Drake, Tanaath & Sunfire show 6/12 - Silver Legion

Drake, Tanaath & Sunfire show 6/12

Drake intro to the show-

    I posted something because some people decided that they were going to be disagreeable, that seems generally to be the case with the government, but ah one of the things are (we are all) going to have to understand is that we are coming up to a change, that change is going to be extraordinary both in our gov. system, socially, physiologically, that means your body. And a combination of mental and spiritual (changes) and so you basically got all the bases loaded with a home run and some of what we are looking at is uncharted territory, and due to that fact some of that information is not easily come by or to go along with, that I been really busy as everybody knows I dabble in intelligence networks and things of this nature and uh its going to get real shaggy here very soon. The people who are in charge running things decided along time ago that ah, our little po'dunk selves did not matter! Anyone don't know about that just go out on the internet and ask that question. The other part of this is that people have fallen into a rut and have allowed people to be loose and free with what we consider to be personal and private, everybody is aware of the NSA, IRS-those fun and games things.. the things about shows like this is for us to dispel the BS runners.. there are a whole heap of differing websites, opinions, and things of this nature that basically don't matter! Don't account to very much and are totally erroneous, You are not going to turn into a great big green squidy! It is not going to happen depending on whether or not you are a bad guy, now bad guys I'm not sure what they are going to turn them into…but the gist of it is multi-faceted, in other words there are several different facets to this.. the first of is getting your head around the idea that Angels, ET exist! And not only that you get to ask questions of a couple of people that are actually very closely aligned with these entities! The other part is that people need to understand that this a part, only a part but a very important part of the effort to free the planet! I can't quite emphasis that enough everybody is familiar with buying guns belonging to a militia, becoming as much self reliant as possible, being able to do everything on your own, survival more or less. um There are several things common that I have told about ..that's all well and good but here is the other thing, hard part, Reaching out of the darkness entertaining the simplistic idea of maybe and trying to learn a little something about that.. um is much different when you are getting the truth than when you are getting this gobbledygook from varying other places. One of the main things I have tried to do is make sure that the information supplied either on this weds show or on the weekend Sunday update deal, as being very accurate as real information. The information put out is a combination of minor news items that can have critical impacts, I told everybody of Cyprus common 2-3 weeks before anything was done officially. Meeting with international bankers, rep. a variety financial institutions, they met in Europe to discuss how to separate public and private debt, there is a reason for that, we have had meetings of others who are diametrically opposed to alleviating us any debt.) obligation whatsoever. Esp. they would prefer if we remained studio, nose to the grindstone barefoot pregnant excetera.. in terms of their little slave ideology, now, (laughs) You can have a very nice rut you can have the new car nice family great house beautiful position making all that cash, and yet you are still caught right there in that rut. Now one of the things I have stipulated in uh in trying to free peoples minds is the fact that there may be something more going on that what they think AND some of it may be pretty far out! or extraordinary! um that effort continues the reason for this show is two fold and only twofold, first of all , Absolute truth, these are people who actually deal with it as I do , I am involved. The second part is this, you want the information to come from the horses mouth, eventually we will have other people join us hopefully, we  are working on that, as these things come about you going to be extraordinarily surprised, yes I know that there is a lot of other people out there affiliated with other groups and have their own ideas about what is and what is not, what should be done, there has been umm many freeing of planets, there have been many revolutions as we know on this planet. The freeing of planets has been many the revolutions have been many. There is certain parts of it if you do it correctly they come out right, if you don't do it correctly then you got an awful mess! Sometimes horrendous, sometimes everybody gets wiped out! This is not what everybody wants, I would like to have a nice long ET length lifestyle just out of curiosity, I'm kinda nosy and curious and just into knowing what's going on.. so that puts me in a position of wanting to know that things are going come out right, several reasons for that…The living entity Gaia, better known as Mother Earth, or the Planet (Terra)

Needs to go through this a smoothly and quickly as possible, just as we do! The living entities on the planet have a determining factor in terms of how smooth that transition is. So to take the nightmare out of things, Reduce the paranoia! huh eliminate the fear, flip the light on and watch?? (9:08) this is basically what is being done here, nothing real complicated, just simplistic outing of information, and my hope and this is my hope is that IF somebody has a question that is convoluted or they want to keep it as private as possible, fine! send us an email and we will see about it. I do not and I do not know anybody that does have the ability to see to individual requests very often. I wish that were different but the manpower is not there. The people who know how to do what is need are not available, they are busy already fighting the battles, now, here's the other part everybody thinks its gonna be an "Golden era" a gaga land where you sit on your front lawn in a lotus position and you go "Aum", um that will come eventually for some people, however we have nasty insidious creatures out there that do not have our best intentions in mind, they wanna see us stay in the rut AND this is the far out part, they would like to fill it in with some dirt to make it difficult just to walk. (?half bury us?) Ya have to understand in some cases, and everybody has come across a hard head that absolutely positively will not change their mind no matter what happens to them, no matter what is presented, no matter what experiences comes about. Some people are just like that however when you are dealing with something that is adverse, against or opposite our existence, it starts getting serious, it becomes critical that you handle things correctly AND the information that is given to the general population so they know about some of this HAS TO BE CORRECT. So what we would like to do is make sure that Yea there are some questions that are very basic and they have not been asked over the course of the show and presented in terms of answers.. that's always going to be the way of things.. if you are serious about trying to get yourself together in terms of understanding spirituality. And you got belief systems out the wazzooo, everybody is talking a little different tale. If you want to know the truth and really want to find out about it, I suggest you get my book. Its on the Americanationalmilitia website. The ideology here is to wake you up to the facts, and its a strictly simple process. Some of the concepts are a little difficult to get your head around, but anyone can do it!


ON 4D WEIGHT/HUGS-physical mechanics in 4D

T.- You won't be weightless, you will still have some mass you will still be made up of matter. Matter itself will be made up differently from what it is now. It will have a different density, you will still be able to touch, feel, to enjoy the grass, to enjoy the sun, pick up a child, to enjoy the embrace of a loved one, to enjoy making love, all of those things will still be present.


T.-No it won't all be etherial. There will be smells, yes, there are still smells I can verify that, any body who has ever had a ghost smell, yea, it definetly does still exist at that level. S.- yes and taste and all (of our sensations) that if anything it will be more intense, more distinct, more vibrant. T.- and in addition when you are touching other people there is more of an exchange of energy that goes on.. its not as prosaic as touch is in this world, it is more, there is more to it right? S.- Yes T.- in addition to the touch there is a great deal of information that comes along. If you are really good friends with somebody you can tell their state of mind, you can tell how they are feeling emotionally you can give them comfort, Its good! S.- and this is where the concept comes, and i know its like something that has been said around for a long time of "catching colds" from someone, THAT is where it comes from!

T.- A lot of healing modalities use touch.


There is still pregnancy in 4d+, people still choose to gestate a lot of people still choose to bear. You are not going to see women dying in childbirth. its not going to be near as painful as process as down here. S.- there is several modalities (ways) to have babies. T.- Some people prefer to manifest babies others prefer to give live birth, some lay eggs ( Dragons?) it all depends on the species the individual culture and individual desires. Some people really like being pregnant! D.- some people accuse me of being hatched too! T.- hey I know plenty of nice people who have been hatched. All laughing.

ON NO POOP, spare small room..

S.- use it store all the stuff you collect you traveling around the galaxy. T.- does not know what a closet is.


T.- Computer ( Skype) issues during shows is possible, I have also heard of people experiencing seemingly unrelated physical ailments during shows, it also could be brought about to be a little more pointed, targeted. I don't know how to fix this problem but yes, we have had reports of this.

ON ALEX COLLIER ,EMOTIONAL RANGE OF ANDROMEDANS BEING AFFECTED BY WHAT IS GOING ON HERE ON EARTH- T.- I can't speak about the Andromedans not being one of them, I can speak of our own people, and the things that we have noticed. We have something called a Earth Sensitization program that is mandatory, everybody has to go though what is basically a simulation on the holo deck in which they live for a certain period of time thinking that they are a human being down on Earth with all the same trials and tribulations that we have, the same challenges day to day, I find that it really cuts down on arrogance( just like we would feel in their position on not knowing what life here was about) and raises empathy. anyone who was poo pooing the Terran experience well a week or two in the Terran sensitization program and they are no longer poo pooing anything, they are saying, " we need to fix that stuff and we need to fix that stuff NOW" When it comes to emotional expression they have all the same emotions we do. We find with the positives that all the negative emotions like fear anger jealousy hatred, that kind of thing, they tend to be not as prone to them and those things seem to pass a lot quicker. S.-Also i have noticed that the positive emotions are even broader ranged and even more sensitive…T.- Yes they are emphasized.. S.-yes


T.-Likely with telepathy and Universal translators that will not be necessary. We are not in the habit of forcing population to speak a specific language, those who wish to do so may, I personally am of the opinion that every Human language that exists is valuable in that from the point that it offers a different psychological perspective, every language has a unique psychological perspective and it is a tragedy when a language dies out. ( Denise clarifies- person worried about communication) T.- oh yes, ( we will easily be able to communicate with others of different cultures) Universal translators! Also peoples capacities to learn a new language is greatly increased, so for example you might get the language package, forget the rosetta stone, and three days later you are speaking fluently, it takes about three days to settle into the system but once its there, you are fluent and nothing is going to make you forget it. ( IS this the memory damage that the reptiles did to us? that we forget..)

SUNFIRE ON UNIVERSAL SYMBOL LANGUAGE-There is a Universal symbol Language, but just about everybody has their own unique language (as well) and languages are celebrated across the Universe. In communications, that is one the things that I love is being able to learn every new language that I can, like Tanaath said there is going to be Universal translators and it seems with telepathy and language that your brain just automatically translates it!! I think where terrans are very limited in their ability to communicate now because of all the different limitations that have been put into society that instead of seeing an even rare? limitation that after the transition that terrans will actually be seeing more of an lifting, opening of limitations ( communication wise and way more..) they will not only be able to use telepathy they will be able to read body language, they will be able to use their other sense, you know that kind of  thing, you know it will actually, I think, reduce the communication problems between individuals. T.- Indeed! and you know you are going to find the average joe being able to be learning 15-20 languages and being fluent in all of them.


