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REC 380 – Marketing in Recreation, Sports Leadership, & Tourism ManagementLecture/Course Content Preceding Information Literacy ExerciseLecture – details to be determined. Will focus on concept that “information has value” and consider how ‘value’ has multiple meanings when used to describe information.Discussion about how what information you are presented with (for you to consume) is dictated by other factors (video about skewed Google results): Discussion about subtle forms of exclusion that have become social norms: lead class discussion to recognize that even product development (as a part of the ‘Four P’s’ of marketing) includes inherent embedded messages that can sway public perception. Examine TOGETHER (or in small groups) as a class, vintage recreation, sports, and tourism related advertisements and consider how products and services are being sold, what and how information is being communicated, and how those messages have changed over time. Examples of ads will be acquired using: Ads will also be used to provide examples for assignment posted below (2nd page). Follow Up Discussion AFTER AssignmentHow can you advertise your product/service effectively keeping in mind the value and accessibility of marketing/industry information? REC 380 – MarketingInformation Literacy Exercise: Examining Advertising Messages While print ads are only one of many approaches to promotion, their visual imagery and direct nature make them perpetually popular. However, they are often meant to reach a particular segment of the population, and, in turn, a specific target market. Thus, the messages embedded in the advertisements often serve the individuals or organizations that created them. In this sense, together these messages make assumptions about the audience consuming the information, express a particular set of values, and as a result, often exclude or underrepresent particular subgroups of the general population. Continued exposure to these representations (or lack there of) often become ingrained in popular culture and manifest as cultural norms. With this in mind, it is clear that all information (regardless of the purpose with which it was created or the media platform is is disseminated through) has value!The purpose of this assignment is to highlight how information is tweaked to meet the needs of specific groups and how that manipulation of information is ever present in our contemporary society. This assignment is also meant to draw attention to the subtle and often overlooked ways that information expresses biases and the agendas of those who create it – and in turn encourage you to approach all sources of information with some sense of awareness, and if necessary, skepticism. Format:Use only 12-point Times New Roman FontDefault MarginsPlace NAME, ASSIGNMENT NAME, COURSE NUMBER & SEMESTER in TOP RIGHT CORNERInclude LAST NAME & PAGE NUMBER at bottom of each pageGrading Rubric:Answers are correct, clearly articulated, and well supported (with examples from magazines)30%Evidence of Critical Thinking30%Use of Course Content/Terminology25%Grammar, Punctuation, Editing, Format 15%TOTAL: 100%Directions:Identify two (2) print magazines that represent TWO DIFFERENT GENRES (i.e. you might choose something like Garden & Gun and Sports Illustrated; or Southern Living and Men’s Health). Finding magazines related to your major/concentration will make this assignment much more relevant! Examine the advertisements featured in each magazine.Consider how the advertisements included in each magazine send a particular message and how that message differs from the one expressed through the other magazine’s advertisements. Essay Questions:Who is being represented? Who is excluded? What is presumed about the audience? (I.e. social class, education level, race, gender, economic status, geographic location, political beliefs, etc.)?What information is missing?WHY do you think this is? What impacts might these skewed representations have on society?Compare & Contrast advertisements/messages being expressed in each magazine. ................

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