Radford University School of Nursing

PO Box 6964

Radford, VA 24142

Current RN Licensed:


Home: Work:

1102 Cedar Ridge Dr. Waldron College f Health

Radford, VA 24141 and Human Services:

540-633-2227 Radford University School

vburggraf@ of Nursing (RUSON)

Box 6964

Radford, VA 24142 Room 350


540-831-7716 FAX


B.S.N Cornell University August 1964

New York Hospital

School of Nursing

New York City, New York

M.S.N.- Seton Hall University December 1979

Primary Health South Orange, New Jersey

Care of the Elderly

D.N.S. Louisiana State University December 1998

Medical Center School of

Nursing, New Orleans, LA


Louisiana League for Nursing 1990

Graduate Scholarship

Primary Health Care of the Aged 1978-1979

Department of Health Education and Welfare


Radford University School of Nursing October 2016-present

Coordinator of Continuing Education

Responsibility, as Primary Nurse Planner for creating a team of Nurse Planners to develop CE. Evidence based programs are provided on line as well as in house to meet the current knowledge needs of RNs and APNs.

Radford University School of Nursing May 2010-present

Graduate Program Director

Marcella J. Griggs Distinguished August 2001-present

Professor in Gerontological Nursing

Waldron College of Health and Human Services

Radford University

School of Nursing- Tenured – Full Professor May 2005-present

Coordinator of Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP ) program with oversight for students, enrollment, recruitment, developing programs of study, advising and chairing the Graduate Committee. Responsible for accreditation self-study, continuous improvement progress report (CIPR), developing new concentrations to meet the health care needs of the external community. Developed new concentrations in Nurse Executive Leadership, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and post BSN Gerontology Interprofessional Certificate.

Faculty RUSON -2001-present

Responsibilities include: teaching of undergraduate students in NURS 444 Gerontological Nursing and DNP Residency students, grant writing, guest lecturing, providing leadership grant partnerships, collaborating with community groups in conducting Continuing Education programs and providing leadership on a local, regional, and national level in gerontological nursing.

Teaching Responsibilities:

NURS 441 Gerontological Nursing RNBSN online 2017 .

Co teach NURS 444 Gerontological Nursing (undergraduate) 2016-present

Facilitation and primary professor in teaching the Interprofessional Gerontology Certificate Program a five credit post baccalaureate program. 2016

DNP Capstone/Final Project (2 semesters 3credit HOURS total) ) – Scholarly evidence-base paper, project, presentation 2012-2016

DNP Residency Program – Clinical leadership program in doctoral study. Equal to 12 credits and 540 clinical hours. 20012-present

Gerontological Nursing (NURS 444) primary faculty- undergraduate class of approximately 45-70. 2007-2011

Gerontological Nursing NURS 444 5 credit course to undergraduate and RN/BSN students (Web based) Fall 2001- 2010 Evaluations 4.7 – 5.0 ongoing

Gerontological Nursing NURS 444 5 credit course to undergraduate and RN/BSN students. New College Institute. Fall 2007 Evaluations 5.0

Nursing the Older Adult (90 clinical hours) NURS 622. This was the first graduate level course in a Certificate Program 2001-2009

Combines didactic with seminar format, guest lecturers and field trips. Spring 2002-2009

Evaluations 4.7-4.9

Gerontological Nursing Practicum (90 Clinical hours) NURS 649. Summer 2002-2009

Intensive clinical graduate course with 3 didactic presentations and preparation for publication, consultation, education, and field trips to Aging Centers.

Evaluations 4.7-5-0

Advanced Adult Nursing 1 and 11 (525, combined clinical hours) Advanced Practice in adult nursing for the CNS concentration in graduate school. Spring and Fall semesters 2004-2008

Evaluations 4-5.0

Independent Study – Preparation for Capstone Course (non-thesis track) 2 credits; 2 semesters 2002-2008

Evaluations 4.6-5.0

Thesis Preparation/Chair – 6 Credits, two semesters – 2005 and 2008-9

Attitudes of Older Adults Toward End-of-Life Decision Making

Evaluation 5.0

Current – Evaluation of Colorectal Cancer Education Effectiveness in Appalachia, VA.

An ACS Cancer Master’s funded grant

Nursing Leadership – Senior undergraduate 7 week intensive preparing students for their future role.

Spring 2004- 2007and 2010 Lead teaches Spring semesters 2011-present

Evaluations 4.4-4-7

Clinical Externship in Gerontological Nursing – concentrated summer elective Summer 2002-2003

Intensive 12-day LTC clinical program for senior nursing students to adopt RN capabilities, provide staff in-service programs, utilize the Scope and Standards of Gerontological Nursing Practice, and development of clinical protocols. Evaluations 4.4.

Independent Study – 1 credit hour – 45 hours of clinical – Undergraduate Spring 2006

Summer 2003

Continuing Education

Developed RU CE Connect thru HRSA grant 2014 -present

Coordinator for RUSON

Developed over 25 programs for CE for Sigma Theta Tau, 2002-2009

Program planner and CE Coordinator

Epsilon Psi Chapter; District 2 VNA and RUSON

Distinguished Lecture Series, as well as other

professional organizations partnering with RUSON

Visiting Full Time Professor (Associate Professor rank) August 2000-February 2001

Marymount University, Arlington, VA

School of Health Professions

(6 month ANA sabbatical)

Responsible for teaching a multi-disciplinary graduate seminar: Health Care Delivery in Contemporary American Society, consulting with faculty on the development of research grants, reviewing graduate theses.

American Nurses Foundation (ANF) / American Nurses Association 1994-April 2001

Grants Development Associate and Senior Policy Fellow

Grants Programs Coordinator

Senior Policy Analyst/Grant Writer

Major responsibility for grant writing and coordination/management of multiple grant programs once funding is secured. A total of 5 million dollars in grant funded programs in seven years.