T.- General amnesty, no I can't say anything about general amnesty. I think that it is going to be largely dependant on individual circumstances. In a lot of cases people did what they did out of fear. Out of fear of reprisals against their family, against themselves. Out of fear, perhaps a genuine altruistic fear, "if this gets out there will be widespread panic" or whatever, it might have been misplaced, but there was those who were doing it out of genuine altruistic reasons, out of fear. In individual circumstances like that amnesty may be appropriate. In the case of people who did this deliberately with the intent to harm Humanity and harm this Planet harm terrans on this Planet, I don't think amnesty will be warranted.( thank you very much.) S.- Right agreed, the Federation is very much going to take each individual on a case by case basis. T.- And this doesn't just stand for cover-up , this stands for everything. If there is mitigating circumstances then those things will be considered, if there aren't any then it will be difficult for those who woefully caused problems. that does not mean that anyone is able to get off the hook even if there's mitigating circumstances they will still be required to face up to what they did on way or another no one is getting off scot free! 27:17 And I think that this fits along with what the Terrans themselves planned of how it should be done, I mean we don't want to go about hanging somebody who is innocent but nor do we want to let the real monsters run off and its definitely not going to be the case now with who can afford the best lawyer can buy off the justice system and gets off scot free no matter what they do, that won't happen anymore, when you are dealing with species that almost all composed of beings that are entirely telepathic it's going to be a heck of a lot harder to pull BS over on people. S.- Plus there is a method of preserving things (evidence) that are thought to be destroyed, plenty of evidence preservation techniques and ways of knowing who is really telling the truth and who really isn't, that go far beyond what is here on Terra.

 ON Paul Hellier Canada's defines minister outing UFO's-

? how long do you think it will take for mainstream media to disclose/admit? D.- Not long, the information I have from my people is somewhere along the lines of a matter of days. T._ Well that would be nice. D.- I know this sounds somewhat fast. S.-Yup D.- But that is what I have heard. T.- All I know is that I'd love chat with Mr. Hellier! I think that would be interesting. S.- I think uh disclosure is very important and as far as the timeframe, setting timeframes down things change practically by the minute but…T.-I do know that when it happens it will happen fast. S.-Yes D.-Yup T.- I'll go back to when I was first on with Drake where I discussed where it's like we are mining.. heck we are mining our way out of prison and we know sooner or later we are going to bust through the wall to find freedom. But until we bust through we won't know we are done, all I do know is that that wall is sounding thinner and thinner!

So we don't know exactly when but when we do it will be all of a sudden a whole bunch of stuff will happen and really quickly and all at once! S.- One of the things the Federation is planning is a global broadcast in all medias in all languages.. information, disclosure, we have some other things planned which I will chose not to discuss at this point, but well you know suffice to say we support the right to know and be informed ( of the truth!)

PYO?personal ? on the ind. home star planet info.?

T._ knows nothing. S.-the native race may have a different name for itself than what is known by the Gal. Fed. or what is known on Terra like for example when I have given information out on Planets/races before I have to use the equivalent star system or constellation name of that used on Terra. (It gives a point of reference.) ie: on Tau Ceti the native language has sa totally different name.


T.- Its likely, quite probable, maybe not right away but they would have the option to resume that. If you are an incarnate, in other words you are a person who is of non terran origins on this planet with a mission, likely you will have the possibility or potential to return home usually after you have done whatever it was you came to do.


t.- A lot of the Viking Gods are (sheepishly) actually members of the Silver Legion. they like us for some reason I don't know if Valhalla is someplace people can visit, if it is imagined it can exist somewhere, but I don't not know if its a place you can visit you would have to ask them.. Denise clarifies for Thor- T.- Oh yea! I like him he is a great guy! Its fun to do sparring matches with him!


S.-The ET's are already involved in cleaning up process, cleaning up the chemtrails Fukushima, the environment and basically everything else, there is also responsibilities with the terran population to step up and do their (our) part as well. The ET's are not saviors, they are not Gods. T.- Even though it may look like nothing is being done it is being done. As for "inviting in" (words used in ?) others be VERY CAREFUL! Be very Specific, you don't want to invite in the wrong people right! You want to invite in the best one ones specifically  that have your best interests in mind, Terra in mind. Specifically Freedom and free Will in mind. And not ones that want to impose their own brand whatever on you. ( Denise discernment concerns common.) S.- best places to get the truth is right here with us. T.- Alex Collier, Tolec. (??jk not named, interesting)Listen very very carefully to what is being said and not said. Tolec has the best meter for discernment, see if what they are saying promotes fear, I am not one for telling its time to start panicking and be afraid, that's just not right!  for one thing I wholeheartedly believe everything is going to turn out right, and for another thing I don't think that you guys are incapable, anyone who is trying to push fear is thinking we can't do anything and I just don't think that is true! T.- The flip side of ( all our terran blah blaah'ers of false ET contacts) that is the ones that claim authority, like the council of nine. The AC is one thing because they don't claim authority over you! the GFOP does not claim authority over you but you've got these Orion's, Pleiadians and Sirian's coming out of the woodwork, with their councils of this and that and the other thing. All claiming hierarchy over you all claiming that decrees have been made over you all claiming that all these decisions have been made as to what to do with you, uh, NO. 40:07 Not only do a lot of this stuff not exist, BUT YOU ARE NOT SUBJECT TO ANYBODIES DECREES BUT YOUR OWN! S.- I totally agree, when it comes to the Orion this, Pleiadian that, Adromedans this.. stop and ask if it comes from the Orion Constellation which is a big constellation.. What star system do the come from, just because somebody say's they are Pleiadian does not mean that they are a positive, the same thing with the Orion's. The Andromeda Galaxy is a huge galaxy and constellation. T.- Indeed you've got any number of potential weasels in there using those teems a weasel words to get by your defenses. Again if they are issuing decrees, issuing proclamations over you that involve your life and existence on this planet, what gave them that right this planet is intended to be a free self governed planet governed by Terrans not by anyone else You can choose

whether or not to participate in any of the intergalactic or galactic organizations but you will be self governed even if you do so. If you participate in the Galactic federation of Planets you will still remain self governed. If you participate in the AC you will still remain self governed. You are not required to cede your sovereignty to do that, yet all these people coming and making these proclamations saying "it has been decreed" and saying that their hierarchy dictates this or that…they are not common in with your best interests in mind they are common in to take that away to enslave you. S.- totally agree.




T.- Oh yes there is a large Crystal pyramid on the bottom of the ocean at the Bermuda triangle and a few other places, no, they were not built on dry land. They were built in place. Some were built on dry land then as continents sunk…Yes these exist, yes there are multiple ones all across the world and yes like all other pyramids on this and other planets they are used for things. Usually pyramids are used to stabilize planetary masses. They can also be used for Healing, energetic balancing, for transportation, for communication for all kinds of things we actually are still are finding out all the things you can use pyramids for.

ON A GOLDEN AGE? is the Earth truly going into a new golden age?

T.- This is one thing you know what.. I believe YES IT IS. However this is not something that happens automatically, I want to stress that while I do believe that this timeline is the one that goes into the "golden Age" This does not absolve us of doing the work if we don't do the work there will be no Golden Age. so just because we are supposed to go into a golden age doesn't mean you can sit on your duff and say everything will solve itself. If you feel called to fix a particular problem or contribute in a certain way follow that don't just sit there!


T.-I've used it to refer to a black hole or another granitic point like that. S.- yes it is a black hole, in quantum (physics) I know its about point singularity lessons? and I know about singularities as far as black holes and white holes but I am not …T.-..the singularity drive. And also I know about another thing people call "the singularity" which is I'm guessing they are thinking of the quantum leap time or the paradigm shift (or) the point where AI and computers will become sentient. D.- If you want anymore information on this its complicated, to make it simple is fairly easy, think about a complete circuit, it usually take two wires positive and negative pole on am battery and when you put them together it either overheats the wire or runs the battery down or turns the light on or whatever.. a singularity is the combination of both poles, pos. and neg. at the same time into a singular pole. The fun begins when you understand that a singularity can be a gravitational pole and the people at CERN the great collider have been playing games with that for a while, you also have the capability of using this for a couple of different uses, one of those being a power supply, and I'm not talking about the regular electrical kind of power we have now necessarily, there is other forms of power.. anybody who has seen the space shuttle come in for a landing has noticed the plasma on the wings okay well that is a direct reflection of a type of power that is capable of being used if you know how to produce it. If you want to get into the fun and games, take a piece of pipe put dirt in it right out of the garden, Squeeze it and you get what is known as a Pizo-morphic electro effect.. when you squeeze it, it produces electricity. You have the same thing in terms of a gravitational field. The positive and negative attraction of something flowing through matter is something very simple, if you have something that is a pull.. conductance on one end and a propagation or push on the other, we can create electricity, on the other we can create speeds, velocities.. we are just now beginning to break the surface loose in terms of beginning to understand. If somebody wants to know go online and Google "electronic and atomic exceptions to laws of physics" and if you can stand the mathematics there is a while load in there. Now there is another part to this and it goes to the basic structure the pattern of matter, right now we are in a  carbonistic, or carbonyl pattern, as in carbon in its essence is one of the bases of what 3D is. This will shift more towards crystalline. People know that anyone who has been a boy scout, or interested in electronics knows about the crystal radio.. how does that work a very small amount of power can be re-arranged re-configured you can pick up radio satellite stations just with a crystal no battery required. Just remember singularity means single not double, it can conduct.. they will tell you and laugh at you and tell you it don't.. how does a laser work, that is one type of a light singularity.


