BPalacios Palacios N


Police Officer


See PAGE 2

Meet The

Candidates In Our

Election Guide

Shark Relay

Breaks 39-Yr. Old

School Record

See Page 4

See Page 14

Above normal hurricane season predicted in &21


Palacios Beacon-Publisher

On the heels of the 2020 season where a

whopping 24 named storms and a dozen hurricanes developed in the Atlantic basin, now

might be a good time to start making preparations, because if the forecasters are correct,

the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season is shaping

to be above normal.

Longtime hurricane forecasters from Colorado State University*s renowned Meteorology Project predict the 2021 season to be

above-normal in their Extended Range Forecast released on April 8.

Behind the forecast are CSU*s Philip J.

Klotzbach, Michael M. Bell and Jhordanne

Jones. The project continues on in memoriam

of the late William Gray.

The long range forecast calls for 17 named

storms (12.1 average from 19812010, with 8 (6.4) forecast to develop


hurricanes. Of

t h o s e

e i g h t


w i t h







75-miles per hour, 4

(2.7) are predicted to reach


APR. 14, 2021

VOL. 114 ? NO. 15




The Only

Newspaper In The

World Published Just

For The Palacios Area.

P. O. Box 817 ? 310 Fifth St.

Palacios, TX 77465

(361) 972-3009



USPS 418460

major hurricane status. Major hurricanes

have sustained low-level winds of a minimum 111-miles per hour, and constitutes a category 3 storm

or higher.

The CSU crew

see a total of



n a m e d

s t o r m

days, 35

(24.2) hurricane days,

and 9 (6.2)


hurricane days.

The local target area,

covering the Gulf Coast from

the Florida Panhandles westward to Brownsville, is forecast for a 44-percent probability

for at least one major hurricane (Category 3,

4, 5) making landfall.

The coastline of the continental U.S. is

forecasted for a 69-percent probability of a

major hurricane landfall, and the Atlantic

coast has a 45-percent probability.

With a 42-percent average over the last

century of a major hurricane in the Caribbean, 2021*s season is forecasted for a 58-percent chance.

The CSU forecast is based on an extendedrange early April statistical prediction scheme

that was developed using 38 years of past data.

The CSU staff note their statistical model, statistical/dynamical model and analog model all

(See FORECAST, Page 2)



Proudly Serving The City By The Sea Since 1907

2 SectionS, 14 PAGES

Early voting

begins Mon.

for PISD bond,

City Council


Beacon Deadline

5 p.m. Friday

Except for paid advertising,

all articles, photos or other

information submitted on

Monday will be published on

a space available basis only.


Palacios Beacon-Publisher

Open 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Beacon Closed Wednesday

Observing Our







← Grand

re-opening of

Palacios Thrift

Store Wed.

Palacios ISD public

tours of campuses

Friends of Elder Citizens reopened their Palacios Thrift Store doors

on Monday at their original location, 706 Commerce St. in Palacios.

Iris Flores, Manager,

for the Thrift Store will

have a Grand reopening

on Wednesday, April 14

offering refreshments.

← PISD to hold

Q & A on Bond

proposals Fri.

Do you have questions about the 2021

Bond proposal? Join

Palacios ISD Superintendent Dr. Bill Chapman on Fri. (Apr. 16)

from 8:30 - 10 a.m. at

the PISD Board Room,

located at 1209 12th

St., for a come and go

question and answer


← Candidates

hold Meet &

Greet Fri. at

Mike*s on Main

Palacios City Council candidates Sharon

Trainor - Pos. 3, and

Lindsey Backen - Pos.

4, will host Meet &

Greet on Fri. (Apr.

16) from 8 - 10 a.m. at

Mike*s On Main.

&Like* the Palacios Beacon on



PALACIOS ISD opened its doors for the

public with tours of the junior high and high

school campuses last week and highlighted areas of much needed repair ahead of the upcoming four proposition, $125 million bond initiative on the May ballot. The propositions call

for new Pre-K thru 5th grade campus, new 6th

thru 12th grade campus and renovations to the

sports and fine arts complexes. (Beacon Photo

by Alan Schulman

Early voting is scheduled

to begin on Mon. (Apr. 19)

for Palacios ISD*s four proposition, $125-million bond

proposal and a trio of seats

on the Palacios City Council.

Early ballots may be cast

at the Palacios ISD Administration Building, located at

1209 12th St., from 7 a.m. 7 p.m. beginning Mon. (Apr.

19), with the same poll hours

on Tues. (Apr. 20).

Polls will be open from 8

a.m. - 4:30 p.m. on next Wed.

(Apr. 21) and next Thurs.

(Apr. 22). On next Fri. (Apr.

23) the voter booth will be

open for business from 8 a.m.

- 4 p.m., before returning to 8

a.m. - 4:30 p.m. for the final

two days of early voting on

Apr. 26-27.

The deadline to apply for a

ballot by mail is Tues. (Apr.



The PISD bond proposals

are broken down as follows:

Proposition A: $112.6 million. For the new construction of a pre-kindergarten

thru 5th grade campus and

(See VOTE, Page 2)

Chamber meetings return with election forum


Palacios Beacon - Reporter

After a year-long layoff due to the

coronavirus, the Palacios Chamber of

Commerce returned to its in-person

monthly luncheon and General Membership Meeting last Thursday at the

Texas Baptist Encampment. The large

audience in attendance heard from Palacios ISD Superintendent Dr. William

(Bill) Chapman and candidates vying

for positions on Palacios City Council.

Introduction of New Members

Palacios Police Department, Matagorda Homestretch LLC - Robert & May

Porter, St. Anthony*s Catholic Church,

Dennis Smith, Larry Rausch, Bobby

Seiferman, and Michael G. Flores were

introduced as new Chamber of Commerce members.