Major responsibility for assessing the environment for grant possibilities that relate to the health and welfare of the nation. Addressed priorities that impact upon and implement the Healthy People 2000/2010 Objectives. Prepares grant proposals from both Federal, public and private foundations and coordinated the work of principal investigators as well as supervise grant managers in undertaking the work of funded grant programs. Programs range and have ranged in their focus from intergenerational health initiatives to cancer, HIV, smoking cessation, vaccine delivery, women’s’ health, breast cancer, environmental health, prostate cancer and multiple continuing education funded programs. Original grant writer/project coordinator of the following grants:

Breast and Cervical Cancer in low-Income African American Women (CDC)

$125,000-5 years 1992-1997

Nurse Campaign for HIV Education of Adolescents (CDC) $1,000,000-5 years 1993-1998

Put Prevention Into Practice (HHS) $150,000-1 year 1993-1994

Every Child By Two/ECBT (AETNA, CDC, Wyeth Lederle, Merck, Pasteur Merieux, Connaught, SmithKline Beecham, Gerber, Coca Cola, Newman’s Own, Toys R Us) $350,000-3 years 1995-1998

Vaccinating America’s Babies (Lederle, Aetna, Annie Casey Foundation) $150,000-2 years 1994-1996

Every Child By Two (ECBT) School health (MCH/Bureau of Primary Health Care) $25,000-1 year

Smoking Cessation (Robert Wood Johnson-RWJ) $50,000-1 year 1995-1996

Childhood Immunizations Enhancing Provider Partnerships (CDC) $600,000- 5 years 1995-2000

Prostate Cancer (Heochst Marian Roussell)- $10,000 1999

Women’s’ Health (Wyeth Ayerst) $800,000-18 months. 3 CE monographs 1998-2000

Minority Immunizations: Issues Across the Lifespan (Aventis-Pasteur) $46,000-CE 1 year 1999

Secured 8 Nursing Research Grants at $8,500 each from 1995-2000

Environmental Hazards and Children (EPA) $218,000-2 years 2000-2002

Immunization Nursing Network: Provider Outreach Web Education and Resources (INN:POWER) (CDC) $125,000- 3 years 2000-2003

Interim Director Every Child By Two (ECBT) 1995-1996

A Program of the American Nurses Foundation

This program originally operationalized at the Carter Center in Atlanta, GA is co-founded by Mrs. Rosalyn Carter and Mrs. Betty Bumpers. ECBT was permanently housed at the American Nurses Foundation. Upon their initial inception into the Foundation, it became necessary to stabilize their funding operation and hire staff to sustain their efforts. Once this was guaranteed, a program director was hired. It was at ANF until 1999.

Associate Professor of Nursing Faculty (adjunct) 1996-1998

George Mason University

Fairfax, VA

Responsible for teaching graduate seminars: “Chronic Illness and the Older Adult.”

American Nurses Association (ANA) 1990-1994

Senior Program Analyst

Kansas City, MO

Washington, D.C.

Implementation of the American Nurses Association (ANA) goals through development, analysis, and evaluation of health policy and programs related to nursing practice and economics. Developed, implemented, and evaluated projects related to practice and economic issues that impacted nursing and health care.

Developed goals, objectives, and programs for three councils: medical-surgical, gerontology and community health nursing. Initiated liaison activities for these councils with other national organizations having a similar focus. Major participation in formulation of policies and position papers on long-term care and community health addressing: Polypharmacy, Elderly Caregiving, Nutrition and the Elderly, End-of-Life Decision Making, Violence Against Women, Childhood Immunizations, Nursing and Smoking, Tobacco and Youth, Environmental Tobacco Effects, Case Management and Prevention. Promoted development and initiatives in prevention, access to care, associated with Nursing’s Agenda for Health Policy Reform. Participated as an integral member of an executive team, collaborating on grant writing, provided congressional legislative support to lobbyists and writing publications.

VA Nursing Instructor 1984-1990

Medical Center, New Orleans

Responsibility for the educational and clinical needs of 5 medical-surgical units, conducting in-service programs, updating policies, and procedures, assisting with quality assurance coordination and conducting continuing education programs in career development, gerontology, and nursing research. Major responsibility for weekly nursing new employee orientation programs and conducting monthly mandatory review programs (CPR, infectious disease, isolation procedures, etc). Plus facilitation of the career development/tuition support program. Chaired two committees, nursing research and gerontology, and served on numerous others. Served in the dual capacity as a gerontology clinical specialist and nurse educator. Coordinator of gerontology programming for the Medical Center, five regional programs planned in from 1985-1990 as well as the Annual Salute to the Older Veteran. Consultation provided on elder-care services to other medical centers on request. Developed, coordinated, and taught in innovative program of clinical instruction for Louisiana State University School of Nursing Associate Degree students.

Clinical Instructor 1980-1984

Assistant Professor

Louisiana State University Medical Center

School of Nursing, New Orleans

Faculty position with responsibility for teaching Medical Surgical, Gerontological Nursing and Nursing Research to undergraduate students.

Faculty 1984-1990

City College

Loyola University School of Nursing

Contracted to teach gerontology elective at City College as part-time faculty at the School of Nursing. Courses included theories of nursing and nursing research.

Staff Nursing 1964-1980

OB-GYN, PHN, Neonatology, Medical Surgical Nursing and Home Care


Honor A Nurse Certificate – American Nurses Foundation 2016

Lifetime Leadership, Dedication to Patient Care and the

Nursing Profession

AJN Book of the year Award – Healthy Aging… . 2015

Fellow Gerontological Society of America 2014

Top College Professor in Virginia

International top 100 magazine 2013

RU Distinguished Woman of the Year 2012

SunTrust Foundation Centennial Scholastic Mentor Award 2010

National Gerontological Nursing Association (NGNA) 2010

Wall of Honor


VNA Outstanding Member Award 2008

Hartford Distinguished Faculty in Gerontological Nursing Award 2005

Distinguished Service Award 2005

National Gerontological Nursing Association

Nursing Hall of Honor 2005

Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ.

