Honors American History - Midterm Examination - Chapters 1 ...

A revolution is activities and movements designed to overthrow an existing government.

• According to the Northwest Ordinance, a territory in the West could become a state when its population reached 60,000 and Congress approved the constitution drafted by the territory.

• African Americans living in Northern states during Reconstruction were trapped in low-paying, unskilled jobs.

• After 1863, African American soldiers fought for the Union, but the Confederacy (the South) waited until the war was nearly over before allowing enslaved African Americans to enlist.

• After Grant assumed his position as commander of all Union forces, he ordered generals William Tecumseh Sherman and Philip Henry Sheridan to pursue a scorched earth policy (which means “burn everything”).

• After the Civil War, Congress granted African Americans citizenship and all its rights, including the right to vote. Soon state governments instituted poll taxes, which kept both poor African Americans and poor whites from voting.

• American troops fought in Europe during World War I for about a year.

• An example of vertical integration, Andrew Carnegie purchased coal mines, railroads, and ships in order to control all aspects of steel production (US Steel).

• As a result of Shays’s Rebellion legislators began calling for a new, more powerful federal government.

• As chief justice of the United States, John Marshall’s most significant contribution was establishing the power of the Supreme Court.

• Benjamin Franklin invented bifocal glasses, the Franklin stove, and the lightning rod.

• Beringia was the land bridge that connected Asia to the Americas.

• Between 1870 and 1920, colleges established separate social science departments in order to analyze human society with the same objectivity that scientists used to study nature.

• Britain, France, and Russia allied themselves to form the Triple Entente in the years before World War I.

• By 1860, the railroads was the quickest and cheapest way to transport goods.

• Clashes between American colonists and British soldiers erupted into the Boston Massacre.

• Concessions obtained by France from Germany at Versailles following World War I included the right to occupy an industrial region of Germany for 15 years, winning back its northeastern territory of Lorraine and Alsace, and established reparations commission to assess money to be paid by Germany for French losses.

• During the Revolutionary War era (by 1790) the majority of states had outlawed the practice of slavery.

• Egalitarian is a society where everyone is equal.

• Encomienda was system in which Native Americans provided labor to the Spanish in return for protection and religious instruction

• Eugene V. Debs founded the American Railway Union and led one of the first major labor actions, against the Pullman Sleeping Car Company. He later was the Socialist candidate for the presidency.

• Europeans made up the myth of African inferiority to rationalize the business of trading human flesh.

• Expansion of national forests, prosecution of Standard Oil and American Tobacco companies, and the Children's Bureau were achievement of President William Howard Taft.

• Ferdinand Maximilian was sent by Napoleon III to rule Mexico, but lost his French troops when the United States threatened war, citing the Monroe Doctrine.

• France and England struggled for control of North America because they had very different religious and commercial interests.

• Geography is the study of people, places, and environments.

• George Washington was from Virginia.

• Harpers Ferry revolt focused attention on slavery, resulting in widespread Northern feeling against slavery.

• Henry Clay was a member of Congress from Kentucky; devised the American System.

• Herbert Spencer based his philosophy of human behavior, called social Darwinism, on Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest.

• Human/environment interaction is the theme of geography that focuses on the interdependence of people and their surroundings.

• If you were born in France and came to the Americas in the early 1500s, most likely you were a fur trader.

• In Medieval times, the scholar Strabo concluded that the earth had the shape of a sphere.

• In Spain's treaty with the United States after the Spanish-American War Spain ceded Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the United States for $20 million.

• In the early 1900s, exports of American products rose dramatically due to increased industrial production.

• In the mid-1800s, war with Mexico resulted in the United States claiming nearly half of Mexico for $15 million.

• Irreconcilables refused to vote for the League of Nations because they believed that the United States would be put in an immoral position of defending the colonial activities of European powers.

• J. P. Morgan was one of the wealthiest men in America; helped finance the Northern Securities Company.

• John Calhoun was the Vice President under Jackson; supported nullification.

• John D. Rockefeller started Standard Oil, took over many other oil refineries (horizontal integration), and eventually had a monopoly on the nation's oil supplies.

• Kivas were spiritual centers of the Anazazi.

• Landforms include mountains, plains, and lowlands.

• Large companies solve the problem of overseeing their operations in the late 1800s by separating the various functions of a business and put each department under a separate manager.

• Large trusts came under attack but remained immensely powerful during Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency.

• Lines of latitude are a set of grid lines that measure distance north or south.

• Lines of longitude are a set of grid lines that measure distance east or west.

• Lucretia Mott was a leading figure in the temperance movement.

• Many early English settlers in North America migrated along the coastal plain and up low-lying rivers because of the ease of transportation.

• Many lakes in North America were formed from about 10,000 B.C. to about 2 million years ago as a result of the Ice Age.