S.- I think there is some off the coast of British Colombia, that were a satellite new substation new or MU? Pacifica but I do not know the exact coordinates. D.- Ah there is another place, you go two thirds north, in the centre of the grasslands between the Rocky mountains and the Appalachian when you get to the point of two thirds of the body of Canada, either left or right is the exact direction, well just before and at the Mountains you are gonna find entrances, hieroglyphs and a whole buck of stuff. Okay. T.- There is also Nahani Park in the Northwest territories, Nahani Park and the Nahani river has an age old reputation for, well if you go in there you are going to loose you head! literally.

ON JAMES CASBOLT(SUPERSOLDIER) SAYING OBAMA A CLONE-defining real from cloned individual

S.- we actually have ways of detecting the real people from the cloned. T.- When it comes to arresting the real person over a clone you better arrest the real person who committed the crime not the clone because executing or arresting someone for the crimes of the clone is a crime in itself! They are not to blame for what a puppet had done in their name. S.- agreed.

? how will we know? T. & S.- After the shift into the next dimension, S.- yes definitely. and in the meantime I would prefer not to tell how we tell the difference because I don't want to start a witch hunt. The military involved have been given the technology to tell which are the clones and they are going to be handling the arrests so they know. ( it is not up to the average joe to figure this out.)54:24 The ET's and AC are working very closely with the military to help them out as much as they can. T._ And when it comes to things like clones well its always interesting to see who collapses in the news and stuff like that, often it is tell tale, not always but often.


D.- I'm going to give you guys the answer that you deserve on that one.. Yes, (big bang theory is correct) PARTIALLY, some of the physics involved in the core expansion does include a "bang" chuckles) Earth was artificially created and it was created to be an individual Sovereign Planet! A lot of people are unaware that this is the case. I'll let the girls jump in on this, this outta be interesting! S.- Well yea, well Drake just pretty much said it. ( So hitchhiker's guide is real?) How can I add to this.. Okay, well you gotta consider that the Universe was created some 900 odd trillion years ago and the planet Terra, Earth, this planet is like more only in the realm of like 7.5 billion years old. It was artificially created, or the term we prefer to use is Geo-engineering. T.-There are natural Planets and natural Suns created in ways that are positive by our own scientists but Earth is not one of them. S.- There is many races out there that are capable of creating an entire solar system. T.-Uh-huh



?on a recent video of german's discovery of huge planet that rotates clockwise around the (our)Sun every 3,600 yrs. Will this cause disaster? S.- I want to step in and say that it is probably another re-hashed version of the psy-ops of Nibiru and the "big bad" Annunaki, as far as the mass casualty/destruction events those have only happened in the course of history of terra when the planet was a forcible ..forcibly moved into one orbit or another, like when the planet was in an orbit with a five days shorter rotation length around the Sun and moved to its current position. (?What is the exact "myth" ascribed to this event???)

There has never been any accounts of these kind of massive destructive events and there is no Planet that natural or otherwise that HAS a 3,600 year orbit in the Solar System! T.-Not to mention I have heard rumblings of claims of certain species are going to "lift you " off this planet because it is going to change orbit and everybody who doesn't go is going to die. NO. Wrong. Categorically Not going to happen. Somebody shows up and says " get on my spaceship to save your life" Don't do it! The only ones I trust Is the AC, and then it's not to save your life it's ONLY IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO ASCEND!


?what are the main function of Pyramids?

T.- They are on many Planets, I do not know about all of them, but they are on many. As for the function I think I answered this a bit earlier. They have a lot of Different functions some of which we are still discovering.

6/12/2013 from hour 1:00-1:45


S.-Well when you take into consideration that only intrinsic value of gold is only what you place upon it. Outside of Terra there is no monetary value to gold, its nice for jewelry and good for technical applications. Beyond that I think I will throw it over to Drake, he knows much more about this financial stuff than I do. D.-Its very simple, Man decided gold was a rarity and placed a value on it ,that value has grown changed and sub-divided over a period of years.. they found out about the idea of keeping a pot of gold or a central location of it, and or "locations" the multi of it, is something that can be used of the advantage of propagating currency, that is done through an agreement, in other words a simple contract that you are buying or leasing a certain amount of gold. That is then rendered to a large bank in the form of gold certificates, those certificates are then changed into dollars, rubbles, yen or whatever. And that is the basis for your currency the interesting part is that it really does not have any value, just a fancy piece of paper really. And if everybody would really think, and I am going to throw a little reality into the mix, if everybody really think about it WHAT DO YOU GOTTA HAVE? You have to have some kind of shelter and clothing from the Elements. You have to have water to drink and food to eat. Now outside of that you  have to go to work and all that fun stuff. Uh.. What is it that gold can do for you.. you can't eat it! I understand its really not good for ya if you go chomping on it. (Laughs) Uh.. paper money used to be used for wallpaper, buttwipe, used for fuel in Germany when it got to a trillion marks for a loaf of bread. There is a reason behind this idea that a money-less or cashless society is not all that difficult to do or come about. And it accomplishes a heck of things, uh right now we got an attitude of "I'm fine keep your hands off of my stack Jack" and huh.. "i make so much and I make more than you do" ( said in funny voice) Does that mean I am lesser than that? but the standard of looking at the value of an individual has become equated to commerce and or money. So we have a screwed up society we have a bunch of young people that don't believe there is a future because of all this ring around the rosy and rigmarole…you teach them things in school that they can't use outside the door of it. You do not give them the self sufficiency to be a productive Human being because few people are teaching the work ethic, actually enforcing it with their children, few people are seeing that the value between Human beings and I mean that literally and I'm not just talking about your spouse, I'm talking about everybody you meet everybody you deal with is THOUSANDS OF TIMES MORE VALUABLE, than a diamond or all the gold.. it don't equate. You can't buy Love, it uh pretty simple. A lot of rich people are so miserable for two reasons, they were brought up to watch their riches, and when you are brought up to watch your riches you don't have to learn to be a Human being you do not learn your social intercourse limitations, un-limitations, how to make friends and how to go have a good time with nothing at all. And so the CORE VALUE SYSTEM HAS BEEN SKEWERED.. has been screwed up, I will say this very realistically, we have a generation of children right now scared that they are not going to live, "it don't matter, blast off into space and don't worry about it" So you got problems with drugs, alcohol, "don't care"…I hope some young people are listening because we are about to pop a door on Pandora's box that is a future that is almost as unlimited as a time machine, almost as big as the whole of the Galaxy , maybe even as big as the whole of the Universe! How much fun could you have toddling around out there? what could you discover that might be an advantage for everybody.. what grouping of people, like Star Trek, that you could discover and could be Really Awesome! That you would like to spend time with them and exchange views and values.. huh What's the limitations on advanced technology? So when you get these things in the correct perspective you find that riches don't mean squat. I 'd rather lay up my treasures in the Heart of another Human being that appreciates my care for them, ah the essence of that cannot be matched! The unlimited Love, I'm talking about the little puppy dog, love that a child possesses for its parents, this kind of thing, this should be happening throughout society! We need to change it we need to get it right and we need to adjust it so that once again the value that really drives ( our monetary sys.) is not gold or silver!

?ON KEYLONTIC /ASHAYANA DEANE (clarification of guardian alliance) T._ Wow, that's a really non-specific name "the guardian alliance" S.- I can tell you specifically that the Galactic federation has never heard of the guardian alliance, what I have heard of Ashayana D. is not positive, and I was raised if you cannot say anything nice don't say anything at all! This is one of those times that I am gonna stick with that answer.

shivamvu-urine drinking? for T.- I have heard of it, I could not confirm or well say anything about the practice other than I have heard of it, some people do it and appear to be just fine, I'm not going to recommend that anyone go and drink their own urine or anyone else's urine but if that floats your boat then.. it does something for ya, then nothing's stopping ya. laughing D.- I been familiar with that and I did some studies on it and found out that you can get the same crystalline affects if you use certain types of ahh its specific crystalline bath additive, (NAME OF?) not a bath salt but bath additive, and uh you don't have to worry about what you drunken, eh heh. Denise- I mean I know people who are practicing that during cancer treatment, they said it was to replenish what the body was flushing out when what the body is fluting out is toxins! I couldn't make sense of that!


(silence) D.-Well somebody might want to go pull the plug and see how they do..(haarp is all over the place in other words it is not easily done. T.-Yes, there is more than one station not just in Alaska S-there is lots. D.-ET is working on things and that IS one of them and many others that has come to the attention as not good for anybody so these things are being attended to as best can be done at this point. ( more on this in JK Sunfire posts??)


? is the eye of the Sahara  a big huge spaceship that crashed there a long time ago? T.-I have heard of it but I won't put out specific information on that one no. D.- I m gonna say no as well, if you study it, its a glass sheen sheath? kinda of umm ranges from blue to turquoise, these were formed by a burst of extremely high energy weapons, now people think atomics is the highest you can go in weaponry it isn't! And that is part of what I understand has been used. A few of the underground cities in the South Sahara do have records of such things. One is the weapon referred to as the Weapon of the Sun, another is referred to as a weapon of the Stars, the weapon of the Sun is atomics and the weapon of the Stars is something I will not name specifically so nobody gets any ideas. It makes atomics look like fireworks, and it is extraordinarily destructive, the Sahara used to be lush, it used to be a living growing area, until such time as somebody decide to bomb it back into the stone age.( WHO!!) And this is true of a lot of your desert areas, and that's all I got to say! ( Gobi someone said) S.-I just want it said that I recommend research "atomic warfare in ancient history" You will learn a lot about some of the history that has been left out of the history books and I believe it is also mentioned in either the "Mahabharata or one of the other Hindu religious texts (Vedic). D.- Exactly.


S.- As far as I understand, I could be wrong here but I was told that it has been cleared out.


