.g. blessings or relics.

Q3. What is a sacrament?

Q3. One of the seven signs in the church of God acting in the lives of his people.

➢ List the seven sacraments:

Q4.What does initiation mean?

A4. Initiation is a process where new members are accepted into a particular society or culture, and the initiate has fulfilled certain requirements.

Q5. What is the Catholic Churches initiation of adults into the Catholic faith called?

A5. R.C.I. A. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Q6. What groups have some of you been initiated into?

A6. Perhaps scouts, youth or parish groups, sport groups. Or perhaps some have become Australian citizens.

Q7. List the three sacraments of initiation?

A7. Baptism



Q8. Why are they called the sacraments of Christian Initiation?

A8. Since they unite us with Christ and incorporate us into the Church, “The Body of Christ”- as Saint Paul called it.






Where? When? Who? Why?


in sequence (from first to last)


Evaluation and personal opinion

RECOUNTS are used to retell an event. All recounts have three sections:

1. orientation 2. sequence 3. re-orientation

The following passage shows how a recount is structured.

On Sunday, 17th April, my cousin’s baby was baptised. The ceremony was held at St Patrick’s Church at 11am. My whole family attended, including my grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins.

We gathered in the foyer of the church. Five babies were to be baptised that day so there was a large crowd and it was quite noisy. The babies were wearing special white bibs embroidered with their names. The priest went around to each family and asked the parents what they hoped for their baby. My cousin said she wanted her baby to become a member of God’s family, the Church. Then the priest led us in to the Church as we sang a hymn.

After a scripture reading, the priest gave a short homily. Then, each family came forward to the baptismal font. The godparents made promises to care for the spiritual life of the baby, and the baby’s name was read out. Then the priest splashed some water on the baby’s head. My cousin’s baby screamed and everyone laughed.

Finally, each baby was anointed with oil of chrism, to symbolise that they belonged to Christ. There was a large Paschal candle on the altar. The priest gave each family a smaller candle, which was lit with a flame from the large one. We took some photos and then went back to my cousin’s house for a party.

I had a great time at the Baptism, I enjoyed seeing all my relatives and catching up with everyone at the party.

1. Underline the past tense words in the recount above.

2. Colour all the linking words (then, next etc)

Mark / Comment

This page may be photocopied for classroom use. Literacy Works Copyright © 2002

Symbols of Baptism

Activity – during class and finish for homework:

The Story of My Baptism:

“ _____________________” I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son,

(your name given at Baptism)

and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

1. Who baptised you? Priests name

2. Where were you Baptised? Place

3. When were you Baptised? Date

4. Who attended your Baptism? Guests

5. Who are your Godparents?

6. Did you receive a Baptismal candle?

7. What gifts were given to you?

8. Post-baptism celebration

9. My parent’s recollection of my baptism day

10. What symbols were present at your Baptism? Explain the meanings of the symbols.

11. What does your baptism mean to you?

12. What difference does being a member of the People of God make to you?

Please include pictures, drawings etc. You may present this in any form, poster, etc.

• Research the meanings of the symbols below.

White garment

B Christian name S







Dove Oil


Dove -

Oil -

Candle -

Celebrating Baptism

Today, Baptisms that do not take place at the Easter Vigil service often take place at a parish Mass. This is especially true of the Baptisms of babies and young children. After the Scripture readings, the children, their parents, and their godparents are called in front of the gathered community. The priest or deacon blesses the water that is to be used for Baptism.

Then he asks the children (or their godparents and parents in their place) to turn away from their past sins and to profess their belief in Jesus. This profession of faith is similar to the Apostles’ Creed. Often, the members of the parish community are asked to renew their own baptismal promises to reject evil and to live as disciples of Jesus.

Next comes the rite with water. This ritual action takes place in one of three ways - immersion, sprinkling, or pouring. In an immersion rite, the child or baby is put in a pool and is dunked all the way under the water and then lifted back up. In a sprinkling rite, water is sprinkled over the head and the body of the one being baptized. In a pouring rite, water is poured over the head of the child (who leans over the baptismal font) or the head of the baby (who is held over the baptismal font). No one of these ritual actions is “better” than the other. Each one celebrates the beginning of discipleship and Church membership.

After the Baptism, the child or baby is anointed on the forehead with chrism, a holy oil that symbolizes our union with Jesus. Just as the name Christ means “anointed one,” so the new Christian is anointed to share in Jesus’ own work as priest, prophet, and king.

Next, the child or baby is dressed in a white garment or covered with a white cloth. This is a symbol that the newly baptised person has “put on Christ” and has become a new person.

Finally, the godparents light a small candle from the Easter candle, which represents the resurrected Jesus, the light of the world. This candle symbolises that the newly baptised person has left the darkness of sin and has entered into the light of Christ and the Christian community.


