Neverwinter Vault

Gladiatrix Walkthrough

Warning: This walkthrough contains major spoilers. Use in case you need help with an area or if you want to review and see if you missed anything.

Gameplay advice: Never escape a conversation. Save often, but not in the middle of a conversation. Don’t rush too quickly through conversations or you could miss an important script trigger. Try not to rush too far ahead of your companions on a quest or you might miss some colorful conversation triggers.

I. Devyn

a. Introduction

• Exit your bedroom, turn left, go down the hall and talk to the first guard you see.

• Go to the right to the main hall. Speak to Alcan, Catarina and the Duke and Duchess for some background information. There will be discussion about your arranged marriage to Lord Alcan. You’ll also learn that Alcan is a complete jerk.

• Exit the castle and head to the barracks towards the southeast of the map. You will notice Jake the stablehand watching you intently (like he usually does). Go try to talk to him and he will run away. You will get a journal entry regarding this mystery.

b. Training with Captain Cardus

• Enter the barracks and talk to Captain Cardus. He will ask you to get your armor out of the armoire and choose your weapons from the rack

• Talk to him again and he will ask you to hit the combat dummy five times. You will need to right-click the dummy and choose bash.

• Talk to Cardus again. Use your bow and arrow, right-click the archery target and choose bash. You’ll need to hit it five times.

• Talk to Cardus and he will test you by using a magic stone to summon an orc, which you’ll need to kill. You will gain a level and should be level 2 now.

• Talk to Cardus again and he will invite you to go on a patrol the next day.

c. Strange Sounds in the Apothecary Basement

• Leave the barracks and go to the Apothecary’s house on the southwest side of the map. She is your Aunt Julinda. She has something for you in the basement, but she is afraid to go down there because of the noises she hears at night. Agree to go investigate.

NOTE: Make sure you’ve already trained with Cardus so that you’ll have armor and weapons

• Go down to the basement and you will face a few rats. Go to the back and you will have to defeat a large grossly mutated rat.

• Open the chest in the back and grab the Ring of Devyn. It is a family heirloom that will increase your charisma by two.

• Go back upstairs and speak to Julinda to complete the quest.

• The next time you go back to the castle you can talk to your parents, Alcan, and Catarina and get different reactions now that you have the ring.

d. Encounter in the Grove - Part 1

• Enter your private grove at the southeast corner of the courtyard map

• Walk forward towards the pond. You’ll have the option of either changing into a skimpy swimsuit or stripping naked.

• Enter the water. Being alone and private on such a beautiful day, your character will have the option of pleasuring herself in a couple of different ways. You soon notice you are being watched.

• As you are startled, you hear something start to run away. You have two options:

1. Pull up the map and head directly west. You will discover that Jake the stablehand was the one watching you

2. If you take the time to get dressed then you won’t be able to catch who was spying on you. The encounter is over and ‘Encounter at the Grove – Part 2’ won’t happen

• If you discovered Jake, talk to him about why he is spying on you:

1. If you are feeling particularly naughty your discussion can lead to your character giving Jake a surprise he soon won’t forget by pleasuring him. You’ll get 5 points towards chaotic for the encounter.

2. If you are rude to Jake and threaten him then he will leave and the encounter is over. Part 2 won’t happen in this case.

• If your character got intimate with Jake you can agree to meet him in the grove the next day

e. Patrolling the Devyn Hills

• Go back to your room in the castle. Use the pillow of comfort to rest until the next day. You have to make sure you rest until it is the day after you trained with Cardus. It doesn’t matter what time it is as long as it is the next day.

• Go back to the courtyard and head south to the gate. Talk to Cardus there. Get equipped and meet him on the other side of the gate.

• Talk to Cardus. You’ll meet Ashan, a woodsman who will be on the patrol with you.

• Follow Cardus to a farmer to get information on the wolf activity. Then follow him to the next area.

• Speak to Cardus in the Devyn hills area for instructions. There will be wolves in the area. Follow him to each encounter and speak to him after each set of wolves are defeated. Then he’ll lead you to the next encounter.

• Either use your bow and arrow or flank the wolves with your sword. Avoid direct attack and let Cardus and Ashan take the brunt of the assault.

• The last encounter in the area will involve a goblin riding a worg. Cardus isn’t happy that goblins are in Devyn territory.

• Rest and follow Cardus to the caves where you will confront several cave goblin groups. Make sure you speak to Cardus after each encounter.

• The last encounter contains a cave goblin shaman, berserker and scout. Once defeated, make sure you check the shaman’s body for a Ring of Protection +1 and the goblin key. Use the key to open the chest for a little over 500 gold.

• Speak to Cardus. He lets you keep the loot for a job well done. You should also have enough experience to advance to level 3.

• Once back in Devyn, speak to Cardus at the barracks. You realize that court life is not for you and you hunger for adventure. He agrees but your parents would never approve. You discuss wanting to join the Saebra academy for women. He says that a shipment is at the dock and the merchant is heading in that direction.

f. Encounter at the Grove – Part 2

• If your character got intimate with Jake the last time you were in the grove then you can engage in this encounter.

• Go to the grove. Just make sure it is the day after your previous encounter or he won’t be there. You can use the pillow of comfort in your room to advance to the next day if need be.

• Jake will be by the pond. Talk to him. The conversation will lead from one thing to another:

1. If you make obvious choices in the conversation then your character and Jake will have a fully animated intimate encounter. You can use the arrow keys to change to different angles during any intimate encounter.

2. If you tell Jake this is a bad idea and reject him then he will leave and the encounter is over

3. If you use your court sword to cut him at any time during the encounter then he will run away screaming naked through the woods. You’ll get 5 points towards evil and the encounter is over.

• If you had relations with Jake, once you leave the grove your character will decide she needs to speak to the Apothecary. She’s concerned about getting pregnant.

• Go to the apothecary and explain your concerns. You can either fib and say your handmaiden needs a solution or be blunt and tell her what you did. She’ll give you a Potion of Sterility either way to prevent pregnancy.

g. Leaving Devyn

• Make sure you’ve done everything you want to do before talking to the merchant at the docs. There is no turning back once you leave Devyn.

• If you’ve spoken to Cardus in the barracks after your patrol mission then Captain Dent will be standing by the docks on the west side of the court yard.

• Captain Dent will offer you passage to Saebra but for a fee. He will ask for 700 gold, but you can use your charisma or persuasion to talk him down to 500.

• He’ll offer to take your clothes and leather armor instead so you have the option of either paying him the money or giving him your clothes. If you want to keep the money you can just give him your clothes and leather since you’ll no longer have need of them. He’ll give you some scant strips of cloth to wear, much to his enjoyment.

• The boat ride to the Isle of Saebra is uneventful except for Captain Dent trying to grope your character a few times leading to you decking him. Then he no longer bothers you.

II. Saebra Academy

a. Acedemy Introduction

• Once you reach the Isle of Saebra all seems desolate. Go up the hill and enter the academy.

• Once in the entrance hall you will see a statue of the goddess, Saebra. Approach it. You can decide to touch it irreverently or worship it. You’ll get no response from the statue either way. If you are foolish enough to attack the statue then Saebra breathes life into it and will smite you where you stand ending your life.

• After observing the statue, the headmistress, Tameer, will enter the room and introduce herself. After some discussion she will take any potions, weapons and armor you may have on you and provide you with your academy uniform.

• Tameer will lead you to your dorm room.

• When you enter your dorm room speak to your roommate, Tessa Lockhart to get her background. You learn that she had to survive in Nova’s Cape as a thief. She was eventually caught and sent to the Saebra Academy to learn discipline. After her story she will then go to sleep.

