Technologies: Experiences and Outcomes


Experiences and outcomes

The technologies framework provides a range of different contexts for learning, including the themes across learning; learning for sustainability, global citizenship, enterprise, that draw on important aspects of everyday life and work.

The framework develops knowledge, skills, attributes and capabilities around 13 key concepts/significant aspects of learning in the technologies.

• Awareness of technological developments (Past, Present and Future), including how they work.

• Impact, contribution, and relationship of technologies on business, the economy, politics, and the environment.

• Using digital products and services in a variety of contexts to achieve a purposeful outcome

• Searching, processing and managing information responsibly

• Cyber resilience and internet safety

• Understanding the world through computational thinking

• Understanding and analysing computing technology

• Designing, building and testing computing solutions

• Food and textile technologies

• Designing & constructing models/products

• Exploring uses of materials

• Representing ideas, concepts and products through a variety of graphic media

• Application of Engineering

Within each of the key concepts/significant aspects of learning learners will develop and demonstrates

• knowledge and understanding of the key concepts in the technologies

• curiosity, exploration and problem solving skills

• planning and organisational skills in a range of contexts

• creativity and innovation

• skills in using tools, equipment, software, graphic media and materials

• skills in collaborating, leading and interacting with others

• critical thinking through exploration and discovery within a range of learning contexts

• discussion and debate

• searching and retrieving information to inform thinking within diverse learning contexts

• making connections between specialist skills developed within learning and skills for work

• evaluating products, systems and services

• presentation and communication skills.

• awareness of sustainability

The framework includes creative, practical and work-related experiences and outcomes which develop skills for business, digital literacy, computing science, food, textiles, craft, design, engineering, graphics and applied technologies. Learning, teaching and assessment in the technologies should span a range of the 13 key significant aspects of learning, for example when planning business education in S1 to S3 it should cover Digital Literacy significant aspects of learning and Technological Developments in Society and Business significant aspects of learning (as well as Social subject significant aspects of learning).

As with literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, digital literacy should be placed at the heart of all learning, not only the technologies area of the curriculum.

Digital literacy outcomes could be met in any/all curriculum areas and so all practitioners can contribute to and reinforce them.

|Digital Literacy |

|Organiser |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

| | | | | | |

|Searching, processing and managing |I can use digital technologies to |Using digital technologies responsibly|I can use digital technologies to |Having used digital technologies to |I can use digital technologies to |

|information responsibly |explore how to search and find |I can access, retrieve and use |search, access and retrieve |search, access and retrieve |process and manage information |

| |information. |information to support, enrich or |information and am aware that not all |information I can justify my selection|responsibly and can reference |

| |TCH 0-02a |extend learning in different contexts.|of this information will be credible. |in terms of validity, reliability and |sources accordingly. |

| | |TCH 1-02a |TCH 02-02a |have an awareness of plagiarism. |TCH 4-02a |

| | | | |TCH 3-02a | |

| | | | | | |

|Cyber resilience and internet |I can explore, play and communicate |I can extend my knowledge of how to |I can explore online communities |I can keep myself safe and secure in |I can explore the impact of |

|safety |using digital technologies safely and|use digital technology to communicate |demonstrating an understanding of |online environments and I am aware of |cyber-crime for business and industry |

| |securely. |with others and I am aware of ways to |responsible digital behaviour and I’m |the importance and consequences of |and the consequences this can have on |

| |TCH 0-03a |keep safe and secure. |aware of how to keep myself safe and |doing this for myself and others. |me. |

| | |TCH 1-03a |secure. |TCH 3-03a |TCH 4-03a |

| | | |TCH 2-03a | | |

|Food and Textile Technology |

|Organiser |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

|Technological Developments in Society and Business |

|Organiser |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

| | | | | | |

|Impact, contribution, and |To help care for the environment, I |I can take appropriate action to |I can analyse how lifestyles can |I can evaluate the implications for |I can examine a range of materials, |

|relationship of technologies on |reduce, re-use and recycle the |ensure conservation of materials and |impact on the environment and Earth’s |individuals and societies of |processes or designs in my local |

|business, the economy, politics, |resources I use. |resources, considering the impact of |resources and can make suggestions |the ethical issues arising from |community to consider their |

|and the environment. |TCH 0-06a |my actions on the environment. |about how to live in a more |technological developments. |environmental, social and economic |

