Monthly Learning Objectives:

P6 Learning Plan:

Name: _______________________ Class: P6 Date: Jan 2012

|Subject |Learning Objectives |Resources | |

|Literacy Level 2/ 3 |I can write a narrative diary entry as a survivor of the titanic using a: |SRA | |

| |Sense of structure, |Nelson Bk2 Fiction Unit 5 | |

|Mr. McGurk |Some imaginative vocabulary, |Nelson Bk2 Non Fiction Unit 6 | |

| |Basic punctuation. | | |

| |I can plan, using a storyboard and with the help of the teacher and a peer, my narrative diary entry. (ICT) |Writing Continuum | |

|Titanic Theme |Using my storyboard I can rewrite a narrative with some interesting verbs and adjectives. |Basic Skills 2 & 3 | |

| |I can express my thoughts, feelings and opinions in imaginative and factual writing with some independence. |Haydn & Richards 2 & 3 | |

| |I can read, explore and understand individually and with a peer selected texts related to the Titanic | | |

| |I can help prepare, and take part in a short oral presentation to my class mates speaking clearly and audibly |Nelson Bk1 Fiction Unit 5 | |

| |I can brainstorm adjectives and verbs in a group, using these to write and illustrate titanic chain poem. |Nelson Bk1 Non Fiction Unit 5 | |

| |I can listen and respond to a documentary on the Titanic. | | |

| |I am able to answer comprehension questions in full sentences using the language within the question. | | |

| |I learn my weekly Complete Spellings accurately and know how to use a dictionary and thesaurus. | | |

| |I use neat, joined handwriting. | | |

| |I can use a dictionary and thesaurus. | | |

| |I can find other words to use instead of got and nice. | | |

| |I understand the term synonym. | | |

| |I can identify rhyming patterns in poems. | | |

|Literacy |I can write a narrative diary entry as a survivor of the titanic using a: |Titanic work packs | |

|Level 4 |clear story structure, | | |

| |imaginative vocabulary, |Nelson Bk 3 Non Fiction Pg. 12-14 | |

|Mr. McKernan |paragraphs and |Writing Continuum-Narrative | |

| |accurate punctuation. |Treetops Comprehension Pg. 9-12 | |

|Titanic Theme |I can plan, revise and redraft individually and with a peer my narrative diary entry. (ICT) |IWB Treetops - Petey | |

| |I can express thoughts, feelings and opinions in imaginative and factual writing. | | |

| |I can read, explore and understand individually and with a peer selected texts related to the Titanic |100 Literacy Hours Year 5 p. 45-50, | |

| |I can write and illustrate titanic chain poem including adjectives and verbs. |31-38, 66-72 | |

| |I can listen and respond to a documentary on the Titanic. | | |

| |I am able to answer comprehension questions in full sentences using the language within the question. |100 Literacy Hours-Jurassic classroom/ | |

| |I am able to construct, present and defend a point of view during group debating sessions. |Harwell Hall | |

| |I understand and can use simple similes in my narrative story writing. | | |

| |I understand and can use simple metaphors in my narrative story writing. |Primary Comprehension Book C – P. | |

| |I understand how a writer can build up suspense in a story. |47-49/ 75-77 | |

| |I can use speech marks and reported speech when appropriate to add to a story. |Primary Comprehension Book D – 31-33/ | |

| |I can group sentences into paragraphs to separate my ideas. |51-53 | |

| |I can use a play script to act out a drama scene. | | |

| |I can write a playscript using a title, cast list, stage directions, set description: | | |

| |I can set out a playscript using colons after character names. | | |

|Numeracy Level 2/3 |NOM3.1I can multiply using repeated addition or equal sets within 25. I can explain what multiplying means. I can use multiplying symbols.|NHM 2 | |

|Miss Cozas group |NOM3.2 I know all the 2, 5, and 10 times tables quickly. |Teaching File pgs | |

| |NM2.14 I can shop with money values up to £1: |137-150 | |

| |I can use the 100 square to develop my own way of adding any two 2-digit numbers: |195-197 | |

| |• without bridging the 10; |291-295 | |

| |• landing on the 10; |270-277 | |

| |• bridging the 10; | | |

| |and record answers horizontally. | | |

| |I can measure the weight of things using different objects/. MW2.1 MW2.2 | | |

| |I can measure and sort objects into heavier/ lighter and about 1 kilogram, kg. MW2.4 | | |

| |I can guess how much something weighs using half kilogram and kilogram. MW3.2 | | |

| |I can sort and give reason for sorting 2-D shapes. SH2.2 | | |

| |I can name and describe 2-D shapes. SH2.3 | | |

| |I understand what division means and can show division sums by grouping objects. ND3.1 |IWB - Maths | |

| |I can divide numbers exactly by 2, 5 and 10. ND3.3 |NHM 3 | |

| |I can see a link between multiplying and dividing. ND3.4 |Teaching File pgs | |

