Chief of Naval Air Training

VT-6 INSTRUMENT SUPPLEMENTALThis supplemental is to be used with existing publications (NATOPS and INST NATOPS, 3710, FTI, FWOP, FAR/AIM, Advisory Circulars, etc) not as a sole reference for instrument events. This has been created to aid you in preparation for the instrument stage and will give you an idea of what to expect.Pre-Flight BriefSNAs should expect that the NATOPS brief be run in a very similar manner as the Contact stage with only a few differences. The brief’s main focus should be instrument related discussion items as directed by the JPPT or the questions from your flight planning exercise. Your instructor will also ask questions related to the conduct of your flight to include, but not limited to, the route, wx, NOTAMS, approaches, etc. SNAs shall tailor the NATOPS brief to the instrument flight in all regards and be thoroughly familiar with the JPPT Syllabus Notes and Special Syllabus Requirements for their current block.-Helpful Hint ***BE PREPARED TO DISCUSS HOW YOU COMPUTED A JOKER/BINGO***Now that you are in instruments a 750/450 joker/bingo will probably not be accurate for your trip. Let’s take the MGM1 as an example:The best way is to work backwards. Presumably KPNS will be our alternate and we need to land there with 200# (SOP min). We need 50# for an approach, 60# to get from our IAF at KNSE to the IAF at KPNS, 200# from top of climb to IAF at KNSE (I used long range cruise at 10,000’), and 40# to climb from KMGM to altitude (10,000’). Add all of those numbers up and you get a bingo of 550# from KMGM…A lot more than our standard 450. The STAN office cannot emphasize enough that students SHALL maintain a high level of knowledge when it comes to Emergency Procedures and Limits. SNAs should fully expect, at a minimum, to discuss the handling of different emergencies in the IFR environment both in IMC and non-IMC situations. IPs will check SNAs assigned DD-175 Flight Plan homework in the I4100 and I4200 blocks. SNAs should be prepared to answer questions about the flight plan and jet logs. The homework is due at the time of the brief, and unless specified by the IP, SNAs should plan the routes as dictated by Reference A (INAV flight plan requirements). IPs will sign, print, and date SNA’s blue card to show that this has been completed and checked.SNAs should call the IP the night before flights for a route of flight. If unable to reach the IP, SNAs should plan the flight for what they need for training or proficiency. Due to the difficulty of getting GCAs, try to get those accomplished as early in the block as possible. The following list of local airfields are suggestions:Crestview CEW and Monroeville MVC – All variety of approaches, especially good for early I4100. Very close and event can get 3-4 approaches and holding complete. Cairns AAF OZR – GCAs. Busy from 1000 and 1400 and comms can be difficult. Tindal AFB PAM– GCAs. Call first and be flexible if they turn you away. NAS Pensacola NPA – GCAs, LOC/ILSs, GPSMobile MOB and BFM – All variety of approaches. Tallahassee TLH – Good variety of approaches but may only allow one approach to a full stop so be flexible. But, you can hit CEW and MAI prior to TLH.Montgomery MGM and Gulfport GPT – Numerous approaches and several opportunities for PTPs.Navy New Orleans NBG – Great place to get GCAs accomplished if scheduled for an out-in.Specific Block Expectations I4100 Block- The purpose of this block is to establish a sound foundation both in knowledge of and practice in the instrument environment. In order to do that, particular emphasis will be placed on procedures, comms, 6 T’s, and BAW. Course training standards do not expect the student to be perfect right out of the gate. However, your level of SA and task management can only be properly assessed by either properly executing the maneuver or talking through it. If students are unable to properly keep up with ATC standards (BAW/comms) you can expect the IP to cancel IFR and proceed VFR. When you proceed to a non-controlled airport environment, the IP will act as ATC. I4101 – Focus is on BAW while being procedurally sound. If you find yourself falling behind the aircraft (and this is true for every flight in the Instrument stage) do not be afraid to ask the instructor to help with comms or take controls while you catch back up. The number one issue that students have is falling behind the aircraft and not asking for assistance. USE GOOD TASK MANAGEMENT. I4102-I4104 – SNAs should come to the brief with a plan to accomplish