Port of Ridgefield

Port of RidgefieldRegular Meeting MinutesDecember 14, 2016Present:Joe MelroyBruce WisemanScott HughesBrent GreningBill ElingJeanette LudkaLaurie Olin Nelson HolmbergSusan TrabuccoGary AdkinsLee WellsSandra DayTim DawdyPaul LewisWonder Baldwin1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE:At 3:00pm Chair Scott Hughes called the Port of Ridgefield Commission meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES AND ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA:November 30, 2016: Commissioner Joe Melroy made a motion to approve the meeting minutes as presented. Commissioner Bruce Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion was carried.Resolution 2016-315: Lease Revenue Bond, 2016 was added to the agenda.Election of 2017 Officers was added to the agenda. 3. CALENDAR:3 - Ports Meeting: The meeting is tomorrow at 5:30pm at the Port of Vancouver USA. Brent Grening, the Commission and Nelson Holmberg will attend. December 28 Port Meeting: The meeting is cancelled. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTNone. 5. FINANCE:Cash Graph: Jeanette Ludka stated the weekly cash graph report is in the Commissioner’s dropbox.Payment of the Bills: Commissioner Joe Melroy stated he reviewed the bills for the month of December, found them to be properly prepared and made a motion to pay the bills. Commissioner Bruce Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion was carried. The bills totaled $1,174,724.55. November Finance Reports: Jeanette Ludka stated the following reports are in the Commissioner’s dropbox: November 2016 Dashboard and the November 2016 Budget vs. Actual.Resolution Number 2016-315: A Resolution of the Port Commission of the Port of Ridgefield, Washington, providing for the Issuance and Sale of A Lease Revenue Bond of the Port in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $4,500,000, For the purpose of paying part of the costs of constructing an office building for lease to the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife and paying cost of Issuance; providing the Date, Form and Repayment terms of said Bond and for the pledge of certain Port revenues to pay the principal thereof and interest thereon; creating certain funds; reserving the right to issue bonds in the future having a lien on certain revenues of the Port; and approving the sale of such Bond to Banner Bank. Brent Grening stated that Cynthia Weed, the Port’s bond counsel and Jim Nelson, the Port’s placement agent and Banner Bank counsel have prepared the revenue bond lease agreement for the Port of Ridgefield. Paul Lewis, the Port’s financial consultant, stated that at the September Port meeting there were two bond proposals presented to the Port Commission, Banner Bank and Washington Federal. Paul stated that at the October Port meeting the Port began to work with representatives for Washington Federal Bank but no agreement was concluded between the parties. The Port began to work with the second proposal, which was with Banner Bank. Paul explained the terms and conditions in the resolution regarding the lease, financing, interest rate and prepayment penalty which includes the Port’s obligation to deposit $397,000 into an operating reserve account.Paul stated the resolution authorizes the Port to issue $4.5 million in bonds to pay a portion of the costs of the Washington Department Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Headquarters building; the tax-exempt revenue bonds will be secured primarily by the Port’s 10-year lease with the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services.Paul stated Darwin Parker from Banner Bank has committed to working with the Port to secure the bond for this project. Paul stated all parties involved believe the resolution outlines term and conditions that are appropriate for the Port’s financing and recommend the Port Commission approve the resolution for a closing date of December 29, 2016. Commissioner Joe Melroy made a motion to approve this resolution as presented. Commissioner Bruce Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion was carried.The Commission thanked Paul Lewis for his efforts in working with Banner Bank to secure a bond agreement for the Port’s Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife Project.6. REPORTS AND BUSINESS: ExecutiveMemorandum of Support: Brent Grening stated that at the November 30 Port meeting the Commission was asked to prepare a memorandum of support for the proposed 2017 Ridgefield District Bond Measure, no number has been assigned. Brent Grening read the memorandum stating that the Port Commission believes quality education is essential to developing a skilled labor force and an educated workforce as a cornerstone of a healthy economy and community. The Port Commission further believes that quality physical infrastructure is necessary to support high quality education and student safety. Brent listed the