• Your thoughts will drift to your encounter with Jake in the grove, or some gallant warrior of your fantasies. You’ll have the option of changing into some sexy panties to help indulge your fantasy or just going to sleep. If you change into the panties then you’ll have the option of pleasuring yourself before going to sleep.

• You are startled awake by one of the academy mistresses barging in your room early in the morning. She demands you report to the training hall. If you are wearing the sexy underwear then you won’t have time to change into your uniform, which leaves you in a rather humorous and awkward predicament for your first day of training.

b. Wrestling Match

• When you leave your room, a movie will play out with you entering the training hall and Mistress Tameer explaining how the academy works.

• Tameer will call you to the center of the room to prove yourself in a wrestling match against Katani, one of the better students. You will select different moves to use against her in the conversation window. She fights viciously and nearly strips you in the fight, but you should be able to defeat her.

• Once the fight is over, Tameer will congratulate you. The end of the conversation will take you outside for the marathon race.

c. Saebra Marathon

• Once outside, Tameer will explain the Saebra Marathon. You’ll be racing around the perimeter of the island counter-clockwise. When you complete the perimeter you will try to be the first to grab the Saebra Stone, the prize, from the center of the chessboard.

• When Tameer says go, Katani will trip you at the start. You will fall unless in the unlikely event your dexterity is 16 or higher.

• When your character gets up, immediately start clicking up ahead in order to run and catch up with the field.

• The trick to winning the event is passing on the outside and making sure you don’t run into the other runners since they’ll only hold you up. Try to shoot the gap in the first turn and not get caught in the bottleneck. Two of the runners will collapse from exhaustion during the race. Make sure you avoid them.

• Once you’ve completed the lap around the island aim for the center of the chessboard and try to pick up the stone. If you do everything right you should be able to barely beat Katani.

• Talk to Tameer. If you got the stone she will congratulate you and you get to keep it. The Saebra Stone grants Saebra’s influence and allows you to cast bless once a day and Eagle’s splendor twice a day.

d. Confrontation with Katani

• Head back to your dorm room and talk to Tessa. After talking to her a desert viper will crawl out from your bed and attack you. Draw your academy sword and kill it. Tessa will help.

• Talk to Tessa again. She senses that Katani has been in your room and must have placed the snake there. Katani is usually walking the beach near the chess board on any given morning. Use the pillow of comfort to rest until morning.

• Exit your dorm room and the academy. Head east past the chessboard and talk to Katani. Tessa will follow. Katani denies putting the snake in your room and is hostile for being accused. She will propose a duel on the West Island away from the academy to settle your differences.

• After Katani walks off, Tessa will tell you she knows where a stash of good weapons are and to meet her at the academy.

• Go to the academy entrance hall and talk to Tessa. She’ll give you a longsword +1 and some healing potions. She’ll have two shortswords +1 to use. She’ll also join as a “henchman”.

• Go back outside and head west to the dock. Katani will be there with Krianda, another student from the black team. Talk to Katani and you will leave on the boat to the West Island.

e. West Island

• Once you get to the island talk to Katani. She tells you to follow her to the area where you will duel. Follow her and then talk to her again. She’ll throw a flash bomb, blinding you and Tessa. When your vision returns she and Krianda have taken the boat leaving you stranded on the island.

• Tessa tells you there is an underground cave network that leads back to the Isle of Saebra. You just have to find it.

• Head directly north. Tessa will tell you a story about a previous student who came to the island and never returned. Legend has it that she was raped by an ogre and died birthing its offspring.

• These are the possible encounters on the island:

1. Hyenas – southwest on the map

2. Monkeys – middle of the map (no threat)

3. Zebras – northwest of the map (no threat)

4. Cheetahs – far northeast of the map

5. Ape – northeast of the monkeys

6. Assassin vines – northeast of the ape (Careful. They can strangle you or Tessa in one shot)

• The cave entrance is located on the northeast portion of the map. You may want to rest before going in.

• Navigate the caverns. You’ll first have to fight cave stirges. They can drain your constitution but don’t worry too much. You’ll find a potion later to fix that.

• Continue through the caverns and you will face a monstrous centipede, monstrous scorpions and black pudding in that order.

• Your final encounter will be a challenging battle against an ogrillon, which is likely the offspring of the missing student from 20 years ago. Once you defeat it make sure you grab the Boots of Striding +2 (a very helpful constitution boost), a diamond and potion of lesser restoration off its body. You can use the potion if you got drained by the stirges.

• Continue forward and Tessa will talk about the eerie existence of the Ogrillon.

• Continue and you will soon find the exit to the cavern that puts you back on the Isle of Saebra.

• Move away from the cave and Tessa will talk to you. You should gain enough experience to advance to level 4.

f. Confrontation with Katani 2

• Head to the front of the Saebra Academy. Nicha, one of your teammates, will be out front. Talk to her. The three of you will be concocting a plan to get back at Katani.

• Go to your dorm room and rest until it is after 10pm.

• Leave your dorm room, turn left and go to the last door on the left. That is Katani’s room. When you are standing in front of her room, Tessa will pick the lock. Enter her room.

• Katani and her roommate, Krianda, will be asleep. Krianda won’t wake up because Nicha slipped a sedative in her drink at dinner. Approach Katani and she will wake up.

• You have three options on how to deal with Katani:

1. Take a trip to the West Island and strand her there just as she stranded you. If you refuse to let her get her equipment and leave her there in her underwear then you will get 5 points towards evil.

2. Or you can choose to rough her up as you and Tessa lay a beat down on her.

3. Or you can give her a stern warning not to cross you again. In which case Tessa is angry with you letting her off the hook. She takes matters into her own hands and carves her initials in Katani’s belly.

g. Beltran Academy

• After dealing with Katani you will flash-forward about six months into your training with the students gathering in the training hall. Tameer announces that you and Tessa have been selected to observe this year’s male games at the Beltran academy.

• After Tameer’s announcement follow her upstairs to her room where she will give you and Tessa a nice dress to wear. The conversation will lead you to the airship ride to Beltran and then to the academy itself.

• Tameer will introduce you to Brinson, the master of the Beltran academy. Then she will go off to the corner to speak to him in private. There is a nude statue of the god, Beltran, off to your right. Tessa will dare you to touch the statue’s penis. If you do, then you’ll get zapped for a couple of points of damage.

• Tameer will return and you will be led to the arena to observe the first competition. There will be a team melee duel between two members of the blue team and two members of the black team. Kelvyn from the blue team seems to have his eye on your character.

• After the battle is over you will meet in the dining hall where Tessa will go off to flirt with Herston from the blue team. Your character will have the chance to get to know Kelvyn.

• Tameer and Brinson will approach and propose that the four of you go on a quest together to explore the crypts of Enmity Vale.

h. Enmity Vale

• After your discussion you will advance to the next morning outside the Beltran gates. You will be elected as leader of the expedition. Tessa, Kelvyn and Herston will be joining you.

• Head north to the Beltran Forest. In the forest you face the following encounters: A herd of boar, crocodiles, deer (no threat), badgers and finally a grizzly bear. After you fight the bear it will probably be a good time to rest. You can only rest once every 6 minutes of real time in this module.

• Head to the next area, Enmity Vale. Approach the crypts and Tessa will unlock the door into the crypts.