Palacios ISD Bond Propositions

Dr. William (Bill) Chapman, Palacios ISD Superintendent, presented

information regarding the bond that

will be on the ballot in the May 1 election. Dr. Chapman, in perhaps his final

public appearance before the May 1

election, emphasized the need for new

school facilities due to, among other

reasons, the current buildings* inadequacies, the cost to update them (over

50% of the cost of new buildings), and

the over $1 million in maintenance cost about things that would benefit the city. small businesses and things like that.§

After Whitney spoke, candidate

savings per year new facilities would

Paula Whitney stated that she sees


the way to prosperity for the City of Woolf noted that the PEDC receives

Political Forum - City Council

Palacios. ※We can expand our tax a lot of tax money from the city, and


base,§ she said. ※We need some help. asked, ※Over the last six years, what

Eight candidates for Palacios City We need some money coming in from has been the increase in our tax base

Council were invited to speak during some other people and businesses. I*m that can be attributed to the Palacios

the Political Forum in the order they on the Palacios Economic Develop- Economic Development Corporawill appear on the ballot.

ment Committee, and we*re doing sev(See CofC, Page 2)

First up, Chip Woolf stated that he eral things to try to help bring in some

is a conservative and

a retired CPA, with experience working with

governmental entities.

Woolf stated that he

has attended most city

council meetings over

the last six years, and

has seen most agenda

items adopted without

any opposition and

stated, ※That*s interesting to me that there*s

that much agreement

on just about everything. There*s little

or no debate about

anything that*s on the

CANDIDATES who made their pitches at last week*s general membership meeting

agenda.§ Woolf said

of the Palacios Chamber of Commerce were: (left to right) Paula White - Pos. 3, Troy

that he would like to

Lewis - Pos. 4, Raylynn Samora - Pos. 5, Lindsey Backen - Pos. 4, Becky Aguilera see more discussion

Pos. 5, and Chip Woolf - Pos. 3. (Beacon Photo by Ryan West)

and forward thinking

? Deadline for Articles, Classified & Display Ads 4:30 p.m. Friday?

Page 2 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., April 14, 2021



Area Briefs

Bar altercation ends with blow from glass bottle

PORT ARANSAS: Two mariners and a dog were rescued by the Coast Guard after a vessel capsized near the

jetties in Port Aransas on Sunday. The Coast Guard got

word of the capsized vessel at 7:54 a.m. from Port Aransas police, according to a news release issued by the Coast

Guard. A helicopter crew and a 45-foot Coast Guard boat

headed to the scene. ※The ,,, crew arrived on scene, recovered the people from the water along with their dog

and transported them to awaiting emergency medical services personnel at the Coast Guard Station Port Aransas,§

the release said. - Port Aransas South Jetty

Tweaker sniffs out drugs

Palacios Police Officer promotions

THE Palacios Police Department held a promotion and commendation ceremony last week. Officer Joshua Jones

(pictured above) was promoted to Corporal with his father John Raymond Jones ceremoniously pinning his collar.

Cpl. Jones was also named the Officer of the Quarter. Officers Marshall Johnson and Jose Diaz were also promoted to Corporal. Officers Eric John & Scott Murphy received a Letter of Recognition. Officers Johnson, John

and Murphy also received a Meritorious Citation. Dispatcher Heather Pena was named Employee of the Quarter.

(Beacon Photo by Alan Schulman)



Whitney answered saying,

※It*s a tough question. The

PEDC has a remit to use that

little bit of sales tax to help

generate more sales tax, and I

can tell you, they*re trying to.

And, more cooperation from

the city would be appreciated.

Candidate Sharon Trainor

was not present at the meeting.

Troy Lewis shared a short

autobiography and said he

moved to Palacios 16 years

ago. He has served on the

board of the Food Pantry,

Friends of Elder Citizens, and

(Continued From Page 1)

is a former president of the

Palacios Lions Club. Seeking

reelection, Lewis stated, ※In

the discussions that we have

and some of the things we*ve

heard, it*s about development, new this and new that.

But, there*s an area of our city

that*s been left out. Yes, we

can develop, but what about

those of us who live in old Palacios where the infrastructure

is 100 years old?§ Lewis said,

※I made a mistake,§ referring

to some of the ordinances he

helped pass that he believes

hinder lower income residents,

B & S Meat Market

Corner of 8th Street and FM 1468

We e k l y S p e c i a l s

April 13thApril 16th

T Bones $7.99 /lb.

Cajun Link Sausage $5.09/lb.

Ground Turkey $3. 29 /lb.

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Weekend Special $52.


? 2 Ribeyes ? 1 Sirloin

? 6 Beef Cutlets ? 6 Chicken Tenders

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? 1/2 lb. Cheddar Cheese

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All items vacuum packed to ensure freshness.


Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am-7pm ? Sat. 9am-5pm ? Open Sundays 11 am-5pm

※I would like to re-visit some

of these situations.§

Lindsey Backen said that her

3rd great grandfather move to

Palacios in 1906 and she visited the family homestead her

entire life, and she lived here

for a time when she was nine.

When she was 22, she moved

back to town with $700 in her

bank account, and due to the

lack of jobs available ※struggled to stay here.§ A novelist,

now employed at the library,

Backen stated, ※My job as a

writer is to look at a situation

and find a creative solution. I

believe I would be a good contribution to the council.§

Becky Aguilera was born

and raised in Palacios and is

now the Chief of Palacios ISD

Police Department. Aquilera

said she also assists with the

youth ministries at the church

her father pastors, and stated,

※I enjoy what I do and I feel

like I can do a whole lot more

than what I*m doing. It*s awesome to see the young folks

trying to get involved. I would

hope that I can be a good asset

to the team.§

RayLynn Samora said that

she comes from the same area

of town that Troy Lewis spoke

of and urged the city council

and the newly elected members to ※really take into consideration where exactly our

hard-earned dollars are going. Our citizens deserve nice

smooth streets, nice ditches,

culverts for drainage, and better looking park restrooms. I

am all for new growth in Palacios, but my first priority is the


Incumbent Wayne Dodd

was not present, but his wife

Cheryl read a written statement in which he presented a

pro-growth strategy in reference to potential new housing and business saying, ※A

city is like a business. It will

either grow or shrink. We need

Palacios to grow, but to have

controlled growth, we need to

broaden our tax base without

raising our tax rate. To do that,

we need to have infrastructure

in place, like sewer and water.