Waldron College, Radford University Research Fellow 2005

Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing 2003

Waldron College, Radford University Research Fellow 2002-2003

Virginia Henderson Fellow 2001

Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society

Distinguished Alumnae Award 1999

Louisiana State University School of Nursing

Fellow National Gerontological Nursing Association (NGNA) 1999

Nurse of Excellence Award 1997

Nursing Spectrum

Distinguished Alumnus Award 1994

Cornell University New York Hospital SON

Federal Woman of the Year 1990

VA Medical Center

Who’s Who in Female Executives 1989

AJN Book of the Year Award 1989

Nursing the Elderly: A Care Plan Approach

International Leaders 1989

Achievement Award

International Biographical Center

Director’s Commendation 1988

VA Medical Center, New Orleans, LA

Great 100 Nurses 1987

New Orleans, LA

Who’s Who in the Southwest 1987

Sister Henrietta Guyot Research Award 1986

Sigma Theta Tau: Epsilon Nu Chapter

“Discharge Planning In Nursing Homes.”

Who’s Who in American Nursing 1984- present

Certification in Gerontological Nursing 1981-2001

American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)


Marcella Griggs Gerontology Grant – RU Foundation $10,000

2014-2105 each year awarded

Advanced Education for Nursing Traineeships $612,000 HRSASept.12- June 2014 awarded

Center for Healthy and Successful Aging $800,000

MFA Foundation submission. Sept, 2012 not funded

Waldron College June 2011

Transitions in Care $10,000

HRSA Comprehensive Geriatric Education 2012-2015 not funded


American Nursing Education Expansion (ANEE) not accepted

Sept. 2010 notification

HRSA – tuition support for DNP $395,930

Advancing Geriatric Education through not accepted

Technology for Nursing Groups (AGEING)

With VA Tech

Stimulus Funds $285,450

Sept. notification

An Exploration of the Effectiveness of 2010

Student Learning in a Long-Term Care Learning Unit

Waldron College $10,000

Comprehensive Geriatric Education 2003-2012

Bureau of Health Professions HRSA 2010


Radford University King Endowment $60,000 2009-2011

RU Mental Health Consortia

Radford University King Endowment grant 2008-2009

Advancing Care Through Mental Health Education $15,000

American Cancer Society 2008

MSN program grant $20,000

Fatalism and Colorectal Cancer Screening in Appalachian Older Adults

Thesis graduate student grant for tuition and research

King Endowment Grant (RU)

Workshop Training for Geriatric Mental Health Care

$6, 935 2008

King Endowment $60,000 2010-13

Annual Mental Health Conference

Palliative Care – $2,500 2007

National Hospice Association

Carilion NRV $1,500

Hartford/AACN Creating Careers in Geriatric Nursing 2005-2008

$30,000 scholarships for 5 graduates students

Elder Abuse with Women’s Resource Center 2005

NRV Foundation for $500

Waldron College Research Grant: Physical Health and Social Support 2005

of Caregivers in Southwest Virginia


American Association of Colleges of Nursing- Hartford Foundation June, 2004

Creating Careers in Geriatric Nursing


Awarded for $30,000

Carlot Grant - Case Management and Assessment of the Elderly (CARE) 2004-5


Carlot Grant (submission) for 2007-08 implementation

Engaging in Aging $3,000 Care – In – Age $4,212

Geriatric Nursing in Long Term Care 2003-2004

Division of Nursing – Bureau of Health Professions –HRSA $25,000 – Score 94

Designed to educate 15 nurses specifically in LTC for future leadership positions

Matching Funds Obtained from the Medical Facilit1es of America

Creating Careers in Geriatric Nursing 2002

AACN/ Hartford Foundation - $44,000

Three years of tuition for over 10 graduate students

Project CAREER -$1,000 2003

Development of a CD ROM:

Gerontology Certificate Program for RNs

7th Annual Gerontology Conference RUSON 2003 - 2005

Sponsorship from Corporations and Pharmaceutical Companies $5,500

Medical Facilities of America (MFA) $20,000

to expand geriatric services in the New River Valley 2003-2006

1-5th Annual Aging Conference – BRC Chapter of NGNA, 2002 -2006

Sponsorship $40,000


See above


Virginia Geriatric Education Center, Richmond, VA 2011-present

RU Partnership through HRSA grant

Board of Directors 2008-2012

Warm Hearth Village - CCRC

Blacksburg, VA

Program Chair 2012-present

VNA NRV Chapter

Sigma Theta Tau

Epsilon Psi Chapter President 2007-2011

American Nurses Association 2004-2008

Congress of Nursing Practice and Economics

Board Member James Madison University 2004-2006

College of Integrated Science and Technology

Virginia Nurses Association – Delegate to ANA 2003-2005

District 2 VNA Secretary 2004-2005

District 2 President 2006 -present

Blue Ridge Chapter NGNA

Program Chair 2012-present

Meals on Wheels NRV Board

Radford City Department of Social Services 2003

Editorial Review Boards:

Nursing Outlook - Reader-current

Nursing Made Incredibly Easy 2003-08

Geriatric Nursing 1995 - 2007

Journal of Gerontological Nursing 1990 - 2000t

Journal of Applied Gerontology 2002 - 2011

Clinical Practice Committee January 2003

Virginia State Nurses Association (VNA)

VNA Delegate to ANA Fall 2003-2006

NGNA appointment to ANCC-Hartford Foundation December 2002

Magnet Nursing Home Consortia.

