Department of Civil Engineering Program Review

|CE 344 |Highway Geometric Design |(3 - 0:3) |

Description: Principles of route location. Horizontal alignment; design and setting out (circular curve element, setting out of circular and transition curves, superelevation. Sight distance; stopping and passing sight distance. Vertical alignment; design and setting out (properties of vertical curves). Coordination of horizontal and vertical curves. Capacity of two-lane highways. Geometric design of intersection.

Pre-requisite: Surveying, CE 341.

Student Assessment and Grading: Assignments and Quizes (10%), Projects (5%); 2 Exams @ 22.5% each 45%), Final Exam (40%)

Learning outcomes, delivery and assessment methods- Cross Reference Table:

|Student Learning Outcome |Method of Delivery |Assessment Methods |Program objectives |

|familiarize students with the fundamentals concepts of |Lectures, examples and |Assignments, homeworks and |a, d, e, h, I |

|highways geometric route location. |problems, instruments, real |exams, field measurements | |

| |measurements, video shows | | |

|design and layout horizontal and vertical curves. |Lectures, demonstrations, |Assignments, projects and exams|a, b, c,d ,e f, h, k |

| |field measurements, and small| | |

| |projects. | | |

|design intersections and overcome special curve problems. |Lectures, examples, problems,|Assignments, projects and exams|a, b, c,d ,e,f, g, h, I, j, k |

| |and field measurements. | | |

|attain superelevation and sight distances. |Lectures, examples and |Assignments, projects and exams|a, b, c,d ,e,f, g, h, I, j, k |

| |problems | | |

ABET a-k Engineering and Technology program objectives

|An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and |An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering |A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in |

|engineering |problems |life-long learning |

|An ability to design and conduct experiments, to analyze and |An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility |A knowledge of contemporary issues |

|interpret data |An ability to communicate effectively |An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern |

|An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet |The broad education necessary to understand the impact of |engineering tools necessary for engineering practice |

|desired needs |engineering solutions in a global and societal context | |

|An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams | | |

|Mapping of course (CE 344) objectives to CE program objectives |

| |

| | | |Program Objectives |

|Course Objective |Delivery Methods |Assessment Methods |

|CE 344 |Highway Geometric Design | |

|Catalog Data |CE 344 Highway Geomatric Design |(3 – 0 : 3) |

| |Principles of route location. Horizontal alignment; design and setting out (circular curve element, setting out of |

| |circular and transition curves, superelevation. Sight distance; stopping and passing sight distance. Vertical |

| |alignment; design and setting out (properties of vertical curves). Coordination of horizontal and vertical curves. |

| |Capacity of two-lane highways. Geometric design of intersection. |

|Textbook |Route Surveying and Design; Harper Collins Publishers, by Carle F. Meyer and David W. Gibson, 1980. |

| |A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and streets (1990) - American Association of State Highway and |

| |Transportation Officials (AASHTO) |

|Reference |1. Elementary Surveying; by J. Fryer, R. Brinker, M. Elfick, and P. Wolf. Seventh edition (1987). |

| |2. Route Surveying, by Yousif Syam (1986) - (Arabic Reference) |

|Coordinator |Dr. Mohammed T. Obaidat |

|Goals |To highlight the fundamental and mathematical concepts of highway geometric design and route location, to familiarize|

| |students with design and layout of horizontal and vertical curves, to design intersections and overcome special curve|

| |problems, and to attain superelevations and sight distances. |

| | |

|Learning Outcomes: |After successfully completing this course, the students should be able to: |

| |understand the basic principles of highway design geometry and route survey. |

| |design and layout horizontal and vertical alignments. |

| |design intersections and overcome special problems. |

| |attain superelevation and sight distance |

| |design and layout of composite, compound, simple, reverse, and vertical curves. |

| |deal with geometrical problems, settingout and layout. |

| |know elements of design. |

|Pre-Requisites |Fundemantels of surveying and geomatics | Geometrical concepts |

|by Topic |Basic mathematics. | |

|Topics |1. Principles of route location. |3 |Lectures (50 min. each) |

| |2. Simple circular curves types; degree of curve, measurements on curves, |6 |Lecture |

| |length of curve, computation of curve parts, location of intersection | | |

| |points, setting out. (Two Weeks) | | |

| |3. Compound circular curves. |2 |Lectures |

| |4. Reverse circular curves. |1 |Lectures |

| |5. Highway design elements. |3 |Lectures |

| |6. Sight distance (passing and stopping) along circular curves. |3 |Lectures |

| |7. Transition curves; radial force and design speed, superelevation; uses; |6 |Lectures |

| |length; types; transition shift; setting out; design of composite curves; | | |

| |and wholly transition curves. (Two Weeks) | | |

| |8. Methods of attaining superelevations. |3 |Lecture |

| |9. Vertical curves; gradients, purposes, types, vertical curve equation, |6 |Lectures |

| |sight distances, K-values, length, setting out, highest and lowest points, | | |

| |and vertical curves with unequal tangent lengths. (Two Weeks) | | |

| |10. Coordination of vertical and horizontal alignment. |3 |Lectures |

| |11. Effect of curvature on calculation of cross-sectional areas and |3 |Lectures |

| |volumes. | | |

| |12. Setting out; aims and important considerations, methods of vertical and|3 |Lectures |

| |horizontal control. (One Week) | | |

| |13. Special curve problems. |3 |Lectures |

| |14. Design of intersections. |3 |Lecture |

|Computer Usage | |

| |LAND DEVELOPMENT and – is a program used to make 3-D coordinates computation from stereo images. |

|Assessment and |Assignments and quizes.………. 10% |2 exams @ 22.5% each ………… 45% |

|Grading |Projects |Final Exam ……………………. 40% |

| |5% | |

|Estimated Content |Engineering Science |1 Credit |

| |Engineering Design and analysis |2 Credit |

|Prepared by |Dr. Mohammed Taleb Obaidat |Date: |Nov. 2006 |


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