My Teaching PhilosophyI believe the purpose of physical education is to teach the whole student, not just their body and movement. Physical education provides the opportunity to teach students about movement, strategies, teamwork, problem solving and health related fitness. Each of these areas are addressed in the National Association for Sport and Physical Education’s (NASPE) standards and is important to teaching the whole student. Teaching my students various physical activities, sports, and methods of fitness can better provide enjoyment of physical activity, as well as build social, psychomotor, and cognitive skills. I strive to safely provide the means for students to enjoy physical activity, become more confident with their abilities, increase their knowledge of health related fitness, and help them find ways to continue to be physically active throughout a lifetime.I believe my teaching has grown to the point where I can provide students with the means and knowledge for living a healthy, active, lifestyle. Students will be encouraged to find individual ways that work for them to stay fit in a safe fashion, both physically and emotionally. Providing the knowledge of how to be physically fit is not enough. I must seek to help students continue to be physically active outside of class. This can be done by offering extra credit for participating in non-school related sports activities, such as triathlons or road races. To further emphasize continued participation in physical activity, I can encourage parents to play or join their children in the activities they enjoy. It is fundamental to this profession, and as a role model, that teachers practice what they preach. By being involved in many physical activities, both in and outside of school, students will see I live what I teach and hopefully develop respect for me on a much higher level. My passion for physical activity led me to the noble profession and I hope to leave a legacy of that passion within my students.?My classroom practices have made huge strides over the years. My mission is to create a respectful and enjoyable learning environment. I want my students to leave my physical education class thinking “Wow, that was fun!” or “I want to do that again!” I believe that if a student has a positive attitude and experience during their physical education class, then the more likely they are to be physically active outside of class. Two ways I plan on making my class fun is be being enthusiastic towards my lesson and limit teacher talk. I am a firm believer in leading by example. I found over the years that if I’m excited to teach the lesson, then my students will be excited to learn. If they are excited to learn it then they are more likely to participate in an active lifestyle outside of Physical Education Students can only enjoy Physical Education if they get enough time to participate. So limiting my teacher talk is vital to my success in allowing my students to enjoy their Physical Education experience. ................

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