Syllabus French 1: “Bien dit”/Chapter 4

Syllabus French 1: “Bien dit”/Chapter 4

Chapitre 4: Weeks of January 25, 2008 – Feb. 1, 2007

1/25 : Major Test (100 points) « Bien dit » Chapter 3

Introduction to Chapter 4: La Vie Scolaire (Guiding Questions: How does school

shape who I am? How does school in France and in Canada differ from

school in the U.S.?)

Classwork: Vocabulary drills & usage: pp. 112-113

Homework: Copy questions & vocabulary: p. 112

1/28: Class work: Oral drills (vocabulary pp. 112-113)

Quelle heure est-il? (Time in the 12 & 24 hour system)

Homework: Write times on p. 113

1/29: Classwork: Review school vocabulary pp. 112-113

Quelle heure est-il? (worksheet 1-5/ Parts A & B)

Homework: Write 10 original sentences using school voc. pp.112-113

1/30: Classwork: Worksheet on time (6-10/ Parts A & B)

Ex. 1,2 & 4 pp. 114-115

Homework: Copy vocabulary of “Exprimons-nous” on p. 114

Explication: un cours de + subject matter/ le + day of week

1/31 : Classwork : Finish time worksheet

Do practice quiz (pp. 112-114) and time

2/1: Quiz on pp. 112-114 (25 points)

Classwork: Worksheet: Days of week; months of year; date/ song

Period 2: Writing a “cinquain”

Chapitre 4: Week of February 7, 2008 – February 8, 2008

2/7: “Re” Verbs: Oral Drills/ Contrast with “er” verbs/ questions/ TPR

Classwork: “Re” verb worksheet: Parts I & II (1-5)

Homework: Study “re” verbs/ Do Part II (6-10) of worksheet

Students going on Disney World Trip receive work package

2/8: Class work: Check homework/ Finish through Part III of “re” verb worksheet

Homework: Periods 1,3,4: Practice Quiz on “re” verbs

Homework: Period 2: Study for “re” verb quiz

Objectifs/ SWBAT:

1. Tell time using the 12 hour system.

2. Tell time using the 24 hour system.

3. Identify the subjects taken at school.

4. Use adjectives to describe subjects taken at school.

5. Express what day of the week they meet certain classes.

6. Conjugate regular “re” verbs.

7. Use “re” verbs in sentences to convey personal information.

8. Conjugate regular “er” verbs

9. Use regular “er” verbs in sentences to convey personal information.

Syllabus Chapitre 4: Week of February 11, 2008 – February, 15, 2008

2/11: Quiz “re” verbs with dictée (35 pts)

Class work: Write numbers 0-30

Homework: Write 10 facts about “la province de Québec” (pp. 72-73)

2/12: Class work: Generate fact list about the province of Québec from pp. 72-73 &

other sources

Class work: Write numbers 31-70/ Oral drill on numbers

Go over corrected “re” verb quiz given on Monday

Homework: Write 10 facts about “la province de Québec” (pp. 74-75)

2/13 View DVD Tutor: Géoculture: La Province de Québec

Review information about Québec from pp. 72-75 plus notes (Treaty of Paris,

Parc du Mont Royal, Village du Père Noël, Chute de Monmorency, etc.)

Outline of quiz : Fill in blank, true false, map (p. 73)

2/14: Quiz « Géoculture: La Province de Québec » (25 pts)

Class work : Write numbers 70-100

Reading Passage : La Saint-Valentine

Poèmes : «Paris at Night » Jacques Prévert/ Boris Vian

Petites annonces : rencontres

Chanson : Moi je suis

2/15 Spoken assessment for extended class : Questions personnelles

Oral drills and dictation with numbers (0-200)

Questions on reading passage: “La Saint-Valentin”

Chansons: Moi je suis/ Monsieur l’ordinaterur

Poème : «Paris at Night » Jacques Prévert

Objectifs/SWBAT :

1. Count from 0-100

2. Conjugate « re » verbs

3. Identify meanings of « re » verbs

4. Use « re » verbs in sentences to convey personal information

5. Take dictation in French using “re” verbs, time, and days of the week

6. Identify facts about the province of Quebec as outlined on pp. 72-75

7. Answer personal questions using a variety of verbs, structures and vocabulary

8. Do sight translation of a French reading passage using contextual clues

9. Answer questions on a French reading passage using the present tense and a variety of regular and irregular verbs

10. Label a map of Canada: Les Laurentides, le Saint Laurent, Montréal, la ville de Québec, la Gaspési

Syllabus Chapitre 4: Week of February 18, 2008 – February 22, 2008

2/18: Number Review (0-1000)/ Answer personal questions in extended classes

Class work: ex. 7 & 8 p. 116/ Review conjugation & meaning of “re” verbs

Read “Flash Culture” p. 116/ Discuss Bill 101

Homework: Construct conjugation chart & verb lists “cer/ger” verbs p. 118

Upcoming quizzes: Verbs (pp. 116-118) Thursday/ Numbers Friday

2/19: Warm Up: Number review/ “re” verb review

Class work: ex. 9 p. 117; check homework; numbers worksheet (Loto, âge, etc.)