• Crypts First Level:

1. You’ll first be ambushed by a couple of kobolds down the first corridor.

2. Bats are the next encounter.

3. Make a couple of turns and as you enter a room you’ll be webbed by giant spiders.

4. Careful leaving the spider room. There’s a trap down the next corridor. Let Tessa disable it.

5. The next room you’ll be attacked by a band of kobolds. There is a shaman hurling spells and dazing you so make sure you take him out soon. It would be a good time to rest after this battle.

• Crypts Second Level:

1. Your first encounter will be against Bonebats. This alarms your party as the undead are considered myth in your world.

2. The next encounter is a skeleton warrior confirming your fears about the undead.

3. Turn a couple of corners and there will be a room full of skeletons and zombies.

4. Head down a long corridor and you will see a room with eight sarcophagi. If you are brave enough to open them one will have a topaz, another a gold necklace and two will have mummies, which will be a difficult challenge. If you get diseased don’t get too worried as that will be remedied soon enough.

5. Another long corridor leads you to a floating apparition named Commander LeMorte. Talk to it. He was the leader of the black knights buried down here. He says that dark forces have awoken their eternal rest and that you will play a role in the shape of things to come. As a gesture of goodwill he will heal you of all damage, including poison and disease. He also offers you a gift.

6. Go to the chest behind the alter to retrieve your gift. It is the Belt of the Spectre, which has become imbued with LeMorte’s spectre energies over time. It offers immunity to negative energy and death magic.

7. Head to the portal at the end of the room and it will take you outside the Beltran gates. Explain to Mistress Tameer and Master Brinson what you saw. They will be shocked that you encountered undead. You should gain enough experience from the quest to advance to level 5.

8. There is a short interlude in your guest suite at the Beltran academy where your character’s thoughts linger on Kelvyn.

• Saebra Grand Melee

1. You will flash forward after more months of training to the Grand Saebra Melee, the biggest event at the academy.

2. Tameer will explain the rules. The eight remaining students will compete in an every-woman-for-herself melee battle. The one that remains standing will be named champion and receive the coveted Saebra Amulet.

3. Everyone will be fighting with the academy short sword, which is dulled to lessen the chance of fatal hits. When the battle begins, concentrate on Mercedes right in front of you. When an opponent is down to around 15 hp they will fall. The same will happen to you.

4. Make sure you don’t get yourself in a position where two opponents are attacking you at the same time or you are doomed. After you take Mercedes out, go after anyone who might be in trouble already whether they are friend or foe. Remember there can only be one winner.

5. If you win, Tameer will award you the Saebra Amulet in the Academy Hall. It will boost your charisma by 1 and give you immunity to poison and disease.

6. Tameer will also announce that you and Tessa have graduated from the academy. She will send you off to the Waycross to compete as gladiators.

III. Waycross

• The Dancing Cat

1. After Tameer wishes you well, you and Tessa will take an airship to Waycross. The guard at the gate will direct you to the registrar’s office. Tessa will break away to go explore the city.

2. Head east and enter the registrar’s office. He’ll tell you you’ll have to start out by fighting in the basement of the Dancing Cat Inn. He’ll also go over some city laws with you.

3. Leave the office and head east until you reach the Dancing Cat. Enter and speak to the innkeeper. He’ll give you a key to your room, which is upstairs.

4. Head down to the basement of the Dancing Cat. Tessa will be there to chat with. There will also be civilians and Rolf to talk to.

5. 1st Contest – Rolf: Talk to the arena boss and he will tell you your first fight is a boxing match. You can use your charisma to try to get more information about your opponent. He will also give you your costume.

a. When you enter the arena, the fight will begin. You just need to keep punching Rolf. The one who has less than 15 hit points will fall. If you win you’ll be given 50 gold.

b. Talk to the arena boss after the fight. Then go upstairs to your room and use the pillow of comfort to rest and heal.

6. 2nd Contest – Sylar: Return to the basement after you’ve healed up. You can talk to people including Sylar who goes out of his way to peek up your short skirt. Talk to the arena boss when you are ready to fight.

a. This will be your first melee contest. You will be given leather and a longsword to fight Sylar, a Halfling rogue.

b. When you enter the arena and the fight begins he will throw marbles at your feet causing you to slip. This will allow him to get a cheap shot at the start.

c. If you win, the boss will give you 50 gp. Go back upstairs to rest.

7. 3rd Contest – Raiden: Return to the basement after healed. You can try to talk to Raiden but he is in deep meditation. Even lifting your skirt a little can’t get him to snap out of it.

a. The boss will give you your leather and longsword. You’ll be fighting Raiden, a monk.

b. When you enter the match, start attacking him right away. If he gets you with the stunning fist then you are in trouble. If you have trouble with him you can always use the Saebra Stone to cast a bless before going into the fight.

c. Talk to the boss. If you won, you’ll be awarded 100 gold.

d. If you lose, you will have to rematch against Raiden until you beat him.

e. After defeating Raiden and getting your pay go rest up and talk to the arena boss again. He will tell you that you have graduated to fight in the pit.

• The Pit

1. Leave the Dancing Cat Inn and turn east. Talk to the pit boss and he’ll set you up with your first fight.

a. The pit boss will give you studded leather to have. You’ll also get to pick your own weapon combo.

2. Vallia Datteel: Your first fight in the pit is against Vallia. She’ll be wielding a 2-bladed sword.

a. After the fight, talk to the pit boss. Tessa will be outside the pit now to chat with between fights and the statistician will be there as well.

b. If you beat Vallia you’ll get 500gp and 200xp.

c. Go back to your dancing cat room, use the pillow of comfort and return to the pit boss for your next fight.

3. Edge and Bane: This will be a team battle and Tessa will be your teammate. You’ll be fighting two criminals that have commuted their sentence to fighting in the arenas without pay. Tessa will be dual-wielding short swords. It might be best to take Bane out first since he is a rogue and can backstab. You don’t want him taking out Tessa early. Once you take him out then both of you can work on Edge, the fighter.

a. Talk to the pit boss, go rest in your room and return for your next fight. If you won you’ll get 500gp and 200xp.

4. Crag Bloodletter: This fight will be against Crag Bloodletter. He is a half-orc barbarian wielding a great axe. He’s also undefeated in the pit.

a. After the fight, talk to the pit boss, rest and return. If you won you’ll get 500gp and 200xp

5. Owlbear: When you speak to the pit boss you will learn that your next fight is a death match against an owlbear. You’ll also learn that a mysterious sponsor has been financing and arranging all of your fights, but that sponsor has chosen to remain anonymous. You must kill the owlbear and survive the battle to win.

a. After the fight, talk to the pit boss, rest and return. He will tell you that your sponsor has arranged for you to move up to the coliseum.

b. You should also gain enough experience to advance to level 6.

• The Coliseum

1. Go talk to a guard outside the coliseum in upper Waycross. He will let you in.

2. The foreman will tell you that your sponsor has purchased a house for you. He will give you a key to it. It is located just southwest of the coliseum. Go check it out. You can use the pillow of comfort to rest between arena fights.

• Female Baths

1. Now that you are a full-fledged gladiator you’ll have access to the female baths. The guard will let you in.

2. The only thing of interest here are the naked and half-naked female gladiators. You can chat with them for some interesting conversations.

3. If you enter the bath water it has healing properties and can heal your wounds.

• Dante Ryder Fight

1. Go talk to the coliseum foreman for your fight. You’ll learn that you are fighting the legendary Dante Ryder and you have doubts about your chances.

2. The foreman also gives you a set of armor that is held together by flimsy buckles and straps. You can choose your weapon.