|Numeracy |I recognise and use halves, quarters, tenths, thirds and fifths. NU3.6 |217-230 | |

|Level 2/3 |I can find ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/5 and 1/10 of a number. NU3.6 |256-269 | |

| |I can draw and use a pictogram where a picture stands for more than one object. HD3.9 |363-370 | |

|Mr. McKernan |HD3.5 I can read information from a Carroll and Venn diagrams. variety of given tables, charts and graphs. |416-429 | |

| | |SPMG – P. 10-11/ 25-26/ 40-43 | |

| | | | |

| | |Mental Maths Skills and Strategies | |

| |I have quick recall of all multiplication tables up to 10x10. QR49 | | |

|Numeracy |I can explore and order fractions with the same denominator, e.g. 1/6, 2/6, 5/6 |NHM5 T.F : 189 - 214 | |

|Level 4 |I can order fractions from largest to smallest and vice versa. e.g. 1/3, 1/5, 1/8 NU4.4 |215 – 244 | |

| |Investigate the equivalence of fractions within fraction families. NU4.5 |330 - 344 | |

| |I can add and subtract fractions. NAS4.6 |SPMG 3 | |

| |I understand decimal notation in relation to the concept of tenths through the use of materials. NU4.6 | | |

|Mr McGurk |I understand decimal notation in relation to the concept of tenths and hundreths through the use of materials. NU4.6 NU4.9 | | |

| |I can Read, write and order tenths related to a specific whole number and crossing over e.g. over a whole number, e.g. 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1 |Mental Maths Skills and Strategies | |

| |NU4.7 |Daily Tables | |

| |I can identify and draw all of the regular 2D shapes. |I.W.B Flipchart | |

| |I can make 2D shapes that have right angles using dotted / squared paper.S4.3 |Geo Boards | |

| |I know the qualities of 2D shapes.SH4.1 | | |

| |I understand and can find parallel, perpendicular and diagonal lines. S4.3 | | |

|The World Around Us |I know the different stages of development in the life cycle of a butterfly. | | |

| |I know the different stages of development in the life cycle of a flowering plant. |The Vikings in Britain | |

| |know the different stages of development in the life cycle of a frog |Vikings – Settlers in Ireland | |

| |I can label the main parts of a flowering plant. |Laptops | |

| |I know the different ways that seeds disperse. |Active Learning and Teaching Strategies| |

| |I am able to discuss, record and evaluate my investigation. |for KS2 | |

| |I understand and can label the main features of a Viking longhouse |IWB – Vikings | |

| |I can identify a number of the Viking Gods and their characteristics. |IWB – Science | |

| |I can suggest how to make a fair test. | | |

| |I can see how the properties of materials relate to how they are used. | | |

| |I can predictions about will sink and float in water. | | |

| |I can create a boat out of damp clay. | | |

| |I can carry out a fair test to see the best way to carry a large load | | |

| |I can design and make a raft using everyday materials. | | |

|The Arts |I can work as a team to play the Passenger Rescue game. |Drama book for games | |

| |I can use verbal and non verbal cues to act out a drama scene. | | |

| |To familiarise ourselves with the traditional Little Red Riding Hood fairytale. | | |

| |To rewrite Little Red Riding Hood in groups as a play script with a modern twist. | | |

| |To perform Little Red Riding Hood in groups. | | |

| |To design and make puppets for Little Red Riding Hood. | | |

| |To produce and record digitally our group puppet shows. | | |

| |To play a recorder tune related to the Little Red Riding Hood musical. | | |

| |I can perform the Birdy song, Hokey Cokey, Cha Cha slide, Saturday Night, Y.M.C.A and the Macarena. | | |

| |I can remember and perform a series of repeated movements which my group made up as a dance. | | |

| |I can make a Viking helmet using a balloon and paper meche. | | |

|R.E. |I know the story of the Epiphany. |Good News Bibles | |

| |I know about characters from the Old Testament | | |

| |The Story of Noah | | |

|PDMU |I can play “Change places” and “Who will you save” in class circle time. |Living, Learning Together Unit 2 – | |

| |I will give clear reasons for my choices in playing “Who will you save?” and listen to the reasons of others. |Dealing with feelings. | |

| |I can name the things that hurt my feelings. |Activities 3-5 | |

| |I know what to do when I experience difficult feelings. | | |

| |I know and can use a way to calm down when I am feeling overwhelmed. | | |

| |I know what to do when I experience difficult feelings such as disappointment, sadness or guilt. | | |

| |I can identify my current strengths and target areas for improvement in my learning. | | |

|Thinking Skills/Personal |I can use agreed success criteria (WILF) when assessing my own work. |De Bono Thinking Skills | |

|Capabilities |I respect the views of others and can reach an agreement by negotiating and/or compromising in my group. |Pupil Monthly Self-Assessment sheets | |

| |I can experiment and take risks with different designs to try to create puppet show | | |


Tick: Green = I have achieved. Orange = I’m almost there. Red = I need more help


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