The Race distances will be: 35m swim / 950m bike / 400m run

Active Schools Games @ the Hub

Wednesday 3rd June 2020

A huge thank you from Active schools for supporting us at our 1st virtual Games @ the Hub event. Our aim today is to celebrate Active Schools and inspire and motivate the pupils to stay active following their experiences today.

This virtual event will highlight the work Active Schools does over the course of the year, by displaying some of the sports we focus on across the city, highlighting the partners we work with, the links we make with local clubs and the volunteers that work with us. Even more importantly at the moment, showing children how they can remain active during this time. Thank you to the Sports Development Officers, clubs and Scottish Governing Bodies for their support of this event.

Please see below itinerary for the day, which is outlined in more detail below:

9.00-10.30am Opening ceremony

10.30am – 2pm Main event: 14 sports challenges and bonus activities

2pm Quiz

For all options you can choose to participate as a class or individually or a bit of both. We are trying to be as flexible as possible so that it works for each school’s circumstances. Please email me ( if you have any challenges taking part and we can discuss what might work for your school. There is a spreadsheet attached to your welcome email which can be used to outline what the pupils have done and then you can submit back to me by 1pm on Thursday.

All the information on the sports challenges will go live on Friday by 5pm at the following link.

Our Twitter account is @ActiveSchoolsED #gamesatthehub2020

Teachers or parents/ guardians can submit their challenge highlights and progress on twitter (@ActiveSchoolsED) or email me if there is no access to twitter – If pupils do not want to share a photo or video of themselves, they can take a photo of their feet kicking a football or take a picture of the set up of their game or challenge etc.

Pupils can start the challenges whenever they like but we would like them to be shared on twitter if possible on the day of the event. As we have a lot of pupils potentially registered we would advise a staggered approach to using the website so if you can support this by encouraging pupils to access the website before Wednesday. It will be available from the end of the day on Friday. I will also send a word document of the challenges and resources and send it out to all teachers registered by first thing on Monday morning. This can be shared with parents and children who do not have good internet access.

Opening ceremony: 9am – 1030am

At 9am on Wednesday 3rd June, Active Schools will post a video on twitter and on our website of our ‘Journey Through Lockdown’ highlighting the things we have done as a team to help others stay active, support our communities, learn new skills and keep active.

Pupil task

- To share your journey through lockdown. This can be a photo or video, drawing or display to highlight anything that they have done. It can be learning a new sports skill, walking, taking part in active challenges, eating healthy meals, being kind to self or others.

- This can be submitted as a class OR pupils can do this individually and submit on twitter or email to their teacher or to me (

- The task can be completed prior to Wednesday but we would like as many shared on Wednesday as possible,

Main event: 1030am – 2pm

There will be 14 sports challenges and bonus activities to choose from below: The full information and videos are available on the website.

Athletics (Video demonstration available on the website)

There are 5 events to take part in:

1. Shuttle Run (Set out a 5 metres distance with 2 markers. Run back and forwards and touch each marker as you go. How many shuttles can you run in 20 seconds?)

2. Long Jump (Stand feet together – jump forward as far as you can and land with both feet together and mark your distance)

3. Vertical Jump (Jump as high as you can with both feet together. Stand near the wall and tap the wall at the highest point)

4. Throwing (Use 3 objects to throw and a set up a target 3 metres away. Throw all 3 and see how many you score)

5. Speed Bounce (Jump sideways over an object (you can use a jumper or other marker) as many times as you can in 20 seconds)

Record your score and check the medal table below to see if you achieved a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE medal.

|Challenge No. | |Gold |Silver |Bronze |Your Score / Time |Your Medal |

|2 |Long Jump (how far can you jump) |1.80m |1.50m |1.0m |  | |

|3 |Vertical Jump (how high can you jump) |40cm |30cm |20cm | | |

|4 |Throwing (how many could you get in |3 |2 |1 | | |

| |from 3 metres) | | | | | |

|5 |Speed bounce (how many jumps could you|More than 30 |16 -30 |5- 15 | | |

| |do in 20 seconds) | | | | | |

Basketball (Video demonstrations) available on the website

1. Shooting Challenge – Get 5 pairs of socks and a large bin or bucket. Take 4 large steps back and see how many socks you can score into it. Complete 5 times and count your total score.

2. Dribbling challenge – 20 right hand dribbles, 20 left hand dribbles, 20 crossover dribbles - repeat 3 times and note your score.

3. Passing challenge – get a pair of socks and a partner. Start close together, pass from one hand and have your partner catch with one hand only. Repeat back with you catching. Take a step back and repeat. See how many steps back before you drop the socks.