Homework: ex. 12 p. 118

2/20: View: Grammavision: “re” verbs/ “cer” and “ger” verbs

Check homework (ex. 12 p. 118)/ Do ex. 13 p. 119

Answer personal questions in extended class

Reading & Questions: Saint Valentin and/or Dictated personal questions

2/21 View: Grammavision: “re” verbs/ “cer” and “ger” verbs

Quiz (re, ger, cer verbs pp. 116-118) 35 points

Classwork : Numbers worksheet (0-100)

2/22 : Quiz : Numbers 0-100

Homework : Vocabulary : Write Vocabulary pp. 124-126 (English-French) excluding numbers

Objectifs/SWBAT :

1 Count from 0-999

2 Conjugate « re » verbs

3 Identify meanings of « re » verbs

3 Use « re » verbs in sentences to convey basic communication

4 Answer questions dictated in French

5 Conjugate “cer” and “ger” verbs

6 Identify meaning of “cer” and “ger” verbs

7 Use “cer” and “ger” verbs in sentences to convey personal information

8 State purpose of Bill 101 in Québec

Syllabus Chapitre 4: Week of February 25, 2008 – February 29, 2008

2/25: Oral drills: Classroom objects; colors; vocabulary pp. 124-125

Grammar focus: avoir besoin de ; Il me/te faut ; Il/ Elle to replace inanimate

objects ; tu pourrais ; the verb « prêter »

Classwork : ex. 22 p. 125

Homework : Copy vocabulary from « Exprimons-nous » p. 126

Review objectives of the week on board/ Test Friday (pp. 124-126)

2/26: Oral drills: Classroom objects; colors; expressions pp. 124-125

Review: numbers

Classwork: ex. 21 p. 125/ ex. 23 p. 127

Pair work in preparation for speaking assessment (Questions Personelles)

Homework: Study for speaking assessment and for Friday’s test

2/27: DVD Tutor: View Télévocabulaire Part 2 with activities

Classwork: Workbook/ “Bien dit” pp. 35-36

Practice for Speaking assessment

Homework: ex. 16 p. 36 of workbook

2/28: Classwork: Check homework/ Finish workbook pages 35-36

Review school supplies, colors, numbers, vocabulary pp. 124-125

Practice for speaking assessment

2/29: Test on pp. 124-125 (30 pts)

Classwork: Read “Flash Culture” p. 128 and “Culture appliquée” pp. 122-123

Speaking assessment Period 1

Periods 2,3,4 practice for speaking assessment

Homework: Copy verb charts and vocabulary in boxes on p. 128

Objectifs/SWBAT :

1. Identify basic school supplies

2. Identify basic colors

3. Make colors agree in gender and number with modified noun

4. Conjugate “cer” verbs

5. Conjugate “ger” verbs

6. Use “avoir besoin de/d’” in sentences to express what they need

7. Use “Il me faut” in sentences to express what they need

8. Respond to the request “Tu pourrais me prêter »

9. Respond to Merci with « Je vous en prie. »

10. Ask the question : « De quelle couleur est….. ? »

11. Use il/elle to replace inanimate objects

12. Ask how much something costs using “C’est combien?”

13. Use the expression “Je cherche” to say they are looking for something

14. Use a variety of verbs, structures, and vocabulary to give personal information

15. Identify original of French days of week (lundi-samedi) as coming from Roman mythology

16. Define the function of a “délégué de classe” in a French school

17. Compare and contrast student government in U.S. and France

Syllabus Chapitre 4: Week of March 3 – March 7, 2008

3/3: Focus: Stem changing verbs like “acheter” & “préférer” on p. 128

Class work: ex. 28 on p. 129/ /Read Culture on p. 118 & p. 120 (Discuss

Canadian French vs. French in France; 24 hour vs. 12 hour system)

Periods 3 & 4: Practice for speaking assessment/ Period 2: Speaking Assessment

Homework: ex. 27 on p. 128

3/4: Check homework (ex. 27 on p. 128)

Class work: Worksheet (spelling change verbs) Parts I-V; Read Culture: p. 131/ p. 133 (Discuss “Cégep/ DEC/ alternative ways of counting

in Francophone countries.)

Begin study guide for CRT/ Homework: pp. 4-5 of study guide

Period 3: Speaking assessment

3/5: Grammavision: spelling change verbs

Read over pp 1-3 of CRT study guide and do examples

Check homework (pp. 4-5 of study guide)

Classwork: Part II of study guide (questions 1-5)

Homework: Part II of study guide (questions 6-10)

Period 4: Speaking assessment

3/6: CRT Listening Comprehension Review: Numbers

Classwork: Check homework (Part II of CRT study guide: questions 6-10)

Classwork: Finish Part II of CRT study guide/ Begin Part III of study guide

(do 1-6 in class)

Homework: Finish Part III of CRT study guide

3/7: CRT Listening Comprehension Review: Questions & Rejoinders

Classwork: Review sheet: possessive adjectives, adjectives & time

Classwork for periods 1 & 2: Finish CRT study guide/ Review Culture/

Reading comprehension practice

Homework: Study for CRT

Objectifs/SWBAT :See CRT objectives

Syllabus Chapitre 4: Week of March 10 – March 15, 2008

3/10: Periods 1 & 2: CRT / Periods 3 & 4: Finish study guide CRT; practice

reading comprehension; review culture

3/11: Periods 3 & 4: CRT/ Period 1: Film and/or reading assignment

3/12: Periods 1, 2 & 3: Notes Culturelles: La vie scolaire en France

Reading : Lettre de Nathalie

3/13 : All periods : Rédaction : Une journée typique à l’école (20 quiz points)

Objectifs/SWBAT :

1. See CRT objectives

2. Compare and contrast school life in U.S. and France

3. Write an essay in French about school life using a variety of verbs, structures, expressions and vocabulary


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