Trademark Usage Guidelines - USPS

Trademark Usage Guidelines

Give the Intelligent Mail® Trademark Special Treatment.

Set the Intelligent Mail® trademark apart from surrounding text. Always capitalize “Intelligent Mail,” either through initial caps or all caps. You may also differentiate the trademark by showing it in larger font, a different color, underlining it or placing it within quotation marks.

Use the Intelligent Mail® Trademark as an Adjective, not as a Noun.

Always use the Intelligent Mail® trademark as an adjective immediately before a noun. The Intelligent Mail® trademark is used with various services, including mail tracking, data collection and barcode services. Avoid using words such as “process,” “platform” or “technology” as they do not adequately describe Intelligent Mail® services.

Correct: Intelligent Mail® tracking provides …

Incorrect: Intelligent Mail provides …

Do not Use the Intelligent Mail® Trademark in the Possessive.

Correct: The reliability of Intelligent Mail® tracking is superb.

Incorrect: Intelligent Mail’s reliability is superb.

Use the ® Trademark Registration Symbol.

Use the encircled R trademark registration symbol “®” after “Intelligent Mail” upon the trademark’s first and most prominent appearance on each page of a document. Do not add a space between the trademark and the symbol. The symbol should be in superscript or subscript.


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