Visioning Work

Information on Summit and ProcessAs the need and expectation for our network to deepen its collaborative work has increased, Deaf-Blind Summit serves a critical role in giving us the focused time to strengthen our relationships and build on our existing work. This year’s summit will focus on the national initiatives, the tools, products and TA available for states now, and also allow time for action planning to build collaborative work and relationships across projects. This year, our pre-Summit and Summit work is based on the model for strategic change with the intensive visioning work happening before summit and the gathering of information leading to action planning happening at summit. Outcomes for summit include:Increased engagement across the network in national initiatives and other shared work.Increased number and depth of collaborative relationships and activities across the network.Ongoing coordinated planning regarding network technical assistance and dissemination to address the needs of children who are deaf-blind and their families.Visioning WorkThe development of a vision for the DB TA network has multiple purposes: To build common agreement about our purpose and workTo assist outside audiences in better understanding the purpose and work of the national system To assist project staff who are new to the network to enter our community in a more coherent and consistent wayThe work around the visioning process, while not complete, had a range of activities that provided opportunities for projects to give input, including comments to the forum in the state portal, facilitated webinars, and individual conversations with the NCDB Executive Director. This yielded draft vision and mission statements that we will be accepting more input on for those who have not had the opportunity to do so. Summit SessionsWhat will the day look like?This year, DB Summit will follow a format different than previous years to give all projects an opportunity to receive information about and participate in collaborative work around each of the initiatives. The sessions are meant to be both informational as well as collaborative endeavors in which projects will work together to build shared work. See Agenda for information on sessions.Session ProcessPresentationsEach initiative will present an update on the work that is occurring within it, with projects and collaborations between states in the network. This information will act as the basis for the conversations that will follow.Discussion GroupsEach initiative will have a time for group discussion and planning using the next three parts of the change model, Skills, Incentives, and Resources. This model paired with general guiding questions and questions from the initiative will be used to build on existing work and action plans and create new ones if warranted by new collaborative relationships and/or activities. Session QuestionsEach initiative will have specific questions developed by the initiative lead that will be presented in the discussion. These will support the questions within the three components of the change model. See the Notes and Action Form for guiding questions which will help generate conversation around the components of the change model being discussed FacilitationFacilitation of initiative discussion groups will be managed as follows:Time keeping will be done from the frontNCDB staff will circulate and participate to answer questions and support conversationThe note taking form includes guiding questions. Paired with the questions from each initiative these should be used to generate conversation in the groups along the lines of the three components of the change model, skill, incentives, and resources. Each group should assign one or two note takers as they see fit. Notes can be done on paper forms supplied or on laptops with the forms from the summit folder on the state portal. GroupingsProjects will be grouped together according to some common features in an effort to support the building of collaborative work and relationships. These groupings will be as follows:InitiativeGroupingEI and RRegional/low incidence Infrastructure and local districts onlyInterveners and Qualified PersonnelIHE, DOE, agency (school f/t deaf and/or blindTransition and Family EngagementLarge states and small states by regionNote Taking Forms and State FormsEach group will produce notes from its discussion that include information on the three sections of the change model (skills, incentives, resources) being discussed. There is an action/work plan table on the notes form in case people have time to add thoughts but the focus is on the first three. States should also be using their state forms to take notes that pertain to their state specific work and collaborations etc. NCDB will aggregate the information from the groups to be organized and shared back. It is hoped that states will be willing to share their state specific forms so NCDB can assist and support in making connections and build collaborative relationships among projects with common interests. Group note taking forms: At the end of each discussion paper forms should be handed in, if electronic please email to sam.morgan@State forms: At the end of the day each state person should take a picture of their state form if they used a paper form and email it to sam.morgan@. If electronic email to sam.morgan@ ................

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