T.& S.- (resounding) Yes! T.- but it depends the results of the coordinated attack on civilization through the use of media or I guess with what you call our collective consciousness or collective un-consciousness in this regards…a psychological and sociological attack designed to produce a society where at least in public we don't have much of a moral compass, I think you will find that individuals still have much of this, it just does not appear that way in the media and in the news. I would also say that some things considered to be in the realm of morality are not going to be something that you are going to see a resurgence of and this concerns all the repressive ideologies surrounding human interaction, particularly in terms of relationships, and childrearing.  Sex is not legislated in the 4th dimension in positive societies, it does not matter who you fall in Love with, who you make a family with , those types of things are not legislated.  You know because pregnancy is a voluntary choice as opposed to involuntary choice it is here, you don't have un-prepared mothers starting too young and societies generally venomous hate on them.

ON REMOVING THE (Tolec claimed they are Reptilian) PYRAMIDS-

T.-Some pyramids are involved with that SOME are not.. when it comes to pyramids it depends on all the places ( locations on the planet) that have the pyramids, removing them is not always a good idea. S.-We ( GFOP) have actually no intention of removing any of the pyramids, one of the key uses of the pyramids is to balance and stabilize the planet, the pyramid are not something that was an original reptilian design they were taken over by the reptilians,  lets put it this way, we are taking them back!


ON (A positive type of) BLACK GOO?

? is there a link without the Falklands gulf of Mexico event?

S.- I believe this was answered before, the sentient black goo was something that was gifted to Terra from the Arcturians and can only be used for positive things, that's what I remember anyways. T.- I remember when I first encountered this guy was telling me this tale about this stuff that seemed to have nothing but positive benefits and his conclusion was Panic Fear! Something did not quite match up. If something is going to come around and make me a better person and give me superpowers, I don't think panic and fear is going to be my first conclusion. It seemed like a  pretty powerful psy-op to me, like somebody was trying to make up my mind FOR me. There are rumors of other various (black) that have other effects but I know the one that makes you a better person! That is not sent by an enemy. D.- I just wan't to know where i can get me a bottle. T.-No kidding I wouldn't mind a bottle of that stuff! S.- Yea, me too!


pre or post Transition? T.- We won't let (the Cabal corrupt) it or anything like that. We know how to distribute tech. We are not talking about  walking up to somebody and giving them a replicator and saying Here you go! We are talking about walking up to somebody and giving them the plans and materials and "have fun" You know in some cases it might be a case of here you go but usually its going to be a matter of here's your plans now build it! D.- There is also classes on this so you don't have a stalk that tastes like a rutabaga. T.- SL replicator mistake if you are not very very specific in your intent you so when you press the button on the replicator and you want steak and cheesecake and you are not really really specific about steak  AND cheesecake you might get Steakcheescake! S.- Yea and a lot of it we are going to be looking over the patents and making it safety improvements but 99% of the tech. that is going to be released (first) is going to be patents from Terrans before we release any other ET/ED patents or tech. to the general population, the Terran stuff will come out first. D.- And we got  a lot of it! T._ And also we have the means of protecting people so there is no more knocking off somebody for having an over-unity device (???) D.- Now there is something people don't know that is part of the realization of the collateral accounts, will deal with funding for manufacturing to make sure that it is available so that people can have the technology! S.- One of the things I have seen people get really upset over is, all these patents made up by the US govt. and other places claiming ownership over peoples genetics, the Federation intends to remove and completely destroy those patents because we believe that anybody BUT the individual has any claim of ownership over their own body. T._ And when it comes to ownership of ideas because of the nature of information itself we do not believe in the ownership of ideas, the way ideas travel is, if it occurred to you it can occur to others, you do not own that idea even if you were the first one to write it down and espresso it, and if you aren't the one to record it and write it down you still had it and it will move onto somebody else who will do something about it, Ideas spread, they don't use conventional methods to spread either, they use quantum methods to spread. D.- and the other thing is that no entity known that I know of is allowed to have ownership of Life in any of its diverse forms. S>-Yup. T.- Indeed. D.-So therefore..? Monsanto. T.-Yea we really don't like Monsanto. S.- Yea I think you should keep your eye out for Monsanto based crop circles…I have heard that the ET's are going to be having some fun with the GMO crops quite soon! D.- I been posting  a bunch of stuff on the Facebook page on Monsanto, have a look! T.- I knew about Monsanto since the 80's i grew up on a farm, its largely because  of entities like Cargil (sp?) it's a Monsanto subsidiary, they are the reason why we have things like mad cow! ( Alzheimer's as well!) I knew a dairy farmer after the feed ban in Canada sent feed back twice because it smelled like blood, this was after the ban on blood and animal products in bovine feed. 1:24:06

So don't blame the farmers when a case comes up, blame Monsanto! They are the ones sending us the feed. This farmer after sending the feed back twice started growing his own and I now get my beef from him. ( Gandi makin his own clothes!)

Denise- Round up IS agent orange!


HOW TO INTEND /VISUALIZE-? Is this hard for people in 3D? S.- I would say more in a Terran 3D environment there has been a lot put in place, by the bad guys, the cabal, the reptoids and all that to completely block, or slow down to a significant snail crawl any ability that would be natural to 3D humans to (even) use visualization and manifestation abilities ( much greater than we do now!) that should be natural to us!

T.-Furthermore it is pointed its a lot harder to manifest positive here than it is to manifest negative. We will have basically free reign on manifesting your own health!

omg…listener reporting  superhuman incarnate tale of woe?1:27 ?any insight into this experience? T.- Okay so there is a few things to address in this.. first of all some of us who are incarnated have been famous people in the past, a lot of times when people have been someone well known in Terran history or Terra mythology don't like to talk about it, because the first thing that happens is they get accused of delusions so I understand the last thing you want to do is out yourself. I too have a more famous name that I will not say or discuss casually, when it comes to your ( the listeners) propensity for getting in and out of life threatening situations all I can say is that on one hand somebody really wants you out of the picture, and on the other hand somebody really wants you in it possibly even yourself, so don't temp fate I wouldn't try to test this, but you've clearly got someone looking out for you! and you are( listener) are clearly a really high target for some reason. ( T.- gives her website for listener to contact her, although her emails are far more than she can respond to these days.)

ON HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS-listeners tale of Love woe, ?have i missed my boat? T._ I would not worry about that if everything goes right according to the AC, you will have a lot more time IN THIS LIFETIME, so when it comes to meeting your true Love do not worry you will meet them eventually…and you don't need to worry about being the "prime age" for the "meat market" anymore! For one thing Love is not defined by age, not in any way shape or form. I have known people here on Terra who have met in their 70's and 80's who have had wonderful relationships. .but if you stay on this planet and you become fourth dimensional( go through ascen./upliftment ) you are going to have a couple thousand years to think about this, and relationships become a lot easier out there as there is a lot less banter wondering what the real person is really like. What you see is often times what you get. For your relationship, without knowing any of the details, I am not a relationship counselor, I don't really want to be involved with it, I can't say anything about why it happened the way it did. ( Denise clarifies that listener wants closure) T.-Likely, likely you will get a chance to have that talk with somebody you need to have that talk with, like I know I am looking forward to being able to ask a few people in my life "why?" You know its not something that is burning a hole in me now but I know its something I will get resolution on at that time.


?Do their souls exit the 3D realm and then re-incarnate into 4D realm or do they need to drive a spaceship into 4D space to evolve automatically?

T.- There is a few ways that it happens, usually spaceships are not the way it happens because that is an artificial transition and it does not "stick" to that person, when they finish that life they will likely go back to 3D in another incarnation/life. One way is when people have decided that they have finished their tenure, and they have decided that they want to move on, they do it at the end of their natural life, so they have their natural lifespan, they pass peacefully surrounded by Loved ones saying  "its time-I'm going on, I will see you later" and they ascend. And usually at that time you become another- you reincarnate into another species,  or are born into another species, I guess I should not use the word incarnate because there is not a lot of "carn" at that point. Sometimes they will have a living transition at which point that person decides "yea, okay I'm ready to ascend" and they do it within that lifespan and continue on as that persons only higher dimensional…and on a lot of these planets where you see multiple dimensions in the population, those are people whom tend to do that living transition.


T.- The planet itself is not recycled, the surface itself IS recycled, what it does basically is like wiping off a tablecloth and putting on a new one! Unfortunately for the tablecloth the old one goes away and the new one is different or similar but still higher dimensional right. That doesn't necessarily that all existing life on that planet is taken back to the planets core and re-expressed in a different form at a higher dimension, yes that means death of the physical body if applicable. In the case where those planets have populations that are sentient those populations lift off and go elsewhere usually, or decide to stick around and decide to show up in whatever new form the planet is pulling out BUT either way they either get off the planet or they voluntarily cede their current existence for a new one.


T.- Absolutely, there are soul contracts. Yes. Justified? Heck NO! Nothing like this is justified like these soul contracts. The soul contracts that were written down here, were written under false premises, They were written with the interference of these "lords of karma" who were basically giving you choices of being raped to death or shot in the head, so the choice between atrocity A and atrocity B may still be a choice but it is not exactly a freewill choice, not exactly within the spirit of honoring the soul contract.


? I know you guys don't do dates, but do you think it will be 5 or ten years until we transcend? T.- I don't' think it will be 5 or ten, I'm not quibbling about years.. I'm quibbling about days and months! S.- Agrees.


?On Alex Collier last radio interview with Jay person referring to another "mini-solar sys."?- (Sunfire listened to it) None of what was said of that ( the mini-solar sys.) had anything to do with what Alex Collier was saying as far the mini solar sys. its another myth like Nibiru. more psy-ops, more scary "omg the world is going to end" T.- Anybody who is telling you to be afraid be very afraid they have got a vested interest in keeping you in fear and that is probably not according to your best interests. And I know that collier ain't peddling fear porn. He never has and I hope he never does.