4. Shooting challenge – place your bucket in one spot. Have 3 pairs of socks to hand. Starting in close you must score at least 1 sock out of the 3 to move on. Step back and repeat. Step back until you do not score any of the 3 socks in the bucket. See how many steps away you can get.

5. Dribbling challenge – separating your feet into a wide stance. You must dribble the ball around your feet in a figure of 8. Keeping the ball as low as possible, complete this 6 times. Time how long it takes you to complete the task.

6. Shooting challenge – shoot the ball up into the sky. Whilst the ball is in the air you must touch your head, shoulders, knees and toes before catching it again. Make sure you throw it high enough. How many repetitions can you do before dropping it.

7. Passing accuracy challenge – Get out a large plate and place it 5 large steps away from you. With your right hand throw a pair of socks at it 10 times. Then do 10 with your left hand. Count how many hit the plate?

Shooting challenge – place your bucket in one spot. Grab a pair of socks. Spinning round on the spot 5 times you are then going to shoot into the bucket. If you miss spin around and try again.

Using a ball and basket or socks and a bucket. Show us your best trick!

Record your score and check the medal table below to see if you achieved a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE medal.

|Challenge No. | |Gold |Silver |Bronze |Your Score / Time |Your Medal |

|2 |Dribbling |2 mins or less |2-4 mins |More than 4 mins | | |

|3 |Passing |More than 4 |2-4 |1 | | |

|4 |Shooting |More than 4 |2-4 |1 | | |

|5 |Dribbling |Less than 18 |19-40 seconds |More than 40 | | |

| | |seconds | |seconds | | |

|6 |Shooting |More than 4 |2-4 |1 | | |

|7 |Passing |15- 20 |10 -14 |4- 9 | | |

Bowling (Video demonstrations) available on the website

Game 1

Throw the jack (this can be anything in your house – e.g. a ball, hat, socks. Once it has landed you can use whatever you have in your house (socks) to play the game. Each player has 4 pairs of socks and takes it in turn to throw them underhand as close to the jack as possible. The winner is the one closest to the jack and gets 1 point. Play 5 times and record your points.

Game 2

Set out A4 paper with 10, 20 and 50 points (as the points get higher they are further away). Throw 4 pairs of socks underhand and try to land the socks on the points. Do this 5 times and record your total points.

Game 3

Skittles – set up 6 targets in a triangle (you can use empty milk bottles, juice cartons, toilet rolls). Throwing underhand, you have 3 pairs of socks to knock over as many skittles as possible. Do it 5 times and count how many targets you knock over

Record your score and check the medal table below to see if you achieved a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE medal.

|Challenge No. | |Gold |Silver |Bronze |Your Score / Time |Your Medal |

|2 |Game 2 |160-250 |60-150 |0- 50 |  | |

|3 |Game 3 |21-30 |11-20 |0-10 |  | |

Dance (Video available on the website)

There are no further instructions for dance.

Football (Video demonstrations available on the website)

Scoring System:

1. Ronaldo Toe Taps – Alternating between your left and right foot, how many times can you touch the ball with the bottom of your feet like Cristiano Ronaldo in 30 seconds? Each touch = 1 point.

2. Cuthbert Keepie Uppies – Using any body part except from your hands and arms, how many times can you keep the ball up in 30 seconds like Erin Cuthbert? If you like, you can let the ball bounce between each touch. Each touch = 1 point.

3. Messi Shuffle – Alternating between your left and right foot, how many times can you touch the ball with the insides of your feet like Lionel Messi in 30 seconds? Each touch = 1 point.

4. Rapinoe Shuttles – Starting the middle, how many shuttle runs can you complete like Megan Rapinoe in 30 seconds? 4 touches of the ball + 1 sprint = 1 point.

Record your score and check the medal table below to see if you achieved a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE medal.

|Challenge No. | |Gold |Silver |Bronze |Your Score / Time |Your Medal |

|2 |Cuthbert Keepie Uppies |21-30 |11-20 |1-10 |  | |

|3 |Messi Shuffle |61-80 |41-60 |1-40 |  | |

|4 |Rapinoe Shuttles |5+ |4 |1-3 |  | |

Hockey (Video demonstrations available on the website)

Hockey Skills

1. Lay out 4 markers/ cones in a square. Dribble the ball round 4 cones in an anti-clockwise direction

2. Lay out 4 markers/ cones in a square. Dribble the ball round 4 cones in a clockwise direction

3. Lay out 4 markers/ cones in a line. Dribble the ball in and out of the cones.

4. Indian Dribbling – passing the ball side to side by tipping the stick to use the reverse. Use 2 cones/ markers for this.

