CURRICULUM VITAE (version August 2014)

Hans K. Hvide, Norwegian citizen

Personal homepage


Full-time employment

2011 – Professor of Economics and Finance, University of Bergen

2007 – 2014 SIRE Professor of Economics and Finance, University of Aberdeen

2006 – 2007 Professor of Economics and Finance, University of Aberdeen

2006 – 2007 Professor, Norwegian School of Economics and Business (NHH)

2005 – 2005 Visiting Associate Professor, M.I.T./Sloan School (spring term)

2002 – 2006 Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Mgmt Science, NHH

2000 – 2002 Assistant Professor, Department of Finance and Mgmt Science, NHH

1998 – 2000 Post-Doc, University of Bergen and Tel-Aviv University


2003 – Research Affiliate, CEPR

2005 – Research Fellow, IZA

2014 – Professor, University of Aberdeen

Academic degrees

Ph. D. (Econ), Norwegian School of Economics and Business, 1998; M.Phil., U Oslo 1994; M.Sc. (Econ), London School of Economics 1993; Cand. Mag. (Econ, Math, Pol. Sci.), U Bergen 1992.

Research interests

Entrepreneurship, Behavioral finance, Organizations

Current work

• Peer Effects among Individual Investors. Resubmitted, Journal of Financial Economics. Joint with Per Østberg (Zurich).

• Do Entrepreneurs Matter? With Sascha Becker (Warwick).

• Innovations by University Employees. Joint with Ben Jones (Northwestern). First version soon to appear.

Published and forthcoming

• Risk Tolerance and Entrepreneurship (2014). Journal of Financial Economics, 111, 200-23. With George Panos.

• Management of Knowledge Workers (2012). Journal of Law and Economics. With Eirik G. Kristiansen.

• Do Individual Investors have Asymmetric Information Based on Work Experience? (2011). Journal of Finance, 66, 1011-41. With Trond Døskeland.

• Lean and Hungry or Fat and Content? Entrepreneur Wealth and Start-Up Performance (2010). Management Science, 56, 1242-58. With Jarle Møen.

• Optimal Contracts under Imperfect Enforcement (2010). Economic Theory, 44, 149-162. With Tore Leite.

• The Quality of Entrepreneurs (2009). Economic Journal, 119, 1010-35.

• Oligopolistic Certification (2009). B. E. Journals of Theoretical Economics, Vol 9, Issue 1.

• Capital Structure under Costly Enforcement (2008). Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 110, 543-65. With Tore Leite.

• Education and the Allocation of Talent (2003). Journal of Labor Economics, 21, 945-970.

• Risk Taking in Selection Contests (2003). Games and Economic Behavior, 42, 172-181. With Eirik G. Kristiansen.

• Tournament Rewards and Risk Taking (2002), Journal of Labor Economics, 20, 877-898.

• A Behavioral Explanation for the Relative Performance Evaluation Puzzle (2003). Annales d’Economie et Statistique, 71-72, 349-361. With Chaim Fershtman and Yoram Weiss.

• Delegated Job Design (2003). Joint with Todd Kaplan. Available at .

• Diversity, Status Concerns and the Organization of Work (2005). Research in Labor Economics, 24, 3-38. With Chaim Fershtman and Yoram Weiss.

• Pragmatic Beliefs and Overconfidence (2002). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 48, 15-29.

• Some Comments on Free-Riding in Leontief Partnerships (2001). Economic Inquiry, 39, 467-73.

• Bounds to Memory Loss (1999). Theory and Decision, 46, 1-21.

Work in progress and projects

• Instrumenting divorce. With Tarjei Havnes (UiO) and Gaute Torsvik (UiB).

• Incentives in the workplace. With Ignacio Palacios-Huerta (LSE)

• Trading costs. With Magne Mogstad (Chicago).

• Start-up financing. With Aksel Mjøs (NHH).

• Father’s age. With Julian Johnsen (UiB) and Kjell Salvanes (NHH).

• Mobile phones and local economic development. With Kjell Salvanes, NHH.

Other publications

• Self-Awareness, Uncertainty and Markets with Overconfidence (1999). In Machina, M. & Munier, B. (eds), 'Preferences, Beliefs and Attributes in Decision Making' 159-176, Kluwer Academic Press.

• Is Common Knowledge Necessary for Coordinated Action? (1999). (in Norwegian). Norwegian Journal of Economics, 113, 71-84.

• What is Meant by Rational Choice? (1998, in Norwegian). Impuls (Psychology Journal).

• Djevler i Paradis: Spillteori og Åpent Kjent Kunnskap (1998, Norwegian), Replikk, 2, 52-65.

Longer Stays

Stanford 2014/2015, MIT, Spring 2005. Stanford, 2004. Tel Aviv University: Spring 2001, Spring 2000, 1998-1999. Stanford, 1996

Conference, plenary and seminar presentations

NEA conference 2015 (invited session), HEC Entrepreneurship 2014, HEC Entrepreneurship 2013, ZEW innovation 2013, Stavanger corporate finance workshop June 2013, FIBE 2013 (plenary talk), ZEW Mannheim, Amsterdam behavioural economics 2013, Oxford Entrepreneurship 2012, Amsterdam Behavioral Economics 2012, Household Finance, HKUST 2012, Household Finance, Rome 2011, CEBR Entrepreneurial Performance 2010, Academy of Management 2009, Ringberg 2009, Econometric Society world conference 2005, JJ Laffont Memorial Conference 2005, European Science Days/Steyr 2004, SOLE 2004, CEPR/IZA 2003, EALE 2002, CEPR/Stockholm May 2002, FIBE 2002, CEPR/Berlin December 2001, EARIE 2001, FIBE 2001, Econometric Society World Meeting 2000, FIBE 2000, EARIE 1999, ESEM 1998, SF 1998, FUR VIII 1997, Topics in Microeconomics and Game Theory Copenhagen 1997, Stanford Institute of Theoretical Economics (SITE) 1996, Stony Brook Game Theory 1996, IAREP 1995.