proposed enhancements if the school bond passes. The resolution states that the Port of Ridgefield Commission support passage of the proposed 2017 Ridgefield School District Bond Measure. Public comment both pro and con was requested. There was no opposition to the missioner Wiseman made a motion to approve the Memorandum to Support the February 2017 Ridgefield School District Bond Measure as presented. Commissioner Melroy seconded the motion. The motion was carried.3-Ports Meeting Briefing – Brent Grening distributed the Port’s talking points and topics of the current 2017 Legislative agenda and the Port of Ridgefield’s current projects for the upcoming meeting with the Ports of Vancouver and Camas-Washougal. He stated that the 2017 Legislative Agenda lists some of the same projects that were mentioned at the Legislative breakfast with the Ridgefield City Council. The agenda also provided updates on the Port of Ridgefield’s current projects:Broadband – Constituent Connectivity Project: the current updates of this project will be shared with the other Port Commissioners at the meeting and noted the project will be included in the 2017 Legislative Priorities. Nelson Holmberg added he has scheduled several meetings and anticipate scheduling more with constituents to talk about the Port’s strategic plans for the project. Nelson is currently working with 12 other ports that are interested in the project. Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife Regional HQ Project: Brent Grening stated Laurie Olin will provide him with the most current updates to be shared at the meeting tomorrow. Brent thanked Mike Bomar and Matt Ransom for supporting the Port’s projects.Brent was invited to attend a county-wide Foreign Trade Zone meeting that was hosted and sponsored by the Port of Vancouver. He thanked them for including the Port and noted the meeting provided good marketing tools that the Port of Ridgefield can use to promote more projects. Brent mentioned he is proud to support this effort.He also thanked the Port of Vancouver for their partnership (and CREDC) for including the Ports of Ridgefield and Camas-Washougal in the TV advertisements which speaks well of our area and our willingness to work together.Brent also thanked Port of Vancouver Commissioner Jerry Oliver for continuing to represent the Ports on the Regional Transportation Council board. Commissioner Scott Hughes will continue to be the alternate. Brent mentioned this is the second year that the 3-Ports have met to share their legislative agendas which sends a very strong message that that the 3-Ports represent a strong and robust economic development industry in working together.Brent ended saying they have positive things to share and celebrate at tomorrow’s meeting which will begin at 5:30pm. Everyone will meet at 4:30pm at the Ridgefield Park and Ride to carpool with Brent.OperationOff Property Neighborhood Project: Laurie Olin distributed a “mailer” from the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding the neighborhood dioxin contamination soil sampling, that involves a second phase of sampling east of Main Avenue in Ridgefield. Laurie stated the Port has completed 21 homes for the first phase of the project; there are 8 homes remaining that the Port will begin clean-up in the Spring of 2017. The new Phase 2 Clean-up project involves 35 homes to be sampled but currently no funds have been designated by the Department of Ecology for clean-up. Laurie stated the mailer was sent to 375 Ridgefield residents last Friday. Laurie will provide updates as she receives information from Department of missioner Melroy stated he appreciates Laurie being the contact person for this project. The Port of Ridgefield is a unique group of folks and he is proud to be a part of this team.InnovationFederal Broadband Strategy Update – Commissioner Melroy expressed his appreciation to Nelson Holmberg for his efforts in taking the lead and coordinating the Fiber Optics Project.Nelson stated he answered many questions of interest in the project at the Legislative Breakfast meeting last week regarding the Port’s broadband strategy. He added this was a good meeting. He stated in addition, he has meetings scheduled with representatives elect Monica Stonier and Vicki Kraft to discuss their interest in the Port’s broadband missioner Wiseman stated the Port has the support of 9 State Legislators on the Port’s projects and mention that the Port of Ridgefield will continue to educate and keep them updated on our projects. Having a good working relationship with these legislators is valuable and appreciated. Nelson Holmberg distributed a proposed Federal Broadband Funds acquisition for the federal broadband strategy. Nelson stated there are 11 Ports that are interested in the Port of Ridgefield’s broadband project and strategy. He listed the Ports that are interested in the project, but noted 6 have committed $10,000 (this includes