Learning science is fun with video games

Learning science is fun with video gamesBy Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, adapted by Newsela staff 09.04.150-1905MILWAUKEE, Wis. — A new video game is called "Citizen Science." Players must save Lake Mendota. The lake water is dirty. It is not safe. The lake is polluted.In the game, players must find out why the lake is polluted. The players go back in time to find answers. They talk to animals for help. They learn what made the lake so dirty. The players learn things that happened long ago. Gaming And ScienceThe game has a lot of science. Players must get proof. They need to show what is hurting the lake. The game teaches about pollution. Players also learn how to fix the lake's pollution."Citizen Science" is helping kids learn science. Other video games are helping, too. More video games are being used in schools. They make learning fun. They teach things that cannot be learned from books.Teachers used to think video games were a bad idea. Now they are changing their minds. Teachers are starting to like video games. They use games to make their lessons better. Many teachers even use "Citizen Science."Learning Is Fun With GamesKurt Squire has learned a lot from video games, too. He grew up playing them. Kurt's job is to make video games. He made "Citizen Science."He made the game for a reason. The lakes in Kurt's hometown were like Lake Mendota. They were dirty. He did not like that you could not swim in the lakes. Kurt made the game to teach about pollution. He wants more kids to help fix the world around them. Every day, more video games are made. These games may help teach students exciting new lessons.1. Write an appropriate chunk next to each letter. (1 point each)a. b. c. 2. Identify one of the bold terms from the article. a. Define this term as it is used in the article. (2 points)b. Use this term in a sentence of your own. (2 points)3. Read this paragraph from the section "Gaming And Science."Teachers used to think video games were a bad idea. Now they are changing their minds. Teachers are starting to like video games. They use games to make their lessons better. Many teachers even use Citizen Science.What is the focus of this paragraph? (1 point)A how teachers feel about video gamesB ideas that teachers can useC things that people change their minds aboutD people who play "Citizen Science4. What is the main topic of this article? (1 point)A pollution in Lake MendotaB games that teach scienceC problems that kids can fixD changes in our classrooms5. According to the article, what can players do in "Citizen Science"? (1 point)A talk to animalsB swim in the lakeC learn about spaceD go into the future6. Why can't people swim in Lake Mendota? (1 point)A It's hard to get there.B The water is too cold.C The animals in it are dangerous.D The lake is too polluted.7. Complete this main idea web for the video game Citizen Science. (5 points)3848100107950022860030480004396740171831000-411480195453000334518045339000883920191643000352806019088100026822402350770001516380236855001874520635001973580167703500Citizen Science ................

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