Undeniably Sexy: A Thief’s Tale

Undeniably Sexy: A Thief’s Tale

Official Player’s Guide

by Chad Sexington

Table of Contents

Section 1: Character Profiles

1. Chad Sexington

2. TheOneEyedJack

3. BEO

4. Endrick

5. Lord Book Master

6. Special SixtyNyn

7. Robyn Banks

8. Endrick / BEO

Section 2: Ultima Skills

1. The Ultima Skill System

2. 16 Ultima Skills

3. Blacksmithy

4. Chivalry

5. Eating

6. Fishing

7. Focus

8. Fortune Telling

9. Inscription

10. Magery

11. Meditation

12. Mimic

13. Mining

14. Stalking

15. Stealing

16. Tactics

17. Taming & Bonding

Section 3: Walkthrough

Act I: No fate but what we make.

1.1: The Dungeon Slaughterer

1.2: South Luna

Section 4: Appendix

Appendix A

• Weapons

• Armor

• Items

• Special Items

Appendix B

• Status Effects

• Enemy Attacks

Appendix C

• Purple Books

• Beastiary

• “The Good Book”

Appendix D

• Battle Formulas

• Resource Crates


Character Profiles ( Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington


Name: Chad Sexington

(a.k.a. The Dungeon Slaughterer)

• Gender: Male

• Class: Thief

• Ultima Skills: Stealing, Stalking, and Eating

• Skills / Spells: Steal, Disarm, Stalk, and Hide

• Preferred Weapons: Daggers, War Forks, Krysses, and Katanas

• Preferred Armor: Leather, Studded Leather, Ringmail, and Chainmail

• Other Equipment: Close Helms, Bone Armor, Virtue Armor, Jewelry, Clothing, Hats, Masks, Talisman, Running Sandals, and Scissors

• Favorite Foods: Cookies, Cake, Meat, Apples, Grapes, Bread, Pie, and Ale

• Curious like a child and a habitual liar.

• Enjoys telling jokes and stories even if no one cares to listen.

• Master Thief and Part-Time Assassin

• If he’s not stealing or murdering, he’s satisfying his sweet tooth.

• Food Lover

Level 1 Level 99

Min HP: 60 Max HP: 500

Min Mana: --- Max Mana: ---

Min STR: 5 Max STR: 60

Min DEX: 5 Max DEX: 60

Min Luck: 20 Max Luck: 100

Min INT: 4 Max INT: 40

Character Profiles ( TheOneEyedJack



Name: TheOneEyedJack

(a.k.a. The Necro Predator)

• Gender: Male

• Class: Mage

• Ultima Skills: Magery, Meditation, and Fishing

• Skills / Spells: Fishing Net, Big Fish, and Magery Spells

• Preferred Weapons: Spellbooks, Scythes, Cutlasses, and Bows

• Preferred Armor: Leather

• Other Equipment: Jewelry, Clothing, Hats, Masks, Talisman, Pitchers, and Fishing Poles

• Favorite Foods: Fish and Ale

• Master Mage and Amateur Fisherman

• Moderate Fighting Skills

• Strange (and unfulfilled) sexual appetites.

• Sexually Frustrated

• Desires power almost as much as he desires the ladies.

• Known to use foul language when faced with stupidity.

• Known to cry like a woman.

Level 1 Level 99

Min HP: 60 Max HP: 500

Min Mana: 80 Max Mana: 1000

Min STR: 4 Max STR: 40

Min DEX: 5 Max DEX: 60

Min Luck: 5 Max Luck: 60

Min INT: 20 Max INT: 100

Character Profiles ( BEO



Name: BEO

(a.k.a. Baby Eating Ogre a.k.a. Ogre with a Heart of Gold)

• Gender: Male

• Class: Ogre

• Ultima Skills: Tactics, Eating, and Bonding

• Skills / Spells: Limit Break

• Preferred Weapons: Clubs

• Preferred Armor: Chainmail, Platemail, and Shields

• Other Equipment: Bone Armor, Virtue Armor, Close Helms, Masks, and Talisman

• Favorite Foods: Humans, Meat, Carrots, Cheese, Eggs, Pizza, and Ale

• Healthy Eater

• Selectively Curious

• Strong Like an Ox

Level 1 Level 99

Min HP: 90 Max HP: 600

Min Mana: --- Max Mana: ---

Min STR: 20 Max STR: 100

Min DEX: 5 Max DEX: 60

Min Luck: 5 Max Luck: 60

Min INT: 4 Max INT: 40

Character Profiles ( Endrick



Name: Endrick

(a.k.a. The Exile)

• Gender: Male

• Class: Paladin

• Ultima Skills: Chivalry, Focus, and Taming

• Skills / Spells: Chivalry Spells and Pray

• Preferred Weapons: Halberds, Axes, Swords, and Maces

• Preferred Armor: Studded Leather, Chainmail, Platemail, and Shields

• Other Equipment: Virtue Armor, Close Helms, Jewelry, Clothing, Hats, Masks, and Talisman

• Favorite Foods: Bird, Bird Legs, and Ale

• Pure of heart and noble to a fault.

• Values everything holy and vanquishes everything evil.

• Wide-eyed and eager to learn.

• Enjoys meeting new friends.

• Master Paladin

• Amateur Tamer

• Excellent swordsman and armsman.

• Issues with getting a good night’s sleep.

Level 1 Level 99

Min HP: 60 Max HP: 500

Min Mana: 60 Max Mana: 300

Min STR: 6 Max STR: 80

Min DEX: 5 Max DEX: 60

Min Luck: 6 Max Luck: 80

Min INT: 5 Max INT: 60

Character Profiles ( Lord Book Master

Lord Book Master


Name: Lord Book Master

(a.k.a. The Leader)

• Gender: Male

• Class: Mage

• Ultima Skills: Magery, Meditation, and Inscription

• Skills / Spells: Blank Scroll, Beastiary, and Magery Spells

• Preferred Weapons: Spellbooks

• Preferred Armor: Leather

• Other Equipment: Jewelry, Clothing, Hats, Masks, and Talisman

• Favorite Foods: Ribs and Ale

• Natural Leader

• Master Mage and Scribe

• Keeper of much knowledge of the world.

• Well Traveled

• Corrupt through and through.

• Natural Sexual Appetite

Level 1 Level 99

Min HP: 50 Max HP: 400

Min Mana: 100 Max Mana: 1500

Min STR: 4 Max STR: 40

Min DEX: 4 Max DEX: 40

Min Luck: 4 Max Luck: 40

Min INT: 20 Max INT: 100

Character Profiles ( Special SixtyNyn

Special SixtyNyn


Name: Special SixtyNyn

(a.k.a. The Tempstress)

• Gender: Female

• Class: Blacksmith

• Ultima Skills: Blacksmithy, Mining, and Fortune Telling

• Skills / Spells: Tinkering and Blacksmithy

• Preferred Weapons: War Hammer, Swords, and Maces

• Preferred Armor: Chainmail and Platemail

• Other Equipment: Bone Armor, Virtue Armor, Close Helms, Jewelry, Clothing, Hats, Masks, Talisman, and Pickaxes

• Favorite Foods: Apples, Grapes, Carrots, and Ale

• Insanely beautiful and enormously wealthy.

