Application for Admission Alternate Route Teacher Education …

Application for Admission

Alternate Route Teacher Education Program

Washington State University Tri-Cities College of Education

Application Deadline

Thursday, January 31, 2019 (for Summer 2019 admission)

How to Submit Your Application Packet

Please mail or hand-deliver this application to the College of Education, WSU Tri-Cities, 2710 Crimson Way, Richland, WA 99354. Applications MUST be submitted to Helen Berry in West 207A or be postmarked by the deadline above.

Note: All correspondence regarding your application will be sent to the email address listed on your application. You are responsible for monitoring that email account and responding to any requests accordingly.

Application Materials

Application for Admission to the Alternate Route Teacher Education Program

Personal Goal Statements (see prompts on page one of the application)

Information and Consent Form, signed and dated (2 pages)

Route 1 Employment Verification Form completed, signed, and dated

Teacher Certificate Requirements Form completed, signed, and dated

ELL-IMPACT Grant Funding Request Form (if desired), completed, signed, and dated

Copy of passing WEST-B exam scores OR acceptable combination of ACT/SAT scores (official ACT/SAT scores must be sent to the WSU Admissions office)

For a list of SAT and ACT scores that can substitute for the WEST-B, please see

Date WEST-B taken, or will be taken: ______________________________ WEST-B must be taken by program application deadline; WEST-B must be passed and scores received prior to the start of program classes in May)

Have you requested that your official SAT/ACT score reports be sent to WSU, if using these? _________

Photocopies of unofficial transcript(s) from previous institution(s) attended. You still need to submit official college transcripts to WSU as part of the general admissions process to the university (see below).

Students not yet admitted to WSU must also apply for admission to the university.

____ Complete the online "Undergraduate Application for Admission" for transfer students at

____ Pay $50.00 non-refundable application fee ____ Order official transcripts sent to be sent directly to WSU Tri-Cities, 2710 Crimson Way, Richland, WA 99354 by the registrar of each higher education institution at which you completed coursework after grade 12.

Revised 11/16/2018

Application for Admission to Alternate Route Teacher Education Program Washington State University Tri-Cities College of Education

Instructions: Please read and complete all sections of this application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.


Date of Birth:

First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:

Current Address:




Mailing Address (if different):




Cell Phone #:

Permanent Phone #:

Email Address*:

The questions below are needed for reporting purposes only and are optional.

Are you a first generation college student? Please circle one:



Is English your first language: Yes



* All correspondence regarding your College of Education application will be sent to this email address. You are responsible for monitoring that email account and responding to any requests accordingly. Once you enroll in classes, all correspondence from WSU must be sent to your WSU email only. Current WSU students MUST list their WSU email address here.

This application is for admission for: Summer Term 2019 (deadline January 31, 2019)

In addition to the Elementary Education endorsement, I would like to earn the following add-on endorsement:

English Language Learners

Bilingual Education

Special Education

Have you ever held a Washington teacher, administrator, emergency or educational staff associate certificate? Yes If yes, what is your certificate number?


Cumulative WSU or Transfer GPA (a minimum 2.50 is required): ________________________

Personal Goal Statements

The purpose of this writing sample is two-fold: (1) for us to better understand who you are and why you want to be a teacher; and (2) to assess the quality of your critical thinking and writing skills. Your response should be typewritten, double-spaced, and on a single page for each question (a maximum of 300 words each). Be sure to include your name and WSU ID# on the top of both pages.

1. In a job interview, you will likely be asked to talk about who you are and why you should be hired. Imagine that you are one of three finalists for a teaching position. Begin your writing sample by telling us something about yourself and why you want to become a teacher. What can you add that sets you apart from the other applicants?

2. Please describe your past work as a paraprofessional or other employee in education. Why have you decided to make the transition

from paraprofessional to teacher? How will you use your experiences in this area to inform your work as an education student and as a

teacher in the future?