3. During the fight, Dante seems to enjoy stripping you of your armor piece by piece until you are down to nothing but a g-string and skimpy top. It is unlikely that you will win this contest given the circumstances.

4. After your contest you can express your frustration to the foreman but it falls on deaf ears. He at least gives you your clothes back.

5. The Foreman will tell you that someone named Raina is outside the coliseum and wants to talk to you.

6. Kristaly Windsong is also in the coliseum foyer and you can talk to her. You will learn that she is a bard. She entertains the crowd between fights and also announces the matches. If you have decent charisma (12 or higher), she flirts with you a little.

• Raina Lane’s Revenge

1. You’ll see Raina just southwest of the coliseum. Talk to her and you’ll learn that she is an ex-lover of Dante’s and they had a falling out. She wants revenge on his cheating and womanizing and hopes to use you as the catalyst.

2. Raina’s plan is to arrange for your sword to be laced with a chemical that will dissolve armor straps on contact. This will allow you to strip and humiliate Dante in the arena like he did to you. Your reward being revenge and a good pay day for beating him. She also plans to have a friend seduce him and get him drunk before the fight to make him easier to defeat.

3. If you agree to her scheme you will be fighting Dante again in your next match. If you refuse then you won’t be fighting him.

• Dante Ryder Fight 2

1. Rest up and talk to the foreman. He’ll set you up for the rematch.

2. Once in the fight, as you hit Dante, he will lose his armor one piece at a time, much to the delight of the females in the audience, until he is naked. You should have a better chance at defeating him.

3. Talk to the foreman and he’ll pay you. You’ll receive 2000gp and 500xp if you defeated Dante.

4. The Foreman will also say someone named Cypher wants you to meet him in the abandoned warehouse.

5. Go talk to a delighted Raina outside the arena.

• Cypher and the Shroud

1. Go to the warehouse east of the Coliseum and talk to Cypher. He wants to hire you as an operative for an underground organization called the Shroud. Their aim is to fight a growing evil that is plaguing the lands. He’ll give you some background on this evil.

• Princess Genevieve Fight

1. Be rested and talk to the Foreman. You will be fighting the king’s daughter, Princess Genevieve Bartholomew. You learn that she is a decent fighter, but nowhere near the caliber of the rest of the coliseum fighters. Her entourage has also arranged for her to be given magical armor to help balance the scales for her. You find this to be completely unfair. It doesn’t help that you are given very skimpy leather armor to compete against her in giving her even more of an advantage.

2. The foreman is going to recommend that you throw the match. He says her entourage will pay you 10,000 gold if you let her win in attempts to make her look good. That is five times the normal pay.

3. When you enter the arena, Genevieve will be fighting with a katana and shield and prancing around in pink bikini-like armor. It’s up to you whether you are going to let her win and take the money or if you are going to try and beat her.

4. Talk to the foreman after the fight. If Genevieve won, you will be paid 10,000 gold.

5. If you defeated Genevieve you will receive 2000 gold and receive the win for your stats. There will also be a member of the princess’s guard in the back of the room to talk to you. He won’t be happy that the plan fell through and he’ll warn you not to cross the princess again.

6. The foreman will also tell you that someone named Sandara is outside the coliseum and anxious to speak with you.

• Sandara and the Den of Pleasure

1. Sandara will be just southwest of the coliseum. Talk to her and you will discover she is a member of the Den of Pleasure. She is very flirtatious and wants to hire you to be the entertainment for an evening. She looks for the sexiest gladiators she can find and wants you to compete in an erotic wrestling match for the entertainment of the patrons. You could get paid up to 10,000 gold depending on how intimate the event becomes.

2. If you agree then go home and rest until after 10pm. Go speak to the doorman at the den of pleasure just north of your house.

3. Once inside, Sandara will greet you and go over the rules. She’ll give you the option of fighting a male or female.

4. She will then lead you downstairs and gives you a very skimpy costume to wear.

5. If you chose a female you’ll be surprised to see Nicha, one of your teammates from the training academy, entering the wrestling ring. Both of you will be thoroughly oiled rather erotically by Sandara and Melina. When the match begins you’ll get to select what moves you want to use with both of you losing articles of your already scant costumes in the process. Nicha will eventually have you restrained and will attempt to turn up the heat and get intimate with you. If you allow her, then the crowd gets their money’s worth as she sneaks her hand in your shorts working some magic until your character reaches a state of bliss. After the match, Sandara will pay you based on how intimate the encounter got.

6. If you chose a male then you’ll be surprised to see Kelvyn, from the Beltran academy entering. Sandara and Melina will take much pleasure in applying oil to your bodies to prep you for the match. For the match, you will choose which moves to use. You’ll lose your top and Kelvyn will lose his loincloth in the heat of the battle. You’ll have the option of whispering to him to let him take you right there in the ring, but he refuses saying he wants you, but not in front of a room full of people. One of you will win the match based on the rolls of the dice.

7. If you wrestled Kelvyn, then you can talk to him in the dressing room afterwards. He will come on to you now that you are alone. If you let him, then intimacy will develop and lead to a fully animated sexual encounter. Sandara will walk in after your encounter and will be pleasantly surprised to see you both naked. She’ll pay you and thank you both for your services at the den of pleasure.

• Clearing the Sewers

1. Go to the warehouse and you’ll see Tessa there. Talk to her and you’ll learn she’s been hired by the Shroud also.

2. Talk to Cypher and he’ll give you your first mission. He needs you and Tessa to clear the sewers of threats so Shroud operatives can enter the city in secrecy. He’ll give you a key to the lower sewer entrance. He’ll also provide you with your armor called Arcane Gambit and the Caustic Sword, which will be based on your weapon expertise and has acid properties.

3. Talk to Beta and she has magic equipment for sale. I recommend a few healing potions, restoration, antidote and maybe a speed potion or bull strength. Just keep in mind that you’ll want to use these or stash them somewhere in the warehouse before entering the arena or they’ll get confiscated. There are other nice items to save your money for. I like the Boots of Striding +4 for the extra hit points.

4. Go to the lower sewer entrance just south of the pit and arm yourself and Tessa. You will face the following encounters in the sewers:

a. A roomful of dire rats

b. A room of stink beetles

c. 3 gelatinous cubes. (Make sure you grab the Ring of Protection +3 dropped by one of the cubes.)

d. 2 giant leeches

e. You’ll come to a camp for a very large individual. Now would be a good time to rest if you have damage.

f. Your final battle will be an ettin. Make sure you get the emerald off of him.

5. Head north and you’ll see a lever. You’ll see a corridor to the right that leads to 3 locked doors. You’ll be using those later. Pull the lever and exit through the door near the lever.

6. You will be at the sewer entrance near the warehouse. Report to Cypher and he will pay you 2000 gold. You should also gain enough experience to advance to level 7.

• Taurus Aurochman Death Match

1. Rest and talk to the arena foreman. You’ll be fighting a minotaur in a death match. The foreman will give you a splendid new set of armor to wear. The only option in this match is kill or be killed.

2. If you win you’ll be rewarded 5000 gold.

• Investigate the Gentlemen’s Club

1. Go speak to Cypher in the warehouse. He gives you more background on your enemies, the Scourge. He has arranged for you to work undercover as a dancer at the Gentlemen’s Club. Your job is to find information about an important political figure connected with the Scourge.