• Walks with a hint of nobility and entitlement.

• Very knowledgeable of the evils of the world.

• Master Tinker, Smith, Tailor, and Miner

• Amateur Fortune Teller

• Dirty, Dirty Whore

Level 1 Level 99

Min HP: 50 Max HP: 400

Min Mana: --- Max Mana: ---

Min STR: 5 Max STR: 60

Min DEX: 4 Max DEX: 40

Min Luck: 4 Max Luck: 40

Min INT: 4 Max INT: 40

Character Profiles ( Robyn Banks

Robyn Banks


Name: Robyn Banks

(a.k.a. The Pretender)

• Gender: Male

• Class: Thief

• Ultima Skills: Stealing, Mimic, and Focus

• Skills / Spells: Steal, Disarm, Mimic, and Disguise

• Preferred Weapons: Short Spears, Swords, Cutlasses, and Katanas

• Preferred Armor: Leather, Studded Leather, Ringmail, and Chainmail

• Other Equipment: Close Helms, Bone Armor, Virtue Armor, Jewelry, Clothing, Hats, Masks, and Talisman.

• Favorite Foods: Bread, Cheese, Eggs, and Ale

• Master Thief, Mime, and Con Artist

• Moderate Fighting Skills

• Gambling Problem

Level 1 Level 99

Min HP: 60 Max HP: 500

Min Mana: --- Max Mana: ---

Min STR: 5 Max STR: 60

Min DEX: 5 Max DEX: 60

Min Luck: 20 Max Luck: 100

Min INT: 4 Max INT: 40

Character Profiles ( Endrick/BEO



Name: Endrick/BEO

(a.k.a. The Exile a.k.a. Baby Eating Ogre a.k.a. Ogre with a Heart of Gold)

• Gender: Male

• Class: Paladin/Ogre

• Ultima Skills: Chivalry, Focus, Taming, Tactics, Eating, and Bonding

• Skills/Spells: Chivalry Spells, Pray, Throw Paladin, and Limit Break

• Preferred Weapons: Halberds, Axes, Swords, Maces, and Clubs

• Preferred Armor: Chainmail, Platemail, and Shields

• Other Equipment: Virtue Armor, Close Helms, Jewelry, Clothing, Hats, Masks, and Talisman

• Favorite Foods: Humans, Meat, Carrots, Cheese, Eggs, Pizza, and Ale

• Pure of heart and noble to a fault.

• Values everything holy and vanquishes everything evil.

• Wide-eyed and eager to learn.

• Enjoys meeting new friends.

• Master Paladin

• Amateur Tamer

• Excellent swordsman and armsman.

• Issues with getting a good night’s sleep.

• Healthy Eater

• Selectively Curious

• Strong Like an Ox

Level 1 Level 99

Min HP: 90 Max HP: 600

Min Mana: 60 Max Mana: 300

Min STR: 20 Max STR: 100

Min DEX: 5 Max DEX: 60

Min Luck: 6 Max Luck: 80

Min INT: 5 Max INT: 60

Ultima Skills ( The Ultima Skill System

The Ultima Skill System

What is the Ultima Skill System?

The Ultima Skill System in Undeniably Sexy: A Thief’s Tale is based off the skill system used in the MMORPG, Ultima Online. The 7 main characters in the game each have 3 skills. Each skill has a value from 0-1000. The effectiveness, usefulness, and power of the skills are based on their values. A skill is considered Grandmaster when it reaches 1000.

What makes the Ultima Skill System so unique?

The Ultima Skills are independent of character level and experience. They have their own values which increase based on the actions you make in the game. The Ultima Skills don’t scale higher as you progress farther in the game. The chance to gain in a Ultima Skill is the same at the beginning of the game as it is at the end.

How do you gain skill?

The method in which you gain differs from skill to skill. Some skills are active and others are passive. Some skills require you to use a Skill or Spell during battle and others do not. Some skills require resources and others do not. And some skills have multiple methods of gaining and others are linked to a single action.

What is a Skill Gain Check?

When you perform a specific action for a particular skill, a “Skill Gain Check” is performed. The higher a skill becomes, the harder it is to gain and all skills follow the “Standard Curve.”

What is the Standard Curve?

The Standard Curve is a linear equation which scales the chance to gain during each Skill Gain Check. At zero skill, there is a 100% chance to gain. Each skill point decreases the chance to gain by 0.075%. At 1000 skill, there is a 25% chance to gain.

Ultima Skills ( 16 Ultima Skills

16 Ultima Skills

General Information

There are a total of 16 Ultima Skills. 12 skills are taken directly from Ultima Online and 4 skills are taken indirectly from UO (Bonding, Eating, Fortune Telling, Mimic, and Stalking. Each character has 3 skills. Eating, Focus, Meditation, Magery, and Stealing and shared between two characters.

1. Blacksmith

2. Bonding

3. Chivalry

4. Eating

5. Fishing

6. Focus

7. Fortune Telling

8. Inscription

9. Magery

10. Meditation

11. Mimic

12. Mining

13. Stalking

14. Stealing

15. Tactics

16. Taming

• The Ultima Skills of your party can be checked at any time from the menu screen.

• “Shared Skills” have a limited impact on gameplay and only when Power Scrolls are used. (See: Power Scrolls)

Ultima Skills ( Chivalry


General Information

The magical spells of Paladins. There are a total of 10 Chivalry Spells. And unlike Magery, Chivalry doesn’t require any reagents to cast, only mana. Chivalry spells can be divided into 5 categories: Healing Spells, Buffing Spells, Utility Spells, and Offensive Spells.

• Healing Spells – Close Wounds, Cleanse By Fire, Remove Curse, and Noble Sacrifice.

• Buffing Spells – Consecrate Weapon, Divine Fury, and Enemy of One.

• Utility Spells – Sacred Journey

• Offensive Spells – Dispel Evil and Holy Light

Ultima Skill Bonus


Skill Gain Checks

• Whenever you cast a Chivalry Spell, a skill gain is calculated.

• Whenever the Pray skill is used, a skill gain is calculated.

• Every turn Endrick is Exalted in battle, a skill gain is calculated.

• Whenever the Throw Paladin skill is used, a skill gain is calculated.

Chivalry Spells


Close Wounds Power Rating: 150 Mana: 10

Description: Restore HP to one ally.


Cleanse By Fire Mana: 10

Description: Remove all Poison from one ally.


Remove Curse Mana: 20

Description: Remove all Curses from one ally.


Consecrate Weapon Mana: 10

Description: Increase ATK by 50% for 20 turns.


Sacred Journey Mana: 10

Description: Travel long distances.


Divine Fury Mana: 15

Description: Increase Hit Rate & ATK by 50% for 20 turns.


Dispel Evil Mana: 10

Description: Dispel one enemy.


Enemy of One Mana: 20

Description: Increase Hit Rate & ATK by 100% for 20 turns.


Holy Light Power Rating: 20 Mana: 15

Description: Deal type-less damage to all enemies. Undead Slayer.


Noble Sacrifice Mana: 20

Description: Reduce HP & mana to 1. Heal, Cure, and Resurrect all other allies.