ON HOW THIS HAPPENED, strategem wise-

? on how invasions work.. lesser has seen information stating that the invading off world force cannot simply come in guns blazing but rather coerce a native force to work for them and therefore rule them indirectly…T.- That is exactly how it goes especially if you are dealing with a population that is unaware, dealing with a population that IS aware you can come in guns blazing, that is the only opportunity that you have , if you are dealing with a population that you can catch at the unawares stage well then you infiltrate ( like here?) It does not make sense to come in guns blazing you get a lot of property damage that way, and you get a loss of a lot of potential slaves that way and you gotta keep in mind that is not just in it for the money, they are after it for the bio-mass and they are after it for US, and what we can do for them, they infiltrate, they take it over from within, they try to get the meal to lie itself down and get ( itself) slaughtered, instead of fighting the whole way down. That is how to take over a planet.. You want to SAVE a planet from being taken over that way! You infiltrate-You counter.. S.- YES THAT IS WHY WE HAVE INCARNATES. Yes I was gonna say that if you want a really great detailed explanation of the difference between invasion and subjugation of a planet(civilization) I suggest going to and in the little search window put "Khyla Procyon" and you will find a very eloquently put, very honest and truthful explanation from Khyla, he is real, he is actually a member of the Galactic federation of planets, and you know the Procyons are one of our greatest allies and we're proud to have them as members as well. T.- Not to mention he is really fun at parties! and a good cook! (?) came from them? S.- They are really good at pranks and busting reptoid bases!


1:45 on 6/12 DTS show

? ON THE CABAL GETTING "CONTAINED" and pumped full of "the Light"?

T.-I don't know if the Light is necessarily a fluid you can "pump" into somebody..(laughing) S.-Yea, that is not how it is going to be done, honestly, some beings you could shine a giant blue star on and it would not have the effect that peep have been led to mislead to believe that the Light really does have! T.-A lot of these guys are not really concerned about being part of the light, in any way.

ON OUR BODIES HAVING A MEAN VIBRATORY RATE? T.- An average vibratory rate I am assuming, I don't know. D.- Yea we got a vibratory rate, A friend of mine who was an instructor at Ivy Tech. discussed things about the application of vibratory physics of each of the different elements  having a specific vibratory frequency. The vibratory frequency we have is spherical not lineal and is very difficult for  a lot of people to read in a lot of ways…but Yes we do.


S.- No, not likely, that does not sound like the timeline we are on.

D. ON ALL THE FEAR PORN" ON INT.- You are going to have all sorts of false prophesies.." tues. at 2-o-clock , look to the south west sky.. whatever, I would suggest that you would take all (stories) with a big grain of salt, the bigger the better.

? ON THE "WHITE PLAIN WARRIORS"? both T. and S. have not heard of them. D.- they are alluding to an old group. Its best not to worry about it a whole lot okay.

? What happens when a person passes over without having finished their lifepath/work? T.-There is always duplication, anytime you have stuff ( as important as this) this going on there is always duplication. S.-Yes, everything is being kept in balance as far as that goes.

ON SYLPHS/chemtrails- T.-Sylphs are real, they are members of the Fae Kingdom. I know some that do work on chemtrails.

On ANIMAL EXTINCTION-? will they be restored? T.- Yes, they will. At lot of beneficial (creatures) that have populations that have been damage or even outright targeted like in the case of bees, a lot of bee colonies have already ascended. Bees are definitely present in higher dimensions, I have heard stories of planets where the bees are bigger than you! and definitely friendly! S.- There is already a lot of environmental restorations being done in the oceans, sky and on land by the various ET races, and right now because we don't have disclosure they have to work very subtly, but when we have disclosure we can do it in a more out in the open, visible way. There is several Aquatic races working to clean up the Gulf of Mexico, Fukushima ocean area, and other places where they have illegally dumped nuclear waste and that sort of thing.

? If Star Wars is about our past and Star Trek about our near future, what is Stargate? S.- Stargate is based on the Military's experiences with an artificial stargate, it was based on facts.


T.- Probably not, the Dinosaurs they did their thing they are gone, but yes some of the recently extinct species, due to human activity you will probably see a return of them. S.- Also, anything considered to not have a negative impact on Humans will be returning. people are starting to see that without the  returning of what were thought to be extinct prehistoric animals including fish, and several other different species, its already in progress. T.- yea, you are also going to see the return of a species called Cryptids, things like Unicorn and Pegasai.. and stuff from legends, they'll be back! And some of these things that  crypto zoologists speak about they will be coming back. S.- Yea even including Centaurs!

ON GETTING A TOUR OF A BIOSPHERE BEFORE IT LEAVES?listener asking as if staying on Terra but curious? T.- Yes, there will be opportunities to go check out the biospheres, check out space, regardless whether you decide to stick around and ascend or decide to go off to stay 3D. You will have a chance to explore your opportunities.

ON "OUT OF THE BLUE" PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS DURING THE SHOW?Is there anything you can do? T.- First of all it is not us doing this to you. I have heard reports of this kind of thing being done to people who are listening to this show. I don't know who is doing this, I can guess why- it's our "fan club" They don't want you to listen, you are not the only one. At this time I do not know how to counter it. I am sorry for the pain. Please accept my apologies even though it is not us that is doing this to you, we will see if we can figure out how it is being done so we can counteract it, so if anybody has any evidence that  might lead to us stopping this, drop it off so we can do something. S.- I recommend to those of you experiencing this sort of thing to do some research and learn what type of personal shielding works for you! and learn the best Grounding, Centering, shielding method, being that it is something that you experience during the show that you do them prior to the show, focus on "returning" whatever is being directed at you during the show to whomever or whatever is sending it! That is my best recommendation.

? Space dream of listener, Iron Man? Armaments-

T.- The man we know as Iron man does exist. As far as armaments I  don't know who use stuff that could look like the Iron Man stuff, it also could be that when you are dreaming your mind sees things a certain way, interpreting is not always literal, so they might have been wearing armor but it might have looked nothing like the ironman costume that is just what your mind interpreted.


T.- If it can be imagined it exists, the Navi exist, I don't know whether they intersect our Universe or our particular reality as anything more than a story but they do exist.

ON What kind of CLOTHING ET'S WEAR- T.- All kinds, Denise- Are they anything like what we wear here? T.- Some are, there are some who absolute cloth horses and love to play with fashion, a lot of ET fashion emphasize comfort, they don't usually go in for the horrible torture that female fashion is or the horrible choke your neck thing that passes for business wear, for men down here on Earth. They do like to design and they do like Art and color and texture, there is all sort of interesting fabric that they play around with. My brother likes to make clothes and so does my fiancé and its very fortunate because if it were not for them I probably would dress in a sack! S.- I know her brother has designed some really beautiful outfits for myself and my brother and even some of the others in our little group and umm thankfully sometimes I can see them when I wake up or when I go to sleep. Like for one example I know this Tau Cetian who loves the combination of steam punk and futuristic, there tastes are very broad spectrum, not as limited to what have here. Its really interesting to see. T.- And they will adopt our own fashions, a lot of them like Steve Monk? Most of them like steam punk, in terms of practicality it isn't.

ON DAVID ICKE, SATURN/MOON MATRIX- T._ We do know that Saturn is involved, the full nature of that I am not able to disclose or discuss. The Moon is also involved and also I am not able to disclose or discuss. S.-Not radio waves, too primitive of a technique. Denise- So not radio waves but there might be transmissions going on between the Moon and the planet? T.-Mmm-mm S.-Yes.


ON CHANNELING/ AUTHOR NEAL DONALD WALSH, book on "God's will"- T.- That is good if he is not channeling, but I do get nervous when it is anyone claiming to "be" god's will, "be" God.. Source's do not personify within their own Universe, and Source's generally do not speak directly under normal conditions and the reason why this is because of the insecurity and confusion (because) if they personify it is really difficult for people to know if its really Source or something faking it.. and if they do personify they also cease to be, well, Source! In order for something to be Source it has to be One with everything in the Universe, once it starts being something specific it is no longer everything, there is a conflict there a paradox, that removes the essential Source nature. So Sources generally don't do that within their own Universe. Therefore if anyone is coming forward to you, ( Denise- Telepathically?) Again it would be very very difficult to verify with 100% certainty if you were actually speaking with Source, so Source does not generally do that. But it could be something relaying positive information. Denise- Is there such a thing of good channeling of any kind? S.-No. T.- I don't know we generally don't do it! There might be some who are less negative than others but in general if its channeling it is a form of possession. Its hard to discern, when you are channeling it is hard to shut out the message as well, I've heard.. S.- the positive ET's will not initiate  a possession so.. T.-Yes S.- so if its coming from a channeled source it is Not Positive! Denise- I think that is a huge source of confusion with people…channeling vs. telepathic communication contact.. T.-for whatever reason channeling has become considered a legitimate source of information so a lot of people will claim to be channeling even if that is the modality or not, whether it is telepathy or inner knowing or something else and call it channeling even though "everyone knows channeling is real" ( said in funny voice) Right channeling is real but that does not mean that what they tell you is correct, accurate truthful or positive, not does it make those channeled entities positive.


 ? ON CANCER CURES/ RESEARCHERS PURPOSE AFTER DONE? T._ well I am sure there will be something else that needs to be cured. And just because they have found the cure for one thing does not mean that its not a good idea to look for other things that work as well. S.- Medical research still continues on in the higher realms all the way up. T.- Yes but they just do it in a different way than we do. Less poking monkeys and more energy work. S.- And they also have various computer systems that can use for simulations that are very accurate. T.- and more relevant.  …even if your profession that you work in now does not exist in 4D I am sure there is something that you have been itching to do, the opportunity will present itself, will be lots and lots to do! Denise- To be able to do all the things we have dreamed of doing! T.-Yes!


T.- I don't know how people will choose do to do it here, if they will choose to stay in permanent dwellings or not, I plan on living on the ships again, I guess the ships are kinda like a mobile house, all the amenities of home with all the benefits of travelling between the stars! My living situation has not been entirely voluntary, but I have not sweat it too much as I know that these things are transient and I am really not all that concerned with material possessions. I have what I need to survive and even thrive, though but certainly I would like to see changes on this world that would give everybody what they need to survive and thrive! S.- from my understanding it will be different, there will be multiple different options as far as living conditions and stuff for what ever people want that will suit their specific needs and preferences.

