Attend_Facility Committee Note Format.docx

Auburn School District Ad Hoc Committee MeetingWednesday, February 4, 20156:00-8:00 p.m.James P. Fugate Administration Building Board RoomMeeting NotesThe meeting of the 14-15 Citizens Ad Hoc Committee began at 6 p.m. in the Board Room.Vicki Alonzo welcomed the group. Cindi Blansfield went over the meeting notes from the previous week and asked if there were any questions or clarifications needed. A glossary of terms was distributed to the group.At 6:07 the committee dispersed into the two subcommittees. The facility subcommittee met in the IMC and the attendance subcommittee met in the Board room.The next Ad Hoc Committee meeting is Wednesday, February 11 at 6 p.m. in the JPF Administration Building Board room for the Attendance subcommittee.The Facilities subcommittee will meet at Dick Scobee Elementary, 1031 14th ST NE Auburn, 98002 at 6 p.m.The glossary will be updated Monday.The subcommittee meeting notes are below.Attendance Area & Facility Ad Hoc CommitteeSummary of Meeting NotesMeeting Date: __February 4, 2015___Subcommittee: Attendance Area District Staff: Ryan Foster/Rhonda LarsonCommunity Lead: _Sherri Greco__Summary of discussions:Consensus achieved on Guidelines documentCharge reviewedCapacity and Enrollment Sub-Committee—Sub Committee community lead: Dennis WilsonStudied several data elementsDecision to look at 2018 projections and work with those numbers due to grandfathering in first few years of any boundary changes. Did math to figure out new kids at each level based on the “to be occupied” column. Added that number at each level to the 2018 projections.Plan for next week: Look at hot spots (high enrollment impact schools) elementary schools first. 5 schools selected IL, LLH, EH, LH, GRBegin to look at geo-codes in those schools to see if there are changes are possible that could help.Population and Demographics Sub-Committee—Sub Committee community lead: Christine DeWaalStudied data and historical informationDiscussed problem balanced areasWhat are the unintended consequences of our decisions?Balance numbers, options that get us there.How to keep communities togetherCapacity of schoolsNext StepsDelve into Geo codesWhere can we make adjustmentsWhat if’s: look at matriculation of elementary schools with no splitsTransportation Sub-Committee—Sub Committee community lead: Kristen BruhahnOverview from Transportation and the Safe Walking Committee.Our goal is to share our “notices” and “wonderings” with the other groups and come back with their filters as well. We have a specialized refined lens around transportation.Next meeting agenda: Dive deeply in to the Lea Hill area and start to make reconfiguration or recommendations. We will also look at North Auburn in preparation for that conversation as well. Additional Information/Resources Needed:Ryan to bring a map of each of those 5 schools with their own specific geo-codes labeled for next meeting (Capacity and Enrollment)Action Items for Next Meeting:Continue working in sub-committeesAttendance Area & Facility Ad Hoc CommitteeSummary of Meeting NotesMeeting Date: February 4, 2015Subcommittee: Facilities District Staff: Rod Luke/Jeff GroseCommunity Lead: To Be DeterminedSummary of discussions:6:10 pm subcommittee members were welcomed. Documents and handouts from previous meetings were provided to members who had been absent. The focus of the meeting included a review of existing school facilities; existing school sites; portable classrooms; and four school capacity projection models. Each of the twenty-two school facilities were showcased in a PowerPoint presentation to provide subcommittee members a better understanding of the various school design plans; sizes of the schools; sizes of the school sites; the age of the schools; and the school capacities. A map of Auburn School District future school sites and a document describing each future school site was provided and reviewed. The impact of the King County Growth Management Act on future school construction in the Lake View School area was discussed. The purchase of land for development of school site was discussed. At times Auburn School Districts works with the City of Auburn and King County to purchase or trade property.The inventory and locations of Auburn School District portable classrooms was reviewed. Both the benefits and the challenges of portable classrooms were presented. It was noted space for portables are included in the school design planning with consideration for storm water drainage, proximity to the school, and infrastructure requirements. With the recent state initiatives requiring smaller class size coupled with increases in enrollment, more portables are being utilized to provide classroom space for un-housed students. Currently there are sixty-five portables providing 79 classroom spaces. Fifty-one single portables and fourteen double portables (equal 2 classrooms each) for a total 79 classrooms. The newer portables are both heated and air conditioned using heat pumps. They are carpeted and include up-to-date technology such as ceiling mounted LCD Projectors. Four school facility capacity models/scenarios projecting school capacity and available seats over the next ten 10 years (2014-2023) were presented:#1) No Portable Classrooms/No Enrollment Growth/Full Class Size Reduction (I-1351) -Projects 3,882 seats will be needed district-wide.#2) With Portable Classrooms/No Enrollment Growth/Full Class Size Reduction (I-1351) - Projects 2,378 seats will be needed.#3) With Portable Classrooms/13 Year Historical Enrollment Growth/Full Class Size Reduction (I-1351) - Projects 6,062 seats will be needed.#4) With Portable Classrooms/6 Year Historical Enrollment Growth/Moderate Class Size Reduction (State Mandated – Projects 4,108 seats will be needed.It was noted that although Initiative 1351 was voted and approved by Washington State Voters, it is an unfunded initiative with an expected implementation cost of six billion dollars. It is unlikely Initiative 1351 will be implemented in the next ten years. The most realistic of the four models to project school facility capacity would be model #4. Based on this model growth over the next 10 years is fairly constant at the middle and high school levels whereas significant growth is expected at the elementary level. Subcommittee members were thanked for their participation. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.Additional Information/Resources Needed:Committee members asked several questions which were noted to be addressed during the Wednesday, February 11th facilities sub-committee meeting.Action Items for Next Meeting: The next Facilities Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for 6:00 pm Wednesday, February 11th at Dick Scobee Elementary School. Committee members will tour the school and visit the portables. After the tour, the subcommittee members will convene in the library to review conditions of existing school facilities and the size of each school. ................

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