Ultima Skills ( Blacksmithy


General Information

Blacksmithy consists of 4 different disciplines: Tinkering, Blacksmithy, Tailoring, and Carpentry. By gathering resources, using the correct tools, and with the right skill, a crater is able to create tools, jewelry, keys, weapons, armor, clothing, and even house add-ons. There are 3 types of resources: Ingots, Jewels, and Bolts of Cloth.

• Tinkering – Craft tools & keys with Ingots and jewelry with Jewels:

o Tools: Tinker’s Tools, Pickaxe, Smith’s Hammer, Sewing Kit, Saw, Fishing Pole, and Scissors

o Jewelry: Rings, Earings, Necklaces, and Glasses (See Appendix A)

• Blacksmithy – Craft weapons & armor with Ingots:

o Weapons: Swords and Krysses (See Appendix A)

o Armor: Plate Helms and Plate Armor (See Appendix A)

• Tailoring – Craft clothing with Bolts of Cloth:

o Clothing: Cloaks, Robes, and Boots (See Appendix A)

• Carpentry – Craft house add-ons with Ingots and Bolts of Cloth:

o House Add-ons: Training Dummy, Pickpocket Dip, Public Stew, Spinning Wheel, Loom, Forge, Anvil, and Bottomless Pond

Ultima Skill Bonus

In general, the higher your skill in Blacksmithy, the more you can create. Increase in skill effects 3 disciplines of Blacksmithy: Blacksmithy, Tailoring, and Carpentry.

• Blacksmithy – As your skill increases, the more Ingot types you’ll be able to smith using a Smith’s Hammer:


• Tailoring – As your skill increases, the higher the chance you’ll have to create exceptional clothing using a Sewing Kit. At zero skill, you have zero chance of Blacksmithy exceptional clothing. At grandmaster skill, you have a 50% chance of Blacksmithy exceptional clothing.

• Carpentry – As your skill increases, the more house add-ons you’ll be able to craft using a Saw:


Skill Gain Checks

• Whenever you smelt ore to create an Ingot, a skill gain is calculated.

• Whenever you craft a tool, jewel, or key, a skill gain is calculated.

• Whenever you craft a weapon or armor, a skill gain is calculated.

• Whenever you craft clothing, a skill gain is calculated.

• Whenever you craft a house add-on, a skill gain is calculated.



Fishing Pole Price: 100 gold

Description: A tool required for fishermen; must be equipped. Attack: 0


Pickaxe Price: 100 gold

Description: A tool required for miners; must be equipped. Attack: 5


Saw Price: 100 gold

Description: A tool required for carpenters.


Scissors Price: 100 gold

Description: A tool required to sheer sheep; must be equipped. Attack: 1


Sewing Kit Price: 100 gold

Description: A tool required for tailors.


Smith’s Hammer Price: 100 gold

Description: A tool required for blacksmiths.


Tinker’s Tools Price: 100 gold

Description: A tool required for tinkers.

Ultima Skills ( Eating


General Information

Food can increase the rate in which a character gains in their other Ultima Skills. There are 2 types of Eaters: Professional Eaters and Amateur Eaters.

• Professional Eaters – These are the only Eaters that actually have Eating listed as a skill. They eat a lot more food, more often. While all Professional Eaters consume meat products (Ribs, Chicken Legs, Chickens, and Fish) they can be picky when it comes to other food types. Whenever a non-Eating skill is used, Professional Eaters have a chance to consume food for an additional Skill Gain Check. Most foods give a single additional chance to gain. There are a few exceptions:

o Ale – A Skill Gain Check will be performed on all 3 Ultima Skills if Ale is consumed.

o Pizza & Pie – A Skill Gain Check will be performed twice on a single skill if Pie or Pizza is consumed.

• Amateur Eaters – All characters have a chance to passively eat while on the map. Once every 7 seconds, if you have one of their favorite foods in your Backpack, they will have a 5% chance of consuming that piece of food. When that happens, Skill Gain Check will be randomly performed on one of their 3 Ultima Skills.

Ultima Skill Bonus

Whenever an Eater uses a Ultima Skill, they have a chance to eat a piece of food and receive an additional gain. At zero skill in Eating, there is a 50% chance to consume food, triggering an additional Skill Gain Check for the skill that’s being used. And at grandmaster Eating, there is a 100% chance.

Skill Gain Check

• A skill gain calculation is performed whenever food is consumed by an Eater (passively or professionally).

• A skill gain is calculated even if the skill being used is already grandmastered. (This allows Eating to grandmaster if the other two skills have already been completed.)

Food Items


Ale Price: 50 gold

Description: A food item.


Apple Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Bird Price: 25 gold

Description: A food item.


Bird Leg Price: 25 gold

Description: A food item.


Bread Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Carrot Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Cheese Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Egg Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Fish Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Grapes Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Pie Price: 50 gold

Description: A food item.


Pizza Price: 50 gold

Description: A food item.


Ribs Price: 25 gold

Description: A food item.

Ultima Skills ( Fishing


General Information

Fishing gives you the ability to catch fish, special fish, big fish, running sandals, and treasure chests. These treasures chests give you access to 69 different pieces of armor, 60 different weapons, jewels, gold, and extra resurrection scrolls. To get these items, first we have to break down fishing into 2 phases: Casting a Fishing Line and Using a Fishing Net.

• Casting a Fishing Line – First you have to face down towards a Bottomless Pond with a Fishing Pole equipped. Next you have to successfully catch something. If you do, there are 9 different possible outcomes and some outcomes occur more often than others:


• To get to the Treasure Chests you either have to get a Fishing Net or a Sea Serpent in order to kill a Sea Serpent.

• Using a Fishing Net – As long as you have a Fishing Net in your Backpack you can use the Fishing Net skill. This will fish up one of the many different monster parties, each including at least one Sea Serpent.

• Once defeated, the serpents have a 50% chance of dropping a Treasure Chest which you’ll automatically open.

• 135 different items are checked individually. This means that it’s statistically possible (but unlikely) for every single item to appear in a single chest. These items include:



Ultima Skill Bonus

The higher your skill in Fishing the higher the chance to successfully catch something during the “Casting a Fishing Line” phase. At zero skill you have a 50% chance to catch something. At grandmaster skill you have a 100% chance to catch something.

Skill Gain Check

• Whenever you cast a Fishing Line, a skill gain is calculated.

• Whenever you use a Fishing Net, a skill gain is calculated.

• Whenever you use a Big Fish, a skill gain is calculated.


Fish Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Fishing Net Price: 100 gold

Description: A fisherman’s net.


Big Fish Priceless

Description: A big fish.


Highly Peculiar Fish Price: 50 gold

Description: Permanently increase Max HP by +1.


Prize Fish Price: 50 gold

Description: Permanently increase INT by +1.


Truly Rare Fish Price: 50 gold

Description: Permanently increase STR by +1.


Wonderous Fish Price: 50 gold

Description: Permanently increase DEX by +1.


Running Sandals Price: 10 gold

Description: Increase walking speed when equipped.

Ultima Skills ( Focus


General Information

For Paladins, Focus is the main method for regenerating mana in order to cast Chivalry spells, in addition to regenerate HP. For non-paladins, Focus is solely used to regenerate HP.