the types of approaches that are spelled out in the discussion items while meeting the requirements set forth on the Blue card/JPPT syllabus.I4200 Block- The purpose of this block is to build proficiency and expose the SNA to different ATC environments. MIF is obviously higher, but a higher level of BAW and comms will be expected during this block. On approaches, expect to answer questions from the IP about where the field is or what segment of the approach you are on. In this block, you are eligible for a cross country. Contact your IP as soon as possible in order to get the route (if there is one the IP prefers) and start your planning. If staying in the local area, SNAs should have 2 working plans, one east, and one west, in case weather becomes a factor.I4201- Recommend that SNAs plan to complete the GCA requirements on this flight for cross country purposes.I4202-I4204- As required to complete the required trainingI4300 block- The purpose of this block is to hone mastery of procedures and develop SA and Decision Making skills. This block goes much the same as the C4200 block with regards to flight execution. During planning, SNAs shall ensure that they pay attention to the JPPT syllabus notes and plan accordingly. SNAs shall be in the rear cockpit on the I4305 to be properly prepared for the I4490. In order to make that possible, SNAs should plan to fly front seat twice between I4301-I4304. There is no homework associated with this block of flights, but you are still required per the JPPT to bring a completed Jet Log, DD-175, and dash-1! I4490- This checkride is simply to ensure that you meet or exceed MIF on all required JPPT items. Ensure flight planning is in accordance with JPPT and meets the I4490 requirements. Again, a jet log, DD-175, and Dash-1 are mandatory!SummaryThe students who are most successful in the Instrument Stage are ones that study (from all sources. Not just the FTI), show up prepared (Have a plan for the flight and have a completed homework assignment), and stay ahead of the aircraft (chair fly and utilize free sim spots). Bottom line: IP’s want you to show up with the knowledge, we will help you apply it in the aircraft.INSTRUMENT HOMEWORK ON NEXT PAGE!!!!!VT-6 INAV STAGE FLIGHT PLANNING EXERCISESEXPECTATIONS: In addition to normal JPPT discussion items, SNAs shall prepare the following flight planning scenarios/questions for the appropriate event. The General Planning Publication Chapter 4 shall be referenced to appropriately fill out all flight plans and the performance charts shall be referenced for all fuel calculations (I.E. do not use gouge fuel flow settings). If you are going on cross country your IP can wave the DD-175/jet log requirements as you will be accomplishing those for each leg of your trip.Utilize these constraints for all flight planning:Assume 1,100 pounds of fuel on deck before STTO (i.e. 1,050# at takeoff)Proposed departure time is 2000ZClimbs will be calculated at 140 knotsStart climb weight: 6,900# and average cruise weight of 6,500#Utilize a Long Range Cruise ProfileSTD dayIn the terminal environment for a delay assume a fuel flow rate of 8#/minEVENTParametersI4101Produce a DD-175 for the following: KNSE to KLCHROF: PENSI V241 SJI V552 PCU V70 LCH. Alt: 16,000’Alternate: KLFTETE to alternate is calculated based on flight at the ________________ altitude.A flight plan proposal will time out of the ATC system if not activated or updated within _____ hours of proposed departure time.Fuel on board is the total time that an aircraft can stay aloft while flying the ___________ with the fuel available at initial-takeoff.***All answers in the GP ***I4102Produce a DD-1801 for the following: KNSE TO KLCH (The equipment line is coded “SGRUZ/SB1”)ROF: PENSI V241 SJI V552 PCU V70 LCH. Alt: 16,000’Alternate: KLFTDoes KLCH have contract fuel?While enroute to KLCH you want to get updated weather from NAS New Orleans PMSV. What frequency would you use?I4103Produce a DD-175 for the following: KNSE to KBFM, with terminal delay at KGPT for 30 minutes of approaches. ROF: PENSI V241 SJI V20 KGPT ROMMY V20 BFM. Alt: 6,000’ to KGPT and 5,000’ to KBFMAlternate: KPNSIf being vectored on an extended final or extended dog-leg to final, maintain 200 KIAS until within ______ NM of the airport.Explain how to calculate a turn radius and how that can be used to calculate a lead radial when turning off of an arc.I4104Produce a DD-175 for the following: Leg 1: KNSE to KRYY, with holding delay at MGM for 30 minutes. The hold will be at a max endurance