2. See Beta for your disguise. She can change your hair color to platinum blonde, jet black, auburn or brunette.

3. Head to lower Waycross and talk to the doorman outside the Gentlemen’s Club. He’ll let you in.

4. Once inside, talk to Selene, the owner. She’ll give you your dancing costume and go over the rules.

a. Cale Bendry – You can offer a dance for Cale and he gladly excepts. He’ll soon tell you that he is actually the bouncer and to let you know if anyone gives you a hard time. He has no info for you on your investigation.

b. Kence Lyonsbane – Offer to buy a drink for Kence to help him talk. Dance for him and he’ll start describing a very erotic fantasy he has about a certain female gladiator. The gladiator he fantasizes about is you, but he doesn’t realize who you are since you are in disguise. He has no info on your investigation. He’ll tip you 50 gold.

c. Loris Aerlson – You can offer to buy him a drink but he insists on buying for both of you. He quickly becomes drunk from the strong drink and can’t keep his hands off of you. He eventually passes out and has no info for you.

5. Speak to Selene and she will pay you 500 gold for the evening.

6. Go home and use the pillow of comfort to rest until it is the next day. Go back to the club. Talk to the foreman to get in and talk to Selene for your costume.

a. Terney Swift – Offer to buy him a drink but he’ll refuse. He studies you intently while you dance. You learn that he is a master of illusion. If he studies a subject long enough he can manifest the illusion in the privacy of his home and make it do his bidding. You are his subject for the night. He has no info on your investigation.

b. Rick Carna – Offer to buy Rick a drink and dance for him. He’ll mention that he is a scout for the Waycross guard and has seen some strange things lately. You try to get more info out of him, but he’s reluctant. He recommends talking in a private room. Follow him to the room. He has a price for his information. He wants you to pleasure him with your mouth. You can get your information by either agreeing to pleasure him or you can get rough with him instead and threaten to break his arm. You’ll learn that a Lord Renshaw is financing this dark magic to build an army of beasts. He just doesn’t know which Renshaw as there are several in the family.

7. See Selene for your pay. Then go report your findings to Cypher and he’ll pay you 2000 gold. You can offer to infiltrate the male baths. There was a male gladiator named Jacody that this Renshaw was trying to hire. You would need to try and find Jacody. Cypher won’t require you to go because of the dangers to a woman at the male baths but he says the info is crucial.

8. You can see Beta for another disguise if you like.

• The Male Gladiator Baths

1. Talk to the guard outside the male baths in northeast Waycross. You can pretend to be a harlot or not but the only way he’ll let you in is if you show him your breasts.

2. Talk to the gladiator in the entranceway. You can pretend to be a harlot or just say you’re looking for Jacody. He’ll direct you to the room in the back.

3. Enter the bath area and there will be several naked or nearly naked gladiators whistling at you. You can talk to any of them for one liners but talk to the one with the eye patch for the main conversation.

4. You can flirt with them or ask to see Jacody. Either way they will surround you. They start grabbing at your clothes and it is clear what they want.

5. If you run they’ll rip your clothes off in the process as you dash for the exit. You won’t get your information and now you have nothing to wear but a thong. You can bribe the guard for some clothes in which he only gives you scant strips of cloth. Or you can report to Cypher who directs you to Beta for some clothes. As punishment for your failure she will only give you some scant strips to wear.

6. If you stay and fight, the gladiators will rip your clothes off leaving you in nothing but a thong. Before they are able to gang rape you, Kelvyn runs into the room and bashes one in the head with a hammer. The rest run off.

7. Kelvyn doesn’t recognize you at first because of your disguise. You learn he is in town in between jobs fighting in the arena. He also finds you some strips of cloth for you to use as a little bit of clothing. He’ll take you to Jacody.

8. Talk to Jacody and he says he has the name you’re looking for, but it comes with a price. Kelvyn threatens him first and then agrees to cancel his gambling debts that he owes him. He tells you the man that wanted to hire him was Conner Renshaw. You thank Kelvyn and invite him to your place for a drink.

9. There will be some discussion with Kelvyn that leads him leaning in to kiss your character. If you are receptive then things will get intense and lead to a fully animated sexual encounter against the wall.

10. After your encounter he’ll tell you he has business outside of town and doesn’t know when or if he’ll be back.

11. Report back to Cypher and he’ll pay you 2000 gold. You can see Beta to change back to your normal hair color. You also might have enough money to buy a good magic item by now.

• Yasha Kelteel Fight

1. Go see the arena foreman and he’ll set you up for a fight against Yasha. She dual-wields an electric whip and bladed wheel. The one left standing wins. You’ll get 2000 gold if you win.

• Assassinate Conner Renshaw

1. Go speak to Cypher. He informs you that Renshaw is in town staying at the Lonely Dove inn. He needs you to assassinate him. Tessa will be with you. Her job is to pick the lock and stand guard while you go in and assassinate him.

2. Cypher will give you black leather to wear and a poison dagger.

3. See Beta for your disguise.

4. Go to your house and use the pillow to rest until after midnight.

5. Go to the Lonely Dove and go upstairs. When you get to the last door on the right, Tessa will pick the lock. Enter the room.

6. Conner will be asleep. When you approach him he wakes up. You can threaten him or say that you are a lady of the night hired by friends to show him a good time.

7. You can seduce him and then pull the dagger on him. He’ll offer you a compelling argument. He claims his innocence and asks you to question if you are playing for the right team.

8. Your options are to either go through with the assassination or let him go with a firm warning to stop his activities. If you let him go he will get dressed and leave.

9. If you follow through and attack him you will now learn that he is a powerful wizard. Even though he is naked, he puts up a strong fight.

10. After you kill him grab the Ring of Protection +3 off his body.

11. There is a chest in the room that is trapped. Go get Tessa to remove the trap and unlock it. There is a wand, some scrolls and some gems in the chest.

12. Report back to Cypher. If you killed Renshaw, he will pay you 2000 gold and you should gain enough to advance to level 9. If you had let Renshaw go then Cypher will be furious with you and tell you that if you ever aid another adversary again that you will be branded an enemy of the Shroud and there will be a price on your head. You’ll also miss out on the money and the critical 7000xp for doing the job.

13. See Beta to remove your disguise and sell the goods you got.

• Arena Lions

1. Talk to the arena foreman. Your next fight is against a pride of starved lions and leopards. It’s kill or be killed.

2. You can refuse the cruel event and receive no pay and experience. Or you can participate even if it is to put the cats out of their misery.

3. If you survive you’ll get 2000 gold.

• Find Landon Steel

1. Go rest and then talk to Cypher. One of the Shroud’s top agents has gone missing. His last report was in the vicinity of the Kraven Forest. Tessa and Kristaly will be joining you for this search and rescue.

2. Stock up on supplies with Beta. Particularly healing potions and a couple of speed potions wouldn’t hurt.

3. Go to the sewer entrance near the warehouse and take the first corridor on the left. Exit the door on the left. Take the road through West Waycross. This area is uneventful.

4. Kraven Forest: Now that you have Kristaly in your party she can buff your party. Bull’s strength is great for your character. If you stay on the beaten path you will face the following encounters:

a. Blink Dogs

b. 2 Manticore

c. Will-o-wisps

d. Your companions will comment on how strange these beasts are and how some of them are thought to be myth

e. Off the path there are brown bears SE on the map, Dire wolves north, Phase spiders South, Wraith Spiders NW, Dire bears SW

5. Kraven Hills:

a. You will soon be attacked by a multitude of Twig blights and two Thorny’s, which are part plant and part dog.

b. When you approach the crone’s tower it is guarded by four live scarecrows. Be careful. They can paralyze you.

