Guiding Learning With Technology

Guiding Learning With Technology

Instructors: Dr. Joan Cook and Mrs. Kerry Cobb

Classroom: Bozeman Senior High and Various other locations

Materials: Bring your USB-drive (thumb drive) and course manual (to be provided at first class) to each class.

Course Goals:

1. To increase teacher competence in using technology effectively in the classroom to promote 21st century skills.

2. To learn strategies for planning and implementing technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and diverse student needs.

3. To discover ways to relevantly use technology to encourage higher order thinking skills and creativity.

4. To develop strategies for managing learning activities in the technology-enhanced classroom.

5. To explore specific digital learning uses and create plans for implementation in the classroom with the goal of maximizing student learning.


1. Conceptual Understandings

a. Preparing Teachers to Guide Learning with Technology in the Twenty-first Century

i. Digital Learning in Twenty-first Century

ii. Teaching in the Twenty-first Century

iii. Technological Literacy

2. Connecting Technology with Learning

a. Recent brain research and implications to teaching and learning with technology

i. Classroom Practice that Works (Marzano)

ii. Brain-Based Research (Sousa)

3. Integrating Technology into the Content Areas

a. Technology Infused Planning (T.I.P.)

b. Designing, Implementing and Reflecting on Instruction with Technology

4. Digital Citizenship- communication, collaboration, sharing

a. Consider various technology resources

b. Managing technology and student interactions

c. Technology use for communication, problem-solving, productivity, research

5. Diversity of Learners

a. Accommodations for all learners

b. Social, ethical, and human issues

6. Leadership

a. Professional development

b. Continuous learning

7. Responding to Emerging Technologies

a. Investigation of potential technology tools for educational application

b. Teacher’s thinking and visioning with new technologies

Proposed Schedule- May change as interests of the TEA fellows emerge.

First: Applications and Sites to Explore as Your Choice

When you already know how to do something we are doing in class, choose one of the following on which to explore and decide how you might use this site, application, project, etc. with your students. Report your new learning to the entire class. Let your instructor know that you are working on your own in class if you choose to do something other than what the whole class is doing that day.

• WebQuests-   Do a google search on webquests to find numerous helpful sites and how to build one for your students. (site that helps you make a webquest and hosts it online).

•     (text to movie) Students can hear what they wrote.

• PhotoShop- in the lab, or   for pc online-     image manipulation

• Digital Storytelling- do a google search to find out what it is- students add images and narrate content. We use iMovie or Garageband. PC can use Microsoft Photostory.

• Imovie for Mac in the lab

• jing  free online for pc.      TechSmith | Jing, instant screenshots and screencasts,  

google tools- check out the huge variety of tools- 

• Unbelievable way to point and bring up numerous documents, presentations etc. for simple tutorials on creating your Prezi (presentation).

• Create a free website and blog for your students to access information for your class.

• _________________________________________________________________

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• _________________________________________________________________

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Week 1 Sunday February 3 Holiday Inn 12:30-3:30

1. Laptop Instruction Session,

2. SWAT game.

3. Create own Google account. You will use this account many times during this class. USE Firefox when in the BSH lab.



3. Explore google tools- translate and other translation sites

Write one idea for using these tools in your teaching.



Monday February 4 3:30-5:30 Bozeman Senior High School Computer Lab

1. Classroom applications. Classroom Activity- hands-on—

…”for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide.”

Create a wordle with words that describe you. Other uses for your students? nouns, verbs, weather words, etc. Write at least one specific idea below.



Learn to SAVE your wordle to your own USB drive.

2. Examine the TEA Technology class site (WIKI) where you will share all kinds of ideas and resources.

Using the URL provided for the form, complete the form as requested. We will place these addresses into the SHARED area of the WIKI (Google site) so you can enter information into the site that all TEA members will share during the semester.

3. Explore the use of forms and the use of charts in the forms spreadsheet.

4. Create your own FORM for use with your students when you need to gather information from them or create a quiz, etc--- similar to the form you just used for this class to gather information we needed.

While you are doing this, your Google account ---@ will be shared in the TEA site so you can read, add resources and ideas to share, etc.

5. In class----- Create your own page in our class SITE. See directions in course materials for creating your own site for your own classroom later.

Check it out------- is a website that will shorten long URLs so you can give your students a short URL to go to rather than a huge, long one! Sure makes it easier for everyone! Also look at for another site for the same use.

Tuesday February 12 3:45-5:45 Bozeman Senior High Computer Lab

1. Technology Infused Planning (T.I.P.) Practice using your own site page- take notes.

• Instructional Design Process – How do you go about deciding to use a technology in your teaching? Does it make it easier, enhance student learning or not?

Add your own thoughts and ideas to your own page.

2. Podcasting- create an educational podcast. Put your podcast into your page of our TEA Technology Class site.

Vocaroo --- voice recording service.

Let’s explore the uses of vocaroo. You can record your message, download it, embed it into a web site, a blog, email it, etc.