1. List the steps of the ritual associated with Baptism.

2. List the symbols and their meanings.

3. In your own words, describe what your Baptism really means to you.

Water Gives Life

The Water of Baptism gives us the life of Grace,

and cleanses us from Original Sin.

Q9 Define Baptism.

A9. Baptism is the sacrament by which a person becomes a Christian.

Q10. List some symbols of Baptism.

A10. Symbols of Baptism are:

- white garment (baptismal robe) — sign of our dignity as children of God.

- lighted candle – child’s growth in love and faith entrusted to parents.

- anointing - called to serve, strength for the task (etc. crucifix, water, oil)

Ql1. In the sacrament of Baptism what does Jesus do for us?

A11. Makes us a member of God’s family (the Church), new life.

Q12. In Baptism what are the signs (words and actions) of what Jesus does for us?

A12. Water is used as a cleansing action, and the words spoken are “I baptise you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (The Trinitarian Formula).

Q13. Who is the minister of the sacrament of Baptism?

A13. Usually the priest


Who I am

- sharing the identity of Jesus as a member of the risen body of Christ that is the Church.

Read the following scripture references and answer the following questions.

|John 3:5 |What does this have to say about Baptism? |

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| |What symbols of Baptism does this refer to? |

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|Matthew 28:18-20 |What does this have to say about Baptism? |

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| |What symbols of Baptism does this refer to? |

| | |

|Acts 8:26-39 |Describe how the Ethiopian Official was Baptised. |

| | |

|Acts 16:16-35 |Who was Baptised? |

| | |

| | |

| |Being Baptised meant… |

| | |

|Acts 19:1-7 |Baptism is not only by water but by.. |

| | |

|Romans 6:3-11 |What does Paul say about Baptism? |

| | |

|Galatians |What does it mean to be Baptised? |

|2:19-20; 3:14; 3:26-29 | |

Friends of Jesus

Read the passage, and then answer the questions that follow:

13Then Jesus arrived at the Jordan from Galilee, and came to John to be baptized by him. John tried to dissuade him. ‘Do you come to me?’ he said; ‘I need rather to be baptized by you.’ Jesus replied, ‘Let it be so for the present; we do well to conform in this way with all that God requires.’ John then allowed him to come. After baptism Jesus came up out of the water at once, and at that moment heaven opened; he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove to alight upon him; and a voice from heaven was heard saying, ‘This is my Son, my Beloved, on whom rny favour rests.’

1Jesus was then led away by the Spirit into the wilderness. to be tempted by the devil. For forty days and nights he fasted, and at the end of them he was famished. The tempter approached him and said, ‘If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.’ Jesus answered. ‘Scripture says, “Man cannot live on bread alone; he lives on every word that God utters.”

5The devil then rook him to the Holy City and set him on the parapet of the temple. ‘If you are the Son of God,’ he said, “throw yourself down; for Scripture says. “He will put his angels in charge of you, and they will support you in their arms, for fear you should strike your foot against a stone.’” Jesus answered him. ‘Scripture says again, “You are not to put the Lord your God to the test.’”

Once again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their glory. ‘All these’, he said, ‘I will give you, if you will only fall down and do me homage.’ But Jesus said. ‘Be gone, Satan! Scripture says, “You shall do homage to the Lord your God and worship him alone.’”

Then the devil left him; and angels appeared and waited on him.

Matthew 3: I3-17; 4: 1-11 New English Bible

John the Baptist!

1. Who are the two people in the picture?

2. Why did Jesus go from Nazareth to the

Jordan River, and how did He get there?

3. Where were they at this time?

4. What did John say when Jesus asked lo be


5. Describe what was happening.

6. How did Jesus explain His reason for wanting to be baptised?

7. What did the voice from heaven say?

8. What happened right after Jesus was baptized?

9. Where did Jesus go after this?

10. What happened to him there?

11. The Holy City and the Temple are mentioned in verse 5. Which city do you think this is?

Jesus was baptized to set an example for us. We are baptized because it is one of the ways in which we must obey God. Look up the Scripture verses listed below and read about certain people or groups of people who were baptized. Write the names or descriptions of these people on the blank lines.

Acts 2: 41 _________________________

Acts 8: 38 ___________________________

Acts 9: 17, 18 ________________________

Acts 16: 14, 15 ________________________


The Sacrament of Baptism makes us members of the Church and part of the Body of Christ. The power of the Holy Spirit works in us to help us practice virtue and overcome those cravings within our nature, called sources of sin, that make us wish to do what is wrong. Baptism serves to establish that harmony which should exist between our body and soul, and between us, and God.

Unscramble the name of each virtue or craving. Then unscramble the letters in the boxes to find out what helps us continue to share God’s friendship. Look up the Scripture verses and write the reference of each beside the word it describes.