Ultima Skill Bonus

The higher your skill in Focus, the faster you passively regenerate mana and HP.

• HP Regen increases twice as fast as Mana Regen.

• Meditation regenerates mana twice as fast as Focus.


• For every point of HP Regen, you regenerate 1 HP every 7 seconds outside of combat.

• For every point of Mana Regen, you regenerate 1 mana every 7 seconds outside of combat.

Skill Gain Check

• Whenever you passively regenerate mana, a skill gain is calculated.

• Whenever you passively regenerate HP, a skill gain is calculated.

Ultima Skills ( Inscription


General Information

Inscription is one of the skills in the game that is completely optional and is only essential for completionists. Inscription serves 2 functions:

• Blank Scroll – This is a special move that works 100% of the time regardless of skill at the cost of a single Blank Scroll. When this skill is used by a scribe a Blank Scroll will be replaced by an 8th Circle Scroll in both your Backpack and in the scribe’s Skill Menu. Regardless of Magery skil, with the scroll, that 8th Circle Spell can be cast at the cost of the scroll. (After the 8th Circle Spell is used, the Blank Scroll skill will return.)

• Beastiary – When this skill is successfully used in battle, a red book authored by the scribe will appear in your Backpack detail information about an enemy. This information includes HP, mana, armor, resistances, special moves, and backpack contents.

Ultima Skill Bonus

• At 1000 Skill, the Beastiary skill will have a Hit Rate of 100.

Skill Gain Check

• Whenever the Beastiary skill is used, a skill gain is calculated.

• Whenever a Blank Scroll or 8th Circle Scroll is used, a skill gain is calculated.

Ultima Skills ( Magery


General Information

There are a total of 64 Magery spells which are broken down into 8 circles of 8 spells each. Magery spells are learned in bunches, one circle at a time. To cast a Magery spell you must have the necessary Reagents. There a total of 8 Reagents and each spell requires a specific combination of Reagents to cast. Magery spells can be divided into 5 categories: Healing Spells, Buffing Spells, Utility Spells, Debuffing Spells, and Damaging Spells.

• Healing Spells – Heal, Cure, Arch Cure, and Resurrection

• Buffing Spells – Reactive Armor, Agility, Cunning, Protection, Strength, Bless, Arch Protection, Incognito, Magic Reflection, Invisibility

• Utility Spells – Create Food, Night Sight, Magic Trap, Magic Untrap, Magic Lock, Telekinesis, Teleport, Unlock, Mana Drain, Recall, Dispel Field, Mark, Reveal, Energy Field, Gate Travel, Mana Vampire, and Polymorph

• Debuffing Spells – Clumsy, Feeblemind, Weaken, Poison, Curse, Paralyze, Poison Field, Dispel, Mass Curse, Paralyze Field, Mana Vampire, Mass Dispel

• Damaging Spells – Magic Arrow, Harm, Fireball, Wall of Stone, Fire Field, Lightning, Blade Spirit, Mind Blast, Summon Creature, Energy Bolt, Explosion, Chain Lightning, Flamestrike, Meteor Swarm, Earthquake, Energy Vortex, Air Elemental, Demon, Earth Elemental, Fire Elemental, and Water Elemental

Ultima Skill Bonus


• Mana Drain – This spell drains mana from an enemy equal to 1/10th of your skill in Magery.

• Mana Vampire – This spell drains mana from an enemy equal to 1/5th of your skill in Magery.

Skill Gain Check

• Whenever you cast a Magery spell, a skill gain is calculated.

• Whenever a Blank Scroll or 8th Circle Scroll is used, a skill gain is calculated.

Magery Spells


Clumsy Mana: 4

Description: Decrease DEX of one enemy by 75% for 2 turns.


Create Food Mana: 4

Description: Create a random food item in your Backpack.


Feeblemind Mana: 4

Description: Decrease INT of one enemy by 75% for 2 turns.


Heal Power Rating: 75 Mana: 4

Description: Restore HP to one ally.


Magic Arrow Power Rating: 10 Mana: 4

Description: Deal Fire Damage to one enemy.


Night Sight Mana: 4

Description: Turn night into day.


Reactive Armor Mana: 4

Description: Increase Armor by 100% for 10 turns.


Weaken Mana: 4

Description: Decrease STR of one enemy by 75% for 2 turns.


Agility Mana: 6

Description: Increase DEX of one ally by 100% for 4 turns.


Cunning Mana: 6

Description: Increase INT of one ally by 100% for 4 turns.


Cure Mana: 6

Description: Remove all Poison from one ally.


Harm Power Rating: 12 Mana: 6

Description: Deal Cold Damage to one enemy.


Magic Trap Mana: 6

Description: Trap an object.


Magic Untrap Mana: 6

Description: Untrap an object.


Protection Mana: 6

Description: Increase Armor & Resist by 50% for 10 turns.


Strength Mana: 6

Description: Increase STR by 100% for 4 turns.


Bless Mana: 9

Description: Increase STR, DEX, & INT of one ally for 4 turns.


Fireball Power Rating: 14 Mana: 9

Description: Deal Fire Damage to one enemy.


Magic Lock Mana: 9

Description: Lock an object.


Poison Mana: 9

Description: Poison one enemy.


Telekinesis Mana: 9

Description: Move an object.


Teleport Mana: 9

Description: Travel a short distance.


Unlock Mana: 9

Description: Unlock an object.


Wall of Stone Power Rating: 14 Mana: 9

Description: Deal Physical Damage to one enemy.


Arch Cure Mana: 11

Description: Remove all Poison from all allies.


Arch Protection Mana: 11

Description: Increase Armor & Resist by 50% for 10 turns. All allies.


Curse Mana: 11

Description: Decrease STR, DEX, & INT by 75% of one enemy for 4 turns.


Fire Field Power Rating: 14 Mana: 11

Description: Deal Fire Damage to all enemies.


Greater Heal Power Rating 150 Mana: 11

Description: Restore a lot of HP to one ally.


Lightning Power Rating: 16 Mana: 11

Description: Deal Energy Damage to one enemy.


Mana Drain Mana: 11

Description: Drain mana from one enemy.


Recall Mana: 11

Description: Travel a long distance.


Blade Spirit Power Rating: 16 Mana: 14

Description: Deal Physical Damage to one enemy. Bleed.


Dispel Field Mana: 14

Description: Dispel a field.


Incognito Mana: 14

Description: Increase EVA by +100 for 10 turns.


Magic Reflection Mana: 14

Description: Increase Resist by 100% for 10 turns.


Mind Blast Power Rating: 18 Mana: 14

Description: Deal Cold Damage to one enemy. Feeblemind.


Paralyze Mana: 14

Description: Paralyze one enemy for 2 turns.


Poison Field Mana: 14

Description: Poison all enemies.


Summon Creature Power Rating: 18 Mana: 14

Description: Deal type-less damage to one enemy.


Dispel Mana: 20

Description: Dispel one enemy.


Energy Bolt Power Rating: 20 Mana: 20

Description: Deal Energy Damage to one enemy.


