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Exam 1 Part B. Your Name:Please TYPE your answers in an MS Word Document. When complete send your exam answers as an ATTACHMENT to an Email to Dr. Kravitz. Exam 1 Part B is due Friday January 29 by 12midnight. No late papers accepted. Also, academic honesty is totally active here. Please do your OWN work! Use AS MUCH SPACE as you wish in your answers! This EXAM is open note. Please use the YOUTUBE video to guide your answers.Class, due to the UNIQUENESS of PEP305, most, if not ALL, of upcoming EXAMS will be integrated with the YOUTUBE videos.Please answer the following questions from the Warm-Ups and Cool-Downs YOUTUBE video.A. What are the 10 benefits of an effective warm-up? (40 pts)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.10.B. What biological systems are at work in the warm-up? (4 pts)11.C. What is the case for safety with a warm-up? (16 pts) What has happened to stretching in the warm-up? (4 pts)16. E. Why has stretching been removed from the warm-up? (4 pts)17. F. When is stretching most optimal in a workout? (4 pts)18. G. What are the three key warm-up components? (12 pts)19.20.21. H. What warm-up suggestion do you have for a high intensity workout? (4 pts)22. I. What warm-up suggestion do you have for older populations? (4 pts)23. J. Creative Project (25-27). Choose any physical activity you like to do (i.e., jogging, resistance training, body weight calisthenics) and describe a warm-up for that activity. (12 pts)24. What general full body movements will you do? 25. What rehearsal warm-up moves will you do?26. What dynamic range of motion movements will you do? K. Please list 4 benefits of an effective cool-down? (16 pts) Creative Project (32). Describe your favorite cool-down after a hard workout? (4 pts)31.Please answer the following questions from the Core Training Fundamentals Part 1 YOUTUBE video.M. What is stability? (6 pts)32.N. What is a stabilization exercise? (6 pts)33.O. What is Core Training? (6 pts)34.P. According to Dr. Stuart McGill, what is the objective of Core Training? (6 pts)35.Q. According to Dr. Stuart McGill, what is ‘sufficient stability’? (6 pts)36.R. In research, when the spine becomes very UNSTABLE it is called what? (4 pts)37.S. Why should you do Core Training? (6 pts)38.T. Explain what ‘bracing’ is in Core Training? (6 pts)39.U. Explain what ‘hollowing’ is in Core Training? (6 pts)40.V. Why are there tendinous insertions in the rectus abdominis? (6 pts)41.W. Can you activate the upper and lower rectus abdominis separately? (6 pts)42.X. Can you activate the internal and external obliques separately? (6 pts)43.Y. Are the abdominal muscles active during normal walking? (6 pts)44.Please answer the following questions from the Core Training Fundamentals Part 2 YOUTUBE video.Aa. Is it O.K. to use resistance in working the core? (6 pts)45.Bb. Are standing core exercises that effective? (6 pts). What is the BEST abdominal exercise to do? (6 pts)47.Dd. What is the BEST equipment to use to train the core? (6 pts)48.Ee. What scientific training method is best for the core? (6 pts)49.Ff. What is the #1 training strategy Dr. Kravitz recommended in the Video? (6 pts)50.Gg. What are three training tips Dr. Kravitz recommended in the video? (18 pts)51.Hh. Creative Project: Design a Five-Exercise Core Exercise Program that YOU will do for the next two weeks. Answer the following. (20 pts)What exercises will you choose (tell me the name of each exercise)?How many repetitions of each exercise will you do?How many sets of each exercise will you do?What training strategies will you incorporate to ‘overload’ yourself to make the exercises a little harder?End of Exam ................

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