• Missouri Compromise stated that the land south of the 36º30' latitude line would be open to slavery; all but one section north

• Most African Americans who fought in the Revolutionary War fought on the side of the British.

• Most of the actual fighting in the Revolutionary War was done by city laborers and farm boys.

• Pacifism is opposing the use of force.

• Populists and progressives alike feared the concentration of power in the hands of a wealthy few.

• President James Madison made a deal with the War Hawks to help his bid for reelection.

• President Washington favored neither side in the French-British War, he remained neutral.

• Presidios were garrisons used to defend Spanish holdings.

• Queen Liliuokalani resisted United States control of Hawaii but lost power in a rebellion by sugar planters.

• Repartimiento was the system where adult male Native Americans rotated their labor in Spanish factories, mines, farms, and ranches

• Russia’s military commitment to the Allied effort was impaired by a disorganized and unprepared army, economic hardship, and the war’s unpopularity among the Russian people.

• Samuel Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor.

• Segregation, discrimination, and competition with immigrants for jobs were experienced by African Americans who left the South for cities in the North.

• Sequoyah was the Native American who devised alphabet for the Cherokee language.

• Shays's Rebellion was during the Articles of Confederation period, the Great Compromise was what made the Constitution possible, and the establishment of the federal bank was after Washington was elected.

• Specially elected conventions of the people ratified the Constitution.

• The Allied cause was dealt a hard blow during World War I when Russia withdrew from the war in early 1918.

• The closing of the port of New Orleans prompted Jefferson to purchase the Louisiana Territory.

• The Compromise of 1850 permitted two territories to choose by popular vote whether to be slave or free states, resulting in violence in the territories.

• The first humans migrated to North America from Asia over the land bridge.

• The first land rush occurred in Oklahoma.

• The first people most likely came to North America because needed food and were following game.

• The most important quality of a river with respect to trade and exploration is providing natural transportation.

• The most significant political reform that progressives accomplished at the national level was the direct election of senators.

• The Muller v. Oregon decision was an important victory for progressives because it supported government’s right to protect the public interest.

• The Northern Securities Company (JP Morgan) was considered a monopoly because it combined the stock of many railroads in order to dominate the rail service from Chicago to the Pacific Ocean.

• The only state that gave women the right to vote from 1776 to 1807 was New Jersey.

• The Preamble to the Constitution states that it is designed to "promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty of the people of the United States." When it was written, however, the Constitution did not necessarily provide for the welfare and liberty of women, slaves, and Native Americans.

• The purpose of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was to stop unfair trading and business practices among companies.

• The reports and maps that Lewis and Clark brought back from their expedition from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean caused more interest in moving westward.

• The seasonal migration of farm workers demonstrates the theme of movement.

• The settlement of the Russo-Japanese War had worldwide implications in racial politics because an Asian people humiliated a white people, which kindled new national pride among both the Chinese and the Japanese.

• The spread of European disease, the promise of a powerful European god, and using horses in battle allowed Europeans to subdue Native Americans.

• The Stamp Act angered colonists more than the Sugar Act because it was an internal tax, one levied on goods within the colonies.

• The Supreme Court in the Dred Scott decision ruled that enslaved persons were legal property, and no state could deprive citizens of their property without due process of law (this was before the Civil War).

• The system by which a wealthy landowner gave seeds, supplies, and a small parcel of land to a farmer in exchange for a portion of the eventual crop is called sharecropping.

• The Underground Railroad helped many enslaved persons escape by conducting them to safe houses where they could hide on their way to free territories.

• The United Mine Workers called a strike of anthracite coal miners in 1902 to win a 20 percent pay increase, reduce their long workday to eight hours, and win the mine owners' recognition of their union.

• The United States seized the Midway Islands in the Pacific Ocean in 1867 because they were strategically located in the trade route to China and Japan.

• The war with Mexico brought the United States new lands that could be settled by slaveholders

• Theodore Roosevelt backed efforts to save the nation's forests by preventing short-sighted lumbering companies from over-cutting forests.

• Two religious groups that built their own utopian societies were the Mormons and the Shakers.

• When the British Parliament issued the Sugar Act smuggling became a larger part of colonial trade.

• William Clark was the army officer; explored the West for Thomas Jefferson, along with Merriwether Lewis.

• William Lloyd Garrison was the abolitionist; publisher of The Liberator.

• William McKinley was the President who chose Theodore Roosevelt as his Vice President.

• Wilson believed that high tariffs prevented foreign competition at consumers’ expense, so he supported a reduction of tariffs on imported goods.

• Wilson responded to Lenin’s charge that capitalist greed caused World War I by introducing his plan for peace—the Fourteen Points.

• Witnessing the lynching of three African Americans moved progressive Ida Wells to launch a national campaign.

• Woodrow Wilson felt that trusts should be dismantled by a strong federal government.

• Woodrow Wilson was the President who campaigned for the "New Freedom".


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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