Explosion Power Rating: 20 Mana: 20

Description: Deal Fire Damage to one enemy.


Invisibility Mana: 20

Description: Increase EVA by +100 of one ally for 10 turns.


Mark Mana: 20

Description: Mark a Recall Rune.


Mass Curse Mana: 20

Description: Decrease STR, DEX, & INT by 75% of all enemies for 4 turns.


Paralyze Field Mana: 20

Description: Paralyze all enemies for 2 turns.


Reveal Mana: 20

Description: Reveal all enemies.


Chain Lightning Power Rating: 20 Mana: 40

Description: Deal Energy Damage to all enemies.


Dispel Field Mana: 40

Description: Dispel a field.


Flamestrike Power Rating: 24 Mana: 40

Description: Deal Fire Damage to one enemy.


Gate Travel Mana: 40

Description: Travel a great distance. All allies.


Mana Vampire Mana: 40

Description: Drain a lot of mana from one enemy.


Mass Dispel Mana: 40

Description: Dispel all enemies.


Meteor Swarm Power Rating: 20 Mana: 40

Description: Deal Fire & Physical Damage to all enemies.


Polymorph Mana: 40

Description: Transform into a random creature.


Earthquake Power Rating: 24 Mana: 50

Description: Deal Physical Damage to all enemies.


Energy Vortex Power Rating: 30 Mana: 50

Description: Deal Energy & Poison Damage to one enemy.


Resurrection Mana: 50

Description: Resurrect one ally.


Air Elemental Power Rating: 14 Mana: 50

Description: Deal Fire Damage to one enemy. Poison. Curse.


Demon Power Rating: 30 Mana: 50

Description: Deal type-less damage to one enemy. Repond Slayer.


Earth Elemental Power Rating: 30 Mana: 50

Description: Deal Physical Damage to one enemy.


Fire Elemental Power Rating: 30 Mana: 50

Description: Deal Fire Damage to one enemy.


Water Elemental Power Rating: 30 Mana: 50

Description: Deal Cold Damage to one enemy.

Ultima Skills ( Meditation


General Information

The Meditation skill is a mage’s method of regenerating mana in order to cast Magery spells.

Ultima Skill Bonus

The higher your skill in Meditation, the faster you passively regenerate mana.

• Meditation regenerates mana twice as fast as Focus.


• For every point of Mana Regen, you regenerate 1 mana every 7 seconds outside of combat.

Skill Gain Check

• Whenever you passively regenerate mana, a skill gain is calculated.

Ultima Skills ( Stalking


General Information

The Stalking skill allows an assassin to instantly kill an enemy. Whenever the Stalk skill is used, if successful, the Stalked status effect is applied. It takes 3-5 turns to successfully Stalk an enemy. The number of turns is randomly generated every time the Stalk skill is used.

Ultima Skill Bonus

The higher your skill in Stalking, the higher the Hit Rate becomes for the Stalk skill.

• You can only Stalk one enemy at a time.

• The Stalking skill is the only skill or spell that instantly kills an enemy.

• The Stalking skill works almost every enemy with the notable exception of Champions.


• Note: The Hit Rate isn’t a direct percentage for success. Whenever a status effect is applied, the enemy’s EVA is also used to calculate success or failure.

• Note: Skill in Stalking doesn’t affect the number of turns it takes to Stalk an enemy, only the Hit Rate for the initial use of the skill.

Skill Gain Check

• Whenever the Stalk skill is used, a skill gain is calculated.

• Whenever the Stalked status counts down, a skill gain is calculated.

• Whenever an enemy is killed with the Stalking skill, a skill gain is calculated.



Description: Track an enemy and deal a Death Strike.

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

Stalked Status Rating: 10

Description: A count down timer towards instant death. Duration: ---

Did you know?

Even though the “Stalking” skill may not have existed in Ultima Online, in Undeniably Sexy Stalking is the combination of the Tracking skill and the Death Strike Ninjitsu special move – two abilities I used regularly during The Mis-adventures.

Ultima Skills ( Tactics


General Information

Taking damage over time charges an Ogre’s limit. When an Ogre reaches his limit a Limit Break can be performed. This is signified by the Limit Break status effect that is applied to the Ogre.

• Limit Break – A very powerful attack that deals Chaos damage to one enemy.

• Chaos Damage – Randomly deals either: Cold, Fire, Energy, Poison, or Physical damage. This type of damage is unique to the Limit Break. The type of damage dealt can be determined by the color a target flashes when the damage is dealt.

• Limit Break Status – This is one of the few status effects that isn’t released at the end of battle.

Ultima Skill Bonus

The higher your skill in Tactics, the lower your limit becomes.


Skill Gain Check

• Whenever BEO receives damage, a skill gain is calculated.

• Whenever the Limit Break skill is used, a skill gain is calculated.

• Whenever the Throw Paladin skill is used, a skill gain is calculated.


Limit Break Power Rating: 100

Description: Deal Chaos damage to one enemy.


Throw Paladin Power Rating: 30-75

Description: Throw your friends at your enemies. Physical damage. Undead & Demon Slayer.

Did you know?

The “Throw Paladin” skill gives both Tactics & Chivalry gains? If you want to gain both skills at an accelerated pace, feel free to use this skill liberally.

Walkthrough ( Act I ( 1.1: The Dungeon Slaughter

1. The Dungeon Slaughter

After a restless night, our hero finds himself behind bars for his disorderly conduct. He doesn't expect to be held for long... just another drunken lowlife. But with Luna, you never know. His eyes open, his mind clears, he sobers up, and fate intervenes.


A. [Item] “The Art of Stealing Volume 1”

B. [Event] Britannian Runes that read: “Beware the sleeping powder.”

C. [Event] Just a locked door.

D. [Event] Pick up the Mirror Shard on the ground to look outside, move to the next map, and advance the story.


A. [Event] Yell for the guards 3 times. The first 2 times, one of the prison guards comes to shut you up. The third time, a warlock gives you a face full of Sleeping Powder.


A. [Event] Pull the levers to open the other 3 prison cells.

B. [Items] Old Man’s Sleeping Soup Recipe and 50 Gold Pieces

C. [Items] Warlock’s Robe, Cloak, and Sleeping Powder

D. [Item] Dungeon Key

E. [Entrance] Door to the Guard’s Quarters. The Dungeon Key found on the commander will open this door.

F. [Steal] Lesser Healing Potion

G. [Steal] Dungeon Key

H. [Entrance] Door to South Luna. The Dungeon Key stolen from the guard will open this door.

Guard’s Quarters


A. [Item] Lesser Heal Potion

B. [Save Point]

C. [Entrance] Back out to the main dungeon.


“The Art of Stealing Volume 1”

Description: by The King of Thieves


Dungeon Key Priceless

Description: [South Luna Dungeon – Entrance]


Dungeon Key Priceless

Description: [South Luna Dungeon – Guard’s Quarters]


Lesser Heal Potion Price: 10 Gold

Description: Restore 75 HP.


Old Man’s Sleeping Soup Recipe Priceless

Description: Mm-mmm, good!