Aberdeen, Alto (Helsinki), Amsterdam, Aston, Ben-Gurion, Bergen, Bilkent, Bocconi, Carnegie Mellon, Columbia-NYU, CORE/Louvain, Cornell, Durham, Edinburgh, ErasmusU, Exeter, Gothenburg, Granada, Haifa, Harvard-MIT, Helsinki, IZA/Bonn, Kent, London School of Economics (FMG), London School of Economics (Economics/ Strategy), Malaga, Munich, Norw School of Economics and Business, Norw School of Management, Oslo, Royal Holloway, Sabanci, Southampton, St. Andrews, Stanford, Stavanger, Stirling, Stockholm School of Econ, Swedish School of Economics, Tel-Aviv, Tromsø, U College London, U Pennsylvania, U Southern California, Venice.

Teaching experience

My main areas of teaching are corporate finance, entrepreneurship, and behavioral finance (all at BSc, MSc, MBA, executive, and Phd level). I have also taught microeconomics and game theory. Outside academics, I have teaching experience from high school, secondary school, from chess (as a national coach for girls at one point!) and tennis. My experience is based on teaching in Norway (University of Bergen, NHH, University of Oslo), Scotland (University of Aberdeen, University of Edinburgh), USA (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Germany (University of Munich).

Course development

Developed a Phd course in Economics of Entrepreneurship, which appears to be the first of its type in the world). I have given this course in Oslo (2010), Munich (2011) and Bergen (2012).


American Economic Review, Econometrica, Economic Journal, Economic Theory, European Economic Review, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of European Economic Association, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Journal of Finance, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Law Economics and Organization, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economics, Management Science, Mathematics of Operations Research, Operations Research, RAND Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economics and Statistics, Danish/Dutch/English/Israeli/Norwegian/Swedish research councils, and several others.


ESRC for project on entrepreneurial performance (£95K, 2006-2010), from NFR on individual investors (NOK 800K, 2006-2009). A large number of grants in the order NOK 20K-200K.


Doctoral level: main supervisor for Tom Meling, Jae Ho Lee, Knut P. Heen (completed 2009), Yanren Zhang (completed 2012), Kun Zhang (3rd year). Affiliate supervisor for Aksel Mjøs (completed, 2009), Minha Nguyen (completed, 2010) and Selay Sahan (completed 2012). Many students at BA, MA and MSc level.


Personal homepage: .


Google scholar:


Numerous coverage in international press such as Wall Street Journal and in the Economist, and in national press such as Aftenposten and Dagens Næringsliv. See for details.

Scientific committees

• ZEW Entrepreneurship/Innovation conference, 2014.

• CEPR Entrepreneurship conference, Amsterdam, November 2013.

• FIBE, 2002-2005.

Administrative tasks

• Seminar organizer, University of Bergen 2014-

• Master degree project, University of Bergen 2012-2014

• Chair of evaluation committee, Phd positions, 2012, University of Bergen

• Chair of evaluation committee, Post doc position, 2011, University of Bergen

• Hiring committee 2010, finance position, University of Aberdeen.

• Hiring committee 2009, economics position, University of Aberdeen

• Hiring committee 2008, entrepreneurship positions, University of Aberdeen

• Organizer biweekly workshop “Firms and Markets”, University of Aberdeen (), 2006-211

• Organizer weekly seminar, University of Aberdeen (), 2006-2011

• Hiring committee, 2007, University of Aberdeen.

• Chair position, Frankfurt/Goethe, 2007.

• Project leader “Portfolio Choices of Norwegian Individual Investors”, SNF, 2006-2009.

• Hiring committee, 2004. Interviews of 30 job market candidates at ASSA meetings, San Diego.

• Seminar organizer, Finance, Norwegian School of Economics and Business

• Organizing committee FIBE (Fagkonferanse i bedriftsøkonomiske emner) 2001-2003, member.

• Library at NHH (bibliotekfaglig råd) 2002-2003, member

• Master committee, NHH (Strategy), 2003, member.

• Karl Borch lecture, 2001-2005. Initiator and organizer (joint with Knut Aase). See for details.

• NHH project on executive compensation in Norway (6 participants), project leader. The project collected and analyzed data on CEO compensation in Norway.

• SNF project 1650 (analysis of the Norwegian Shipping Industry) 1998-2000, budget NOK 500K. 6 project participants. Project leader

• Interdisciplinary seminar series at LOS-centre 1998-2000, organizer.

• Evaluation of NHH doctoral program 1985-2002, project leader.

• Evaluation of publication and citation output at the department of Finance and Management Science 1985-2001, project leader.


Consultant for Norwegian Ministry of Commerce and Trade (NHD), Menon Economics/Innovation Norway, Rieber Group,, Vendo (auction firm), and London law firm. Many industry and ministry presentations, including Argentum, NHD, and Sector Asset Management.

Personal interests

Tennis, reading, hiking, and sometimes golf.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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