Rural Health Delegate Council March 2002

National Council on Aging

Epsilon Psi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau 2002-2003

President Elect, Radford University

School of Nursing

President 2003-2005

Vice President 2006-2007

Program Chair 2012

Smith Kline/Beechman March 2001

Expert Panel on Needle Stick Safety

Merck Expert Advisory Panel on Adult Immunizations January 2000

Expert Panel-Lyme Disease January 2000

Steering Committee-American Society of Consultant Pharmacists March 2000

Board of Directors-National Gerontological Nurses Association 1999-2003

Vaccine: Risk/Benefit Advisory Board 1999-2000

Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine (ATPM)

Co-Chair Menopausal Health Program 1999-2001

Wyeth Ayerst Pharmaceutical Company

American Medical Directors Association 1998-1999

National Forum on quality Pharmaceutical Care

In Long Term Care

American Nurses Association Representative 1998-2000

Women’s Health Awareness Coalition

National Council on Aging (NCOA)

Board of Directors-ASSISST 1998-1999

Parish Nursing Program

External Planning Committee 1997-2001

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

National Immunization Program (NIP)

Board of Directors 1997-1998

Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies: A National Coalition

Board of Directors 1993-2001

Every Child By Two (ECBT)

Group Health Association of America May 1992

Nurse Managed Care Advisory Board

Minneapolis, MN

RN Advancing Infarction Management (AIM) 1997-1998

Task Force

Boehringer Mannheim Corporation

Editor: Healthy People 2000 /2010 1996-2000t

Series in Journal of Gerontological Nursing

Editorial Review Boards 1990-2006t

Journal of Gerontological Nursing

Geriatric Nursing 1991-2008

Nursing Outlook (Reviewer) 2006-present

Journal of Applied Gerontology 2007-2010

South Louisiana League for Nursing 1989-1990

Membership Secretary 1981-1982

Recording Secretary

Epsilon NU Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau 1989-1990


Louisiana State University Medial Center

School Of Nursing

Board Member 1989-1990

Louisiana League for Nursing (LLN)

Secretary and President 1987-1990

Nurses of the Veterans Administration (NOVA)

New Orleans Chapter - President 1987

Chairman: Nominating Committee 1987-1989

ANA Council of Gerontological Nursing

Editorial Board 1987

The Southwestern

Journal of Aging in the Southwest

Advisory Board 1986-1987


Long Term care: A Kellog Grant

Board of Directors 1985-1990

Louisiana Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association,

Greater New Orleans Chapter

Editorial Board 1984-1986

Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship


HESI Gerontological Nursing June 2010

Prentice Hall- Geriatric Nursing Text consultation April 2008

Content connections (Lippincott) Book Consultation 2006-2007t

St. Joseph College, Brooklyn, NY 2005

NYS Regents MSN program review

James Madison University – MSN grant development 2003

Implementation and Consultant 2004-2006

Harrisonburg, VA

Randolph House (consultant) Sept. 2003

Adult Home, Pulaski, VA

American Society on Aging February 2003

C.A.R.E.-Pro Advisory Panel

A Caregiving dissemination grant program.

American Nurses Credentialing Center December 2002

Magnet Nursing Homes

Member of multidisciplinary panel to develop criteria

American Academy of Nursing 2002-2004

Development Fund Raising

Assisted them with ideas to reach their goals

Association of Teachers of Preventative Medicine 2001

Grant Writing and Conference

Gave a specific program to them to plan their conference

RN AIM Project 1997-1998

Bohringer Mannheim Corporation

Cardiovascular panel of experts.

Grant Consultation 1996-1998

University of Massachusetts, Boston

Program for faculty on grantsmanship

National Gerontological Nurses Association 1997-2000


Mosby, Inc. 1997

Book Consultation Reviewer


Gerontological Nurse Consultant 1898-1990

Louisiana Geriatric Education Center (GEC)

(Nurse Coordinator) HHS Grant

Louisiana State Office of Advocacy 1989-1990

Major responsibility: consult on cases of elder abuse and interdiction

Louisiana State University 1987

Medical Center

School of Nursing

Research Day, “Year of the Elderly”

Major responsibility: obtain keynote speaker and secure funding

Governor’s Office of Elderly Affairs, Baton Rouge, LA 1986-1988

Major areas of responsibility: develop a training manual for ombudsmen

and provide two programs.

Louisiana State University 1986-1987

Medical Center

School of Nursing

Long Term Care Task Force

Major areas of responsibility: develop funding possibilities for training nursing home administrators.

South Central Veterans Administration 1986-1989

Detailed to St. Louis

Regional Medical Center, MO;

Bay Pines, FL; and

Muskogee, OK

Major areas of responsibility: consultation in Gerontological nursing and presentation of continuing geriatric nursing programs.

Loyola University City College 1984-1990

School of Nursing and Department of

Continuing Education

Gerontology Consultant

Major responsibility: develop and implement programs in gerontology

Louisiana State University 1981-1989 Medical Center

School of Dentistry

Geriatric Dentistry Committee

Major responsibility: develop curriculum and consult on programs developed in geriatric dentistry.

St. Tammany Hospital 1984-1990

Long Term Care


Major area of responsibility: provide staff with continuing education and consult with administrators in areas where geriatric programs could be implemented.

Lakeview Shepherd Center 1984-1985

Major area of responsibility: develop a program for “prime time” participants

Loyola University City College 1984-1990

School of Nursing and Department Continuing Education

Gerontology Consultant

Major responsibility: develop and implement programs in gerontology.

Catholic Charities, Adult Day Care Division 1981-1985

New Orleans and West Tammany, LA

Major area of responsibility: develop a program of personal care services and evaluate centers for nursing care and interventions.

Geriatric Nursing Consultant, Citizens for Quality 1980-1981

Nursing Home Care

Board Member, New Orleans, LA

Major area of responsibility: development of booklet “How to Choose a Nursing Home in Louisiana.”


