

Name: __________________________________ Date: ______________________



The “Learning How to Teach” focus for this week is: Responding to students: marking, revoicing, returning to the text, pressing for elaboration, encouraging uptake

During this week of working with students, be mindful of the way you respond to them. For example, how do you mark a thoughtful response? How do you press for elaboration or more thinking on the part of students?

Transcribe an example of a thoughtful response that you made to a student comment and explain why you selected it.

Lesson Plan

How much time do you expect the lesson to take? 10-15 minutes

Standards (What standards will this lesson be addressing?)

1. Learning to Read Independently

1.1.5 E Acquire a reading vocabulary by correctly identifying and using words (e.g., synonyms, homophones and homographs and words with roots, suffixes, and/or prefixes). Use a dictionary or related reference.

1.1.5 F Identify, understand the meaning of and use correctly key vocabulary from various subject areas.

Learning Goal(s) (What do you expect students to know, understand, and be able to do?)

• Students will be able to pronounce and understand the meaning of each vocabulary word.

• Students will be able to use the words in a variety of contexts.

Materials/Resources/Tools (What materials, resources, support will you provide?)

• Vocabulary words written on poster board

determined daring solo practical elegant

protested meandering intend hesitated

Grouping: whole group

|prompts and cues for teaching |planning ahead: notes and cautions |

|“Let’s begin by pronouncing each word. I will say each word and then I want you to say the word.” |[pic] |

|Point to each word on the poster and pronounce it clearly. Then have students repeat the word. |Set your timer. |

|“Now let’s find out what these words mean.” |Have examples for each word ready in case students have |

|determined |difficulty coming up with their own examples. |

|“If you are determined to do something, you have made a firm decision to do it and will not let anything stop you. | |

|“Describe a time when you were determined.” | |

|daring | |

|“If someone is daring, that person does things which might be dangerous or shocking. | |

|“What is some act that you might describe as daring?” | |

|prompts and cues for teaching |planning ahead: notes and cautions |

|solo | |

|“You can say that someone does something solo when they do it on their own. For example, someone who sings alone sings solo. | |

|“What are some songs sung by a soloist that you admire?” | |

|practical | |

|“A practical method is one that is likely to be successful or effective. A practical idea is an idea that will probably work. | |

|“What’s a practical solution for making the most out of the paper you use?” | |

|elegant | |

|“You can use the word elegant to describe something that is done with style and grace, something that is very fine and | |

|excellent. | |

|“When have you been in an elegant setting?” | |

|prompts and cues for teaching |planning ahead: notes and cautions |

|protested | |

|“To protest is to say or show that you object or disagree with something or someone. | |

|“What is a situation in which protesting was involved?” | |

|meandering | |

|“Something that is meandering has a lot of curves, bends, and twists in it. | |

|“Show how you might walk in a meandering way.” | |

|intend | |

|“If you intend to do something, then you have decided or planned to do it. | |

|“Tell about a time when you intended to do something but then changed your mind.” | |

| | |

|prompts and cues for teaching |planning ahead: notes and cautions |

|hesitated |[pic] |

|“If you hesitate, you pause slightly while you are doing something. People often hesitate because they are not sure about what |Mind the time. |

|might happen next. | |

|“Describe a time when you hesitated to eat a certain food , but then after tasting it, you were glad you had.” | |

|Exit | |

|“Today you learned about some new vocabulary words. Let’s pronounce them again.” | |

|Point to each word on the poster board and have students pronounce it. | |

|“Which word meanings do you think will be easy to remember? Which may be more difficult? Why?” | |

|Assessment: How will you know that students are making progress toward meeting the learning goals? | |

|Student participation and responses to questions will provide information about their learning. | |

Amelia Vocabulary

|Word |Location in the book |Sentence from the book |

| |Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride | |

|determined |page 3 |Eleanor was outspoken and determined. |

|daring |page 3 |Amelia was daring and liked to try things other women wouldn’t even consider. |

|solo |page 5 |Amelia was Amelia Earhart, the celebrated aviator who had been the first female pilot|

| | |to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. |

|practical |page 11 |Many people thought it was too bold and dangerous for a woman to drive a car, |

| | |especially the First Lady of the United States. But Eleanor always gave the same |

| | |answer: ‘”It’s practical, that’s all.” |

|Word |Location in the book |Sentence from the book |

| |Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride | |

|elegant |page 12 |The guests had gathered in the Red Room, and the table looked elegant, as even small |

| | |dinner parties at the White House can be. |

|protested |page 18 |The Secret Service men protested. “This hasn’t been approved!” |

|meandering |page 23 |The Chesapeake Bay became a meandering outline on the horizon. |

|intend |page 26 |“I enjoyed it so much, and no, I didn’t actually fly the plane. Not yet. But |

| | |someday I intend to.” |

|hesitated |page 29 |Arms linked, they walked up the steps to the White. House. Eleanor whispered |

| | |something to Amelia, and then they hesitated, letting the rest of the group walk |

| | |ahead of them. |


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