5. Use the reverse stick pass to weave the ball in and out of a line of cones/ markers

6. Keepie uppie challenge – how many can you do?

Record your score and check the medal table below to see if you achieved a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE medal.

|Challenge No. | |Gold |Silver |Bronze |Your Score / Time |Your Medal |

Netball (Videos demonstrations available on the website)

1. BODY PASS - Pass the ball around your body, without dropping the ball, practice passing the ball in both directions. Challenge – how many times can you pass the ball around your body to the right in one minute and how many times can you do it to the left in one minute without dropping the ball.

2. KNEE PASS - Stand on your right leg and raise your left knee. Pass the ball under your left knee, try and stay well balanced, switch legs.

3. FAST FEET - Use a marker, anything will do, fast feet twice around the marker one way, keep looking straight ahead and then do a burpee, then go twice the other way, remember to look straight ahead, then do a burpee. Challenge - See how many times you can do this in a minute.

Get someone in your house to help with these next drills.

4. LIGHT FINGERS - Stand opposite each other, quite close, just using your fingertips, pass the ball between you, nice and fast. Then start to take small steps back.

5. PASSING DRILL Stand opposite each other, about 3 meters apart, and pass the ball using your right hand only and then pass the ball using your left hand only. You can also use a wall if you do not have a partner. See how many passes you can do in one minute!

6. SIT UPS - Lie on your back, legs bent, arms stretched out over your head, holding the ball. Sit up and pass the ball under one leg, lie back down again, do it again and pass the ball under your other leg.

Record your score and check the medal table below to see if you achieved a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE medal.

|Challenge No. | |Gold |Silver |Bronze |Your Score / Time |Your Medal |

|2 |Body Pass Right (how many times in one|45 or more |31-45 |5-30 |  | |

| |minute) | | | | | |

|3 |Fast feet and burpee (how many can you|More than 20 |11-19 |2-10 | | |

| |do in a minute) | | | | | |

|4 |How many passes in a minute |More than 50 |25-49 |10-24 | | |

Orienteering (Video explanation available on the website)

To go orienteering we need a map of the area where we want to go

Challenge1: Draw a Map of your Room or Garden

Challenge 2: Add a Course to your Map

Challenge 3: Put out markers and challenge someone to try your course

Challenge 4: Can they now make a course for you?


Challenge 1: Down & Up Shuttles / Single Leg Hops / Two Footed Broad Jumps

This challenge develops speed off the mark, speed off the ground, increases ankle / knee stability, balance and explosive power. All required within Rugby and other sports.

Mark 2 fixed points 10 meters apart. In any order, complete 10 down & up shuttle runs (at marker go to ground on chest then back up), 10 lengths of single leg hops and 10 lengths of two footed broad jumps in one go. 1 length = 10 meters. Record accumulative time for all 3 exercises.

Challenge 2: Throw, 360 & Catch

This challenge develops your hand and eye co-ordination, your ability to generate power through your arms, track a moving object, position yourself and your hands accurately to catch that moving object. Similar to catching a ‘high’ ball or kick in Rugby.

With a ball or object able to be thrown and caught find yourself some space. You need to throw the ball as high as you can each time, once thrown you must compete a 360-degree spin then catch the ball/object. Count how many completed catches you get in 30 seconds. If you drop the ball / item your score is wiped, and you start from zero again.

Challenge 3: Target Practise

Using a similar set-up as challenge 1, change the distance from 10m fixed points to 5m fixed points. Stand on a fixed point with a ball or throwable object facing the other fixed point 5m away. The fixed points are your ‘targets’. You have 30 seconds to hit the targets as many times as possible. You get 1 chance to hit each fixed target. Wherever the ball or object lands is where you throw from next. This challenge develops the technique and accuracy of a pass under pressure, turning it into a skill.

Challenge 4: Keepie Uppie

Being familiar with a ball or object, knowing how it will react to certain forces will allow you an insight into what to expect when you perform a movement in a specific way e.g. difference between a spin pass and pop-pass in rugby.

Using a rugby ball or other object you have to complete the following in order:

10 passes around your waist

10 figure of 8’s between your legs

5 chip and catch off your strong foot

You have 30 seconds to complete all 3. Each component = 1 point. If you drop the ball / object you start again from zero.