American Nurses Association 1968-present

Virginia Nurses Association 2000-present

Virginia Rural Health Association 2009-present

American Geriatrics Society 2001-2004

National Gerontological Nursing Association 1985-present

Blue Ridge Chapter NGNA 2002-present

Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing 1979-2006

Honor Society Epsilon Nu Chapter LSU

President 1989-1990

President- Elect Epsilon Psi Chapter RU Officer 2002-2010

Canadian Gerontological Nurses Association (CGNA) 2000-2005

Southern Nursing Research Society 2002-2005

Association of Gerontology in Higher Education 2001-present

American Society of Aging 1982-2004

National Council on Aging 1989-2004

Rural Delegate Council Member-NCVA (appointed) 2002-2004

Gerontological Society of America 1984-present

Southern Gerontology Society 2001-present

International Rotary (Rotary) 2002-2005

Secretary-Radford Rotary 2003-2004

Chamber of Commerce (Radford) 2002-2004


Lecturer on a local, regional, and national level, addressing a broad range of topics in gerontology over the past 30 years. The most recent years are documented.


Coordinator Graduate Program RUSON – 2010-20016

Monthly Columnist for 12 years in Senior News: Ginger Says

Board Member Warm Hearth Retirement Center, Blacksburg 2010-2013

Institutional Review Board (IRB) 2007-2010

Faculty Senate- 2007-2009

CE Coordinator (6-10 programs annually for the RUSON) 2016-present

Our Turn – Fall 2008 Why Write Why Publish

Facilitator of a SON Writing Group for Faculty to publish.

Our Turn – Spring – May 2007

Innovation in Group Projects with Kereen Mullenbach

Fear of Flying: Landing in Publication

Faculty Institute – Leadership/Scholarship presentation to new faculty – February 2007

Faculty Development Book series

Presentation: Gerontological Nursing: Current Research and Practice Fall 2006

Guest Lecturer (2003-2006) NURS 629: Functional Assessment of the Older Adult

Faculty Development Our Turn “Writing for Publication” 2.5 hour program May and August 2004

Program designed to provide faculty with the momentum to get their articles

Campus Author Series - Gerontological Nursing: Current Research and Practice November 2006

Alternate Delegate to Faculty Senate from RUSON 2005

Faculty Senate Representative 2006-2007

Facilitates Annual RU Gerontology/Wellness Conference Fall 2002-present

Coordinator and Chair of the Radford University (CE) Annual Gerontology Conference addressing health care issues- for an interdisciplinary audience of health care providers in the area. Over 300 attend. Funding from outside sources has made this possible for the past three years. Over $10,000 in funding secured annually.

Campus Caregiver Support Group - monthly 2001-2007 and 2011

Addressing the burden, needed social support, respite and resources available in the community.

Approximately 12-15 faculty and or university staff attend. Guest speakers provide fro an active discussion among participants. Graduate students from Dept. of Psychology and Counseling and School of Nursing participate. Will begin again under faculty development in fall 2007.

Blue Ridge Chapter of the National Gerontological Nursing Association – facilitated development in 2001. Current Secretary-President. Facilitated four Aging Programs, in partnership with the Carilion NRV and the Roanoke Center for Healthy Aging, partnering with long-term care facilities (Friendship Retirement and the Medical Facilities of America). Nationally known nurse experts have keynoted both programs. Sponsorship and funding secured in the amount of $40,000 in the past 5 years.. This is the first nursing organization in this area addressing the nursing care of older adults.

Developed a proposal for the Center for Healthy and Successful Aging (CHSA), a million dollar investment for five years to promote community outreach, development of University curricula in multiple departments, promote aging research and meet the health care needs of the older adults in Southwest Virginia. Funding in 2004-5 are priorities

Participated in Quest – Orientation Program for incoming RU students and families- summer 2003-2009

Member of the RU Library Committee 2003

Active member of the Scholarly Lecture Committee 2003-present

Active Member of RU Scholarship Committee 2004-2010t

Representative (SON) to faculty Senate 2005-2007

Secretary of the Radford Rotary


President - Sigma Theta Tau - Epsilon Psi Chapter at Radford University School of Nursing 2003-5

President 2003-2005

Vice President 2005-present

Coordinator of CE for RUSON 2004-present

Developed over 20 programs

VP 2006 -present

Coordinated annual research day, in April 2003 - 2007.

Coordinated Continuing Education Fall 2003-2007 programs


Gerontology Certificate Program 2014

Southern Gerontology Society

Body Mid and Sprit Aging Conference 2014

Lynchburg College

Partnering in Long-term Care (LTC);

A Dedicated Learning Unit for the BSN Student- AGHE 2010

The Dedicated Learning Unit in LTC,

Southern Gerontology Association (SGA) 2010

Partnering in Long Term Care (LTC):

A Dedicated Learning Unit for the BSN Student GSA- 2010

And Southern Nursing Research Society 2011

They are Here and They are Grey- Rochester Univ. April 2007, April 2008

University of Buffalo and University Rochester SON

Gerontological Nursing: Current Research Nov. 2006

and Practice - Campus Author Series RU

Understanding Daily Life Experiences of March 2007

Older Women

Panel presentation – RU Women’s History month

Creative Use of Train-the Trainer Models and Nov. 2006

Imaginative Technology to Educate Practicing

Acute Care Nurses in Best Practices of Geriatric

Care - GSA Symposium Discussant

Ethnogeriatrics and Polypharmacy

James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA Apr. 2006

Symposium Coordinator – GSA Nursing Interest Group Nov. 2004

Point-Counterpoint Facilitator on Issues

Symposium Participant GSA Nov. 2004

Comprehensive Geriatric Education

Advancing Undergraduate Nursing Education June 2004

America Nurses Association Biennial Convention

Healthy People 2010 October 2003

VNA Convention, Lynchburg, VA

Humor and Aging June 2003

Carilion NRV hospital Annual Volunteers Luncheon

Caregiving and the Older Adult February 2003

Radford Rotary

Becoming a Nurse October 2002

Medical Volunteers (Students interested in medical careers)

