K & J Food Store

Route and Intro Coordinate System:

Examples of routes

Linear geometry

Route baseline

Horizontal alignment

Plan View

Vertical Alignment

Profile View

Route Coordinates vs Cartesian Coordinates

Station, Offset, Elevation

Northing, Easting, Elevation

Stationing conventions -- interval

Horizontal Alignment Design:

Stationing Plans Resolution

Stationing Calculation Resolution


Elevation Datums

Baseline design process

Set up cartesian system

Choose begin project, station, northing, easting, reference azimuth

Set PI's

Choose TTLs

Choose Deltas

Calculate Azimuths

Calculate PI coordinates


Horizontal Curve Design and Calculation:

circular horizontal curves



degree of curve




long chord

middle ordinate

external distance

station the alignment


station of PC

station of PT


Finish Horizontal and Begin Vertical Alignment Features:

station of the PI

cartesian coordinates

coordinates of PC, PI, PT, radius point


location survey

profile survey

profile drawing

horizontal scale vs horizontal scale

vertical exaggeration

plot existing ground profile

choose PVI's station and elevation

compute grade of vertical tangents

observe cut and fill

Vertical Alignment Design: PVI station and elevation

vertical parabolic curves

equal tangent property

calculate PVC,PVT station and elevation

total rotation A

curve length L

rate of vertical rotation, r

inverse of r, K

Vertical Curve Equation and Elevation:

typical values of %grade

calculation of vehicle slope any where on curve

find station of turning point

derive vertical curve equation

boundary conditions

calculate curve elevations

calculate elevation of turn point

Cross Section Intro:

Cross-Sections Intro

cross section pattern lines, width

cross section interval

cross section survey

ground modeling

breaks in grade

cross section paper, setup

plot existing ground cross section

design typical section

pavement width

pavement crown, cross slope

pavement box, pavement and rock base


side slope

edge pavement, edge shoulder, top of slope, toe of slope, bottom of slope, slope limits, construction limits

plot design cross section

scale slope limits

identify offset/elevation of each point of an "end area" polygon


Cross Section Areas:

plot existing ground cross section

plot profile grade point (elevation of baseline)

plot proposed surface following typical section

determine offset/elevation coordinates for each vertex

identify cut and fill end-areas

calculate area of end-area by coordinates

Surface Modeling:

three digital surface models

defects of the field cross section model

The contour model


cutting cross sections from a contour model

digital Terrain Models


controling points and features (break lines)

cutting cross sections from a TIN

advantages of a contour or TIN

Volume Calculations:

end area calculations

visualization of earthwork volumes

prism volumes


average end area approximation

prismoidal formula

earthwork volumes by average end area

station of last filling/first cutting

tabulation of areas and volumes


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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