The council should invite and

support any new business or

developer by being ready and

having the infrastructure they

need in place.§

Committee Reports

Legislative, Marketing &

Business Enhancement, Tourism, Membership, and Social

Media updates were presented.

Upcoming Events

Palacios Trail Riders Association Trail Ride - April 16 &


Strolling With the Characters - Palacios Area Fund May 8

Palacios Chamber Annual

Banquet - Palacios Recreation

Center - June 17

Palacios Lion*s Club 4th of


Palacios Chamber of Commerce - Poker in Palacios July 10

Palacios Chamber of Commerce - Fishfest Tournament

at East Bay - August 7 & 8


Palacios Economic Development Director Meeting April 21 @ 1:15 p.m.

Palacios Chambee General

Membership Meeting - May

6 - Texas Baptist Encampment

NAVASOTA: A 58-year-old man, John Russup, was

arrested Saturday after a search of his vehicle uncovered

methamphetamine. According to a press release by the

Grimes County Sheriff*s Office, Grimes County Patrol

Sgt. and K9 Handler Steven Siracusa conducted a traffic

stop on a Nissan passenger car on Texas Hwy 6. at approximately 8:10 p.m. During the traffic stop, Siracusa

stated Russup ※appeared very nervous,§ which prompted

further investigation. Russup denied consent to search

so K9 Tweaker was deployed. Tweaker indicated in the

vehicle, giving Siracusa probable cause to search the vehicle. The search uncovered approximately 174 grams

of what is suspected to be methamphetamine. Russup

was taken into custody and later released after posting a

$10,000 bond. - The Navasota Examiner


(Continued From Page 1)

call for an active Atlantic hurricane season in 2021.

Coastal resident are reminded that it only takes one hurricane making landfall to make it an active season for them,

and they need to prepare the same for every season, regardless of how much activity is predicted.

Hurricane Season

Hurricane season begins June 1 and goes through November 30.

The storm names for the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season

are: Ana, Bill, Claudette, Danny, Elsa, Fred, Grace, Henri,

Ida, Julian, Kate, Larry, Mindy, Nicholas, Odette, Peter,

Rose, Sam, Teresa, Victor, and Wanda.






APRIL 24, 2021

8 A.M. -3 P.M.



Building contractors will not be allowed

Items NOT acceptable are: oil, paint,

household chemicals, flammable liquid.

Refrigerators and air conditioners must

have refrigerant removed, small helium

and propane tanks must have valves


Items to be charged to water bill: tires

and computer, Tv*s, electronics.

Computers, TV*s and electronics will be

weighed on site

No chargeable items will

be accepted without a valid

water bill

?The Palacios Beacon ? Serving the City by the Sea since 1907


Palacios Beacon - Wed., April 14, 2021 - Page 3

? Palacios Police Reports ? SBA now accepting Shuttered Venue

Individuals listed have been arrested and/or charged with an offense. Inclusion in this report does not

imply that the person is guilty of any crime. The following are offense and arrest reports submitted

by the Palacios Police Dept. to the Palacios Beacon as of noon Friday.


Phillip Allen Bosch, 34, San Antonio,

was arrested in the 100 block of 1st St. at

10:38 p.m. on Apr. 2. Public Intoxication.

Edward J. Hughes IV, 43, New Jersey,

was arrested in the 100 block of 1st St. at

10:38 p.m. on Apr. 2. Public Intoxication.

Juana Samantha Ramirez, 34, San Antonio, was arrested in the 100 block of 1st St.

at 10:38 p.m. on Apr. 2. Public Intoxication.

Christopher Kepple, 24, 1016 Moore

Ave, was arrested in the intersection of 11th

St. and Rorem Ave at 2:07 a.m. on Mar. 27.


Tam T Tran, 46, Louisiana, was arrested in the 1100 block of Henderson Ave

at 11:58 p.m. on Mar. 27. Possession of a

Controlled Substance.

Randy Greer Franks, 37, Montgomery,

TX, was arrested in the 600 block of 1st St.

at 4:24 p.m. on Mar. 30.Warrant Service.

Santana Cerda, 21, 905 Main St., was arrested in the 1100 block of Main St. at 1:03

p.m. on Apr. 2. Fail to Maintain Financial

Responsibility, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, No Driver*s License.

Bryant Scott Polk, 28, 804 Humphrey

Ave, was arrested in the 500 block of South

Bay Blvd. at 7:06 a.m. on Apr. 3. Warrant

Service Out of County.

Gabriel Cayleb Longoria, 20, 400 Mertie

Ave, was arrested in the intersection of E.

Bayshore Dr. and McGlothlin Ave. at 8:17

a.m. on Apr. 3. Accident Involving Damage

to Vehicle.

Diana Batres,33, 45 Seashell Blvd. 1601,

was arrested at 45 Seashell Blvd. at 9:16

p.m. on Apr. 3. Driving While Intoxicated,

Driving While License Suspended.

