Woodring Certification Office Teacher Certification Requirements …

Woodring College of Education Certification Office

CertOffice@wwu.edu ? Miller Hall 150 360-650-3388

Woodring Certification Office Teacher Certification Requirements Report

1. Teacher Certification Requirements Report (page 2): Print and write, or fill-in online.

2. Endorsement Evaluation: Instructions are listed below, by department. Approved waivers or substitutions must be documented on or accompany the form. Coursework must be completed at a grade of C (2.0) or better; some departments have higher grade requirements.

a. SECONDARY EDUCATION: Nothing is needed for your major/qualifying endorsement evaluation, which you submitted to your Secondary Education advisor in the first quarter of the program. You will be contacted by Secondary Education staff if it is not on file.

b. ELEMENTARY / EARLY CHILDHOOD: Please contact Molly Baumann (Molly.Baumann@wwu.edu. 360.650.2578, Miller Hall 150) to obtain a credit evaluation. You will need a signed copy for the registrar and a copy to turn in with this form to the Certification Office in Miller Hall 150.

c. SPECIAL EDUCATION: Visit the department Forms webpage and complete the applicable Degree Evaluation Form: . Make an appointment to see your program advisor for a signature.

d. ALL PROGRAMS: Submit a signed evaluation for any additional endorsement not included with the above, if not on file with the Certification Office:

3. Submit the Teacher Certification Requirements Report and Endorsement Evaluation no later than the Due Date noted below, which is based on your first quarter of fulltime student teaching.

Fall: May 15

Winter: August 15 Spring: December 15 Summer: March 15

Note: If the above date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or WWU holiday the deadline is the next business day.

Method: Mail or deliver to Woodring Certification Office / Miller Hall Rm. 150 / 516 High Street / Bellingham, Washington / 98225-9090; or scan and email to CertOffice@wwu.edu

Fees and Follow-up:

A $50 Woodring processing fee will be charged toyour WWU student account at the start of your fulltime internship quarter.

Notification of outstanding requirements will be sent to your official WWU email account. You will be advised to apply for your Residency teacher certificate and pay a $74 state certification fee

through the OSPI E-Certification system, following completion of all certification requirements and recommendation by the WCE Certification Office. Questions regarding endorsements, certification, and testing should be directed to CertOffice@wwu.edu

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January, 2015

Woodring College of Education Certification Office

CertOffice@wwu.edu ? Miller Hall 150 360-650-3388

Teacher Certification Requirements Report


Department: (choose one): Elementary/Early Childhood Candidate Level (choose one): UG PB GRAD



Special Education

Quarter/Year of Completion:

Requested Endorsement(s):


Statement of Outstanding Program Requirements

Please list professional education and endorsement courses remaining. Do NOT include courses in progress that will be completed during the quarter in which this Report is submitted. Note any course that will be taken through another institution or by correspondence.

Courses Remaining Course Prefix/Number

Number of Credits


Washington State Content Tests (WEST-E/NES/ACTFL) If you have not already received your official score for the WEST-E, NES and/or ACTFL, please list the date(s) that

you took or plan to take each test. At least one test must be attempted before entering your internship.

Test Name

Date Planned

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See Page 1 for Submittal Instructions


January, 2015


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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