
Hello everyone!I am Sally the Swallow and I have heard that you are learning about migration and thinking about different countries. I would like to tell you a little bit about the long journey that we all take each autumn and spring.When the weather starts to get colder and the nights are longer and darker, we can’t stay in England anymore. There is nothing for us to eat because all of the insects have gone and we know we wouldn’t survive the winter. We eat as much food as we can to give us plenty of energy and then we all leave, heading off on our long flight to South Africa. I always feel a little nervous before we leave. The thought of the long 10,000km flight in just five weeks is very daunting, with many obstacles and dangers ahead. I know we’ll cross rough stormy seas, high, steep-faced mountains, hot dry deserts and lush, dense rainforests. Will I even survive? Last year when we were on our journey home, some of my flock were eaten by big birds who grabbed them before they could respond! I hope I’ve got luck on my side again. It’s now the end of October and I have just survived the journey. I am totally exhausted, but relieved to have made it safely and I am now enjoying all the delicious insects which fill the warm air. The Savannah below looks very different to the land in England and I can feel the warmth from the blazing sun heating my feathers. The five months out here pass by so quickly. Before long we have to prepare for our long journey back home. It is time to start building our own nests in England, where there are now plenty of insects for us to eat as the harsh winter has come to an end. Back we fly, keeping together to stay as safe as we can. As we cross the English channel and head up over the fresh green fields of England, I always feel so happy to be back home again. I reach the old barn in the countryside where I nested last year, feeling tired and hungry, but happy. I love building nests in the spring and seeing all the beautiful flowers blossoming in the meadows around our barn. It makes me feel so alive.I hope this has given you more information about what we do and where we go. It would be wonderful if you could write back to me with some questions you would like to ask. I hope to hear from you soon.Love from Sally xxx ................

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