Name: __________________________________ Date: ______________________



The “Learning How to Teach” focus for this week is: Routines, logistics, discussion structures: launch, exit, and transitions.

If you taught the vocabulary lesson today, write your daily teaching log entry by responding to the following questions:

• During this first week of working with students, be mindful of the routines that you want to establish.

For example, what decisions have you made about the seating arrangement for the lesson? Will students need to raise their hands?

• How did you structure the launch and exit for the lesson so students were clear about what they are supposed to be thinking about and doing?

• How was the pacing of the lesson? Did you complete all the activities?

Lesson Plan

How much time do you expect the lesson to take? 10-15 minutes

Standards (What standards will this lesson be addressing?)

1. Learning to Read Independently

1.1.5 E Acquire a reading vocabulary by correctly identifying and using words (e.g., synonyms, homophones and homographs and words with roots, suffixes, and/or prefixes). Use a dictionary or related reference.

1.1.5 F Identify, understand the meaning of and use correctly key vocabulary from various subject areas.

Learning Goal(s) (What do you expect students to know, understand, and be able to do?)

• Students will be able to pronounce and understand the meaning of each vocabulary word.

• Students will be able to use the words in a variety of contexts.

Materials/Resources/Tools (What materials, resources, support will you provide?)

• Vocabulary words written on poster board








Grouping: whole group

|prompts and cues for teaching |planning ahead: notes and cautions |

|LAUNCH |[pic] |

|“Today you’re going to learn some words that you can use to read, write, and talk about John Henry, the book we’ll be reading |Set your timer. |

|this week. We’ll work with these words over the next three days.” | |

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|LESSON ACTIVITY: Introducing the words | |

|“Let’s begin by pronouncing each word. I will say each word and then I want you say the word.” | |

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|Point to each word on the poster and pronounce it clearly. Then have students repeat the word. | |

|You may want to invite students to stand. Remind them to speak out clearly. | |

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|“Now let’s find out what these words mean.” | |

|1. engage - | |

|“If something engages you, it keeps you interested in it and thinking about it. A person or character in a book can be | |

|engaging, too. | |

| | |

|“I think that when you find out about John Henry that he will engage you—get your attention and keep you interested in his | |

|story. Tell us about some books or characters in books that engage you.” | |

|prompts and cues for teaching |planning ahead: notes and cautions |

|2. affirmation – | |

|“An affirmation is a firm statement made in public that says something is true. | |

| | |

|“You can affirm something by saying that something really happened or that you know something is true. | |

| | |

|“When might you need to affirm something? For example, if there was a question about where your friend was at a certain time | |

|and you knew, you could affirm that he was in a certain place.” | |

| | |

|3. transcendent – | |

|“When something is transcendent, it goes beyond normal limits or boundaries. | |

| | |

|“A runner can transcend a record set by others by running faster than anyone else ever ran. | |

| | |

|“What is another example of transcendence?” | |

| | |

|4. mourners – | |

|“A mourner is a person who has lost someone or something that was important to her or him. Mourners are sad about their loss. | |

| | |

|“When might you see the word mourners in a newspaper?” | |

|prompts and cues for teaching |planning ahead: notes and cautions |

|5. indomitable – | |

|“An indomitable spirit is a spirit that cannot be broken or conquered. You can use the word indomitable to describe someone who| |

|does not give up. | |

| | |

|“Describe someone that you would call indomitable.” | |

| | |

|6. commotion – | |

|“A commotion is a loud and confusing situation. | |

| | |

|“When have you ever been involved in a commotion, or heard about a commotion?” | |

| | |

|7. pulverized – | |

|“ When something is pulverized, it is smashed or crushed. | |

| | |

|“What are some materials that are pulverized so they can be used?” | |

|prompts and cues for teaching |planning ahead: notes and cautions |

|Exit |[pic] |

|“Today you learned about some new vocabulary words. Let’s pronounce them again.” |Mind the time. |

|Point to each word on the poster board and have students pronounce it. | |

|Have students enact a motion or facial expression for each word: | |

|pulverized: pounding motion | |

|mourners: sad face | |

|engaged: interested face | |

|indomitable: clench fists, indicate willingness to stand one’s ground | |

|commotion: jumping around | |

|transcendent: use arms to indicate “above and beyond” | |

|affirmation: put one hand over heart, and other hand outstretched as if speaking | |

| | |

| | |

|Assessment: How will you know that students are making progress toward meeting the learning goals? |How well did students participate? What might have enhanced |

|Student participation and responses to questions will provide information about their learning. |their participation? |

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John Henry Vocabulary

|Word |Location in the book |Sentence from the book |

|engage |Copyright page |There are countless historical personages who do not engage us. |

|affirmation |Copyright page |Yet John Henry continues to moves us by his affirmation of something triumphant which|

| | |we hope is in all of us. |

|transcendent |Copyright page |Jerry responded by talking about the transcendent quality of John Henry’s humanity. |

|indomitable |page 3 |This tale attempts to be faithful to the indomitable spirit John Henry embodies. |

|mourners |Copyright page |… to have the courage to hammer until our hearts break and to leave our mourners |

| | |smiling in their tears. |

|commotion |page 17 |When all the commotion from the dynamite was over, the road crew was amazed. |

|pulverized |page 22 |Not only had John Henry pulverized the boulder into pebbles, he had finished building|

| | |the road. |

| | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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