Walkthrough ( Act I ( 1.2: South Luna

South Luna

Happy to be free and still confused about what just happened, our hero slowly crawls out of the dungeon and continues his escape. Disguised as a warlock, he soon discovers he wasn’t the only one causing a ruckus in this wonky little town – escape wouldn’t be as easy as he first thought.


A. [Event] No one is allowed to enter or exit the South Luna, except for the Spice Vendors.

B. [Armor] Leather Skullcap

C. [Item] Lesser Healing Potion

D. [Steal] “Guide to Wrestling”

E. [Training Dummies]

F. [Entrance] South Luna Inn

G. [Entrance] Pretty Girl’s Tent

H. [Entrance] Circle of Eight

I. [Entrance] Weapon Vendor’s Tent

J. [Entrance] Sandal Vendor’s Tent

K. [Entrance] Fortune Teller’s Tent

L. [Entrance] Thieves’ Hideout

M. [Entrance] South Luna Pub

N. [Event] When the Spice Vendor finally arrives in town, he’ll park his llama drawn wagon here. But he’ll only appear after you’ve talked to Jack in the South Luna Pub. You’ll need to steal his Spice Vendor’s Passport to leave town.

South Luna Inn


A. [Entrance] South Luna

B. [Inn Keeper] 15 Gold

C. [Steal] Lesser Heal Potion

D. [Save Point]

E. [Entrance] South Luna Inn (2nd Floor)


A. [Entrance] South Luna Inn (1st Floor)

B. [Weapon] Rusty Dagger

C. [Item] “The Art of Stealing Volume 2”

Pretty Girl’s Tent


A. [Entrance] South Luna

B. [Event] Talk to the pretty girl and stay the night for a mere 1 gold piece. When you awaken, she’ll be gone, along with the rest of your gold. You’ll have a chance to steal it back in the Thieves’ Den, but for now, after she’s gone you’ll be able to grab the treasure map off the wall.

C. [Item] Treasure Map 01

Circle of Eight


A. [Entrance] South Luna

B. [Event] The eight mages of the Circle of Eight Guild will teach you almost everything you need to know about Magery, reagents, mana regeneration, and Lower Reagent Cost.

C. [Guild Stone] “Circle of Eight”

D. [Armor] Leather Armor

Weapon Vendor’s Tent


A. [Entrance] South Luna

B. [Vendor]


Sandal Vendor’s Tent


A. [Entrance] South Luna

B. [Event] Barter for Luna Running Sandals down to the cost of 50 gold. You should have looted 50 gold from the Old Man in the dungeon. If you didn’t, you can always sell some items to the Weapon Vendor next door.

Fortune Teller’s Tent


A. [Entrance] South Luna

B. [Event] Steal 10 gold from the Fortune Teller.

Thieves’ Hideout


A. [Entrance] South Luna

B. [Item] “Tracking Death”

C. [Item] “Eater’s Delight”

D. [Item] “The Art of Stealing Volume 3”

E. [Item] “The Code”

F. [Steal] If you’ve stayed the night at the Pretty Girl’s Tent, you can now find her here in the Hideout. You can steal gold from her equal to the amount of gold she stole from you.

South Luna Pub


A. [Entrance] South Luna

B. [Entrance] South Luna

C. [Keg] Lesser Heal

D. [Keg] Lesser Heal

E. [Bartender]


F. [Event] In the pub you’ll first have to talk to Commander Merideous. TheOneEyedJack will then enter and order something at the bar. Talk to Jack and the Luna Guards will confront and chase him outside. Talk to Commander Merideous a second time. After this, the Spice Vendor will appear outside. Steal the Spice Vendor’s Passport and the guards blocking the exit to town will finally let you pass.


“The Art of Stealing Volume 2”

Description: by The King of Thieves


“The Art of Stealing Volume 3”

Description: by The King of Thieves


Bread Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Cheese Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


“The Code”

Description: by Brenden & Jamison


“Eater’s Delight”

Description: by Moto, Iron Chef and Professional Taste Tester


“Guide to Wrestling”

Description: by Hondo, Grandmaster Wrestler


Iron Dagger Price: 200 gold

Description: Hit Confusion. Attack: 12


Iron Sword of Repond Slaying Price: 200 gold

Description: Repond Slayer. Attack: 12


Leather Armor Price: 200 gold

Description: ---

Slot: Helmet Armor: 1 Resist: 1


Leather Skullcap Price: 200 gold

Description: ---

Slot: Helmet Armor: 1 Resist: 1


Lesser Heal Potion Price: 10 Gold

Description: Restore 75 HP.


Luna Running Sandals Price: 10 Gold

Description: Increases walking speed in Luna when equipped.

Slot: Accessory Armor: 0 Resist: 0


Rusty Dagger Price: 100 gold

Description: Hit Confusion. Attack: 11


Spice Vendor’s Passport Priceless

Description: This identifies you as a Spice Vendor.


“Tracking Death”

Description: by Ninja Bob


Treasure Map 01 Priceless

Description: Swag Be Here. Yaaarrr!

Appendix A ( Weapons



Fishing Pole Price: 100 gold

Description: A tool required for fishermen; must be equipped. Attack: 0


Iron Dagger Price: 200 gold

Description: Hit Confusion. Attack: 12


Iron Sword of Arachnid Slaying Price: 200 gold

Description: Arachnid Slayer. Attack: 12


Iron Sword of Demon Slaying Price: 200 gold

Description: Demon Slayer. Attack: 12


Iron Sword of Elemental Slaying Price: 200 gold

Description: Elemental Slayer. Attack: 12


Iron Sword of Fey Slaying Price: 200 gold

Description: Fey Slayer. Attack: 12


Iron Sword of Repond Slaying Price: 200 gold

Description: Repond Slayer. Attack: 12


Iron Sword of Reptile Slaying Price: 200 gold

Description: Reptile Slayer. Attack: 12


Iron Sword of Undead Slaying Price: 200 gold

Description: Undead Slayer. Attack: 12


Pickaxe Price: 100 gold

Description: A tool required for miners; must be equipped. Attack: 5


Rusty Dagger Price: 100 gold

Description: Hit Confusion. Attack: 11


Scissors Price: 100 gold

Description: A tool required to sheer sheep; must be equipped. Attack: 1

Appendix A ( Armor



Emerald Ring Price: 500 gold

Description: Poison Resistant.

Slot: Accessory Armor: 0 Resist: 1


Emerald Earings Price: 600 gold

Description: Poison Resistant.

Slot: Accessory Armor: 0 Resist: 2


Emerald Necklace Price: 700 gold

Description: Poison Resistant.

Slot: Accessory Armor: 0 Resist: 7


Emerald Glasses Price: 800 gold

Description: Poison Resistant.

Slot: Helmet Armor: 0 Resist: 10


Leather Armor Price: 200 gold

Description: ---

Slot: Helmet Armor: 1 Resist: 1


Leather Skullcap Price: 200 gold

Description: ---

Slot: Helmet Armor: 1 Resist: 1


Luna Running Sandals Price: 10 Gold

Description: Increases walking speed in Luna when equipped.

Slot: Accessory Armor: 0 Resist: 0


Ruby Ring Price: 500 gold

Description: Fire Resistant.

Slot: Accessory Armor: 0 Resist: 1


Ruby Earings Price: 600 gold

Description: Fire Resistant.

