The Nixon Years, 1968-74

The Nixon Years, 1968-74


1. Conservative backlash…

2. Nixon’s Southern Strategy

3. Foreign Affairs

4. Domestic Affairs

1968: Conservative Backlash

Domestic Anxieties:

black power, gay rights, women’s lib., hippies, counterculture, new sexual attitudes, drugs, rock, antiwar movement

Violence: Death of MLK (April); RFK (June)

Urban Riots:

Detroit & Newark, 1967

Everywhere, 1968

Nixon’s Southern Strategy, 1


Republicans exploit southern white opposition to Democrats’ civil rights stance

Early signs of change

1964: Barry Goldwater [R] wins 5 southern states

Strom Thurmond joins Republicans

1966: Republican mid-term success

Nixon’s Southern Strategy, 2

1968: Nixon wins Va, Tn, Ok, Fl, NC & SC

1972: Nixon sweeps South

(’64, 68 & ’72: The George Wallace factor)

Nixon’s Vietnam, 1

RN’s policy mixed

1969: Vietnamization of war

reduces US ground troops

Tentatively begins talking with Russians & NV about negotiated peace (Détente)

But: increases bombing of NV

secretly bombs Cambodia

April 30, 1970 US invades Cambodia

Feb 1971, Nixon encourages S. Vietnam to invade Laos

Nixon’s Vietnam, 2

War increasingly unpopular

Oct. 15 1969: “Vietnam Moratorium”

Huge Protests following invasion of Cambodia:

Deaths at Kent State &

Jackson State, May 1970

1970: News of 1968 My Lai Massacre breaks

June 1971: Pentagon Papers

Neil Young, Ohio

Tin soldiers & Nixon’s coming, we’re finally on our own. This summer I hear the drumming, 4 dead in Ohio.

Gotta get down to it, soldiers are gunning us down (‘Should have been done long ago’). What if you knew her & found her dead on the ground? How can you run when you know?

Bread,This Isn’t What the Governmeant

Then the war, don’t know what for, somebody said it had to be fought. Supposed to go, but I said no, ‘cause I’s afraid I might get shot.

Here I am on my hands & knees, scrubbing in my dungarees. I got burned, but I finally learned - this is what the Govern-meant….

Nixon’s Vietnam, 3

April 1972, Mining of NV harbors; bombing ctd.

Dec. 1972, final massive bombing raids.


Henry Kissinger

Paris Peace Negotiations, 1969-73.

Peace signed 1973 (US accepts same terms as offered in 1969)

US troops withdraw; NV occupy Saigon in April 1975

Assessing Vietnam

Strategic Value

Human Costs



Ecological Costs

Economic Costs

Psychological Effects

“Vietnam Syndrome”

“End of Victory Culture”


Chinese-Soviet tensions mount in late1960s.

RN exploits rift by opening discussions with both

Ping-Pong Diplomacy

Spring 1971: US embargo of China eased; sporting links established

Feb 1972: RN meets Mao Zedong in Beijing,

RN improves relations with USSR

both want end to Vietnam & arms race

May 1972: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks agreement

Nixon’s Mixed Domestic Record, 1

Economic Problems:


Rising prices; rising unemployment; slow economic growth


Oil Crisis ’73-4


Post-Industrial Era

demise of old heavy industries

Nixon’s Mixed Domestic Record, 2

Strong on Law & order

“Benign Neglect” on racial issues

“New Federalism”

increased local control

But some “liberal” surprises:

expanded Social Security

Environmental Protection Agency

Subsidized housing schemes

Some affirmative action

Supreme Court (Warren Burger)

Swann decision on busing, ’71

Roe vs Wade, ’73


1. RN’s presidency reflected anxieties about the apparent collapse of law, order & morality in the US.

2. It signaled a partial return to a culture of “rugged individualism”, with opposition to expansive govt. social, welfare & economic policies, & a rejection of the ‘60’s “spirit of sacrifice & service.”

3. Republican success depended heavily on white opposition to more pro-minority legislation.

4. Despite his conservatism, Nixon modified, rather than dismantled, the New Deal social welfare apparatus.

5. Détente helped end Vietnam War & ease international tensions.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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