| | | | | EDITOR, The Bell |

| | | | |Gabriel J. Cordova |

| | | | |53 Housatonic Drive |

| | | | |Milford, CT 06460 |


|First |

|Class |

|Mail |

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February 2008


Bridge Officers & Chairpersons

Commander Al Mongillo, AP

203-734-5213 amongillo01@

Executive Officer Bruce Ross, P


Financial Officer William Rinckel, S

203-758-5890 wrinckel@us.

Education Officer Bob Reeves, SN

203-876-8261 bobr876@

Administration Officer Hank Chmielewski, AP

203.878-5203 henry.j.chmielewski@

Secretary Bill Carotenuto , AP


Membership C/P Karl Weber, P

203.926-9565 keweber@

Audit C/P Tony Barbieri


Vessel Safety Check C/P Hank Chmielewski, AP

203.878-5203 henry.j.chmielewski@

Computer C/P Bruce Ross, P

9780. bruce2sail@

Public Relations C/P Bob Reeves, SN

203.876-8261 bobr876@

Port Captain Bob Reeves, SN

203.876-8261 bobr876@

Co-Op Charting C/P Al Mongillo AP

5213. amongillo01@

Bell Editor Gabe Cordova, S

4727. gabeski@

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Milford Power And Sail Squadron Education Course Schedule Jan 08 to June 08 |Remarks |Members & Public |Members & Public |Canceled |Members & Public |Members Only |Members & Public |Members & Public |Tentative |Members Only | | |INSTRUCTOR |Bruce Ross |Al Mongillo |Dennis Belanger |Bob Post |George Buffinton |Bruce Ross |Hank Chmielewski |Tony Barbieri |Dennis Belanger | | |LOCATION |Fowler Bldg. |Fowler Bldg. |Fowler Bldg. |Foran H/S |Egan Center |Egan Center |Foran Pool |Milford Library |Milford Yacht Club |Eagan Center | | |TIME |7:00 -9:00PM |7:00 -9:00PM |7:00 -9:00PM |7:00 -9:00PM |7:00 -9:00PM |7:00 -9:00PM |9:00AM to 11:30AM |10:30AM to 3:00PM | 10:30AM to 3:00PM |6:30PM - 10:00PM | | |TIME FRAME |2 hours |2 hours |2 hours |8 HOURS |4-5 weeks |2 Hours |3 hours |4 hrs each |12 Hours |16 hours | | |DAY | Thurs |Thurs |Thurs |Wed |WED |Tues & Thurs |SAT |SAT |SAT |Fri | | |START DATE |17-Jan-08 |24-Jan-08 |31-Jan-98 |27-Feb-08 |5-Mar-08 |25Mar08 & 27Mar08 |29-Mar-08 |19APR08 & 26APR08 |07JUN08 & 14JUN08 |7-Mar-08 | | |COURSE TITLE |Seminar #6 GPS |Seminar #7 Weather |Seminar #8 Radio |Boat Smart |Engine Maintenance |Kayak part 1 Lecture |Kayak part 2 Hands on in Pool |Boat Smart |Squadron Boating Course |Advanced Piloting | |

Request for update to Member Mailing Address, Email address and Phone Records

The Bridge continuously attempts to find ways to save our financial resources. One is to use email communications a much as possible, in addition to the telephone and US Mail. Therefore, we are attempting to especially update our membership’s email addresses, in addition to mailing address and phone records. Please provide these updates either by emailing Cdr Al Mongillo at amongillo01@ or by filling in the form below and mailing it to Al Mongillo, 4 Spindle Rd, Seymour, CT 06483. Thanks.



Ph (Home)

Ph (Cell)

Email Address:

Milford Power & Sail Squadron


Join us during the Milford Power Squadron MEMBERSHIP DRIVE.  If you recommend one or more friends or relatives (not including direct family members) and if they become a member of the Milford Power Squadron, you can attend the USPS Seminar of your choice at NO CHARGE (regular member price is $30). 