Slot: Accessory Armor: 0 Resist: 2


Ruby Necklace Price: 700 gold

Description: Fire Resistant.

Slot: Accessory Armor: 0 Resist: 7


Ruby Glasses Price: 800 gold

Description: Fire Resistant.

Slot: Helmet Armor: 0 Resist: 10


Sapphire Ring Price: 500 gold

Description: Cold Resistant.

Slot: Accessory Armor: 0 Resist: 1


Sapphire Earings Price: 600 gold

Description: Cold Resistant.

Slot: Accessory Armor: 0 Resist: 2


Sapphire Necklace Price: 700 gold

Description: Cold Resistant.

Slot: Accessory Armor: 0 Resist: 7


Sapphire Glasses Price: 800 gold

Description: Cold Resistant.

Slot: Helmet Armor: 0 Resist: 10


Diamond Ring Price: 500 gold

Description: Energy Resistant.

Slot: Accessory Armor: 0 Resist: 1


Diamond Earings Price: 600 gold

Description: Diamond Resistant.

Slot: Accessory Armor: 0 Resist: 2


Diamond Necklace Price: 700 gold

Description: Energy Resistant.

Slot: Accessory Armor: 0 Resist: 7


Diamond Glasses Price: 800 gold

Description: Energy Resistant.

Slot: Helmet Armor: 0 Resist: 10

Appendix A ( Items



Ale Price: 50 gold

Description: A food item.


Apple Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Big Fish Priceless

Description: A big fish.


Bird Price: 25 gold

Description: A food item.


Bird Leg Price: 25 gold

Description: A food item.


Bread Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Carrot Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Cheese Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Egg Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Fish Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Fishing Net Price: 100 gold

Description: A fisherman’s net.


Grapes Price: 10 gold

Description: A food item.


Highly Peculiar Fish Price: 50 gold

Description: Permanently increase MaxHP by +1.


Lesser Heal Potion Price: 10 Gold

Description: Restore 75 HP.


Pie Price: 50 gold

Description: A food item.


Pizza Price: 50 gold

Description: A food item.


Prize Fish Price: 50 gold

Description: Permanently increase INT by +1.


Ribs Price: 25 gold

Description: A food item.


Running Sandals Price: 10 gold

Description: Increase walking speed when equipped.


Saw Price: 100 gold

Description: A tool required for carpenters.


Sewing Kit Price: 100 gold

Description: A tool required for tailors.


Smith’s Hammer Price: 100 gold

Description: A tool required for blacksmiths.


Tinker’s Tools Price: 100 gold

Description: A tool required for tinkers.


Truly Rare Fish Price: 50 gold

Description: Permanently increase STR by +1.


Wonderous Fish Price: 50 gold

Description: Permanently increase DEX by +1.

Appendix A ( Special Items

Special Items


Dungeon Key Priceless

Description: [South Luna Dungeon – Entrance]


Dungeon Key Priceless

Description: [South Luna Dungeon – Guard’s Quarters]


Old Man’s Sleeping Soup Recipe Priceless

Description: Mm-mmm, good!


Spice Vendor’s Passport Priceless

Description: This identifies you as a Spice Vendor.


Treasure Map 01 Priceless

Description: Swag Be Here. Yaaarrr!

Appendix B ( Status Effects

Status Effects


Agility Status Rating: 2

Description: DEX is increased by 100%. Duration: 4 Turns


Armor Broken Status Rating: 6

Description: Armor is decreased by 90%. Ignore resistances. Duration: ---


Bleed Status Rating: 8

Description: Slip Damage. Duration: 6 Turns


Bless Status Rating: 3

Description: STR, DEX, & INT are increased by 100%. Duration: 4 Turns


Can’t Evade Status Rating: 4

Description: AGI is decreased by 75%. Can’t evade. Duration: 4 Turns


Clumsy Status Rating: 4

Description: DEX is decreased by 75%. Duration: 2 Turns


Confusion Status Rating: 9

Description: Forced to attack allies every turn. Duration: 2 Turns


Consecrate Status Rating: 3

Description: Attack is increased by 50%. Duration: 20 Turns


Cunning Status Rating: 2

Description: INT is increased by 100%. Duration: 4 Turns


Curse Status Rating: 4

Description: STR, DEX, & INT are decreased by 75%. Duration: 4 Turns


Deadly Poison Status Rating: 8

Description: All stats are decreased by 25%. Slip Damage. Duration: 8 Turns


Divine Fury Status Rating: 3

Description: Hit Rate & Attack are increased by 25%. Duration: 20 Turns


Enemy of One Status Rating: 3

Description: All stats are increased by 15%. Can’t evade. Duration: 20 Turns


Exalted Status Rating: 3

Description: Resurrect with full HP & mana upon death. Duration: ---


Feeblemind Status Rating: 4

Description: INT is decreased by 75%. Duration: 2 Turns


Greater Poison Status Rating: 7

Description: All stats are decreased by 15%. Slip Damage. Duration: 6 Turns


Invisible Status Rating: 2

Description: EVA is increased by +100. Duration: 10 Turns


Leech Status Rating: 5

Description: Mana is drained every turn. Duration: 3 Turns


Lesser Poison Status Rating: 5

Description: All stats are decreased by 2%. Slip Damage. Duration: 2 Turns


Lethal Poison Status Rating: 9

Description: All stats are decreased by 40%. Slip Damage. Duration: 10 Turns


Limit Break Status Rating: 9

Description: Limit is broken. Duration: ---


Magic Reflection Status Rating: 2

Description: Resist is increased by 100%. Duration: 10 Turns


Mute Status Rating: 9

Description: Can’t cast spells. Duration: 6 Turns


Pain Spike Status Rating: 8

Description: MaxHP is decreased by 20%. Slip Damage. Duration: 10 Turns


Paralyze Status Rating: 9

Description: Turn is skipped. Duration: 2 Turns


Poison Status Rating: 6

Description: All stats are decreased by 5%. Slip Damage. Duration: 4 Turns


Protection Status Rating: 2

Description: Armor & Resist are increased by 50%. Duration: 10 Turns


Rabies Status Rating: 9

Description: Forced to attack enemies every turn. Duration: 1 Turn


Reactive Armor Status Rating: 2

Description: Armor is increased by 100%. Duration: 10 Turns


Snooped Status Rating: 1

Description: Backpack is empty. Duration: ---

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

Stalked Status Rating: 10

Description: A count down timer towards instant death. Duration: ---


Strength Status Rating: 2

Description: STR is increased by 100%. Duration: 4 Turns


Weaken Status Rating: 2

Description: STR is decreased by 75%. Duration: 2 Turns

Appendix C ( Purple Books

Purple Books


“The Art of Stealing Volume 1”

by The King of Thieves

Hail, ye whippersnapper! Tonight I be executed and the tale of my life is as sad as it is lonely. And whilst my final breaths and last taste of sustenance may be in this dark, dreary, dungeon, I must pass on my knowledge. In my absence, others must keep fighting the good fight. The art of snooping 'tis a delicate one. To peek inside a victim's backpack unbeknownst to them takes many years to master. Rule #1: It's always easier to snoop a backpack whilst their back is turned. Rule #2: Use distractions whenever possible. Sometimes a simple conversation is all it takes. Rule #3: You have the upper hand if you’re hidden. They'll never see it coming. Rule #4: This last rule 'tis the most important... This last rule will solve all your troubles. The secret is this... When they least expect it—SHIT. THEY’RE HERE. I DON'T WANT TO DIE! REMEMBER ME! REMEMBER MY WORDS! AND FOR GOD'S SAKE, DON'T FORGET RULE #4!