Belinda Yolanda Deashuia Durgan, 22,

1111 Ritchie Ave, was arrested in the 500

block of East Bay Blvd. at 9:45 p.m. on

Apr. 3. Aggravated Assault With a Deadly


Richard Anthony Lara, 41, Port Lavaca,

was arrested in the 600 block of 1st St. at

9:57 p.m. on Apr.3. Public Intoxication/

Warrant Service.

Belinda Yolanda Deashuila Durgan, 22,

1111 Ritchie Ave., was arrested in the 100

block of Lucas Ave at 2:19 a.m. on Apr. 4.

Public Intoxication.

Carmen Carter Aparicio, 46, 138 Sandpiper Circle 28, was arrested in the 400

block of Commerce St. at 8:29 p.m. on Apr.

4. Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.

Melissa Joann Barnes, 45, Bay City, was

arrested in the 300 block of Green Ave at

11:10 p.m. on Apr.4. Possession of a Controlled Substance.

Tannique Monique Young, 31, Bay City,

was arrested in the 300 block of Green Ave

at 11:10 p.m. on Apr. 4. Possession of a

Controlled Substance.

Lamarquis Deshacen Barefield, 22, Bay

City, was arrested in the 400 block of Commerce St. at 1:49 p.m. on Apr. 8. Warrant


Johnson Ly, 34, 405 E. Craymer Ave, was

arrested in the 700 block of Henderson Ave

at 2:00 a.m. on Apr. 9. Possession of a Con-

From the Police Chief

By Police Chief

Milton Rivera




Teenaged Children*s







Va l u a b l e s .

Many burglaries and thefts

are committed

by people who have had access to your

house; restrict access to certain areas and

enforce these restrictions with your children.

If a Family Member Exhibits Signs of

Drug Abuse, Hide Your Valuables and

Checks. Drug addiction is a growing

problem, and many addicts begin stealing from their families before they commit crimes against strangers. Help your

loved ones through his or her problem,

but in the meantime, watch your cash,

checks, credit cards, and ATM cards. If

a family member does take something

from you, do report it to the Palacios

Police Department. We may be able to

recover the item for you even if you do

not desire prosecution.

trolled Substance.


Child Neglect: CPS Welfare Check was

conducted at 138 Sandpiper Circle at 1:17

p.m. on Apr. 2. No neglect discovered.

Fictitious Registration Sticker, No

Operator*s License, Fictitious License

Plate: Officers initiated a traffic stop in the

intersection of Gray St. and E. Matagorda

Ave at 10:30 p.m. on Mar. 27. The vehicle

was towed and the operator was issued a


Accident: Officers were dispatched to

the intersection of Hwy 35 S. and State

Hwy 35 at 5:48 a.m. on Mar. 29 in reference to a collision with a deer.

Possession of a Controlled Substance:

Officers were dispatched to the 900 block

of Welch Ave at 12:08 a.m. on Mar. 30 in

reference to a 911 call. During the investigation illegal narcotics were found in plain


Identity Theft/Fraudulent Use or Possession of ID: Officers were dispatched to

the 400 block of Commerce St. at 9:02 a.m.

on Mar. 30 in reference to Fraudulent Use

of ID.

Fraudulent Use or Possession of ID:

Officers received a public service call at

11:45 a.m. on Apr. 5 in reference to fraud.

Missing/Lost Property: Officers were

dispatched to the Police Annex at 12:34

p.m. on Apr. 5 in reference to Missing


Threat: A report was filed at 7:29 a.m.

on Apr.8 in reference to a Facebook threat.

Operations Grant applications

The U.S. Small Business Administration

officially opened the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) application portal today

at 11 a.m. for operators of live venues, live

performing arts organizations, museums and

movie theatres, as well as live venue promoters, theatrical producers and talent representatives to apply for critical economic relief,

as those eligible entities are some of the first

that had to shutter their doors a year ago in

response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The SVOG program was appropriated

more than $16.2 billion for grants via the

Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses,

Nonprofits and Venues Act and the American Rescue Plan Act. Of these funds, at least

than $2 billion is reserved for eligible SVOG

applications with up to 50 full-time employees. Eligible applicants may

qualify for grants equal to

45% of their gross earned

revenue up to a maximum

amount of $10 million for a

single grant.

The SBA is accepting

SVOG applications on a

first-in, first-out basis and

allocating applicants to re-



The following have paid to have

their names listed as candidates

for the Palacios City Council.

The cost for the Candidate

Listing is $30. The cost for the

candidate listing plus a one

time candidate announcement

article is $50. The deadline for

inclusion in the Candidate Listing or to submit a candidate

announcement article is 5 p.m.


spective priority periods as it receives applications. The first 14 days of SVOG awards,

which are expected to begin in late April,

will be dedicated to entities that suffered a

90% or greater revenue loss between April

and December 2020 due to the COVID-19

pandemic. The second 14 days (days 1528) will include entities that suffered a 70%

or greater revenue loss between April and

December 2020. Following those periods,

SVOG awards will include entities that suffered a 25% or greater revenue loss between

one quarter of 2019 and the corresponding

quarter of 2020.

More information may be found at



of the


For her dedication, passion and hard

work, Sonic has chosen Katie Jurasek as

employee of the month for March.