ON 4D & OUR DOMESTIC COMPANIONS/TELEPATHY- T.- We do have companion animals in the higher dimensions, in a lot of cases I don't think your dog or parrot or cat is going to hit the road unless you are abusive, most of the time our companion animals Love us especially if we love them! The relationships between animals and us will deepen there is a lot more communication. I know cats in particular often volunteer to be spirit guardians.. anyone who has watched a cat flip out at nothing, well they may not be flipping out at nothing but just something you cannot see! Yea, animals are a part of our day to day life, and we don't consider them pets, we consider them companions and a lot of times they are free to come and go as they like, and when they come around to you , you care for them, give them food and water and companionship and they will stick around! And when it comes to some animals like Alicorns or Uni-pegs, you don't own them, they own you! S.- Yes, I was gonna say in my experience with my Uni-peg or Alicorn however you want to call it, She has been with me before this Universe even existed, and she is down here with me on the surface now, we have been together far longer than I can remember at this point. Yea, Uni-pegs definitely own you it is not the other way around, and even on the planets where the Uni-pegs inhabit, they are free to come and go as they choose. they are perfectly happy to stick around, they form very strong bonds to the people they decide to commit to being in their lives. S.- its not just they "own" you, they look after you too, they guide you spiritually, mentor you and protect you. I mean the exchange in companionship is very well balanced and you learn to accept the fact that when they have an opinion about something that they ARE ALWAYS Right!


D.- Ah you want to get 1964 and before coin, its called "junk" silver, you will probably need to be getting that at a dealer. I don't recommend much other coins the dollar coins don't mean much, they are made out of copper and clad, so what you want is silver content of 60-80% so that you have something of value that is useful, that is the idea behind this.


S.- laughing T.- Yes I do know of maldek, it was a planet in the Solar sys. at one point, in the orbit roughly represented by the asteroid field actually, the asteroid belt is Maldek's corona. S.- And what is in the Asteroid belt is in the Kuiper belt and also in the rings of Saturn and a few chunks became the Moons of Jupiter. (Maldek) was destroyed in the Orion Wars ( as partially depicted in Star Wars) from about 400-450 million years ago it was also when the earth's crust got cracked by the shockwave from the destruction of Maldek, which happened quite accidentally. T.- Yup it was an accident, uh nope I did not do it. The "person" (individual) who did it, his very name now reflects this act. And he still gets teased about it, he was off by a decimal point, so this is a testament to always check your math! S.- Yes Please! Anyways Maldek was not exactly a great planet and from observing other timelines in which Maldek persisted that it might have been beneficial to have gotten rid of it, but then again that was one of those colossal "ooops" that goes down in this Galaxies history! Unfortunately Serona also took the hit with Maldek as it was in the orbit of Maldek.

ON ATHEISM/Beliefs -

T.- People who find that Truth resonates with them, now my truth is resonating with a particularity person very strongly, that does not mean that my truth is going to be truth for everyone, but likely this person is gaining some benefit from this and may possibly share in this Truth as well, I cant guarantee that every one else is going to, its a "your milage may vary" sort of situation! I am glad that I resonate with someone! Denise-You resonate with a lot of people Tanaath! T._-That's good too, I am not here to feed the BS or the fear porn, I'm not here to shove my belief systems down anybodies faces or throats. I am here to represent what I know and feel to be true, which may not be true for everyone else but it is for me. And I think that my truth is very friendly and inclusive you don't have to beat yourself up over it, it does not require that you give up anything that makes your life beautiful in order to do this, Think for yourself, be an active participant in your own life. it encourages activity over passivity and awareness and seeking as opposed to being fed shite, pardon my language. It doesn't require that you follow somebody else word in order to survive or even just have a decent life! I think anything that does is inherently unfriendly and is Anti-Human at its base! If somebody is telling you follow orders they don't necessarily have your best interests in mind, they have their own and that might not be the same thing at all.


?T and or S. in your book? D.- NO not yet, I am gonna get started on that book this week so that second book will be coming out.

ON BEING ABLE TO TRANSFER GOLD WITHOUT BEING EnSLAVED TO THE CABAL(as they control it) D.-that is going to be interesting, if you came across a large stash of that contact me and we will see if we can figure out where it came from and we can make a better informed decision on that.

ON MOON (matrix) and mal-energy stunting our Evolution and why?

T.- Yes and why has to do with keeping Humans trapped on this planet and Human consciousness down, ah the Moon was the basis for a lot of this, the Moon is an artificial satellite, it was brought here by the reptoids it has been used for a base to house equipment to cause various problems for us including as I have spoken about before of the soul traps and re-incarnation traps some of that was based on the Moon. there are other things some of which I am not at liberty to discuss at this time, but yes, the Moon is a problem. We are working making it less so.

ON TANAATH SHEILDING, GROUNDING TECH. BEING REMARKABLE, unlike any others.. T._ that is interesting because I had step by step instructions on how to do this stuff when I was learning. Also I read fiction books that had techniques anthem that when I tried them I found them to be real, they worked! One author is Mercedes Lackey, if you read some of her "herald"?? stuff now there is a lady who know what's she is doing! Now I wont say that all of it is, some of it is of a fictional Universe, well, to Us, it is, but a lot of that stuff is actually really good material. Yea, I am not the only one giving instruction on this, check the internet and try forums small communities but it is very much caveat emptor be very careful with anything you do before you try an exercise, especially if it involves geometric figures or shapes ( laughing) do your own gut/truth check.. "okay is this actually in my best interests, is this going to further my own development or is this helping somebody else, whether or not that helps me, do your truth checks, put it through your gut, see what your gut says.. I am not very good at giving step by step instructions for everything, the few things I will do is grounding, Centering and Shielding, because those are the things I know and use everyday. If you get into the more advanced stuff you might want to find somebody who is more specialized in that sort of thing. They exist if you go searching for them you might find them. D.- You got to be careful to not step in it in the process. T.- When it comes to meditations/visualizations I would caution against using anything that is geometric unless you are well versed in sacred geometry and know all the ways in which that could be used. So if you are going around and making yourself a merkaba you better understand just how that (merkaba) can be used in ALL of its ways because it may not be as beneficial as you have been led to believe. A lot of these geometric shapes can be used in the wrong way , all you have to do is make a  small change in a certain way and Poof it goes from being a vehicle of enlightenment to being a prison!

ON TRIPLE CHECK WHERE THERE IS A PRESENCE POS OR NEG, What should we do if they say no? S._ Punch them in the face! T.- Send them away! Tell them you don't want to interact with them! Don't interact with me, I did not give you permission to interact with me, Leave. If they persist that is when the fighting starts happening, ask your Guardians and if you are capable yourself do it yourself. Now in some cases if they say no, in SOME cases you may get a dark being that IS NOT EVIL, I would still recommend proceeding with caution. D.- Most people need to understand something here, a lot of people miss this, the novices that are starting out are protected to an extent, that does not mean that you can be an idiot and go running through a bunch of cows and not expect to step in something, but if you use general common sense, and common sense does apply to these areas, you will generally be alright, if you sense or feel something that don't feel right then turn around and walk away! T.-You have to get out of there or send them away if they came to you! if its making you feel a little iffy a little off, you are not obligated to take it's BS. Send it away or go! S.- this is like us and Alex Collier and Tolec have been to insistent on people developing their instincts and intuition and getting to know themselves inside and out and getting to know abilities you do and don't have- Your Gut is your most strongest guide and an Accurate one! T.- Yes, just because some someone is a non physical Human does not mean that what it is telling you is the truth and a lot of these will use little things that only you would know, and you think "well if they know that and nobody knows that he must be telling the truth" No, Information travels even if they know the name of your childhood pet or pet rock or your favorite tv show when you were five.. it does not mean they have your best interests in mind, does not mean they are your friend-Exercise caution! Its a parlor trick! They will call you by name, they will tell you things about yourself, AND THEY WILL DO THAT AS A METHOD TO GAIN YOUR TRUST. The ones who do actually deserve your trust do not need to resort to that parlor trick to get it!

ON PROCYONS BEING TRICKED BY THE REPTOIDS- T.- The (reptoids) did mask their intentions somehow. ( to deceive the Procyons) This is discussed in detail on the site, again you are going to want to look for Khyla, he is from Procyon and is one of the ones who watched this happening, got out alive, lived to tell the tale, and was part of the resistance that freed Procyon less than twenty years ago.

ON  T. interpreting a LISTENER'S LUCID DREAM- T.-No, when it comes to dreams I don't interpret them, some people might think there is Universal symbolism in dreams, I think there is a combination of Universal symbolism and highly personal symbolism and when it comes to your own dreams your best interpreter is your self. You gotta ask yourself what does this mean to you! I used to have reoccurring dreams of tornados, now I live in a place where Tornados happen quite frequently, I have seen them with my own eyes and I used to have these dreams of tornados that would just come from out of nowhere, swoop down and pound the environment and I would be trying to find shelter (in the dream) Once I realized that these were metaphors for stress and change and feeling out of control in my life I stopped having those dreams. So as soon as I picked up on what the symbolism meant TO ME, I stopped having those dreams I have had other dreams like this where I have had some symbolism that keeps reoccurring to me, then as soon as I figure out the symbolism I stop having the dreams. This is why I am saying it is really up to you and nobody else!( to figure out the symbols of your own dream to unlock its meaning for you, it came to you for a reason!) A tornado to you might mean something very different to you than it did for me. I have dreamed of fish, "fish" I found out means information, to me, to my sub consciousness! So when I am dreaming of fishing I am dreaming of finding information! I still dream of the farm I grew up on it is interesting.