| | |TCH 1-06a |sustainable way. |TCH 3-06a |impact. |

| | | |TCH 2-06a | |TCH 4-06a |

| | |I understand how technologies help | | | |

| | |provide for our needs and wants, and |I can make suggestions as to how |I can identify the costs and benefits | |

| |I understand how local shops and |how they can affect the environment |individuals and organisations may use |of using technologies to reduce the |I can present conclusions about the |

| |services use technologies to provide |in which we live. |technologies to support sustainability|impact of our activities on the |impact of technologies on the economy,|

| |us with what we need and want in our |TCH 1-07a |and reduce the impact on our |environment and business. |politics and the environment. |

| |daily lives. | |environment. |TCH 3-07a |TCH 4-07a |

| |TCH 0-07a | |TCH 2-07a | | |

| | | | |I can explore the impact, contribution| |

| | | | |and use of various software |I can select and use appropriate |

| | | | |applications and emerging hardware in |hardware and software which supports |

| | | | |business. |evolving business activities. |

| | | | |TCH 3-08a |TCH 4-08a |

|Craft, Design, Engineering and Graphics |

|Organiser |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

| | | | | | |

|Exploring uses of materials |I explore everyday materials in the |I can recognise a variety of |I can recognise basic properties and |I can explore the properties and |I consider the material performance as|

| |creation of pictures/models/concepts.|materials and suggest an appropriate |uses for a variety of materials and |performance of materials before |well as sustainability of materials |

| |TCH 0-10a |material for a specific use. |can discuss which ones are most |justifying the most appropriate |and apply these to real world tasks. |

| | |TCH 1-10a |suitable for a given task. |material for a task. |TCH 4-10a |

| | | |TCH 2-10a |TCH 3-10a | |

| | | | | | |

|Representing ideas, concepts and |I explore and discover different ways|I can explore and experiment with |I can use a range of graphic |I can apply a range of graphic |I can extend my use of manual and |

|products through a variety of |of representing ideas in imaginative |sketching, manually or digitally, to |techniques, manually and digitally, to|techniques and standards when |digital graphic techniques to realise |

|graphic media |ways. |represent ideas in different learning|communicate ideas, concepts or |producing images using sketching, |ideas, concepts and products and |

| |TCH 0-11a |contexts. |products, experimenting with the use |drawing and software. |recognise the importance of real world|

| | |TCH 1-11a |of shape, colour and texture to |TCH 3-11a |standards. |

| | | |enhance my work. | |TCH 4-11a |

| | | |TCH 2-11a | | |

| | | | | | |

|Application of Engineering |I explore a variety of products |I explore and discover engineering |I can extend my knowledge and |I can apply my knowledge and |I can solve problems through |

| |covering a range of engineering |disciplines and can create solutions.|understanding of engineering |understanding of engineering |the application of engineering |

| |disciplines. |TCH 1-12a |disciplines to create solution. |disciplines and can develop/build |principles and can discuss the impact |

| |TCH 0-12a | |TCH 2-12a |solutions to given tasks. |engineering has on the world around |

| | | | |TCH 3-12a |me. |

| | | | | |TCH 4-12a |

|Computing Science |

|Organiser |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |

| | | | | | |

|Understanding and analysing |I understand that sequences of |I understand the instructions of a |I can explain core programming |I understand language constructs for |I understand constructs and data |

|computing technology |instructions are used to control |visual programming language and can |language concepts in appropriate |representing structured information |structures in a textual programming |

| |computing technology. |predict the outcome of a program |technical language. |TCH 3-14a |language |

| |TCH 0-14a |written using the language. |TCH 2-14a | |TCH 4-14a |

| | |TCH 1-14a | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |I understand how computers process | | | |

| | |information. | | | |

| |I can experiment with and identify |TCH 1-14b |I understand how information is stored|I can describe the structure and |I can explain the overall operation |

| |uses of a range of computing | |and how key components of computing |operation of computing systems which |and architecture of a digitally |

| |technology in the world around me. | |technology connect and interact |have multiple software and hardware |created solution |

| |TCH 0-14b | |through networks. |levels that interact with each other. |TCH 4-14b |

| | | |TCH 2-14b |TCH 3-14b | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |I understand the relationship between |

| | | | | |high level language and the operation |

| | | | | |of computer |

| | | | | |TCH 4-14c |

|Computing Science (continued) |

|Organiser |Early |First |Second |Third |Fourth |


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