the Port of Ridgefield) to contract with a federal lobbyist, the Leschi Group (Rick Desimone). Nelson stated the lobbyist is ready to start. Nelson stated the Port of Ridgefield will take the lead in 2017 upon Commission approval. The Port of Ridgefield will pledge $40,000 per year for up to 3 years towards the completion of the project or a $120,000 maximum. Nelson stated the Port of Ridgefield believes in the broadband project and is seen as the leader for the State. Commissioner Melroy stated we have lived within our means. Nelson stated several other Ports have asked him to attend their meetings to learn more about the Port’s broadband project. Brent Grening stated the intent is to go to our sister Ports to let them see the Port of Ridgefield is serious about broadband and have a strategy. Brent mentioned Rick Desimone with the Leschi Group will work with us in communicating messages regarding the strengths of broadband. The Port of Ridgefield is the model and will provide the business infrastructure for the project. The Leschi Group will present the Port of Ridgefield Broadband Project in Washington DC. Brent stated this is a good group that is skilled and capable to deliver a great product on our missioner Wiseman asked the cost for 3-years. Brent stated the contract amount of $120,000 is negotiable, which he will talk with the Commission more about the benchmarks and exits.Laurie Olin asked Bill Eling, the Port’s attorney to confirm what the Port has to do to complete the contract process. Bill confirmed the Port needs to have a contract agreement in place first with the lobbying group before the Port can ask them to provide services.The Commission encouraged the Port staff to move forward in working with the other Ports on this project. Nelson stated the Port will sponsor, along with Ports of Skagit and Whitman County, the Washington Ports Broadband Summit on January 17, 2017 from 10am – 2pm at the Sea-Tac Airport Conference Center in Seattle. He added they will be inviting other Ports to attend. Commission2017 Election of Officers: Chairman: Commissioner Melroy made a motion to elect Commissioner Bruce Wiseman as chair. Commissioner Scott Hughes seconded the motion. The motion was carried.Port Secretary: Commissioner Bruce Wiseman made a motion to elect Commissioner Scott Hughes as secretary. Commissioner Joe Melroy seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Port Treasurer & WPPA Trustee: Commissioner Scott Hughes made a motion to elect Commissioner Melroy as treasurer and WPPA Trustee for 2017. Commissioner Bruce Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion was missioner Melroy stated the City of Ridgefield did a good job in organizing the Port/City Legislative Breakfast at the Sportsman’s last missioner Hughes stated the neighborhood for Ridgefield looks good, the finances are strong, the broadband strategy looks good, there is a bright future for this community and is proud to be a part of the Ridgefield community.7. PUBLIC AGENCY COMMENT:Councilman Lee Wells stated the Legislative Breakfast was a good meeting at the Sportsman’s Restaurant. The representatives from the ilani Resort was impressed at our positive working relationship, it was good to have them attend the meeting. It was mentioned there is a good working relationship with the 7 state legislators (5 women and 2 men) that represent Clark County, the Port of Ridgefield and the City of Ridgefield. There is also a good relationship with legislators in the 49th Legislative District, which is outside of our district. Commissioner Hughes stated the Port of Ridgefield and City of Ridgefield have a good working relationship.Councilwoman Sandra Day stated the council passed a resolution at their last council meeting to support the Ridgefield School Bond measure.Ridgefield Fire Chief Tim Dawdy mentioned there are long-term plans in the works to relocate the downtown Ridgefield Fire station. He stated this location serves the Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge.It was mentioned that the Boschma Farms master planning meeting with Clark College was a good meeting.Councilman Wells stated the Hometown Day Celebration had very good participation and thanked the Port of Ridgefield for the use of the trailer. Commissioner Hughes commented that the event had good weather and the school band was outstanding. 8. PUBLIC COMMENT:None9. ADJOURNMENT:The meeting adjourned at 4:17pm with no further comments or business. The next regular Commission meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 3:00pm. The meeting will be held at the Port of Ridgefield offices in the downstairs conference room located at 111 West Division Street in Ridgefield._________________________________________________________D. Joe MelroyScott Hughes______________________________Bruce WisemanRespectfully submitted byWonder Baldwin ................

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