ON WHEN WILL 4D HAPPEN? T.- I would give it within the next year or two! Though I could not give a firm date, these are estimates at least as far as I am concerned. If Jan 14 2013 turns out to be right I'll be thrilled! S.-Yes the one thing you gotta understand is this is a cosmic event, We cannot predict cosmic events, not even the best pre-cogs., time seers, time travelers and everything else in the Universe canal, it's down to a day! T.- Bringing that level of an event down to 3D time IS ALOT HARDER TO DO from beings who are operating from timeless consciousnesses! Time prediction is even harder!


S.- A lot of the that is the responsibility of the Terrans, the Military and Militias.. people have got to understand the ET's are not gods, they are not saviors, and they are not going to do everything for the population, We are here to help we are not here to do it for you! T.- There is some onus on Terrans themselves to do some work here, and don't think just because that just because the lamestream media keeps blabbing out its lamestream message that everybody is blind.. I think you find you will be presently surprised that there are more people than you think who are at least subtly aware that something ain't right. S.- Part of a lamestream poll showed that an 80% average of Americans do believe in UFO's and "aliens".

ON ORGANIZATIONS TO JOIN AFTER TRANSIT. TO EXPLORE SPACE-(listener is an engineer) T._ Yes we do need engineers, as far as the organization that would be the best to join that would be up to you. (What you describe of yourself) there is a lot of good potential fits there with the GFOP, SL, and AC and other groups out there.. you will have ample opportunity to have get out there and have fun and be engineer, we do have a engineering core in the SL, its headed by a person who is considered fictitious and who we have spoken of previously…when he came to us from his Universe, he basically stepped out of the portal at SL headquarters, spotted our attempt at making scout craft and said "spaceships! Nobody told me there would be spaceships! and we have not been able to keep him away! (laughing) His personal scout craft is called the "highball" S.- My brother aside from being a physicist is also into engineering, building things, there has been times we have had to literally take crowbars to him to get him to eat sleep rest..  T.- And he never believes in "freezing" the design either. I know the highball goes through constant changes ( Said fictitious engineer must be S. brother? Spock?) I know people who wont set foot on that thing! ( laughing)

ON PLANETS WITH BEAUTIFUL WOMEN and, oddly, METHANE BREATHERS- S.- Actually there are a lot of different planets with beautiful women/people, and the majority of them I would have to say would be like us, especially with the positive ( planets) I have not found one that doesn't have beautiful women! As far as beauty is concerned beauty it is in the eye of the beholder! What one sentient being considers beautiful will not be considered beautiful to another! You know variety is the spice of life and so is infinite combinations infinite diversities! T.-Yes, and you might find somebody who is not physically appealing but you might adore them as a being! T.- we recently came across a race of positive methane breathers, to them we are the ugliest things we have ever laid eyes on. ( "ugly bags of water" -NG) They are not far from it based on our own sensibilities to us either, but oh boy, are they ever beautiful at heart!



S.- Its hard to say in so far as what the person considers "god" When it comes to inspiration it is usually coming from your higher self. "Delusion" is a term created by the reptoids to try to suppress the imagination and creative aspects of the individual beings.. I suggest reading a book called "The Enlightenment" it can be found on the Unicus Magazine website, just click on the link to article on the website, its the one called the enlightenment, its a pdf., read it, you will get your head around it (? little hard to hear) Yup I highly recommend the book. T.- And as for imagination and delusion, everything you can imagine is real! It exists somewhere, not all of it exists but close, and not all of it intersects with our current reality, as to how to tell I think you would have to use your discernment. I literally ask my gut, my Solar plexus chakra, it usually keeps me steered pretty good.


D.- He managed to cause more fun and games with his righteous BS. What can I tell you? If you want reality I don't suggest listening to Glen Beck. I haven't heard a definitive answer from the man yet. And I have followed him off and on for quite a while, I listen to Rush Limbaugh, you know huh "prison planet" c'mon! It just goes on and on and it doesn't stop, there seems to be no limit to the capability of the people to get caught in a whole bunch of horse hockey and they are just drowning in it if they continue to "partake", (follow the individual.)


T.- I have heard anecdotes from a friend of mine who went to (a group "psychic" healer session), I have known this friend for a long long time, this person if nothing but Loving and caring and giving, Positive and full of Light! But she was having these violent symptoms, physical symptoms, which were interpreted at the retreat as evidence of healing, or that she had bad stuff  coming out. And when she first described this to I thought, "oh my god this is abusive!" No that person did not get anything out of a person, SHE IMPOSED IT UPON THEM! Denise- Its an entity right? T.-Yes! that is the one that is doing it! Not the person who is suffering the symptoms is a bad person or anything like that, its the person who is suggesting it and causing it with magic and or emotional suggestion, "power with emotional backing"-suggestive backing to produce that symptom.. I don't know whether the person is a negative ET or something else but the person who is doing that is definitely abusive, and this reaction is being held as "proof' that it is working, no! the reaction is imposed upon you! And I knew this was a problem when my girlfriend described this too, as there is no way in heck that my friend was this "filthy and riddled with evil" as those symptoms were made to suggest..

ON GMO'S CROP circle ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF BY MEDIA- S.- We do not know if the mainstream media will pick it up, but I know that I was told personally by some of the ET's we communicate with that they have every intention of "having some real fun with those" They are looking forward to seeing what develops. ( ??will they actually "fix" Monsanto's products???)

MIND CONTROL/ON CROP CIRCLES/MEANINGS are they calling cards and Who is making them?

D.- Yees! Okay here is basically what happened with crop circles.. about ten years ago give or take you started getting crop circles that were not crop circles and anybody who knows what a crop circle is knows the difference. The main gist of the problem is that when the bad guys saw what was going on they decided to adjust what they were doing to better "fit" the fun and games.. so they wanted to join in, they did so by creating bogus crop circles! Unless you know and have studied the signet type ring, it deals directly with geometry, geometric value and Sacred geometry as well as present day geometry! It also goes into just about every science known to man IF you know these things.. relatively familiar and or have the capacity to really look them up you may "by accident" find out what a real crop circle is all about, the other problem is that regular everyday people are faking crop circles as well! Obvious hoaxes! So a lot of bogus crop circles are in the mix now, but if you do your research you will know. Some of the messages from the real positive ET/ED's are real hilarious. T.- Like the one that says "Close your mouth you are attracting flies!" ( laughing) T. con't- Best one I've seen in the Universal symbol language! S.- I've seen one that says "we come in pieces, bring allen wrench"….D.- This is where the fun begins, some of these things are not as innocent as they might seem, people have been warned tonight that there are things that go bump in the night that are not nice, you need to take that to heart and pay attention and here is why.. When the configuration is done in a certain manner, done in the correct procedures and YOU EVEN LOOK AT IT some of these things are gonna cause problems for you on a strictly mental basis.

( EDIT OUT …Archontic damage to our mental functioning via our visual cortex, bypasses any "filter" gets directly into our sub-conscious, UNLESS you know and shield yourself from it! I have a theory that the increased floaters peeps report are the very spots of damage we accrued from looking at all the subliminal shite! just depends on our psyches rejecting it for what it is BS!)

 con't D.-People talk about mind control, you want to understand it? Check it out but be with someone who can understand who knows exactly what you are doing and can take care of the problem!.. do not play with these things.. if you go into Magick theory and practice, and this involves envisionment, this involves your capability ( we all have!) to cause things to come to fruition, manifest. If somebody does that and does not do it correctly, You will be  led down some "garden path" that leads nowhere. In terms of mental capacity and abilities its a real good idea not to play with things that can eat you up and I don't mean in a manner that you are "the food", although it can be. You need to be very careful not to get involved with things that can totally and permanently, not just disabling, but damaging, in other words an individual who gets their cranium overloaded and it can be sensory or otherwise can have a tendency to start burning out the connections, a lot of people experienced that back in the hippy daze of the 60's..too much LSD did things to your head and you was never right again! If that is the kind of experience you want.. I'm gonna tell you no, but you need to be very very careful about ( VIEWING) crop circles! Crop circles DO things.. when you place something upon this Earth it does things to it in a physical manner, it does not matter what it is, it depends on whether you know what you are doing with it, when you do the whole world changes..( S. mentioned in a answer that the GFOP was going to "fix" Monsanto crop with some upcoming crop circles!) So the process of crop circles, many of them are genuinely from positive ET's, many of them are done by the cabal/illuminati both of which have similar technology to make them. ( mastery of Sacred geometry, Universal symbol language) Positive ET's do stuff to the cabal ships to prevent them foam getting up in air to make the mal-crop circles quite often. So mossy crop circles these days should be correct, learn how to read them, you got different ways, knowing Sacred geometry, mathematics, knowing conditions and positions of things ( in the universe) presently and knowing when that condition changes it into something else. When the crop circle contains edifices and ancient markings those site are probably a little more valid than others.

What are the "EMV's" ( electromagnetic vehicles") of THE RING MAKER'S OF SATURN Bk., author - Dr.Normen Bergrun and spoken about by James Horak

S.- They are not EMV's, that is one "source" that just drives me up the wall! (which one?) There is various ET groups that are involved in the planet Saturn and involved in things around the Sun ecetera, none of them had anything to do with making the rings around saturn. ( her bro did that accidentally, partially with his mathematical error that blew up Maldek) Those were made when Maldek and Serona exploded during the Orion wars about 400-450 million years ago.

ON WHO ARE THE INDIAN BLUE PEOPLE? Same as blue people in the movie Avatar? S.- the Indian blue people are different from the Avatar blue people.. the indian blue people came form the…T.- Ventra? S.- Yes, I think so and I also think the Pegasus constellation.

ON THE NEW STAR TREK MOVIE- it opened on the planet Niburu.. was this coincidence? S.-It is the cabal trying to propagate the psy-ops that is Nibiru and the big bad event.. T.- Its the same reason that they destroyed the planet Vulcan in the first film, as a fan of the franchise is properly incensed over it! It is nothing more than a fist shake at the GFOP! ( Vulcan represent Tau Cetians.) S.-  Its just a thinly veiled threat! T.-Yea they can't even back it up!