6. Crone’s Tower 1st floor:

a. Circle the tower floor and you’ll be attacked by several salt mephits

b. Let Tessa disable the trapped and locked door to the 2nd floor

7. 2nd Floor:

a. Watch out for the trap shortly after entering. Let Tessa disable it.

b. Circle the tower and you’ll be attacked by two gorgon bulls. They breathe acid.

c. Let Tessa disable and unlock the trapped door to the next floor

8. 3rd Floor:

a. Circle the tower and defeat two Chimera. Your companions will comment about how this is the stuff of fairy tales.

b. Let Tessa unlock and disable the door

c. Now would also be a good time to rest if you haven’t already

9. 4th Floor:

a. Upon entry Tessa will tell you she hears something and guide you to hide behind some rune stones. Follow her lead.

b. The crone isn’t what you would expect. She is a beautiful vixen and she has the man you’re looking for, Landon, stripped and tied up.

c. Listen to the conversation between the crone and Landon. She seems to take pleasure in teasing him. A salt mephit imp will interrupt and say there are intruders. The crone will kill the imp and send two of her air elementals to go search.

d. She will start to whip Landon. At that point you confront her. Then a battle ensues.

e. Go ahead and take out the air elemental first. You’ll soon discover that the crone seems to be invincible. You’re not going to be able to take her head on. The key to her power is the Phylactery. Right-click and bash until it is destroyed. The beautiful witch will revert to her true crone state. Now you should be able to take her out. Make sure you grab the stuff that the crone dropped.

f. Talk to Landon. He’ll ask you to find a way to release him.

g. Go behind the bookcase on the right. There will be a lever. Pull it and Landon is free.

h. Talk to Landon. He’ll explain how he ended up trapped by the Crone. You’ll also learn that she has been using her magic to breed some of the vile creatures you’ve seen for the Scourge.

i. Landon will insist on going upstairs to find his equipment. Agree to this and he’ll join you. Make sure you give him the crossbow, boots and ring from the crone since he is nearly naked and weaponless.

10. Tower Attic:

a. Make sure you are rested before entering the attic. Get Kristaly to buff you beforehand.

b. When you enter you will be attacked by a succubus, 2 harpies, an animated chest and animated book.

c. The chest to the left in the back of the room has a Staff of Power and gems. It is trapped. The chest in the middle has Landon’s gear. Give him his stuff.

d. There is a door to the right. Landon says he’ll be able to guide you back safely. Take the door and you will flash forward to the warehouse.

e. Report to Cypher. He’ll reward you 2000 gold and you should have enough xp to advance to level 10.

• The Labyrinth

1. Talk to the arena foreman and he will tell you that your next contest is underneath the arena in the labyrinth. He’ll lead you down.

2. Several people will be gathered around globes to watch you compete. The foreman will give you your instructions. You’ll have to navigate through a maze. If you take a wrong turn you’ll face danger. After the maze you’ll be faced with four doors. One leads to gems and gold, another leads to a valuable suit of armor, one leads to only a safe passage and another leads to certain death.

3. Follow Kristaly to the maze entrance and talk to her. She’ll slip you three healing vials in case you pick the door of death. Enter the maze.

a. The Maze: The secret to get through the maze is go down the corridor and take the first left and then your next left again. Follow the winding path to the southwest corner of the map. From this point just work your way towards the northeast part of the map. You can do this by continuing straight without taking any side paths. If you take any wrong turns you could face a dire spider, ettercap or fire beetles.

b. The Four Doors: Exit the maze and you will be in a room with four doors. They are completely random so there’s no telling what will be behind what. You’ll get one of the following:

i. Armor: A statue in the middle of the room with the armor Sexton’s Delights. It is half plate and gives +2 AC, +2 Charisma and +2 regeneration. You will also get the Gladiatrix Helm, which gives +10 discipline.

ii. Treasure Chest: Contains 5000 gold and valuable gems.

iii. Safe Path: Just a safe path to the exit

iv. Great Wyvern: If you get this one make sure you time the use of your healing vials carefully. You’ll need them.

c. There is a portal at the end of each path that will take you back to the four doors if you want to continue to try your luck. It is worth taking the portal at least until you get the armor. Otherwise you can exit the Labyrinth at the door past the portal.

d. Talk to the foreman. He’ll reward you 2000gold plus you get to keep what you found.

4. Meeting Your Fans in the Plaza

a. Come back and talk to the foreman when you are ready. A meeting with your fans has been set up. He’ll request that you wear your armor for the event. If you have Sexton’s Delight you’ll be wearing that. Otherwise you’ll be wearing your standard armor.

b. Kristaly will lead you to the plaza where your fans start asking you questions, most of them quite amusing. The fans will start to crowd you and grab at you. A mob ensues and you are knocked unconscious.

c. You will wake up in your bedroom in your underwear. Kristaly is there to talk to. She had to put the crowd to sleep with an incantation. She brought you to your house and put you to bed. After some talk she’ll tell you that Cypher needs to see you. Then she’ll leave.

• Investigate the Frozen Wastelands

1. Speak to Cypher in the warehouse. He’ll tell you that Shroud intel has discovered a powerful magic source in the frozen wastelands far north of Waycross. They believe it is a source of Scourge activity. He is sending you, Tessa, Landon and Kristaly to investigate. He gives you all winter cloaks so go ahead and equip those. Buy supplies from Beta.

2. Go into the sewers take the first left then take the north door.

3. Travel through north Waycross. The area is uneventful.

4. Travel through the Northern Lands. It is getting snowy and you will see Wildlife. Towards the end of the area, Landon will tell you his story on how he became a ranger and ended up with the Shroud.

5. Northern Lands 2: This area becomes dangerous. You’ll face the following encounters:

a. A pack of dire wolves and polar bears

b. Towards the end of the area, Kristaly will tell you that Winterhaven resort is just east of here and would be a good place to rest.

6. Winterhaven Resort

a. Take the east road to the resort and enter the building on the hill.

b. Speak to the hostess and she’ll rent you a luxury suite for the night and lead you upstairs.

c. Once in the suite she’ll provide you with a selection of bathing suits to take advantage of the baths and massage mats.

d. The hostess will leave and Kristaly will suggest trying out the massage mats. You’ll get to pick which companion you will exchange massages with. Whomever you pick, the experience can get intimate.

e. After the massages you will move to the baths. Kristaly will tell her story about how she was found by traveling gypsies as a child and eventually became a bard.

f. After Kristaly’s story Landon will go rest by the fire and you, Tessa and Kristaly will go out to the balcony to check out the view and have a discussion. The three of you realize you are all experiencing a heightened sense of arousal in part due to the erotic oils that are in the baths.

g. When you return inside Landon will be asleep. Kristaly will dare Tessa to see if she can remove his swimsuit without waking him. You can either let her or tell her not to. If you talk her out of it then Landon will wake up. You’ll then discuss your sleeping arrangements and the intimate encounters in the suite area won’t happen. Jump to section L.

h. If you allowed Tessa to remove his suit then she will use some oral pleasure to wake him and he is definitely surprised. Tessa will ask you to join her. You can let your character join in on the oral magic or refuse.

i. When Kristaly is ready to take her turn she decides to mount him reverse cowgirl style for a fully animated sexual encounter. The hostess will actually walk in the suite in the middle of the encounter. She is startled and quickly leaves.

j. The erotic oils must really be having an effect because after Kristaly is finished, Landon makes it clear that he wants to have a turn with your character. You can either agree or refuse.

k. If you agree then there will be another fully animated sexual encounter with Landon and your character.

l. You decide that it is time to get some rest. You’ll decide who to share a room with.

m. When you get to your room, you realize there is only one bed. Whoever you decide to room with will start to come on to you. This is a critical moment in determining who your final romance will be with. See the romance faq at the end. You have the option of welcoming their advances or rejecting.

n. If you accept their advances then if you are bedding with Tessa or Kristaly then they will work some oral magic on you. If you chose Landon then he will finger your character to a new realm of pleasure. If you didn’t have sex with Landon in the bath area then there will be an opportunity for an animated sexual encounter here instead.

o. When you wake up you’ll get geared up and meet the others in the inn lobby.

p. Make sure you equip your team including the winter cloaks.

q. Exit the Winterhaven resort and head back to the Northern Lands. Then head north to the frozen tundra.

