ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Teacher Resource

Video Games


1. When was the first video game created?

2. What was the game called?

3. Who invented the first video game?

4. What were the early video games like?

5. In which decade did arcade games become popular?

6. Why did arcade games become less popular?

7. Give examples of video games that are back in fashion.

8. What do you think is the future of video games?

9. Which is your favourite video game? Why?

10. What did you like about the BTN story?


Test your students

Before watching the BTN Video Games story, test your students by asking this multiple-choice question:

“When do you think the first video game was created?” In the…

• 1950s

• 1970s

• 1990s

Reveal the answer to your class, by watching the BTN Video Games story. Students will then respond to one or more of the following:

• What did you learn watching this story?

• What’s your favourite video game? Why?

• Leave a message on the BTN story page.

• Do you have a question about a game? Visit the ABC’s Spawn Point to ask your question.


History of video games

Students will investigate the history of video games from the 1950s to the 2010s, using the following games to base their research.

• 1950s – Pong

• 1960s – Spacewar!

• 1970s – Space Invaders

• 1980s – Mario Bros

• 1990s – Ristar

• 2000s – Singstar

• 2010s – Minecraft

Students will download this timeline to learn more about the history of video games and then respond to one or more of the following questions:

• Who invented each of the video games highlighted in the timeline?

• Make comparisons between the video games in the timeline. How are they similar or different?

• Who is involved in the making of a video game? Make a list of the different roles and their responsibilities.


Video Game Review

Choose a video game that you have played this year and write your own video game review.

• What are the themes in the video game?

• What did you like or dislike about the video game? Why?

• Would you recommend the video game to other kids your age? Why or why not?

• Include an illustration with your review. It could be a sketch of one of the characters from the game.

• Tip: Think about the audience you are trying to reach. Use effective vocabulary and accurate and persuasive language.

For a selection of games direct your students to the ABC Me Games page.

Visit the ABC’s Spawn Point for reviews on your favourite games.



Make your own game using Scratch

Visit ABC Splash for videos on how to make a game using Scratch. Chapters include:

• Choosing a character and a background

• Make your character move

• Catch a sprite and keep score

• How to end the game

• Resetting and testing your game

• Use your movement to control your game

Alternatively, students can visit the Coding Corner on the Spawn Point website, to learn some coding tips and tricks in Scratch.

Further challenge

Consider entering your class in the Australia STEM Video Game Challenge, visit their website for more information on how to enter.


Persuasive text

Students will develop a persuasive text based on the following statement: `Video games are good for kids’. Students will conduct research to help develop their arguments. Encourage students to use a range of sources. Students may want to read this article to find out what experts say about the good and bad effects that video games have on kids – Why do adults think video games are bad? Provide students with the following structure to follow when completing this activity.

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ABC Me – Spawn Point

Scratch – Design your own game

BTN – Game History

Code Club – Coding Projects

Australian STEM Video Game Challenge – Student Resources


Episode 29

24th October 2017


Students will experiment with coding using simple online coding programs. Students will investigate the history of video games.


Digital Technologies – Years 5 & 6

Examine how whole numbers are used to represent all data in digital systems

Implement digital solutions as simple visual programs involving branching, iteration (repetition), and user input

Digital Technologies – Years 7 & 8

Implement and modify programs with user interfaces involving branching, iteration and functions in a general-purpose programming language

Design and Technologies – Years 5 & 6

Generate, develop and communicate design ideas and processes for audiences using appropriate technical terms and graphical representation techniques

Structure of a persuasive text


• What is the point you are trying to argue? Construct an introductory paragraph which states the issue or topic.

• Introduce the arguments that will be developed in the body of the text.


• Construct arguments that support your point of view.

• Each paragraph starts with a topic sentence which introduces each point.

• The rest of the paragraph gives more reasons.

• Arguments can be ordered from strongest to weakest.


• Restate your position on the argument.

• Construct a concluding paragraph that provides a summary of your arguments and a call to action.

Tips for writing persuasive texts

• Who is your audience? For example, are you directing your argument at kids, teachers or politicians?

• Explore how language choices can have a big impact on persuading your audience.

• Which language devices give the report credibility and authority?

• Which are designed to create an emotional response in the listener?

• Provide facts and evidence to support your argument.

• Write in the present tense.

• Check your spelling and punctuation.

Use this Read Write Think persuasion map to plan your exposition text.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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