ON ABRAHAM HICKS is he a channeler? T and S. do not know of his "work", D.- Yes, I am familiar, I go through my emails thoroughly for these types of things and one thing needs to be said of channeling, it does not lead to a pure source. What happens with channeling is that you give yourself over to another entity, whenever somebody does that it is the same thing as torture, you lose the validity of that which you are trying to acquire.

ON AUDiTORY ASC, SYMPTOMS- on listener hearing "jiggle bells", buzzing.. T.- Ear tones, ringing and that kind of thing, a lot of times it is ah I don't know if I would call it a part of ascension, but it is definitely a part of what is going on with the vibrational change. ( it is one of the most common reported symptoms)

On sir Laurence gardener ( gold) , Hudson -ormus? White powder gold used for anti gravity and enlightenment when eaten, Egyptian used it too.. do you know of this? D.- Yea I know about this, when you get into the idea of using substances that might be foreign to your physiology it's never a good idea to go playing with it. Now in terms of learning about it ( Denise- Monoatomic gold they said?) then it is a whole different subject…in terms of not being subject to fun and games from it be very careful in what you do that's all you have to remember. ( DO RESEARCH BEFORE DOING! )

ON ALL OUR TELEPATHIC ABILITIES COMING BACK ONLINE AT THE SAME TIME? T.-Its not a matter of genetic engineering and going in and "giving" you this it is a matter of YOU WILL NATURALLY REGAIN this WHEN your GENETIC CODE IS NATURALLY HEALED AT TRANSITION. Or if you are a 3D person going on to live on another planet on this current reincarnation, the healing modalities used by the AC WILL RESTORE THAT ( telepathic ability) without altering it, I believe they use an extrapolation basis, so no its not someone running around willy nilly handing out powers! It is what you should have naturally getting restored to you! S.- It has to be done individually, cant be done globally via some ray or pulse.

ON STRENGTHENING OUR INTUITIVE ABILITIES PRE 4D? S.- My best suggestion is just to start using them, You got to think of your abilities as muscles, the more you use them the more they get stronger. T.- Stop doubting yourself too! One of the biggest barriers to people using their own abilities is their own sense of doubt! and this whole "is this real? is this real? Start from the proposition that IT IS real and go from there, and then when you experience things that later can be "discarded"( ie: checked by your own solar plexus/higher self to be not your truth?), "okay that can be discarded, I don't have to hold on to that"- that is fine but START from the proposition that it is real! I hope that that will help.


ON BEING PREGNANT DURING ASCENSION- T.-Now as someone who has done this personally in higher dimensions to have a baby! I have not done it down here.. i have done it in other lives and I think I actually died once in the process of it once down here.. up there I have done it enough to know that there is no pain, there is no blood, its not like down here where you are birthed in blood and pain, up there it is a lot more gentle, no epidurals needed, its an amazing experience, some people find it very pleasurable, there is a huge sense of the connection between you and your child, a lot of the reason we don't…S.- Yes well obviously you can communicate telepathically with your child while you are caring it, but for those who do not want to go through the whole effort and experience in the higher dimensions, there are several other methods including just directly manifesting one with your mate! Tolec mentions that if you are pregnant when the transitions happens the child will be born as a 4D child! And for those giving birth as the transition actually hits there is a team from the Galactic federation council that will be there to assist the Mother while they are birthing. ( no worries on them finding you then??) T.-Its fun to be a parent!

Denise- Will it strictly be the women still who give birth? T.-I know some males who do give birth. S.- Yes it varies from race to race and species to species…T.- It also depends upon the individuals (preferences) S.-I know that among the federation there are a few races and species that the males do carry and raise the young. I know of an entire Humanoid race that each individual has both male and female body parts thus both or either can carry a child!

ARE THERE PEOPLE THAT ARE NOT SENTIENT BEINGS? BUT "BOTS"- there entire consciousness seems composed of programs..

T.- You dealing with somebody who is either a biological clone or with somebody who is so heavily mind controlled that they cant break out of it.

ON A REQUEST OF SELF HYPNO. SCRIPT OR MEDITATION to "change our dna "from listener- T.- I don't really play around with hypnosis I cant give you a script sorry. S.- yes I don't either, gut check anything you doing! T.-Your DNA will change on its OWN! I'D BE REALLY CAREFUL WITH ANYTHING CLAIMING TO ACTIVATE YOU!

ON CIVILIAN PICK-UPS BY ETS- T.- At this time I don't think civilian pick ups are possible. S.-And right now I don't recommend ( signaling a ship) because unless you specifically know the people then maybe, but it way to easy to get yourself into a bad situation. T.- yea, its not a good idea just now, I would hold off on signaling a ship ( until the positives CAN LAND! Which T.& S. will tell us of!) If you do get contact with somebody take the time to establish a trusting relationship first, make sure you really trust them and understand them, don't just hop on the first spacecraft that presents itself, just like you would not get into a stranger white cube van just cause they are offering you "candy" It is the same principle, DONT TAKE RIDES FROM STRANGERS! S.- I totally agree especially when right now the only ones that can land ARE the baddies!

ON REPLICaTORS- T.- Yes, some of them are specific to food or clothing but most are multi purpose units I know that the federation has a portable unit about the size of one of those "eliminator" battery packs.. same size and weight though probably a different shape…those can do camping gear survival items food clothing medicine, portable shelters that you can construct yourself fairly simply, that are very weatherproof.. no more dome tents collapsing in a rainstorm like in my childhood.. heck they will even produce anvils and steel if you are like me and like to play with a Forge! The bigger units generally do household things furniture clothes food cutlery plates, they de manifest too so when you are done with your meal you can stick it back in and tell it to de-manifest and it does! Industrial models will pump out houses, buildings and large scale infrastructure. Military models will pump out armaments, armor etc. Shipyard models will pump out ships (space) Different models make diff. things.. you may not want your chicken nuggets from the replicator that makes ships! On the SL ships in the communal areas there are replicators there that you can get food at and things like board games, yes we still play board games! They are fun to do with friends right! In your quarters there would be one that did mostly food, personal hygiene items clothing, in your bathroom which you would necessarily be using for deification and urination anymore but for showering, getting dress in and cleaning up and whatnot, that replicator would do towels and personal care products if you use them. Yes they do shower still, some peep really like it, some people like getting s little frisky in the shower too…( S. Laughing) So the replicators all depend on the place and purpose, so if the replicators are going to be on a SL or Fed ship you never need to make your bed! You just tell it to clean itself! Change the bedding…You can have living plants and ask the ceiling to make those plants grow properly, you can set up holographic walls so if you want to feel like you are sleeping on a beach in Tahiti you can! Quarters are really customizable its so cool.. S.-Yea you can even make it snow in your quarters if you want it to! T.- ON SL ships we have something called the "trades effect" that you can make your quarters any size you want without taking any space from somebody else.. so if you decide you need a meeting chamber for a party you could its not a problem, if you want one day  a hot tub surrounded by snow covered fields then you can, next day you want a beach you can, customizing is fun! There is perks to living in space! S.- I don't think with the federation ships that we have the trades effect but otherwise are just as customizable  but generally include a little work station area along side the living area if you want to work in your quarters when you need to.

ON BEING A Holistic nutritionist post 4D, or will retraining be provided? T._ That ( re-learning/training) will probably come after the transition, you will still probably find your calling as necessary it is just that your modalities will change, instead of talking about foods and their enzymatic reactions you will be talking about foods and their ENERGY! S.- yea and if you  want to expand your knowledge start researching anything that is of interest to you that is considered a holistic, homeopathic, alternative medicine types of healing.. i mean we use ALL kinds of alternative medicine healing, Energetic, Sound, Light, Smells, Aromatherapy, Magnetics, anything that is energy based like Reiki or Prana healing or Chakra healing, basically anything you would NOT find in western medicine you will find is still used EXTENSIVELY to this day in 4D and higher! T.- What they call (here) Radionics,( we call ) Unified Field Theory, that is other healing modalities that will be useful!

DIFF. BETWEEN DIPLOMAT AND POLITICIAN, are they not the same? S.-No. T.- Politicians usually have an agenda, have an aim, they are attempting to do stuff politically. Diplomats are not necessarily part of a political agenda. Diplomats focus a lot upon Compromise, reconciliation, on mutual learning and understanding, being a liaison. Politicians focus on their interests whether those interests are held in a collective, such as in a actual representative situation or are their own personally.. which we often see here( on Earth). And the Diplomats often do not have the power to enforce an agenda, a politician does! Diplomats have far less personal power!

T. ON WHY SHE IS CANADIAN- T. Quite simply I was born here, there were a number of reason that went into that decision and yes I was involved in the decision to be born here it wasn't willy nilly slapped back in, I chose to come here, I chose to incarnate as part of this mission and I did have a choice as to which family I would be born into, there were a number of families that were suitable but I chose this one and I am not regretting the decision in any way, it happens that they are in Canada, I gotta say it suits me I like this county, I seem to be fairly well adapted for the weather, to use the metric system I do best at -30 and +15 +20 Celsius, once it starts getting hotter than that I start suffering, so I LIKE CANADA!


D.- First of all Greece has serious internal problems and cannot be bailed out because the EU is broke and don't have the money! Turkey , the people have decided that they have had enough of BS and they are pretty adamant about it! I m not gong to tell you where Snowden is at! I don't think anybody is supposed to know , when he discloses his location he is ready to do so!

ON OTHER UNIVERSES QUALITIES?- T.- Well there is Universes you can imagine and there is Universes that you CANT imagine.. it's ALL out there, all of it is possible is expressed somewhere in the Universe, and sometimes even in multiple timelines, or alternate realities, alternate versions of the current universe, that's one of the way existence gets past "the paradox" of all that is possible must be, without requiring it all to be simultaneously together. (at the same "time")


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