K atie Jurasek!


pos. 3



[Pol. Adv. pd for by Paula Whitney, 317

E.Bay Blvd, 77465]



[Pol. Adv. pd for by Chip Woolf, Treasurer,

208 South Bay Blvd., 77465]


pos. 4



[Pol. Adv. pd for by Troy Lewis, Treasurer,

305 Morton Ave., 77465]


pos. 5



[Pol. Adv. pd for by Raylynn Samora, Treasurer, 1016 Morton Ave., 77465]

May 1st Please Vote for

Wayne Dodd

City Council Place 5

Common Sense




Notice is hereby given that the automatic tabulating equipment that will be

used in the City of Palacios/Palacios ISD Joint Election to be held on May

1, 2021 will be tested on April 16, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. at the County Clerk*s

Office 1700 7th Street, Room 202 of the Courthouse, Bay City, Texas to

ascertain that it will accurately count the votes cast for all offices and on all


Stephanie Wurtz, County Clerk

Matagorda County, Texas



Por lo presente se da aviso que el equipo para tabular autom芍ticamente que

se usar芍 en la Elecci車n Conjunta que se llevar芍 a cab車 el, 1 de Mayo, 2021

se probar芍 el 16 de Abril, 2021 a las 10:00 a.m.en el registro civil 1700 calle

siete, Cuarto 202 de la Corte en Bay City, Texas para determinar si el equipo

contar芍 con exacitud los votos para todos los puestos oficiales y sobre todos

los proyectos de ley.

Stephanie Wurtz, Empleada de Condado

El Condado de Matagorda, Texas

The Palacios

Paid Political Advertisement by Wayne Dodd, Treasurer, 1001 Main St. Palacios, TX 77465


The Palacios Beacon


In Print or Online

30 in Matagorda County $40 Everywhere Else

Fill out below and mail to

Palacios Beacon ? P.O. Box 817 ? Palacios, TX 77565

Name: _____________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________

City: ______________________________________________

State: _______________


Zip Code: ____________________


Beacon...where YOU get the news, lifestyles, youth & sports YOU want


Page 4 - Palacios Beacon - Wed., April 14, 2021



2021 Local

Election Guide

As we have learned over the past year, nothing is

truly set in stone, and the coming May election approaching and any public forum yet to be scheduled,

we at the Beacon decided to offer each candidate in a

local contested races a free 200 word introduction to

our readers. While there was a Chamber Forum last

week, we still wanted to hold true to our word to the

candidates. On this page are FREE announcements

submitted couretsy the candidates.

? Candidate Announcement ?

? Candidate Announcement ?

? Candidate Announcement ?

Sharon Trainor

Palacios City Council Pos. 3

Chip Woolf

Palacios City Council Pos. 3

Becky Aguilera

Palacios City Council Pos. 5

Dear Residents of Palacios,

After living in Palacios for

over 3 years, I feel it is time

for me to serve you the residents on City Council. You

can find me at the City by

the Sea Museum helping out

daily during the week and I

serve as commodore of Palacios Yacht Club. I also have

a personal chef and catering


What makes me a standout

candidate for city council is

my ability to bring people

together from all sides to get

things accomplished.

My wish list for Palacios is

as follows:

? Revitalize the downtown

? More Transparency by

City Government

? Making sure there is adequate sewage capabilities as

the city grows

? Developing a Parks and

Recreation department

? Encouraging residents to

come and listen, learn, or be

heard at city council meetings

Looking forward to receiving your vote and serving

you on city council.

Texas Senate News

Senate budget plan receives

unanimous support



The Texas Senate approved

without objection a budget

that preserves the educator

pay raises and increased public school funding that were

the centerpiece of the 2019

session. This was part of the

$250.7 billion the body appropriated for spending over

the next two years. That number includes $117.9 billion

in state general revenue and

represents a slight increase

over the last biennial budget.

That there weren*t cuts in the

face of a full year of pandemic restrictions on Texas businesses is a testament to the

state*s past fiscal policy, said

Finance Committee chair

and Flower Mound Senator

Jane Nelson. ※Throughout

last year, things were looking pretty bleak,§ she said.

※But never underestimate

Texas. We have proven our

resiliency time after time

and because of our commitment to smart fiscal policy,

we are able to bring forward

a budget that will keep Texas strong, safe, healthy, and


As part of Tuesday*s floor

discussion, Senate Education Committee chair Senator

Larry Taylor of Friendswood

laid out the successes of last

session*s HB 3. That bill put

more than $4.5 billion into

the classroom and increased

the average pay of teachers

with five or more years of

experience by $5,200. It increased the basic allotment,

the base variable which determines how much funding

each district gets per student,

by more than $1,000 and created special allotments for

students with dyslexia and

college readiness. The law

also directed increased funding to the poorest districts. It

was the marquee bill of what

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick

called the ※Super Bowl of

legislative sessions§ in May

of 2019.

Taylor said that during the

summer, when the state revenue forecast looked grim, it

wasn*t certain that the state

could continue the level of

funding established in HB

3. ※There were times during

this past year#when it didn*t

look so easy to do,§ he said.

※It was going to be a very

difficult task, fortunately our

economy has improved along

the way.§ This session*s budget actually increases education funding by $3 billion, to

keep up with student population growth through 2023.

Another key issue faced

by Senate budget writers this

session is how to spend the

billions in federal aid headed

to the state. That decision will

probably have to wait, as it is

looking increasingly unlikely

that the latest round of federal aid would get to the state

before the session ends on

May 31st. Lawmakers don*t

want to leave Austin for 18

months with no say in how

the more than $30 billion in

local, state, and public school

federal aid gets spent. Nelson

said she*s working on a few

ideas, one of which is a bill to

create an interim legislative

panel with authority to accept

or reject federal aid funds.

Nelson told members that

the state needs to be aware

of the strings attached to any

federal aid funds that might

commit the state to future

spending increases. ※We also

need to be very, very cautious

about committing and obligating funds when we don*t

know all the details because

we cannot have that money

clawed back and be on the

hook for expenditures,§ she

said. Nelson added that the

Finance Committee staff are

working with federal officials

to determine exactly how and

where incoming federal aid

dollars can be spent.

The next step for the budget

is the reconciliation process.

After the House passes its

budget proposal, five members of each chamber will

meet in conference committee to resolve any differences

between the two versions of

the budget. Conferees will

have until the end of May to

present a final budget bill to

each chamber.

The Senate will reconvene

Monday, April 12 at 2 pm.