Record your score and check the medal table below to see if you achieved a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE medal.

|Challenge No. | |Gold |Silver |Bronze |Your Score / Time |Your Medal |

|2 |Throw, 360 & Catch |18-20 |12-17 |1-11 |  | |

|3 |Target Practise |20+ |11-19 |1-10 |  | |

|4 |Keepie Uppie |3 |2 |1 |  | |

Special Schools (Video available on the website)


Swimming (Video demonstrations available on the website)

1. Squat and jump to a streamlined position (tall with hand stretched up in the air)

2. Lie on your back and kick your legs (put your hands under you so that you don’t arch your back)

3. Plank challenge – hold a plank and try to gently knock your partners hand away

4. Box jumps – jump with 2 feet onto a step and land bent knees and 2 feet together.

5. Press Ups – you can be on your knees or toes and do as many as you can in 20 seconds

Record your score and check the medal table below to see if you achieved a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE medal.

|Challenge No. | |Gold |Silver |Bronze |Your Score / Time |Your Medal |

|2 |How long did you manage to keep going |26-40 seconds |16-25 seconds |5-15 seconds | | |

|3 |Plank challenge score – how many |3 or more |2 |1 | | |

| |points can you get | | | | | |

|4 |Box jumps |10 or more |5-9 |1-4 | | |

|5 |Press ups |10 or more |5-9 |1-4 |  | |

| | | | | | | |

Tennis Video available on the website

Challenge 1 Tennis Coordination

Set out 4 markers about a metre apart – run through the shoes and then side step back. How quickly can you do this 3 times?

Challenge 2 Reaction drills (5 skills)

1. Partner holds the ball up and you have your hands above their hands. Your partner drops the ball and you catch it with one hand after no more than one bounce.

2. Repeat the above with your non dominant hand

3. Repeat with No bounce allowed

4. Repeat now with 2 balls (one in each hand)

5. Repeat with 2 balls and no bounce

Challenge 3 Reaction drills

1. Keep the balloon up using the pole held between both hands (how long can you keep going?)

2. Throw the ball onto the wall and catch when it rebounds (the ball is not allowed to bounce). Catch with one hand and then the other.

3. Use the tennis racquet and hit the ball against the wall (the ball is not allowed to bounce). How long can you keep going without the ball bouncing?

Challenge 4 Racquet skills

1. Keepie uppies (bounce the ball on the centre of the racquet). How many can you do in a minute?

2. Try keepie uppies with your non dominant hand

3. Hit the ball down on to the ground and see how many you can do?

If you don’t have a racquet you can try with your hand

Record your score and check the medal table below to see if you achieved a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE medal.

|Challenge No. | |Gold |Silver |Bronze |Your Score / Time |Your Medal |

|2 |Reaction drill – how many of the 5 |4 out of 5 |2-3 out of 5 |1 out of 5 |  | |

| |skills did you manage to do? | | | | | |

|3 |Reaction drill (how long can you keep |More than 3 |1-2 minutes |Less than a minute| | |

| |the ball or balloon up) |minutes | | | | |

|4 |Racquet skills how many keepie uppies |More than 60 |59-25 |1-24 | | |

| |can you do in a minute | | | | | |

Ultimate frisbee

Frisbee Flip - 2 Players. Each player picks either Top or Bottom of Frisbee. Each player then picks a selected spot and marks it with a cone. Players take it in turns (5 turns each) to flip the frisbee like a coin. As soon as it lands, the player whose side is facing up must run to their selected spot. The other player must try to catch them before they reach it. 1 point is awarded if you make it to your spot, or if you catch your opponent. Play 3 games and keep a note of your total score

Frisbee Bowling - 1+ Players. Get your Frisbee (or equivalent). Get your Toilet Roll (or equivalent) and build a tower with 6 toilet rolls. Walk 5m (5 big steps) from the tower and mark a line with cones (or equivalent). Throw your frisbee at the tower and count how many rolls you can knock down – 1 point is awarded for each roll you knock over. Reset the tower after each throw – count your total number of points after each throw. Play 3 times and keep a note of your total score

Frisbee Golf - 1+ Players. Using your Tennis Balls (or equivalent) set up 6 targets (“golf holes”) around your outdoor space. Try to make these about 5 metres away. Take turns throwing the frisbee (or equivalent) to each of the targets, one after the other. Just like golf, try and take as few shots as possible to land the frisbee on top of all the targets. Keep a note of your score – remember the lowest score is the winner. Get Creative - Try rearranging the targets to make a new “golf hole” and start again

