COLD WAR: Exam essay questionsORIGINS:‘Stalin’s expansion of eastern Europe was mainly due to defensive concerns’‘Ideological divisions between East and West meant that the Grand alliance was certain to collapse in 1945 ‘Churchill’s iron curtain speech in march 1946 was largely irrelevant in influencing Truman to introduce his Doctrine in March 1947’‘It was the actions of the soviet Union that had laid the foundations of the Cold war by March 1947‘The Truman Doctrine marked the beginning of the Cold war’‘The main reason why alliances were formed among western powers in the period 1945-55 was soviet aggression’‘The Marshall plan was merely developed to benefit the USA rather than Europe’‘The main reason why communism had spread across Europe by 1948 was because Stalin was aggressive and expansionist’‘The Cold War developed by 1949 because of Stalin’s intention to dominate post-war Europe.’ Assess the validity of this view.BERLIN:‘The soviet union was completely at fault for the Berlin crisis in 1945-49’‘Throughout the years 1949 to 1961 the question of Berlin was only a minor cause of east-west tensions’‘Throughout the years 1949 to 1961, the question of Berlin caused East-West tensions.’ Explain why you agree or disagree with this view.KOREA:‘The Korean war was caused by the determined efforts of Kim Il Sung to create a united communist Korea’‘The main reason why the United States entered the Korean War was in order to defend South Korea.’ Explain why you agree or disagree with this view. ‘The outcome of the Korean War weakened the position of the United States in Asia in the years 1954 to 1961.’ Assess the validity of this view.NEW LOOK:‘Eisenhower's New Look strategy marked a fundamental shift in US Cold War policy away from Truman’s approach.’MCCARTHYISM:‘McCarthyism was responsible for moving US foreign policy towards a global rather than regional focus during the years 1950-1954’Peaceful co-existence:‘The Soviet union generally sought to improve relations with the USA between 1953 and 1956’‘Relations between the USA and USSR changed significantly between 1953 and 1964’‘peaceful coexistence failed by 1961 because neither the east nor the west was fully committed to it’actual confrontation between the USA and the USSR was only a remote possibility in the years 1956 to 1961’Khrushchev’s policies in the years 1955 to 1961 ensured that there was no Cold War confrontation in Europe.’ Explain why you agree or disagree with this view. 'The relations between Khrushchev and Kennedy were marked more by cooperation than by confrontation.’ Assess the validity of this view.Vietnam:‘Truman and Eisenhower intervened in Vietnam because of pressure from advisors’‘The main reason Kennedy increased US involvement in Vietnam was due to his desire to prove himself to the American public’‘The main reason why President Johnson continued the American involvement in Vietnam was due to the guilt he felt over Kennedy’s assassination’ (page 56)‘The main reason Johnson escalated the war in Vietnam was because of pressure from his advisors’‘The reasons why the Vietnam was dragged on without decisive victory for the US was because of their over-reliance on a high-tech war of attrition’ ‘By 1963, the USA was keen to see the removal of President Diem.’‘The main reason why the Khmer Rouge was victorious in 1975 was the American bombing raids’ ‘By 1968, war in Vietnam had proven that military containment was no longer possible as the basis for the USA’s Cold War strategy’‘Nixon’s policies towards Vietnam in the years 1969 to 1972 were confused and ineffective’To what extent were the difficulties surrounding the agreements on peace in North Vietnam 1972-73 the result of a lack of trust?CUBA:‘The outcome of the Cuban missile crisis was a triumph for the diplomacy of Nikita Khrushchev’‘Credit for the peaceful resolution of the Cuban missile crisis should be shared equally between Khrushchev and Kennedy.’ Explain why you agree or disagree with this view.‘The Cuban missile crisis was a triumph for the Soviet Union’‘The conclusion of the missile crisis was proof that the USA’s strategy of containment had failed.’CHINA:‘It was china that caused a fundamental shift in US Cold War strategy by 1951’‘Relations between china and the USA improved largely because of the Sino-Soviet split that emerged under Khrushchev’‘There was little benefit to the Americans as a result of improved relations with China in the 1970s’CONTAINMENT:‘The Western powers had considerable success in limiting the spread of Communism in Asia in the years 1949 to 1960.’ ‘The US policy of containment was more of a success than a failure in Europe and Asia in the period 1947 to 1953’ ‘The USA’s continuing commitment to containment in the years 1955-1963 intensified cold war conflict in Asia.’‘US policies in response to the rise of Communism in Asia in the years 1949 to 1960 consistently failed.’ Assess the validity of this view.D?TENTE:’Superpower relations had relaxed in the period 1968 to 1979’‘The most significant reason why Détente came to an end by 1980 was the American government’s disengagement from the process’‘The USSR was aggressively expansionist and showed little real enthusiasm for détente’To what extent did the nuclear agreements between 1963 and 1968 reduce the threat of nuclear war?To what extent did Soviet policies towards other members of the communist eastern Bloc change after 1962?‘America’s relationship with China undermined the policy of Détente with the Soviet Union’How far was the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan responsible for the start of a ‘second cold war’?AFRICA and AMERICAS:‘The main reasons America intervened in conflicts in Africa and the Americas between 1974 and 1991 was because of the actions of Cuba’‘Cuba’s interventions in Angola and Ethiopia ensured the failure of détente by 1979’END of the COLD WAR:‘President Reagan should be considered as a peacemaker in the years 1985-1989’’the most significant reason why the Cold War came to an end in 1991 was the pressure from the USA’‘It was Ronald Reagan who brought the cold war to an end’The collapse of Soviet control in Eastern Europe was due to the misguided policies of Mikhail Gorbachev.’ Assess the validity of this view. ‘The reason why the Cold War ended peacefully was the statesmanship of Mikhail Gorbachev.’ Assess the validity of this view with reference to the years 1985 to 1991.‘It was the USSR’s economic problems rather than Gorbachev’s ‘New Thinking’ that hastened the end of the Cold War.To what extent is it fair to describe President Reagan as a peacemaker in the years 1985 to 1989?To what extent were economic problems the cause of the 1989 revolution sin Eastern Europe?‘The end of the cold war was caused primarily by economic rather than political problems.’ ................

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