I am Chip Woolf, a conservative who believes in

defining priorities, evaluating results and enforcing accountability. My priority is

to use my skills and experiences to first address:

1.) Infrastructure 每 Street,

drainage, parks, utility and

public safety systems are the

backbone of a city and I want

to be sure they are maintained

and improved to meet our citizens' needs.

2.) Taxes and Budgeting 每

Our City tax rate is among the

highest for our size in Texas.

Tax appraisals seem to go up

annually. Why and what can be done about that ?

3.) Economic Development 每 I have seen Palacios spend

about $1 million on EDC activities. Consider Texas law allowing the City to decide to use some existing sales tax collection for other priorities.

I grew up on dairy farm, graduated from college ( BS and

MBA ) , practiced as a CPA / business consultant, taught accounting, auditing and budgeting at universities, and have

started and owned several businesses.

About 6 years ago my wife and I retired, sold our businesses, and moved to Palacios. We love it here and plan to stay.

I need your vote. If you have any questions contact me:


? Candidate Announcement ?

Troy Lewis

Palacios City Council Pos. 4

Candidate for Palacios City

Council Place 4. I would like

to thank the citizens who voted for me in the past that have

allowed me to fill this position for the last two years, and

I humbly ask for your support

this year again.

I moved to Palacios in 2005

after retiring from the Postal

Service in Los Angeles, California. Why here, I was born

in this city but spent more vacation time here than residency and of all the many places

that I have lived this was the

most friendly, socially comfortable city I have found.

And I also found more opportunities here to do new things.

So I have tried my best to build on these qualities and with

your vote we can all work together toward keeping Palacios

a great place to live.




U.S. President

1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Washington, D.C. 20500


(202) 456-1111



U.S. Senator

517 Hart Senate Office Bldg.

Washington, DC 20510


Houston Office

5300 Memorial Drive Suite 980

Houston, TX 77007




U.S. Senator

Russell Senate Office Bldg 404

Washington, DC 20510

Main: 202-224-5922

Houston Office

808 Travis Street Suite 1420

Houston, TX 77002

(713) 718-3057



U.S. Representative

District 27

2331 Rayburn House Office Bldg.

Washington, D.C. 20515

(202) 225-7742

Corpus Office

101 North Shoreline Blvd.

Corpus Christi, TX 78401

(361) 884-2222




P.O. Box 12428

Capitol Ooffice

Austin, Tx. 78711-2428

(512) 463-1762


I am Becky Aguilera and

I ask for your vote for Palacios City Council Position 5.

Born to Mexican immigrants

who chose to make Palacios

their home, I was raised with

a spirit of hard work, humbleness, fairness, service and

love for our neighbors. I love

the ※small town, everybody

knows everybody§ city I grew

up in. When there is tragedy,

we all come together and help

where we can. When there

is something to celebrate, we

all do it together. I went to

school here, worship here,

have been a homeowner for many years here, paid taxes here,

have my family here, and I have served the community for

almost 16 years of my law enforcement career. And I know I

can do more. I*m not a politician. I*m far from it. But I am a

proud Palacian. I may be completely out of my comfort zone,

but that is how we grow. I may not have all of the knowledge

and experience of city processes, but I do have heart, common sense, the ability and eagerness to learn and a sense of

responsibility to do what is right and just. I ask for your support at the polls.

? Candidate Announcement ?

Lindsey Backen

Palacios City Council Pos. 4

Lindsey Backen, candidate

for Palacios City Council

Pos. 4, grew up visiting her

family*s 1906 homestead in

Palacios before relocating

here in 2012. She has worked

multiple jobs in Palacios, including hospitality, housekeeping, music lessons, elder

care, and film editing. She

founded Ever Ink Press in

2016, working as both author

and book designer. Lindsey

is employed at the Palacios

Library, doing administration

work, including submitting

annual reports, grant-writing,

classes, and helping patrons.

She has taught local classes to help people develop skills in

writing, computers, and gardening. She has written and produced local theater productions. Knowing first-hand the challenges of finding, creating, and sustaining jobs in Palacios,

Lindsey hopes to bring her experience to Position #4 of City

Council to find both creative and realistic solutions to citizens* concerns. Her work as an author has allowed her to develop the ability to look at a problem from various viewpoints

and angles, to consider how it will impact people*s livelihoods, health, environmental surroundings, and freedoms.

She supports fair-trade and free-trade. She wants to improve

Palacios* infrastructure to create a foundation that would allow small businesses to open and thrive while preserving the

coastal atmosphere that invites people to slow down, breathe,

and enjoy our way of life.


State Senator

District 18

P.O. Box 12068

Capitol Station

Austin, Tx. 7871


(512) 463-0118

District Address

2000 S. Market St. #101

Brenham, TX 77833

(979) 251-7888



State Representative

P.O. Box 2910

Capitol Station

Austin, Tx. 78768

(512) 463-0564

District Address

122 E. Myrlte St.

Angleton, Tx 77515



Matagorda County Judge

1700 7th Street

Bay City, Tx. 77414

(979) 244-7605



Matagorda County Sheriff

2308 Avenue F

Bay City, Tx. 77414

(979) 245-5526


Troy Shimek

Pct. 3 County Commissioner

County Barn, Hwy 35-North

Palacios, Tx. 77465

(361) 972-2719



Palacios Mayor

City Hall, 311 Henderson

P.O. Box 845

Palacios, Tx. 77465

(361) 972-3605







? Candidate Announcement ?

Samora seeks Pos. 5 on

Palacios City Council

Hello All! My name is

Raylynn Samora, daughter of

Raymond and Janie Samora

of Palacios, TX! My sibling,

Janel Sosa, who at this very

moment is in the process of

establishing her next business endeavor located in our

downtown area, J's Custom

Cravingz. I have lived here

for my entire 33 years of life.

