Municipal Electric Association of Vermont

ZOOM MEETING MINUTES: 06/15/2020Attendance: Dawn Dwyer, Sarah Whittemore, Sue Mills, Chris Hunter, Doug Conly, Heather Bollman (by phone), and Bill Humphrey. The audience in the gallery were Steve Gray and Dana Gray.Meeting called to order at 6:15 pm.Approval of Meeting Agenda: Motion for approval brought forward by Chris, seconded by Heather, discussion noted the absence of a meeting end time; with the correction, the motion passed 5-0.Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes: Motion for approval brought forward by Heather, seconded by Sarah, passed 4-0 with Chris abstaining. COVID-19 Update: To date, there has been no change in operations; however, that changes with the line crews being brought back to full capacity on Wednesday. There is good news in the Department’s cash flow; as of the end of April, there was $72,000.00 of positive cash flow. May numbers will be known at the end of June. Bill is working on a Post Moratorium Disconnect Plan requested by the PUC and being filed on Friday. Individual municipals are filing their plan with VPPSA filing on behalf of its members. Initially, LED will follow disconnect rule 3.300 and negotiate on the second round of filing as their will probably be push-back from the PUC. Great Falls Relicense Update: Correspondence from FERC was received on June 4, 2020, in the form of a Termination of Consultation Involving Failure to Execute programmatic Agreement. On March 25, 2020, FERC requested the Advisory Council of Historic Preservation (a federal agency) to participate in a consultation with and to resolve the disagreement with Vermont SHPO (State Historic Preservation Office). FERC did not receive a response from the Advisory Council within the allotted time to join the consultation, so due to no response, FERC terminated the consultation request with SHPO. However, FERC will recommend the implementation of a Historic Preservation Management Plan in their final ruling on the Relicense. LED will wait until notified before proceeding with HPMP development just in case FERC changes their position. “Barton Plan” Update: The second draft of Line Maintenance Agreement was delivered to Barton by Ken Nolan (GM of VPPSA), Ken was informed that the “Barton Plan” will be discussed at an upcoming Barton Village meeting. Attempting to resolve two poignant issues of 1) the Linemen headquartered in Barton; and, 2) keeping the Barton Electric in the existing Barton/office garage location, Ken added new wording to the second draft. Respectively of “or such other location as may be mutually agreed,” and “utilize Barton’s office/garage or alternate location.” Bill made it clear that these issues have great importance in LED’s participation in the plan, and LED’s position is the stationing of Linemen in Barton, and the new location for the Barton Line Department will be in an equal or improved facility.Adjournment: by consensus at 6:25 pm. Respectfully Submitted,Bill HumphreyGeneral Manager ................

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