Beat the clock - Set a timer for 5 minutes. Pass and Throw the Frisbee back and forth making sure you don’t drop it – make sure you are 5metres apart. If the Frisbee drops, re-set the clock and start again. Was that easy? – Next time, keep a note of how many passes you manage in the 5 minutes and try to beat it next time

Record your score and check the medal table below to see if you achieved a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE medal.

|Challenge No. | |Gold |Silver |Bronze |Your Score / Time |Your Medal |

|2 |Frisbee Bowling |14 -18 |9- 13 |4-8 |  | |

|3 |Frisbee Golf |18 or less |19 - 25 |25 or more |  | |

|4 |Beat the Clock |100 + |50-99 |10-49 |  | |


Volley Against Wall. Use soft ball or balloon. Master the skill & keep the ball alive! Begin to count how many Volleys you get

Outdoor Competition. Make a safe net with elastic/string. Combine skill learned & table top rules. Agree a court & rules with your opponent(s). You can briefly catch the first ball if needed

Table Top Beach Volleyball. Use balloon/ball of paper/etc. Play seated or standing. Start with a serve. Max 3 touches. Points won if: hit the table/more than 3 touches/lands out (floor). Change server after each point. First to 11 points wins set

Mental Health. Give kind feedback to your team mate(s). How did it make you feel being kind?. Ask them how it made them feel? Could you say something kind every day? Who could that be to? Now and after lockdown? Can you think of different ways to be kind?

Nutrition. Practice making a healthy snack that you can make & take when back at school eg Flapjacks



Record your score and check the medal table below to see if you achieved a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE medal.

|Challenge Number | |Gold |Silver |Bronze |Your Score / |Your Medal |

| | | | | |Time | |

|2 |Outdoor Competition - how many sets|3 |2 |1 |  | |

| |did You win:  | | | | | |

|3 |Table Top Beach Competition - how |3 |2 |1 | | |

| |many sets did You win:  | | | | | |

|4 |Mental Health – did you say or do |YES | | | | |

| |something kind today: | | | | | |

|5 |Nutrition – did you drink lots of |YES | | | | |

| |water and think about eating | | | | | |

| |healthy food for your Games@the Hub| | | | | |

| |day | | | | | |

Bonus activities (Olympic Themed)

Design a medal for Games @ The Hub


Come up with a motto for Games @ The Hub

Some examples are

- Tokyo Olympics – ‘United by Emotion’

- Rio Olympics – New World’

- London Olympics – ‘Inspire a Generation’

Design an emblem for Games @ The Hub

There are a few examples below to give you some inspiration

[pic] [pic] [pic]

A – Z Olympic Challenge

Come up with an Olympic themed word for every letter of the alphabet

|A |N |

|B |O |

|C |P |

|D |Q |

|E |R |

|F |S |

|G |T |

|H |U |

|I |V |

|J |W |

|K |X |

|L |Y |

|M |Z |

Olympic Rings Game

Create your own rings game. An example is shown below. Put the bronze target closest to your starting point and then silver further away and gold the furthest away. Toss the rings over the bottles and see how many points you can get!

Gold = 3 points Silver = 2 points Bronze = 1 point


Olympic Targets Game

Create your own target rings game. An example is shown below of how to layout your rings. Then use socks or a bean bag and throw from at least 3 metres away. You have 5 socks to throw to see how many points you can get!

Green = 5 points Red = 4 points Yellow = 3 points Black = 2 points Blue = 1 point

Pupil task

- Pupils can choose which sports they want to do. We would suggest doing a maximum of 6 (these can again be done prior to Wednesday and then shared on the Wednesday on twitter or by email). Each activity will take up to 30 minutes to complete. Some will require equipment but we have offered options and alternatives for those that do not have access to equipment.

- Remember to tweet @ActiveSchoolsED #gamesatthehub2020

- There is a class sheet attached to the email which you can email back to me by 1pm on Thursday 4th June.

Quiz: 2pm until the end of the day on Wednesday

Pupil task

- There will be a quiz held from 2pm on Wednesday 3rd June. Pupils can decide whether they want to take part and can access this at . The code will be on the website and announced on twitter. They will be able to complete it anytime between 2pm and the end of the day on Wednesday. The winner will be announced on Friday.


There will be prizes available (which will be given when schools return). These prizes will be for participation, enthusiasm, effort, commitment, creativity, learning new skills, resilience etc. They will not be for ‘winners’ as such as we will not have scores. We will announce the prizes by the end of the week.

Active Schools Edinburgh hope you enjoy the day.

Kind regards


Jude Salmon

Active Schools Manager


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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