I am a 2006 Palacios High

School graduate and my two

children are currently attending Palacios Junior High

6th (Sophia Rios) and 7th

(Raymond Rios) grade! One

of my hardest challenges to

date was accomplishing being a first generation college

graduate while raising two

little ones. I know first hand

how hard it is juggling home

life, being a substitute teacher for PISD, raising children

and attending college! Many

times I wanted to give up as

my needs always came last,

but giving up wasn't a option

for me as one of my main

goals in life is always proving to my children anything

is possible!

After college no one wanted to give me a chance as I

had no work experience on

my resume. Tenaris Bay

City hired me in with to the

housekeeping department,

which has been my current

employer for the past three

plus years. I ordered all of

our house keeping supplies,

created work procedures and

substituted in cleaning the

facility if any of our ladies

were absent. It was my goal

to work hard with hopes of

someone seeing potential in

me! One year later I was promoted to Preventative Maintenance Day Planner of all

our down days for the full facility of Tenaris in Bay City!

In 2020 it was announced

that I would be lead planner

of Tenaris's biggest project of

the year, the REX (a 2 month

maintenance shut down)

just when covid hit. Despite

a global pandemic, our 1st

shutdown was successfully

completed with great results!

My responsibilities as

planner includes scheduling all of our maintenance

down days, leading planning

meetings, planning activities

and conditions, organizing

manpower, following up on

all planned and unplanned

activities and completing

reports to present data of all

results generated from our

down days. I then send these

reports out to all supervisors,

managers and directors so

everyone is aware of all activities that have been completed, posted and cancelled

each month. These reports

are also viewed by our corporate office. One of my most

important responsibilities is

being a quick problem solver

for daily emergencies! Over

the years I have realized that

I am a good hunter for information (I will bug the heck

out of someone for answers),

a quick problem solver, I utilize all my resources, I am a

team player, I am very selfdriven, curious, dedicated to

all my assigned tasks and I

strive to give results!

I have lived on the South

[Pol. Ad. paid for by Raylynn

Samora, 1016 Morton Ave..,

Palacios, TX 77465]

West side (Morton and 11st)

of Palacios all my life. I have

seen our roads constantly being patched and repatched!

The only road I have ever

seen, out of my 33 years, on

this side of town completely repaved is ninth street.

Ditches over grown, trees

not trimmed, with no drainage in our location but yet it

is said that these tasks are being done! We have a budget

for our road repair and I am

curious to know where these

repairs are being executed at

as clearly not on my side of

town, Foleys Addition nor

Green Acres.



work orders for the city are

being completed monthly,

according to city management. I'd like to know the details of these work orders our

City is completing. I'd like

to request and implement a

public system where we, as

tax paying citizens, can go

and actually review the status

of our requested work orders

and review what the city is

actually doing for us daily.

Palacios is such a beautiful

little city to live in! I believe

this whole town, especially

downtown, has amazing potential with the correct supervision who actually cares

about this gem town! I love

listening to my grandpa telling me stories of how he use

to go dancing at the Pavilion. Now reminiscing of the

good old days as a child with

my children. Going with my

parents to the downtown Palacios Pharmacy and coming out with the coconut

long boy candies, ordering a

beautiful flower arrangement

from Mrs. Claxton while

looking through her wire

balloon rack for the perfect

balloon, a Red Baron pizza

on a Friday night from Mr.

Lamar at the Pier Drive Inn

or ordering those crab stuffed

jalapenos with that amazing

homemade ranch from Peterson's Restaurant as he rang

us up at the register and Ms.

Analee wishing us farewell.

And I can't forget my mom

taking me to C&B for a VHS

rental along with the Blue

Bell strawberry ice cream. I

am in support for the growth

of our downtown area so

our children may experience

similar childhood memories.

I am for the potential

growth of Palacios, but my

main priority to take care of

our citizens and provide you

with the service you deserve.

I am for fairness and equality for all. I promise to listen

to any ideas or concerns you

have and ensure the Council

is aware. I will do my follow

up for you and ensure to do

my research for questions I

dont know. Just as I strive for

results at work I will strive

for results here in my community of Palacios.

Help me help you and consider me for your vote to represent you, your family and

our community for Palacios

City Council Position 5.


Palacios Beacon - Wed., April 14, 2021 - Page 5


a 6th grade thru 12th grade


Proposition B: $2.6 million. For repairs and renovations to the football stadium,

adding seats and a press box

to the west side and additional concession and restroom


Proposition C: $6.7 million.

To construct the new 6th-12th

campus, the existing baseball

and softball fields must be re-

2700 7th St.

Bay City, TX


(979) 245-2990

(Continued From Page 1)

located. According to recent

legislation, this work must

appear as a separate proposition, even though it is necessary for the construction of

Proposition A.

Proposition D: $3.1 million. For renovations to the

Fin Arts Building, including

exterior repairs, ADA improvements, and lighting and

sound systems.

Council races

Three seats are up for grabs

on the Palacios City Council

and on this year*s ballot - all

three races are contested.

Citizens will have at least

on new representative leading the city as vying for the

opportunity to succeed Mary

Crocker in Pos. 3 are Sharon

Trainor, Paula Whitney and

Chip Woolf.

Pos. 4 incumbent Troy

Lewis looks to hold off the

challenge of Lindsey Backen, and Pos. 5 incumbent

Wayne Dodd faces a pair of

challengers in his bid for reelection in Becky Aguilera

and Raylynn Samora.

By knowing

the signs of

child abuse,

you can help

prevent it. If you suspect a child is being

abused, contact your local police or child

welfare agency for guidance.

Potential victims of child abuse will often exhibit the following signs:

? Sudden changes in behavior or

school performance.