7. Frozen Tundra

a. When you enter the area you’ll see a waddle of penguins. Kristaly will comment on how cute they are.

b. Up ahead a couple of winter wolves will be attacking a few penguins. Take them out.

c. Head down to the valley corridor and there will be more winter wolves to deal with.

d. Continue on and you’ll face a Tundra landwyrm. This will be a tough battle so make sure Kristaly has buffed your party before this battle. It can cause fear and a constitution decrease.

e. Continue and you will be attacked by three frost giants.

f. Turn a corner and you will see a frost giant named Glack cowering. Talk to him. He’ll beg for his life. He’ll tell you that his tribe of giants is to the north. He’ll also tell you that there is a secret underground passage to get by them. He’ll give you a little info on the ice witch working for the Scourge. You can either let him go to warn his tribe not to align with the Scourge or you can just kill him.

g. If you continue north and take the area into the frost giant camp you’re going to have your hands full with a whole tribe. The only realistic option of getting through them is to lure a few at a time and kill them that way. Continuing through their camp you’ll see a pen of baby ice dragons. The area to the north will take you to the ice shelf.

h. Your better option is to take Glack’s advice and take the underground passage. You can take the path to the west to find it.

8. Underground Passage

a. Your first encounter will be ice spiders.

b. Next you’ll face a group of baby ice dragons and they’ve broken out of their pen. After the battle your companions will comment that they are shocked since dragons haven’t been seen in centuries.

c. After the dragons, be careful when you make your turn. There is a trap up ahead. Let Tessa disable it.

d. The exit up ahead will take you to the ice shelf.

9. Ice Shelf

a. Now would be a good time to rest and then get Kristaly to buff your party. You have a big battle ahead of you. Don’t forget her bard song either.

b. Follow the path on the ice shelf. Shortly after you climb the hill you’ll be attacked by the following in the same group:

i. Frigiana the Ice Witch

ii. Kodiak the Ice Warrior

iii. Large Ice Elemental

iv. 2 ice mephits

c. For the battle strategy you’ll want to set Kristaly for ranged attack. I also recommend setting Landon for ranged to shoot fire arrows. Tessa should be okay going in to help backstab. If you’ve got speed or other buffing potions use them. Make sure you have healing potions ready. I recommend your character charging in ahead of your party so you can take the brunt of the first ice attacks. You may want to take out Kodiak, the ice elemental and then Frigiana in that order. Your companions will probably take out the mephits early enough.

d. Make sure you grab the items off Frigiana and Kodiak’s bodies. Kristaly can identify them.

e. Frigiana has the Ice Witch Costume (+4 AC, 75% cold immunity, +2 regeneration), Boots of the Winterlands, Sash of shimmering, Ring of protection +3, Ice Dagger (+3, 1d6 Ice damage)

f. Kodiak has the Battle Suit of the Ice Warrior (+5 AC, 75% cold immunity, +1 regeneration), Ice Reaver (+2 Greatsword, 1d6 cold damage), Gauntlets of Ogre Power (very important for your character), Ring of protection +3, Ice Warrior Helm (just decorative).

g. You may want to consider giving Tessa or Kristaly the Ice Witch costume and Landon the Ice Warrior Battle Suit since they have regeneration properties.

10. Frigiana’s Base

a. Let Tessa disable and unlock the door to the ice base.

b. When you enter you will be attacked by Ice Mephits

c. Move forward over a bridge and you’ll be attacked by winter wolves.

d. You will see a chest just past the bridge. Let Tessa remove the trap and unlock it. You will find 2000 gold, gems, dragon blood, a talisman of pure evil and orders from the Scourge. Read the orders. Frigiana has been breeding ice beasts, including dragons, for the Scourge. Her superior signed the doc with the initial A-. You must keep the orders on you to show them to Cypher later.

e. Go to Frigiana’s bedroom on the right. You’ll soon learn that she was a very kinky witch. Apparently she used her ice warrior for extracurricular fun. You’ll see bondage equipment just past her bed.

f. On the shelf to the left there will be a book called the Art of Sexual Domination for women with some interesting descriptions.

g. In the dresser you will find kinky lingerie and a male G-string. You can wear the lingerie and see what reaction you get from your team or put the lingerie on Kristaly or Tessa. You can also put the G-string on Landon for some funny reactions from the women in your party.

11. Portal to Waycross

a. Turn right out of the bedroom and you’ll find a portal room. Kristaly will tell you that she can fine tune it to get you to Waycross. Enter the portal and it will take you back to the warehouse.

b. Report to Cypher and show him the Scourge orders. He’ll pay you 2500 gold. You should gain enough experience to advance to level 11. See Beta to sell any extra equipment you don’t need.

• Tournament of Champions

1. Be rested and talk to the arena foreman. He’ll tell you that you’ve been selected to compete in the tournament of champions. If you are ready he’ll set you up for your first match. If you have the armor, Sexton’s Delight, then you will wear that. Otherwise you’ll be using your standard plate.

a. The Reaper: Your first tournament round will be against the reaper and he kind of looks like it too. He wields a scythe so watch out for those crits! The one left standing wins. If you lose, the tournament is over. If you win, you’ll get 2000 gold and advance to the next round.

b. Vunaga Earthshaker: Rest and return. Your next round is against a female half-orc and she dual-wields battle axes. The foreman will give you some background on how she became a gladiator. If you win you’ll get 2000 gold. If you lose the tournament is over.

c. Slammer Kane: Rest and return. You’ve made it to the finals and you’ll be facing the reigning champion. Slammer uses a great sword and is known for his blinding speed. He actually has a haste effect so he’s going to be tough. If you win the tournament you’ll earn 10,000 gold, and the Blade of Storms(+3, 1d8 electrical, cast call lightning and gust of wind once a day). The blade will automatically match your weapon of focus. You’ll also probably enough experience to advance to level 12.

• Investigate Scourge Base in the Quagmire

1. Rest and report to Cypher. He’ll tell you that Shroud intel believes they’ve found a base of operations for the Scourge in the quagmire and wants your team to investigate. Tessa, Landon and Kristaly will be joining you.

2. Cypher will give you weapons and armor but if you have the Blade of Storms and Sexton’s Delight armor, remember that you can use those. Stock up on supplies with Beta.

3. Enter the sewers, take a left and take the East door.

4. Take the road through East Waycross. Nothing eventful here. Enter the Quagmire.

5. The Quagmire - While navigating the swamp, you’ll encounter the following:

a. Slag Beetles

b. A Giant Slag Beetle

c. A horde of Gibberlings

d. Poisonous frogs (no threat)

e. Two undead shadows. Your companions will express concern about the possibility of the Scourge tampering with the undead.