Scripture References

Psalm 37:7 Proverbs 11:28 Proverbs 21:15

Psalm 43:5 Proverbs 13:19 Proverbs 23:4

Proverbs 6:6-10 Proverbs 14:2 Proverbs 25:18

Proverbs 10:12 Proverbs 19:19 Proverbs 25:21-22

Proverbs 11:2 Proverbs 20:19 Romans 10:17

Scripture Verse

1. A D E L N R S _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________

2. E H O P _ _ _ _________________

3. D E E G R _ _ _ _ _________________

4. A L Y Z _ _ _ _________________

5. E F H I L S S _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________

6. A C T I R H Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________

7. G I O P S S _ _ _ _ _ _________________

8. C E I J S T U _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________

9. A E G N R _ _ _ _ _________________

10. A D E H R T _ _ _ _ _ _________________

11. D E I P R _ _ _ _ _________________

12. A F H I T _ _ _ _ _________________

13. E H N O Y T S _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________

14. A C E E I P T N _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________

15. U L T S _ _ _ _________________

Question What helps us share God’s friendship?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Copyright © BROWN Publishing-ROA Media


Q14. Define what the sacrament of Confirmation means?

A14. ConFIRMation is the Sacrament by which Jesus strengthens Christians for the work of building up his Church

Q15. List a symbol of Confirmation.

A15. Dove.

Q16. In the sacrament of Confirmation what does Jesus do for us?

A16. He strengthens us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Q17. Confirmation what are the signs (words and actions) of what Jesus does for us?

A17. Chrism oil (perfumed oil blessed in Holy Week) is used and the words spoken are: “Receive the seal of the Holy Spirit as the gift of the Father.”

Q18. Who is the minister of the sacrament of Confirmation?

A18. Usually the Bishop.

Q19. Why do we choose a Confirmation saint?

A19. To imitate them on our journey through life. (They also pray for us)

Spelling errors

Students often make grammar and spelling errors by getting these simple words mixed up:

We’ll (we will) well (an adverb meaning skillfully or completely)

now (the present time) know (to be aware of or understand)

were (a past tense verb of “are”) we’re (we are) where (a place)

Choose the correct word for each sentence.

We’ll or well

1. _____________ be learning a new hymn specially for our Confirmation Mass.

2. I remember my Confirmation Day _____________.

3. Today, ______ go to the library to do some research on Sacraments of Initiation.

4. I did _____________ in my religion test.

were or we’re or where

1. My classmates and I _____________ baptised when we _______ babies.

2. We may not remember what happened at our Baptism because we _____ too young.

3. Our local parish church is the place _______ we receive the sacraments.

4. _______ learning about Sacraments of Initiation in Religion Class.

5. _______ was the oil of chrism placed during confirmation? On my forehead.

6. My family and friends _____ very happy to attend my Confirmation.

7. ______ are the photos of my First Communion?

8. ______ you there for your cousin’s Confirmation?

9. On Sunday, ______ going to a party to celebrate my cousin’s Confirmation.

now or know

1. Do you ________ your godparents well?

2. By _______ most of us have already experienced four sacraments -

Baptism, Reconciliation (Penance), Eucharist and Confirmation.

3. I do not _______ much about the sacrament of Holy Orders.

4. ________ I realise how important the sacraments are.

Mark / Comment

Literacy Works Copyright © 2002

Sacrament of Eucharist

Q 20. List the symbols of Eucharist:

A20. Bread and wine, altar, (Ambo), crucifix, candles, tabernacle and red sanctuary light.

Q21. In the sacrament of Eucharist state what Jesus does for us?

A21. Jesus gives himself to us. Makes us a special part of His Body (the Church).

Q22. When celebrating the Eucharist what are the signs (words and actions) of what Jesus does for us?

A22. The bread and wine are changed when the words are said: “This is my Body.” Just after that: “this is my Blood.”

Q23. Who is the minister of the celebration of Eucharist?

A23. The priest is the minister.

Q24. What are the two main parts of the mass?

A24. 1st Part: Liturgy of the Word

2nd Part: Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Q25. What also does the liturgy of the mass have?

A25. The Introductory Rite

The Concluding Rite.

Q26. List the ways in which Christ is present in the Eucharist?

A26. 1) In the assembly of the people

2) the Word of God - the Scriptures

3) In the person of the priest, representing Christ for us.

4) Under the appearance of bread and wine - the Eucharist.

History of Eucharist

Look at the development of the Eucharist throughout history.



Luke 5: 29 - Eating with sinners

Mark 14:1-26 - Last Supper

. John 21 - Appearance at Tiberas

Luke 15 - Lost Son


➢ Music

➢ Food

➢ Drink

➢ Ceremony

➢ Decorations

➢ Etc.


➢ Any special time

➢ Any special place


➢ Who do we include

➢ Who officiates

SYMBOLS of the Celebration


Meaning of the Celebrationm



- sign of peace, kneeling, sitting, standing, genuflecting, etc.

traditional- Our Father,

written prayers - prayers of the faithful,

responses etc.






































In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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