Functional Assessment and the Older Adult October 2002

Blue Ridge Chapter NGNA

Caregiving in Rural America June 27, 2002

Creative Caregiving: Together We Can Make a Difference Conference

Virginia Tech

Blacksburg, VA

Caregiving for Older Adults in Rural Communities June 13, 2002

Annual Gerontology Conference- Beard Center on Aging

Lynchburg College Lynchburg, VA

Caregiving: A Workplace Dilemma May 2002

Healthy People 2010: A Chronic Illness Agenda

Southern Gerontological Society

Orlando, Florida

Healthy People 2010 May 2001

Implications for Nursing Research

Maryland NGNA Chapter

HRSA Expert Panel: Graduate Curriculum March 2001

In Gerontological Nursing

Celebrating Nursing…Research February 4, 2001

Presentation to the Eta Alpha Chapter of STT

At Marymount University

CDC Vaccine Safety Communication Panel October 2000

Support for Nursing and Health Service Providers October 2000

Nursing Research Support

Panel presentation

Association of College and University Offices

Minority Elderly: A Crystal Ball in the 21st Century June 2000

2000 ANA Biennial Convention

Grant Writing pre conference (6 hours) June 2000

2000 ANA Biennial Convention, Indianapolis, IN.

Northern Virginia University December 1999

Chronic Illness and the Older Adult

Full Day Continuing Education Program

Supporting Partners on the Road to Pharmaceutical Care September 1999

American Pharmaceutical Association

CE program to Epsilon Nu and Xi Chapters of Sigma Theta Tau March 1999

LSUSN and Holy Cross College

Nursing Research in the 21st Century

New Orleans, LA

Gerontological Nursing Series October 1999

Continuing Education Programs

Virginia Commonwealth University (contracted)

Nursing in the New Millennium: Research, Practice, and Education May 1999

Epsilon Nu Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, New Orleans (contracted)

Series on Aging April 1998t

Programs presented to the American Academy of Orthopedists and


Grant Writing: A Workshop for Nurses June 1998

San Diego, CA

American Nurses Association Biennial Convention

Smoking Cessation: Implementation of the AHCPR Guidelines June 1998

Society for Vascular Nurses

Washington, D.C.

Caring, Collaboration, and Cooperation September 1997

Panel presentation at the National Gerontological Nursing Convention

Nursing: A New Paradigm in the 21st Century April 1996

University of MA, Boston


Keynote Address: Louisiana State Nurses association (LSNA) Convention October 1995

“Nursing: A New Paradigm in the 21st Century”

Financial Empowerment: Nursing Future October 1995

LSNA Convention

American Society on Aging March 1994

Alcoholism and the Elderly

Summer Series on Aging June 1994

American Society on Aging

Put Prevention into Practice

Washington, D.C.

Keynote Address October 1993

“Advanced Practice Nursing in the 21st Century”

Academy of Medical Surgical nursing

New Orleans, LA

Presenter-27th National Immunization Conference June 1993

Centers for disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

“Public Health Focus-Discussion of the Healthy People

2000 Goals, Barriers, and Achievements

Keynote Address April 1993

“The Responsibility of an Award”

Great 100 Nurses, New Orleans

Today’s Challenge: Acute Care March 1993

Gerontological Nursing

Presenter-Duke University

Durham, NC

Change: A Positive Force in Nursing November 1992

Plenary Session

Vermont Nurses Association

National League for Nursing November 1992

Keynote Regional conference

Changing Undergraduate Nursing November 1992

Meeting the Challenges of an Aging Population

A symposium presentation with Canadian colleagues

The Gerontological Society of America

Medical Case Management July 1992

National Association of Social Workers

Washington, D.C.

National Association of Social Work July 1992

1992 World Assembly

Centers for Disease Control June 1992

26th Annual Immunization Conference

Panel Member: Resources on Immunizations

St. Louis, MO

American Society on Aging March 1992

Roles, Rights, and Responsibility in

Continuity of Care and Competencies

Gerontological Nursing ’92 February 1992

Medical College of Pennsylvania

Multidisciplinary Discharge Planning

Coordinator of “Immunization Partners” 1992-present

An annual meeting of Every Child By Two and

The American Nurses Foundation

Gerontological Society of America November 1991

Caregiving in the Workplace: Research Symposium

Continuation of Care: Essentials of Continuity of Care August 1991

University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Gerontological Nursing Contemporary Forums May 1991

Program Co-Chairperson

Cancer and the Elderly Clinical Interventions and Quality of Life Issues

Washington, D.C.

Home Health Care Nursing Contemporary Forums May 1991

Certification of Home Health nurses: What’s on the Horizon?

Health Assessment and Care January 1991

Planning for the Geriatric Client

University of Southwestern Louisiana


Transitions in Care of Older Adults Waldron College Research Grant 2011

Assessing Improvement in in Nursing Student Skills Using Dedicated Education Units in Long-term Care

2011HRSA grant

An Exploration of the Effectiveness of Student Learning in a LTC Dedicated Learning Unit – 2009-2010t

Aging IQ: Developing Gerontological Baccalaureate Nursing Education Competencies - 2007-2008

Caregiver Health and Social Support in Rural Caregivers. Waldron College Fellowship 2005-2006.

Caregiver Strain -2011-present - assessing support services from a support group.


Burggraf, V., (1998) Burden, Depression, Physical Health Status, Social Support, and Absenteeism: A Study of Employed and Unemployed Caregivers of the Elderly (Dissertation)

Burggraf, V., “The Dying Patient: A Determination of Nursing Attitudes and Contributing Factors in Care of the Terminally Ill.” Overlook Hospital Summit, New Jersey, 1977. (Masters Thesis)

Burggraf, V., Death and Anxiety and Its Relationship to Female Residents in a Nursing Home. (Master’s Thesis) King James Nursing Home, Chatham, New Jersey, 1979.