6. Ambush – Enter the next area and you will be surrounded by numerous Scourge agents. You will learn from the Scourge commander that they had purposely stirred up activity in the swamp to lure your team in the hopes of capturing your character. They want you alive. They have no need of the rest of your team. You have two choices:

a. They will spare the lives of your companions if you come with them peacefully. He says their mind agent will wipe the events from your friends’ memory and send them away. They will put you to sleep and you will wake up in a prison cell.

b. Or you can choose to fight them against nearly impossible odds. A fight ensues and you will soon get knocked out waking up in a prison cell.

7. Scourge Prison

a. You’ll wake up in a prison cell wearing nothing but a skimpy little slave costume. All your equipment is gone. You are completely locked in and there is no way out.

b. Use the bed roll to rest for 8 hrs. Then approach the cage door. Katani, your nemesis from the academy, will approach the door. Talk to her.

c. If you had stranded Katani on the West Island, you’ll learn that she was rescued by the Scourge. She now works for them. She’ll lead you to see the one who heads this whole arm of the Scourge.

8. A Surprise Meeting

a. Katani will take you to meet the leader of the base and you’ll be shocked to find out that it is Lord Alcan, the man your family has arranged for you to marry.

b. Alcan will have a gourmet meal prepared. You need sustenance so join him to get information.

c. You’ll learn he is actually the mysterious sponsor that has been financing your gladiator career and has been watching you the whole time.

d. He also still plans to marry you and wants you to join forces with him stating that the two of you will be unstoppable together. He explains the existence of the Scourge and tries to argue that it is for a greater good. Basically, a survival of the fittest argument.

e. You can tell him that you have to think over the terms of joining him or you can tell him he’s nuts. Either way, he’ll send you back to your cell for now.

9. Rescue

a. Back in the cell, check your time in the bottom right. Use the bedroll to rest until it is the next day.

b. Approach the cage door after you’ve rested. One of your companions will rush to the door, to rescue you. It will either be Landon, Tessa, Kristaly or Kelvyn, depending on who you’ve established a romance with. See the Romance FAQ at the end of this doc.

c. If Tessa is rescuing you, she’ll pick the lock. If Landon or Kelvyn rescued you then they took out a guard and found a key. If Kristaly is rescuing you then she enchanted the guard with a song on her harp before striking a death chord at the end.

d. If Landon, Kristaly, or Tessa rescued you then they will say they fought the Scourge when they took you and got separated from the rest of the team. It is unknown if the rest of the team is even alive.

e. If Kelvyn is rescuing you then he’ll say he was on a patrol on saw your team. He was tracking you until the Scourge attack. He followed once they took you and doesn’t know the fate of your team.

f. Your rescuer will unlock the door. You’ll have the option of embracing them and sharing a brief kiss.

g. Your rescuer will give you some items they found in the base. Blood Heavy Crossbow (+3 and Mighty +3), Bolts +2, Three healing potions and a potion of speed. They’ll recommend you keep your distance with the crossbow since you have no armor. Your companion will lead you to an escape route they found.

10. Scourge Base Escape Route: One strategy is if you feel that you would fare better in melee combat than your companion then you can always take their armor and weapon, give them the slave costume and set them up with a ranged weapon.

a. Around the first corridor will be two skeleton warriors.

b. Further ahead will be six Flaming Dead Warriors

c. There’s a trap right after the flaming dead room. If you have Tessa let her disable it. Otherwise, take the hit.

d. The next room open area is empty. The one after that has three shadows.

e. Take the next corridor and the next right and you’ll see Katani. Approach her and she will talk.

f. If you have one of the men with you she’ll say that after you are recaptured, they will make a nice new toy for her to play with.

g. If you have one of the women with you she says that after you are recaptured, your companion will be thrown to the beasts naked and you’ll be forced to watch.

h. After she taunts you a fight starts. You have to take her assassins out first. Then after she starts taking damage she will surrender. Your companion will strip her of her armor and weapons for you to use. Scourge Blood Armor (Chain +3, Blood Frenzy twice a day), Scourge Blood Sword (Longsword +3, Keen), Shield +2

i. You’ll have the choice of either locking Katani in the cell to the left or just killing her.

11. Scourge Beast Pens

a. Now is a good time to rest. Get equipped and head through the door in the back of the room. You’ll have to escape through the beast pens.

b. The first room has a caged Owlbear and three caged meenlocks. It’s best to just leave the caged beasts alone, but you can try to take them out if you want.

c. The next has a caged landwym and two cage Jagres.

d. Several baby black dragons will be caged in the next room.

e. Up ahead three two-headed Aoskian dogs will be out of their cages. Someone has opened the cages to unleash the beasts on you. Their howl can stun you.

f. Around the next corridor is an escaped basilisk. Watch out for its gaze.

g. A Black Abishai is up ahead. It will summon a succubus, raise a dead skeleton and can cause fear.

h. You’ll soon come up on a roomful of zombies.

i. After the zombie room there will be a trapped door up ahead. If you have Tessa, let her disable it. Otherwise, take the hit.

j. The brown crates in this storage room have low level treasure. The trapped chest has all your equipment. Take the trap hit if you have to.

k. The black crate to your right has two Amulets of the Draco (Immunity to fear and 25% acid resistance). Wear one and give the other to your companion. These are critical for an upcoming battle.

l. Get your gear on and continue down the corridor east then north. You’ll face two Minogon’s guarding the exit. They can stun you.

m. It would be a good time to rest before going to the next area.

12. Scourge Courtyard

a. Once you enter the courtyard all seems quiet. When you reach the middle of the courtyard Lord Alcan and a black dragon will appear out of nowhere.

b. Alcan will tell you to return to the base. He still plans to use you but this time he says he’ll have his mind agent make you do his bidding. He says that your companion will have to die though.

c. A fight starts. Alcan is a powerful wizard. Use a speed potion if you can and have your healing vials ready if you get in trouble. It might be best to take the dragon out first and then Alcan. If your companion gets in trouble then give them a healing vial and continue.

d. When you defeat them grab his items. Alcan’s Robe(+4, 50% fire immunity, flame lash on hit), Ring of Power, Ring of protection +3, Sash of shimmering.

e. Exit through the door at the end of the Courtyard

IV. Epilogue

1. You will be outside the Scourge base and reflect on your adventure. Your companion will make some romantic remarks.

2. If you are receptive to your companion’s advances you will share a kiss and look forward to spending time together when you get back. Also, if you are receptive, your companion will express their love for you by giving you a ring. The ring has gives +3 charisma and +3 AC bonus

3. After the conversation you will meet FallynRayne, the author of the module, and she will save your character for use in a sequel to this module.

V. Romance FAQ

a. The key to establishing your ending romance is who you share a room with at the Winterhaven Resort and if you are intimate with them in the room.

• To end with Landon:

1. If you share a room with Landon at the Winterhaven resort and become intimate with him he will be your romantic interest and rescue you from the Scourge base.

2. Engaging in the sexual activity with Landon at the Winterhaven bath area does not count towards the romance

3. If you turn down all romantic advances from everyone in the module then your default rescuer from the Scourge base will be Landon.

• To end with Tessa:

1. Share a room with her at the Winterhaven resort and get intimate with her

• To end with Kristaly:

1. Share a room with her at the Winterhaven resort and get intimate with her

• To end with Kelvyn:

1. Kelvyn is probably the most difficult to end up with

2. You must have an intimate encounter with him either after the Den of Pleasure wrestling match or after he rescues you from the male bath house

3. You will also have to turn down advances from whoever you are sharing a room with in the Winterhaven Resort

b. NOTE: If you turn down your companion’s affections during the Epilogue then you won’t get their ring.


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