Information and Consent Form ? Page 1

Revised 11/16/2018

Washington State University Tri-Cities College of Education Information and Consent Form

Testing Requirements

Your application for admission to the Teacher Education Program will be considered only if you have a passing score on all three subtests of the WEST-B by the start of the semester for which you apply (May for summer applicants), or a combination of acceptable official ACT or SAT scores.

Passage of the WEST-E or NES content exam in the desired endorsement area is required for placement in student teaching and for awarding of the Residency Teacher Certificate. In addition, the ACTFL exam is required for those seeking an endorsement in Bilingual Education.

I have read the above statement and understand it is my responsibility to meet the testing requirements of the Washington State University College of Education and the State of Washington.

____________________________________________________________ Signature

_______________________________________ Date

Liability Insurance Requirements

Evidence of $1,000,000 personal liability insurance coverage must be provided to the College of Education. Students are provided low-cost options at the start of the program.

I have read the above statement and understand proof of liability insurance is required for placement in schools.

____________________________________________________________ Signature

_______________________________________ Date

Professional Dispositions Assessment (PDA) Process

Teacher candidates who have been accepted into a WSU Teacher Education Program will be assessed regularly to determine their progress in academic performance, field experiences, and professionalism. The Professional Dispositions Assessment Form (PDA Form) is one of many assessment tools used in the program.

The PDA form may be completed by any instructor who feels a candidate is not meeting a particular professional standard. The completed form must be accompanied by a description of the behavior and available documentation that indicates failure to meet the standard. Normally, the form will be completed after the instructor has worked unsuccessfully with the candidate to help him/her meet the standard. The form can be completed at any time. The instructor will notify the candidate that a PDA form is being filed, and the student will sign the form. Completed PDA forms will be stored in the student's file (Undergraduate Student Services, Ed Ad 316). In accordance with FERPA Student Rights (see or WSU Student Handbook) teacher candidates may view any completed forms via request to Undergraduate Student Services, and may provide a written response to a PDA form for their file, also via Undergraduate Student Services.

A Teacher Education Student Affairs Committee is required to meet with the teacher candidate to discuss remediation strategies if (1) an instructor requests a meeting, or (2) a teacher candidate receives two negative ratings for any single professional disposition. If a teacher candidate receives four or more negative ratings in any combination of categories, the committee shall review documentation and (1) permit the teacher candidate to proceed in the program with appropriate remediation, OR (2) remove the teacher candidate from the program. Teacher candidates who wish to appeal the Teacher Education Student Affairs Committee's decision must prepare a written appeal and present it to the Chair of the Department of Teaching and Learning. The Chair may make the final decision or refer the appeal to the faculty.

I have read the above statements and understand the use of the Professional Dispositions Assessment form.

____________________________________________________________ Signature

_______________________________________ Date

Release of Student Records and Personal Information

I hereby authorize Washington State University to release orally or in writing, all student records, and other personally identifiable information to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the purpose of investigating and determining my eligibility for Washington State certification pursuant to RCW 28A.410, WAC 181-86 and 181-87 as now or hereinafter amended, and to my field supervisor and school district for the purpose of securing a student teaching placement for me.

____________________________________________________________ Signature

_______________________________________ Date

Policy on Student Teaching

I understand that I must pass the WEST-E or NES in my endorsement area prior to student teaching, and that student teaching must be completed at an approved WSU site with supervision by an approved WSU provider. If I am seeking an endorsement in Bilingual Education I must also pass the ACTFL exam.




Information and Consent Form ?DPatae ge 2

Revised 11/16/2018

Washington State University Tri-Cities College of Education Information and Consent Form

Fitness to Work in a Classroom Setting and Background Clearance

It is Washington State University's intent to ensure that all teacher candidates possess those characteristics desirable for working with children. The College of Education therefore reserves the right to deny any individual admission to, or continued enrollment in the Teacher Education Program if, in the professional judgment of faculty or coordinating field personnel, there is a cause for concern about the fitness of that individual to work with children in a classroom setting. The faculty may utilize the Professional Dispositions Assessment (PDA) to formally document and communicate the preservice teacher's disposition to teaching.