Rankin, N. and Burggraf, V., Aging in the 80’s: A Nursing Challenge of Imminent Magnitude. New Orleans, LA, 1981.

A survey of four large hospitals in the New Orleans, LA area to determine quantity of Gerontological nursing in basic R.N. programs and influencing variables upon attitude toward older patients. Published.

Burggraf, V. Care of Pressure Ulcers. A VAMC Study to determine effective treatment modalities for care, 1987. Funded by the VA Medical Center

Burggraf, V. Falls: Etiological Factors. VAMC, New Orleans, 1988.

Burggraf, V, Donlon, B. and Kissling, G. (1988) Discharge Planning in Nursing Homes.

A pilot study of 18 nursing homes in Orleans Parish. Grant applied for a regional study. Presented at Second National Forum Research on Aging, March 1985. Research continued on grant from Sigma Theta Tau, February 1986.

Burggraf, V, Donlon, B., and Kissling, G. Discharge Planning in Louisiana Nursing Homes. Major evaluation Study (n=243) to determine discharge planning protocols in Louisiana nursing homes. Funded by Sigma Theta Tau.

Burggraf, V., Caregiving and Burden in the Workplace: A Correlation Study. A PILOT Project of 25 individuals investigating ethnicity, burden, chronicity, and sick leave (1992).


DVD Productions (HRSA Grant) 2009 - 2011

End of Life Care in the Older Adult

Mental Health and the Older Adult

In service Education Modules for LTC(7)


Burggraf, V, Knight, A., & Kim Kye. (2014). Healthy Aging: Principles and Clinical Practice for Clinicians. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams and Wilkens.

Book of the Year award - 2015.

Burggraf, V. (HRSA grant 2012 publication): Healthy Aging: Clinical Guidelines for Advanced Practice Nurses

Burggraf, V. & Lundgregan, E. (2004) Gerontological Nursing Certification. Washington, DC: ANA Publishing.

Burggraf, V. & Barry, R. (1996) Gerontological Nursing: Current Research and Practice. Thorofare, NJ: Slack

Burggraf, V & Stanley, M. (1989) Nursing the Elderly: A Care Plan Approach. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott. (Winner AJN Book of the Year Award 1990)

Book Chapters/Consultation Reviewer

C. Miller (2005). Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Text reviewer.

Beare, P & Myers, J. (1990). Principles and Practices of Adult Health Nursing. St. Louis: C.V. Mosey Co. Contributor of Gerontology Content.

Nursing Consultation: Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary (1993). 17th Ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Nursing Consultation: Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary (1997). 18th Ed.

Policy and Politics for Nurses (3rd Edition). Orlando, FL: W.B. Saunders, Co. Fall 1998.

Burggraf, V(1998). Long-term Care: Can we afford it. In: Mason, D.J. & Leavitt, J. (Eds)

Burggraf, V. (2005). The future of gerontological nursing. In: Stanley, M. & Beare, P. (Eds.), Gerontological Nursing: Promoting Successful Aging with Older Adults (pp. 371-375). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.

Journal Articles:

Burggraf, V. (2012). Overview and summary. The new millennium: Evolving & emerging nursing roles. Journal of On-Line Nursing.

Mullenbach, K.. & Burggraf, V. (2012). A Dedicated learning unit in long-term care: A clinical immersion Geriatric Nursing 33(1). 63-67.

Burggraf, V. (2010). Should the nurse become a doctor. Nursing in Virginia. Winter 2010

Burggraf, VIt is not about me: Musings of a grant writer. NCURA Dec. 2010

Burggraf, V, Duffy, E., Engel, S. (2008). Alzheimer’s disease: Caring for the Caregiver. Counseling Points. 1) (3) 2-15.

The Congress of Nursing Practice and Economics: Your Deliberative Body (March-April 2007) Virginia Nurses Times

Burggraf, V. & Anderson, M. (2007) Passing the Torch: Transcendence. Geriatric Nursing 20 (1). 37-38

Burggraf, V. Caregiver Health: Evidence Based Protocol. Research Dissemination Program, University of Iowa

Burggraf, V. (2004). Promoting education: Improving quality in long-term care. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. (29) 3

Burggraf, V. (2003). Illiteracy: A silent disability. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 28(8). 6.

Burggraf, V. (2002). A unique mentoring experience. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 27(4), 3

Morris, E. & Burggraf, V. (2001). A mentoring relationship. Journal of Christian Nursing. 18(1). 29-31.

Burggraf, V & Barry, R. (2001). What the future holds for gerontological nursing. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 31(1). 52.

Burggraf, V & Barry, R. (2000). Healthy people 2010: Protecting the health of older adults. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 26(12). 16-22.

Bruner, D., Joseph, A., Pickett, M & Burggraf, V. (2000). Prostate cancer elder alert: Living with treatment choices and outcomes. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 26(2). 22-35.

Burggraf, V. (2000). The older woman: Ethnicity and health. Geriatric Nursing. 21(4). 183-187.

Burggraf, V. & Weinstein, B. (2000). Don’t miss this opportunity: Promote adult immunizations. MEDSURG Nursing 9(4). 198-200.

Burggraf, V. & Buckwalter, K. (1999). Celebrating nursing research. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 24(3). 5-7.

Burggraf, V. (1998). The dis-stressed heart. Cardiac Monitor. Cligott Communications.

Burggraf, V. & Barry, R. (1998). Gerontological nursing in the 21st century. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 24(6). 29-35.

Burggraf, V. & Barry, R. (1998). Who Me? Old? Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 24(8). 5-7.

Burggraf, V. & Barry, R. (1996). Objective look at the elderly. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 22(10). 7-10.

Burggraf, V. & Barry, R. (1995). Long-term care: Providing for those with disability and chronic illness. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 21 (10). 31-35.

Burggraf, V. & Barry, R. (1994). Blooming: An ageless phenomenon (editorial). Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 19 (12), 5.