profile with the gear and flaps up. ROF: ROMEK V115 MGM V222 LGC DIFFI 3. Alt: 15,000’Leg 2: KRYY to KNSE with a 15 minute terminal delay at KDHN. Departure time will be one hour after landing.ROF: TIROE V241 RRS (DELAY KDHN) RRS V241 CEW MERTYAlt: 16,000’ KRYY TO KDHN. 10,000’ KDHN TO KNSEAlternate: KPDK (1ST LEG) KPNS (2ND LEG)ATC will expect your inbound leg to be how long while holding at MGM?If our IOAT is 10 deg C and we’re travelling at 200 KIAS at 15,000’ can we expect icing if we fly into visible moisture?I4201Produce a DD-175 and a jet log for the following: KNSE to KSDFROF: CEW J39 IIU. Alt: 29,000’ Alternate: KLEX (ROF: IIU MCFEE at 5,000’)Is this flight in RVSM airspace?Is the T-6 RVSM capable? If not, are we still allowed to file and fly into RVSM airspace?I4202Produce a DD-175 and a jet log for the following: KNSE to KMGM with a 30 minute terminal delay at KTOI.ROF: ROMEK V115 CHAFF V70 RUTEL (DELAY KTOI) MGM. Alt: 15,000’ to KTOI, 4,000’ to MGM Alternate: KTCL (ROF MGM direct LDK at 10,000’)Will we arrive in time to execute a PAR at KTOI before the radar facility is closed?If we arrived at KMGM in a large military aircraft and wanted to remain overnight what number would we have to call? How far in advance would the call have to be made?I4203TW-5 is being forced to evacuate due to a hurricane. You are tasked with finding a destination with a suitable alternate. In order avoid the storm the destination must be at least 350 NM away from KNSE. Provide a DD-175 and jet log. Do not utilize previous homework assignments. I.E. don’t use KLEX. What is the maximum altitude which you can file for a victor route?What are some factors that affect range performance?What are your enroute emergency field selections for this trip?I4204Produce a DD-175 and a jet log for the following: KCPR to KJACROF: JUMKO V330 JAC. Alt: 16,000’ Alternate: KIDA (ROF: DNW V330 PIINE YAGUP at 14,000’)Refer to the weather and NOTAMS attachment on the next page. With those conditions is this flight legal per CNAF 3710? (If you do not have the approach plates available you may utilize skyvector). If not, why?KCPR 251953Z 21015-20KT 1SM BKN003 OVC 010 BR 18/09 A3010 RMK AO2 SLP140 T01780094 56007KCPR 251122Z 2512/2612 21010KT 1SM OVC 005 ??FM251900 28010KT P6SM SKC ??FM260200 24006KT P6SM SKCKJAC 251956Z 00000KT 10SM CLR 12/07 A3021 RMK AO2 SLP190 T01220067 58001KJAC 251122Z 2512/2612 VRB04KT P6SM SKC ??FM252100 20009KT OVC009 5SM RA ??FM260300 36006KT P6SM SKC AMD LTD TO CLD VIS AND WINDKIDA 251953Z 00000KT 10SM CLR 16/10 A3009 RMK AO2 SLP155 T01610100 58001KIDA 251120Z 2512/2612 36004KT P6SM SKC ??FM251700 22011KT P6SM SKC TEMPO 2517/2522 5SM SCT010 BKN020 OVC050 ??FM260200 18008KT P6SM SKC ??FM261000 21012KT P6SM FEW200KCPR?? CASPER/NATRONA COUNTY INTL[Back to Top] ? 09/084 (A2103/18) - TWY A BTN TWY B AND RWY 08/26 CLSD. 24 SEP 16:41 2018 UNTIL 24 SEP 17:30 2018.CREATED: 24 SEP 16:41 201809/083 (A2104/18) - TWY A BTN RWY 08/26 AND TWY B WIP SFC PAINTING. 24 SEP 16:40 2018 UNTIL 24 SEP17:30 2018. CREATED: 24 SEP 16:40 2018FDC 8/7014 (A2088/18) - SID CASPER/NATRONA COUNTY INTL,Casper, WY.ALCOS SIX DEPARTURE...CHEROKEE TRANSITION NA EXCEPT FOR AIRCRAFT EQUIPPED WITH SUITABLERNAV SYSTEM WITH GPS,CKW VOR/DME OUT OF SERVICE. 24 SEP 15:30 2018 UNTIL 01 OCT 15:30 2018 ESTIMATED.CREATED: 23 SEP 05:53 2018KJAC?? JACKSON HOLE[Back to Top] ? 09/031 (A1918/18) - APRON COMMERCIAL RAMP BTN SPOT 4 AND SPOT 8 CLSD. 25 SEP 14:00 2018 UNTIL 29SEP 02:00 2018 ESTIMATED. CREATED: 22 SEP 19:00 201809/032 (A1919/18) - APRON COMMERCIAL RAMP BTN SPOT 4 AND SPOT 8 WIP CONST. 25 SEP 14:00 2018 UNTIL29 SEP 02:00 2018 ESTIMATED. CREATED: 22 SEP 19:01 201809/029 (A1924/18) - NAV ILS RWY 19 U/S. 22 SEP 04:00 2018 UNTIL 26 APR 13:00 2019. CREATED: 22 SEP10:16 201809/028 (A1912/18) - RWY 19 PAPI U/S. 24 SEP 04:00 2018 UNTIL 27 SEP 13:00 2018. CREATED: 21 SEP 21:49201809/026 (A1907/18) - RWY 01 PAPI U/S. 24 SEP 04:00 2018 UNTIL 27 SEP 13:00 2018. CREATED: 21 SEP 21:26201809/007 (A1855/18) - RWY 19 ALS U/S. 10 SEP 16:00 2018 UNTIL 30 SEP 23:59 2018. CREATED: 08 SEP 19:112018KIDA?? IDAHO FALLS RGNL[Back to Top] ? 09/052 - RWY 20 1000FT DIST REMAINING SIGN NOT LGTD. 24 SEP 03:30 2018 UNTIL 30 SEP 13:002018. CREATED: 24 SEP 03:30 201809/051 - RWY 02 8000FT DIST REMAINING SIGN NOT LGTD. 24 SEP 03:28 2018 UNTIL 30 SEP 13:002018. CREATED: 24 SEP 03:29 201808/054 (A2061/18) - NAV ILS RWY 20 UCONN LOM U/S. 31 AUG 16:00 2018 UNTIL PERM. CREATED: 30 AUG 15:292018 ................

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