Othello Vocabulary – Act V

Othello Vocabulary Sheet 2 Name: _______________________ Date: ____________

• abhor (ab HOR) (verb): to dislike (someone or something) very much (antonym: admire)

o Sample Sentence: She simply abhors exercise and hates to diet.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• alacrity (all ACK rit ee) (noun): a quick and cheerful readiness to do something (antonym: apathy, indifference)

o Sample Sentence: She accepted the invitation with alacrity.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• bereft (buh REFT) (adj.): deprived; not having (something that is needed, wanted, or expected); sad because a family member or friend has died (antonym: full, happy)

o Sample Sentence: They appear to be completely bereft of morals.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• censure (SEN shoor) (noun): an expression of strong disapproval or harsh criticism (antonym: approval)

o Sample Sentence: The country faces international censure for its alleged involvement in the assassination.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• chide (CHIDE) (verb): to express mild disapproval of (someone) : to scold (someone) gently (antonym: praise)

o Sample Sentence: She chided us for arriving so late.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• dilatory (DIE la tor ee) (adj.): formal 1 : causing a delay; 2. tending to be late : slow to do something (antonym: diligent)

o Sample Sentence: She tends to be dilatory about answering letters.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• disposition (DIS po zi shun) (noun): the usual attitude or mood of a person or animal

o Sample Sentence: He always has such a sunny disposition.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• egregious (uh GREE jee ous) (adj.): clearly or unusually bad or offensive; formal : very bad and easily noticed (antonym: minor, slight)

o Sample Sentence: The paper contained a number of egregious errors.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• expostulate (ex POSS too late) (verb): formal : to disagree with something or argue against it

o Sample Sentence: She expostulated with us at length about the proposed law.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• frailty (FRAY uhl tee) (noun): 1. physical weakness : the quality or state of being frail; 2. weakness of character that causes a person to do things that are morally wrong (antonym: firmness, strength)

o Sample Sentence: After all the political scandals we shouldn’t be surprised by the frailty of our politicians.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• imperious (im PEER ee ous) (adj.): having or showing the proud and unpleasant attitude of someone who gives orders and expects other people to obey them (antonym: humble, subservient)

o Sample Sentence: I could not believe the boss’ imperious attitude.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• incense (in SENSE) (verb): to make (someone) very angry (antonym: calm, comfort)

o Sample Sentence: His arrogance so incensed them so much that they refused to speak to her.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• incur (in KUR) (verb): formal : to cause yourself to have or experience (something unpleasant or unwanted)

o Sample Sentence: Be careful not to incur debt.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• lechery (LECH ur ee) (noun): inordinate indulgence in sexual activity

o Sample Sentence: She accused him of lechery.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• obsequious (ob SEE kwee us) (adj.): disapproving : too eager to help or obey someone important (antonym: arrogant, assertive)

o Sample Sentence: She's constantly followed by obsequious assistants who will do anything she tells them to.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• ocular (OCK kue luhr) (adj.): technical : of or relating to the eye

o Sample Sentence: I am going to have to have ocular surgery.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• perdition (per DIH shun) (noun): old-fashioned : the state of being in hell forever as punishment after death, usually used figuratively

o Sample Sentence: It's this kind of selfishness that leads down the road to perdition.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• propriety (pro PRY eh tee) (noun): formal behavior that is accepted as socially or morally correct and proper (antonym: immorality, impropriety)

o Sample Sentence: Her behavior went beyond the bounds of propriety.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• repute (reh PYOOT) (noun): reputation

o Sample Sentence: They are held in high repute.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:

• timorous (TIM or us) (adj.): formal : easily frightened (antonym: bold, brazen)

o Sample Sentence: When it comes to class it’s important to avoid being a shy and timorous teenager.

o Synonym:

o Sentence:


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