“The Art of Stealing Volume 2”

by The King of Thieves

Hail, ye whippersnapper! It seems the stupidity of my would be exacutioners has extended my pathetic life just a little longer. And whilst I celebrate in my escape, they'll catch up to be sooner or later and I still have so much more to tell. And speaking of 'fighting the good fight’, ye have much to learn about stealing in the heat of battle. Pickpocketing lay people while they trade their produce is one thing, but stealing from them in battle takes nothing less but brute force. Battle Tip #1: Different victims carry different items. Choose your targets carefully. Battle Tip #2: You'll only have one chance to steal from each victim during a single battle. Battle Tip #3: As your skill in Stealing increases, your chance to steal will as well. Battle Tip #4: Now this battle tip is the most important of them all... This last battle tip will solve all your troubles. The secret is this... When they least expect it—SHIT. THEY’RE HERE. THEY'LL NEVER CATCH ME WITHOUT A FIGHT! REMEMBER MY WORDS! AND FOR GOD'S SAKE, DON'T FORGET TIP #4!


“The Art of Stealing Volume 3”

by The King of Thieves

Hail, ye whippersnapper! It seems the large belly'd men were unable to keep up with me. They'll nevercatch me in that condition. And whilst I take much pleasure in being able to reach my toes... there is much, much more to discuss about stealing during battle. Battle Law #1: Nothing pisses off a dexer more than disarm stealing their weapon right out of heir hands. Battle Law #2: If they're carrying a weapon, you'll have a chance to disarm their weapon and steal from them normally. Battle Law #3: But use caution. When disarmed, some will run away but others will change their attack pattern using anything they can. Battle Law #4: Now this battle law is the most important of them all... This last battle law will solve all your troubles. The last secret is this... When they least expect it—SHIT. THEY'RE HERE. THEY'LL NEVER CATCH ME WITHOUT A FIGHT! REMEMBER MY WORDS! AND FOR GOD'S SAKE, DON'T FORGET LAW #4!


“The Code”

by Brenden & Jamison

1. Thou shalt not steal from or loot fellow thieves. 2. Thou shalt not purposely reveal fellow thieves. 3. Thou shalt not identify disguised thieves. 4. Thou shalt not kill fellow thieves. 5. Thou shalt not follow fellow thieves around telling people that they are thieves. 6. Thou shalt offer aid and comfort to fellow thieves when possible. 7. Thou shalt retain a sense of humor.


“Eater’s Delight”

by Moto, Iron Chef and Professional Taste Tester

Oh, how dull life would be without the finer things in life! My name is Moto. And if you've taken the time to crack open this book that tells me one thing: we are kindred spirits! Let me tell you, for some, a full stomach does more than simply raise your spirits and put a smile on yourface. For some—us healthy eaters—food can increase the rate at which you gain other skills. (Unhealthy eaters also have favorite foods, but they gain skill much slower through Eating.) As long as you have something close by to munch on, your other talents are sure to blossom. Just listen for a healthy eater munch on a snack. You'll see.


“Guide to Wrestling”

by Hondo, Grandmaster Wrestler

If you're looking to put on some extra muscle, take a minute and test your skills on a Training Dummy. Once you do, it'll only be a matter of time before you start gaining more Strength.


“Tracking Death”

by Ninja Bob

Give me a blade, point out the mark, and have the gold ready. Stalking is a difficult skill to master. Warriors use brute force and mages rely on their parlor tricks, but its overkill. Human skin is so very frail. It may take some time—some finess—but once the mark is set, death is sure to follow.

Appendix D ( Battle Formulas

Battle Formulas

Note: The active battler is represented by A, where the battler who is the target for A's actions is represented by B.

First Hit

Normal attacks:

First hit rate = Hit rate of A's state


Attack power F is 1 or greater (physical attack)

First hit rate = Skill's hit rate × hit rate of A's state ÷ 100

Attack power F is 0 (non-physical attack)

First hit rate = Skill's hit rate


First hit rate = Item's hit rate

• If A's condition is normal, the state hit rate is 100.

Critical Hit

Normal attacks:

Critical hit rate = 4 × A's dexterity ÷ B's agility


Critical hit rate = 0


Critical hit rate = 0

Successful Escape

Successful escape rate = 50 × actors' average agility ÷ enemies' average agility

Appendix D ( Resource Crates

Resource Crates

Brief Description

Like Blue Chests, the contents found within a Resource Crate are drawn randomly from a set list of items. In the case of Resource Crates, instead of randomly drawing each item individually, the entire contents of the crate are drawn all at once. Inside you’ll find 40x resources of food, reagents, ore, ingots, gems, or other consumables. There are a total of 40 different types of resources found within these crates:

1. Ale

2. Apples

3. Bread

4. Carrots

5. Cheese

6. Eggs

7. Fish

8. Grapes

9. Raw Bird Leg

10. Raw Bird

11. Raw Ribs

12. Black Pearl

13. Blood Moss

14. Garlic

15. Ginseng

16. Mandrake Root

17. Nightshade

18. Spider’s Silk

19. Sulfurous Ash

20. Iron Ore

21. Dull Copper Ore

22. Shadow Ore

23. Copper Ore

24. Bronze Ore

25. Gold Ore

26. Agapite Ore

27. Verite Ore

28. Valorite Ore

29. Piles of Cotton

30. Piles of Wool

31. Diamonds

32. Rubies

33. Emeralds

34. Sapphires

35. Fishing Poles

36. Pickaxes

37. Empty Bottles

38. Blank Scrolls

39. Fishing Nets

40. Soulstone Fragments

Fishing Nets

At best, there is only a 10% chance to catch a Fishing Net through normal Fishing. A single crate of nets will make your life as a fisherman (and treasure hunter) that much more easy (and profitable).

Soulstone Fragments

While there are many useful resources to find in these crates – some more useful than others and some more valuable than others – the crate of Soulstone Fragments is the real prize. There are only 6 Soulstone Fragments to find through normal game play, from normal chests. With the ability to save whenever you please, a single crate of fragments will make your life as a player that much more easy.


Armor Rating – Signifies the level of protection against normal attacks and non-magical skills.

Donation – Whenever the word “donation” is used in the game, the gold payment isn’t a requirement. Gold will be taken if you have it, and not if you don’t.

Backpack – More commonly called Inventory in other RPGs.

Paperdoll – More commonly called Status, Party Status, or Status Screen in other RPGs.

Passive Abilities – Abilities that trigger when you are on the map screen (as opposed to the menu or battle screen).

Resist Rating – Signifies the level of protection against magical attacks.

Skill Gain Calculation – The process which determines whether or not an increase of +1 to a Ultima Skill is applied.[pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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