WARNING: Messages recorded by logged-in users will expire after 5-6 months. Messages recorded anonymously and without an account will be deleted after 1-2 months.

Your students can practice the language and send a recording to you! Or, you can record the proper pronunciation and embed in your class website for them, etc.

Write at least one specific idea you have for using podcasts in your teaching.



Check it out later----- is another site where you can make podcasts. You must register to use this site. It will catalog your podcasts where vocaroo does not.

3. Classroom applications using word processing. If you have time after creating your podcast check out the activities that you are interested in using. See course materials for the activities below.

• Word Chain

• Haiku writing in your content area

• Wordstorming

• Predict-o-gram

• Vocabulary Thesaurus

• What I Know about Words: 4 column chart

• Haiku Game- Montana Experience?

4. Explore google docs. Everyone add one idea using word processing to enhance student learning. Also add your idea to your page in the class site.

Wednesday February 20 4:00-5:45

1. Classroom Scenario Activity- hands-on -- Traveling Story (Musical Chairs) using a word document.

Uses in the classroom:



2. Click on “Browse” to see examples. See MyVoice.

“A VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holdsimages, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam). Share a VoiceThread with friends, students, and colleagues for them to record comments too.

Users can doodle while commenting, use multiple identities, and pick which comments are shown through moderation. VoiceThreads can even be embedded to show and receive comments on other websites and exported to MP3 players or DVDs to play as archival movies.”

2. Discuss use of cell phones, clickers, Synchroneyes, etc.

Work on your own interests with technology use in the classroom if you finish before others today.


› Links for K-12

Week 4 Monday February 25 4:00-5:45

1. Classroom Scenario Activity- hands-on- BINGO

• Make your own BINGO game using MS Word ---any content area that you might us in your classroom. Bingo- brain-based, active learning.

2. Recent brain research and implications to teaching and learning with technology

• Classroom Practice that Works (Marzano)

o Inspiration- mind mapping, visual cognitive organizers


“Dabbleboard is an online collaboration application that’s centered around the whiteboard. With a new type of drawing interface that's actually easy and fun to use..”

Check the internet for many other “mind mapping” applications:, freemind

3. IF you have time remaining in class check out “Teachers, improve the future with a new way of teaching!

“Glogster EDU Premium is a collaborative online learning platform for teachers and students to express their creativity, knowledge, ideas and skills in the classroom.”

Tuesday February 26 4:00-5:45

1. Classroom Scenario Activity- hands-on- Jeopardy Game / GameShow

• PowerPoint use and development of teaching projects

i. Insert images, sound (your podcast?), movies

ii. Tables

iii. Importing images into MSWord, PowerPoint, etc.

iv. Non-linear use- Game Show and Jeopardy Games

v. Saving to desired location.

2. Digital Storytelling ----Multimedia Development

a. YouTube, TeacherTube examples and implications to learning

b. Digital Storytelling – vocabulary project , movies/ (The Center for Digital Storytelling)

c. Other Appliciations: PC- PhotoStory, Camtasia, MAC- IMovie

Create an English lesson to share in class tomorrow.

Friday March 1 4:00-5:45

1. Beyond the Basics of Tools- to gain ideas and possibilities for what you would like to explore in more detail. Share your ideas later today--- SHOW and TELL!

a. Discovery of existing educational resources on the Internet in one’s content area. Explore a site, and then tell class how you might be able to use the site/resource in the classroom.

• Virtual Fieldtrips

• Museums

• Literature explorations- google lit

• Primary Source resources ---- such as Library of Congress

• Learning a language websites:

b. Google Tools

• Collaborative work – presentation, translator,

google picnic, google earth, books…..

3. Examine Google presentation: You may want to use this for presentation of your lesson plan. Open your google account > Documents > select Presentation

4. Work on your own technology interests if you finish before others today.

Saturday March 2 3:30-5:30 BSH lab

1. Free Teacher Tools-

o (rubrics, check lists, etc)

o rubistar, PBL checklist, Quizstar, Teacher Tackle Box,

o jog the web, , creative commons

o loaded with tool links

Show us one of your favorites technology projects and tell us how you use it in the classroom next week on Tuesday, March 1--- the next class.

Tuesday March 12 3:45-5:45 BSH computer lab

1. Classroom Scenario Activity- hands-on--- Techno-Illustrator—google SketchUp or other free drawn program- google draw, dabbleboard.

2. You teach everyone else about your favorite technology project and how to use it in the classroom. Add your ideas to the 2013 teamontana site.

Thursday March 14 8:30-11:30

1. Classroom Scenario Activity- Prediction- M&M activity (colors, numbers, organization)

• Classroom uses of spreadsheet applications

o Collecting good spreadsheet projects for own content area.

o Create own classroom gradebook

2. Work on your lesson plans for Washington

It has been a fantastic experience working together to use technology to enhance student learning! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and skills with all of us.

Do come back to visit us in Montana!

Joan and Kerri




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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