I have read the above statement and understand it is the responsibility of the faculty and staff of the College of Education and coordinating field personnel to evaluate and monitor all aspects of my personal and academic fitness, to assess my ability to work effectively with children in a classroom setting and to deny my admission to or discontinue my enrollment in the Teacher Education Program if, in the opinion of faculty or coordinating field personnel, I am not suited for recommendation for professional licensure.

I understand that if I am accepted into the Teacher Education Program, I must undergo a background check that includes providing fingerprints prior to my participating in any internship, practicum, or student teaching experience.

____________________________________________________________ Signature

_______________________________________ Date

Repeating Professional Education Courses

A minimum grade of C (2.0) is required for all professional education course work. A pre-service teacher may take a course only two times. Failure to obtain a C or better after two attempts will result in decertification.

Elementary pre-service teachers are subject to the following additional requirements: (1) Those who fail to meet the C (2.0) minimum requirement in two or more courses in Block I may not enroll in Block II until all courses in Block I are successfully completed. Those with less than a C in one course in Block I may continue to Block II. (2) Enrollment in Block III, the Advanced Practicum semester in which courses are offered only in a 10/12-week cycle, is limited to students who have achieved a minimum grade of C in all other professional course work. Block courses in which a student receives lower than a C must be repeated in the following semester. No student with course work to repeat or full-semester course work remaining, may enroll in Block III

I have read the above statement and understand the rules applying to the repetition of course work.

____________________________________________________________ Signature

_______________________________________ Date

Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Alternate Route Teacher Certification Program Requirements

Alternate route candidates, after acceptance to the program, agree to the following conditions and will adhere to the requirements of the program, including: (1) Complete the full amount and duration of the program with good attendance and grade achievement, (2) Remain at the current School District of employment until the end of the program, (3) File yearly Financial Aid/FAFSA forms, (4) Work with mentor teachers and cohort peers as part of a professional community, and (5) Be willing to participate in relevant research while in the program and up for two years following program completion.

I have read the above statements and understand these conditions.

___________________________________________________________________ Signature

_______________________________________ Date

Reimbursement for Academic Supplies (for ELL-IMPACT grant recipients only)

At the end of every academic year, financial compensation will be available for reimbursement of certain academic supplies not normally covered in tuition estimates. Costs related to books, office supplies, stationery, computers, educational software, testing fees, and other supplies purchased by the candidate to complete the program coursework may be reimbursed by submitting related receipts totaling or exceeding $500. The compensation will not exceed $500 for a given program year, and is offered for two years.

I have read the above and understand the process for financial compensation. I understand that this is available only to students accepted for and receiving ELLIMPACT grant funds and not to any other alternate route students.

___________________________________________________________________ Signature

______________________________________ Date

Acknowledgement of Application, Program, and Certification Requirements

By signing this statement, I acknowledge that I have thoroughly read the entire Information and Consent Form, and am aware of all program and certification stipulations and requirements outlined in the Consent Form.

_____________________________________W__a_s_h__in__g_t_o_n__S_t_a_t_e__U__n_i_versity Tri-C_i_t_i_e_s__________________________________



Revised 11/16/2018

Washington State University Tri-Cities College of Education

Alternate Route Teacher Certification Program Route 1 Employment Verification Form

Requirement: Per the State of Washington's requirements for participants in a Route 1 teacher certification program, applicants must currently be employed as a paraprofessional in a participating school district. Applicants applying for ELL-IMPACT grant funding must be in a position that serves English Learners (ELs). Applicants must have served in this capacity for at least one (1) year by the time that they begin the alternate route program.



Place of work:

Start date:




School district:

Describe major duties:

Grade level of students: End date:



Supervisor's job title:

Number of years with this district:

I hereby certify that the statements made on this form are true, and I understand and agree that any false information may be cause for denial of my admission to the Teacher Certification Program. I give the College of Education permission to contact my employers identified on this form to verify my position and to confirm their recommendation of me for this program.

Applicant's Signature


Revised 11/16/2018


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