? neglect of physical or medical

problems brought to the parents*


? Learning problems that are not

attributed to specific physical or

psychological casues.

? Constant watchfullness, as if he

or she is preparing for something bad to happen.

? Lack of adult supervsion and reluctance to return to the home.

Ad Sponsored By: The Trull Foundation

BEE a Know-It-All

Subscribe to

The Palacios Beacon

In Print or Online.


30.00 in Matagorda County


40.00 Everywhere Else


? Candidate Announcement ?

Whitney announces bid for

Pos. 3 on Palacios City Council

I began my working life

after I received a degree in

Chemical Engineering. Since

then, I have worked the bulk

of my career in the oil industry. For many of those years I

worked at the corporate level

and was in charge of Health,

Safety, and Environment. My

job duties included creating

policy, approving procedures,

hiring & firing, budget planning, and client interface.

Those years in the oil industry had me wearing many hats

and eventually took me to

many places across the globe.

I have, at various points, lived

in many locations including [Pol. Ad. paid for by Paula

Singapore, Dubai, South Af- Whitney, Treasurer, 317

rica, and Mozambique. I have E. Bay Blvd., Palacios TX

always felt that my career was 77465]

a challenging, interesting, fulfilling one that included many fabulous opportunities and life


Retirement has brought me to Palacios, where I*ve owned

and managed my own business, The Peaceful Pelican B&B

for seven years. After living overseas for many years it has

been a delight to come home and settle here in a place whose

citizens embrace a strong sense of community and teamwork.

What we manage to do in terms of volunteering, fundraising,

and public service for important causes such as our library,

museum, and Sanford Center, is truly amazing. It is inspirational to observe our citizens as they work for the success of

the community in organizations such as out volunteer Fire

Department, the police department, our clinics, our hospital,

the municipal court, the Navigation District, and the Seawall

Commission. We have a rich tapestry of church groups, Boys

& Girls Clubs, and service groups such as the Lions, the Eagles, The Girl & Boy Scouts, and so on. When I consider that

so much of what is done in and for this community is done by

a town of less than 5000 people, I am inspired to try to add

my service in a way that will best utilize my skills. That is

why I am running for council.

I know that by participating on our city council I can use

the skills acquired during my careers as a business owner and

corporate leader to help improve city operations.

The city is facing a number of issues - many related to its

aging infrastructure. One solution that I support is to work to

expand the tax base. This can be done by recruiting small &

medium sized businesses. The city should work more closely

with the Chamber of Commerce and the Palacios Economic

Development Board to find and encourage businesses to occupy buildings currently vacant. It is my belief that city taxes

are already high. I do not believe that raising city taxes is an


I would appreciate your vote and if elected I will work to:

? Expand the city tax base

? Support small business

? Prevent tax increases

? Plan for infrastructure improvements

For more information please come to our open house at The

Peaceful Pelican at 317 East Bay Blvd on April 17th from 1-4


New Look For

Grand Re-Opening

Chicken Fried Steak Festival

Wed. April 14!

Manager Iris Flores invites you

to the Palacios Thrift Store now

OPEN at Original Location


April 22-25, Lamesa, TX

More than 100 booths

l Fireworks display

l 5K Run l Live Music

l Children's Story Time

l Flippinout Trampolines

l Petting Zoo l Car Show

l Kickball Tourney l Homerun Derby

l Chicken Fried Steak Cookoff and Dinner

l Carnival Games l Worship Service l Parade

l Mister and Miss Chicken Fry Pageant

l Volleyball Tourney l Pet Costume Contest


For more info go to

Call 806-872-4322 ext. 332


(Will be serving Refreshments)

Fun Shopping Awaits!

* Scavenger Hunts

* Fill Card/ Free Item

* Wednesday Senior Days

$10 Bag Day

Every Other


Palacios Senior Center, 705 Commerce St.


Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.





& Every Other Sat. 10 a.m.- 3 p.m.



Friends of Elder Citizens, Inc. a 501 c3 non-profit organization

Palacios Beacon Policy For

Political Advertising, Announcements

The following are the Palacios Beacon*s guidelines

and policies for candidate announcements and political advertising.

? There is a special Beacon discounted $50.00 charge

for the first statement of candidacy (announcement

and photo (if available). This also includes a listing

in the Palacios Beacon*s Candidate Listing which

will run up until the election. The base charge is for

a candidate statement not exceeding 2 double-spaced

typewritten pages. Additional space will be charged

at the regular$6.25

$5.50 per column inch advertising rate.

Deadline for Announcements/Listing is Friday before

the next paper.

? The charge is $30 to be included only in Candidate Listing.

? Except for strict news coverage by the Palacios

Beacon, all future announcements, submitted statements or any other material submitted by the candidate, or on the candidate*s behalf, will be considered

advertising and charged at the Palacios Beacon*s

regular advertising rate of $6.25

$5.50 per column inch.

? As required by law, all political advertising must

be paid in advance.

? As required by law, all political advertising must

include the name and address of the person(s) or

organization paying for the advertisement and, if

an organization, must include the name of the treasurer.

? The Palacios Beacon will not publish any Letters

To the Editor in support, or opposition, to any candidate. Such submissions will be considered political

advertising and subject to regular advertising rates.

? Announcement & Candidate Listing〞$50 ?

? Candidate Listing only〞$30 ?

Warning Signs:

? Sudden changes in behavior or school performance

? Neglect of physical or medical problems brought to the

parents* attention.

? Learning problems that are not attributed to specific to

specific physical or psychological causes.

? Constant watchfulness, as if he or she is preparing for

something bad to happen

? Lack of adult supervision and reluctance to return home

April is National Child Abuse

Prevention Month. By knowing the

signs of child abuse, you can help

prevent it. If you suspect a child is

being abused, contact your local

police or child welfare agency for



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