Burggraf, V. (1994). He ain’t heavy (editorial) Immunization Action News (CDC). 1(6), 3.

Burggraf, V. (1994). Schools of nursing and organizations unite to send messages to congress. The American Nurse. September 22.

Burggraf, V. (1993). 18: A magic number in proper immunization procedures. The American Nurse. 25(2), 26.

Burggraf, V. (1993). Correctional facilities experience TB outbreaks. The American Nurse 25(4), 23.

Burggraf, V. (1993). The changing face of long-term care (editorial). Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 19(5), 5.

Burggraf, V. (1993). Public health focus: Discussion of the healthy people 2000 immunization goals, barriers, and achievements. Proceedings from the 27th National Immunization Conference. US Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control.

Burggraf, V. (1993). Caregiving. The American Nurse. 25(7), 25,

Burggraf, V. (1993). Geriatric nursing: Health care reform in Scotland. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 19(8), 35-39.

Burggraf, V. (1993). A systematic window: Revelations of aging. (editorial). Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 19 (12), 5-6.

Burggraf, V. (1992). Grant to put “Prevention into Practice”. The American Nurse. 24(10), 24.

Burggraf, V. (1992). Home care has link to immunization. The American Nurse 25(1), 15.

Burggraf, V. ANA’s health care financing: Administration minimum data set conference. OASIS. January 1991. 8(1), 1&8.

Burggraf, V. (1990). Empowerment. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 1(7), 5.

Burggraf, V. (1990). Three wise phrases: Thank You, I love you and goodbye. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 17(10), 5.

Burggraf, V. One moment in time. Challenger, October 1989 4(1).

Rankin, N. & Burggraf, V. Teaching gerontological nursing can be fun. Gerontology and Geriatric Education. Vol. 1, 1987.

Burggraf, C & Stanley, M. (1986). The Path of the past shaping the future. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 7(86), 30-34.

Burggraf, V. (March, 1985) Wellness in the elderly. Southern League for Louisiana Nursing (SLLN) Interchange Guest Editorial, March 1985.

Burggraf, V. & Donlon, B. (1985). Assessing the elderly: A continuing education program, American Journal of Nursing, 9(85), 974-984.

Burggraf, V. Guest Editorial. “Rising Stars,” Excel, 1984, 2(3), 9.

Burggraf, V. Viewpoint, Excel, 1983, 1(1), 7-8.

Burggraf, V Guest Editorial, (1983) “Colleague.” Challenge, 4(2), 10-11.

Burggraf, V. Hearing loss: Appropriate interventions. Extension, 3(2), 1-8.

Burggraf, V. & Palestis, E. Our future selves. Geriatric Nursing, January/February, 1983, 4(1), 35-38.

Rankin, N. & Burggraf, V. Aging in the 80’s. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, May 1983, 9(5), 270-275.

Burggraf, V. & Pedigo, N. (1982). Pharmacotherapeutics and the elderly. P.R.N. Learning Systems, 2(3), 1-13.

Burggraf, V. (1981). Wheel of aging. Geriatric Nursing, May/June, 2(3), 208-209.

Burggraf, V (1980).. A new beginning. Pelican News, Winter 1980, 36(4), 3.

Burggraf, V. (1980). Course Alters and Stereotypes. Aging, September-October, 311-132, 45.

Burggraf, V. Gerontopics. Chatam Courier, October 1979-January 1980. Writer of Series:

“Hypothermia: A Winter Hazard of the Aged”

“Nutrition an the Elderly”

“Fitness After Fifty”


Burggraf, V. (1979). Communication with hearing impaired residents. Caring Practices, 1(3).

Book Reviews:

Burggraf, V. Toward Health Aging (1998) by Ebersole, P. & Hess. P. Mosey. Geriatric Nursing (19)3.

Burggraf, C. (1998). NGNA Core Curriculum for Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses (1999) Luggen, A. Journal of Gerontological Nursing (25)48.

Burggraf, V. (1998). The Nurse Consultant’s Handbook by B. Puetz & Schinn, L. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 25(48).

Burggraf, V. Gerontological Nursing by Stanley, M & Beare, P. (1995). W.B. Sauders. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 25(6).

Burggraf, V. Consequences of Caregiving in Today’s Society. In Geriatric Nursing, Tish Sommer. May/June 1988.

Burggraf, V. You’re Only Dead Once: Dr Seuss. In South Western. Winter 1986. 10(2).

Burggraf, V. Handbook of Gerontological Nursing by B. Steffl (ed.). Discharge Planning Update,Winter 1985. Book Review.

Burggraf, V. Physical Assessment of the Gerontological Client by R. Carontenuto and J. Bullock, Nursing and Health Care, April 1982, 2(4), 3-4. Book Review.

Film Reviews:

Burggraf, V. Alzheimer’s Disease: Coping with Confusion. The Gerontologist. 26(4), 1986.

Burggraf, V. Alzheimer’s Disease: Discharge Planning. The Gerontologist. 26(4), 1986.

Newspaper Articles (120 total)

Newspaper Column (monthly) Ginger Says March 2002-present

Senior News Blue Ridge Edition

66,000 circulation

Featuring a Health Care Topic –2002-7 topics include:

When Grandma Comes Home

You’ve Had It, You Need It, You Want It

Are You What You Eat?

Fit for What

Celebrate Life

The Best Toothbrush is One You Use

Keeping Warm in Winter

I Don’t Want To Be Young….Again

Are Their Pumpkins in Your Closet?

That New Years Resolution: What Does It Mean

Are We Getting Older or Better?

Them Bones, Them Weary Bones

I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up

Sleeping is for Everyone

Are you Vulnerable or Venerable

Nearer My God to Thee

The Yearly Physical

Pain is Inevitable and Misery is Optional

The Power of Thank You plus others


Participation in providing continuing education programs as well as attendance at multiple programs to obtain continuing education credits (approximately 30 CEU’s per year). These can be provided upon request.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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