• Seminars include: 

o      How to Use a Nautical Chart - on Jan 10 

o      Using your GPS - on Jan 17

o      Onboard Weather Forecasting -  on Jan 24

o      Using VHF and DSC Marine Radios -  on Jan 31

If you prefer, instead of the free Seminar, be our guest for a free lunch (a $20 value) at the upcoming Spring D1 meeting. 

Please call Karl Weber at   926-9565   He will help you by signing up your new member.


MPS Photos from Holiday Party Jan 08

Special thanks to Hank Chmielewski, AP for arranging this wonderful event


Bill Carotenuto, AP in action conducting the Charting Course

Commander’s Report

With Super Bowl Sunday behind us, to me it marks the beginning of the 2008 boating season when I begin to start cleaning any gear I have brought home for the winter. In 8 to 10 weeks, winter covers can be removed with little risk of snow and ice damage to our boats. This is also a good time to brush up on your boating skills by taking some of the courses offered by your Milford Power Squadron. (See the course schedule in this issue). Our Senior Education Officer, Bob Reeves has worked hard to bring these programs to our members and the community. Remember, boating education, together with safety, are the focus of USPS and our Milford Power Squadron. Spread the word!

On Saturday, February 2, I attended the District 1 Council Meeting of district officers and squadron commanders. It was a sizable gathering of about 50 D1 members from around the 13 Squadrons in the D1 Region. It is held 3 times per year to discuss issues facing our squadrons and to share ideas on how to solve these problems at the squadron level. This meeting, as in the past several, focused on one major problem facing all local squadrons throughout the U.S.; dwindling membership, a drop of about 35 to 40% throughout USPS. Your Squadron has not been immune to this slump. However, our Bridge officers are working very hard to reverse this trend. We are happy to welcome one of our veteran members, Karl Weber, onboard as our new Membership Chairman. This is a vital position in the organization for communicating with prospective members and selling our organization’s valuable services to the boating community. Karl is committed to bringing about a turnaround, and for that, we thank him. Karl, “Welcome Aboard!”

This year shapes up to be a busy one for the Milford Power Squadron. Besides the educational and member activities we traditionally hold, it will be our turn in the rotation of D1 squadrons to host two major annual events: the Essex Island Rendezvous, Saturday June 21, and in addition, the Fall Conference in November, is to be addressed by USPS C/C Ernest Marshburn, SN.

Our District Commander, Elaine Williams, has offered that MPS select a site for the Fall Conference that is close, geographically, to Milford so that it is convenient for our members to attend. We are looking at venues in the proximity of Milford and we will announce the decision in our next Bell. Please hold the date of November 15, 2008 on your calendars.

As always, MPS members are invited to attend our monthly Bridge meetings to see what is going on behind the scenes. Our meetings are typically scheduled on the second Thursday of the month, 7:00 P.M. at the Margaret Egan Center in Devon, but contact me for specifics if you are interested in attending. There are a number of activities that are available for anyone willing to give a few hours of their time each month. We especially need a dedicated Squadron Historian to perform the annual task of tracking the makeup and achievements of the MPS: the Bridge, committee chairpersons, courses provided to our membership and community, activities held, etc. Having PC knowledge and access to the internet is essential. Again, please contact me if you are interested.

Lastly, thanks to our Bell Editor, Gabe Cordova, for his dedication to producing and distributing our newsletter. If any member would be interested in lending a hand, or has a flare for writing and would like to contribute to our publication, please contact Gabe at Gabeski@.


Bridge Members shown in the photo are: Group standing, Al Mongillo, Bill Carotenuto, and Bruce Ross, and seated, Gabe Cordova and Hank Chmielewski. Individual photos are Bob Reeves (Left) and Bill Rinckel. Absent is Bob Post. Your Bridge and committee chairpersons are actively working to get out into the community and serve the boating public. Please support our efforts by volunteering your time to support these activities and contacting me at 203-734-5213 or amongillo01@.

Cdr Al Mongillo


You’re Milford Power Squadron Bridge


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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