Home Learning Writing – Year Two – Elm Class and Larch Class Monday 6th July 2020ExplainOver the next two weeks, we will be reading a book called ‘Dear Greenpeace’ by Simon James then we are going to write our own stories. Today, we are going to read a letter from a little girl called Emily. Model Read the letter below. Dear Greenpeace,I love whales very much and I think I saw one in my pond today. Please send me some information on whales, as I think he might be hurt.LoveEmilyWhat do you think of the letter? Do you think there’s a whale in her pond? Do you know anything about whales? What could you tell Emily about whales? Read the information about whales. What bits do you think are important to tell Emily? Activity Pink – Read the letter and information about blue whales. Draw Emily a picture of a blue whale and label it. Green- Read the letter and information about blue whales. Write back to Emily and tell her three things about blue whales. Purple – Read the letter and information about blue whales. Write a reply to Emily’s letter. Include facts about blue whales. Blue WhaleThe Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is the biggest whale and the biggest animal that ever lived on Earth. It is also the loudest animal on Earth - even louder that a jet plane. When Blue Whales breathe (through 2 blowholes), their blow is a stream that rises 40-50 feet (12-15 m) above the surface of the water.These grey-blue whales are found worldwide, living near the surface of the ocean in small groups called pods (or living individually). The Blue Whale is in danger of extinction.Diet: This giant cetacean eats tiny crustaceans (krill, copepods, etc.),?plankton, and small fish that it sieves through its comb-like plates of baleen.Home Learning Writing – Year Two – Elm Class and Larch Class Tuesday 7th July 2020ExplainYesterday we read a letter from Emily and replied to it with some information about blue whales. Today, we are going to listen to the whole story and then sequence the story. This will help us to write our own story at the end of the unit. Model Listen to the story here: What did you enjoy about the story? What would you have told Emily? Do you think there was a blue whale in her pond? Why? Why not? Today, we are going to retell the story using a storyboard. A storyboard is when we draw a picture and write a sentence telling each part of the story. Activity Pink – Draw a picture for each part of the story. Green- Draw a picture for each part of the story and add a sentence to your storyboard. Purple – Draw a picture for each part of the story and add a sentence explaining each picture. Home Learning Writing – Year Two – Elm Class and Larch Class Wednesday 8th July 2020ExplainToday, we are going to learn about synonyms. A synonym is a word that means exactly the same or similar to another word. For example; small, tiny, miniscule and mini all mean that something is small. We use synonyms to make our writing as interesting for the reader as possible so instead of saying ‘the giant was big’ we can change it to ‘the giant was colossal!’. It makes the sentence more exciting. Model Listen to the story here: Now, we are going to generate as many words as we can to mean;Big – Write down as many words as you can think of that mean big.Activity Pink – Write down some words that mean big. Use these words to make sentences of your own. Green – Write some sentences describing the blue whale using the synonyms you generated. Purple – Write a paragraph describing the blue whale using synonyms and adjectives. Home Learning Writing – Year Two – Elm Class and Larch Class Thursday 9th July 2020ExplainYesterday, we learnt about synonyms. Today, we are going to do a little more work on synonyms so that we can use them in our story to make it the best it can be. Model Listen to the story here: Have a look at this sentence. It was a nice day. Now, think of synonyms for the word nice. How can you make this sentence even better? Here is mine – It was a glorious day. Activity Pink – Have a look at the sentences and think of one synonym to improve the sentence. Green – Have a look at the sentences and think of two synonyms for the underlined word. Purple – Have a look at the sentences and think of three synonyms for the underlined word. It was a nice day.I was feeling happy.I went for a walk in the woods.Then I met a big giant.I was scared.Home Learning Writing – Year Two – Elm Class and Larch Class Friday 10th July 2020ExplainToday, we are going to answer some questions about the text we have read. Remember that when answering the questions, you need to write in full sentences. Model Listen to the story here: Activity Pink – Answer the pink set of questions. Green – Answer the green set of questions. Purple – Answer the purple set of questions. ................

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