American Government 100 - Fullerton College

American Government 100 Part IV

Patterson, pgs. 200-213

Woll, pgs. 182-185, A:AG22-17

Conventional Forms of Participation Other Than Voting

True or False Questions

1. The number of people that participate in political campaigns is substantially higher in the United States than in Europe. True or False

2. Most of the European governments are federal in form, which means that there are fewer elective offices and thus fewer campaigns. True or False

3. Although American are more likely than Europeans to participate in campaigns, Europeans are more likely to participate for political groups. True or False

4. Americans are more than twice as likely as Europeans to participate in community groups. True or False

5. If the black civil rights movement, had not succeeded in getting some of its goals institutionalized through the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts, its long-term impact would have been far more limited. True or False

6. The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movements, each started from anger at established interests and had a lot in common, especially ideologically. True or False

7. The Tea Party was a purely spontaneous movement arising from the grass-roots railing against high taxes, with no support from wealthy conservative individuals. True or False

8. The Tea Party representatives took an uncompromising position which contributed to a congressional deadlock that nearly put the U.S. government into default on its debt for the first time in history. True or False

9. Unlike the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street’s target was private wealth. It aimed to curb the political influence of large donors and rescind the Bush-era tax policies that benefitted the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans. True or False

10. OWS refused to take money from large donors, saying that to do so would violate its principles. True or False

11. Despite a tradition of protest politics, such activities are less common today in the United States than in many Western democracies. True or False

12. The Vietnam War protests, which in some cases were accompanied by the burning of draft cards and the American flag, had significant public support. True or False

13. Most Americans recognize that protest is part of America’s tradition of free expression, something to be tolerated, if not widely admired. True or False

14. Under most conditions, the majority of Americans expect to solve their problems on their own rather than through political action. True or False

15. Paradoxically, given their greater need for government help, lower-income Americans are the least likely to vote or to otherwise engage in collective action. True or False

16. Political scientist Larry Bartels demonstrated that elected officials are substantially less responsive to the concerns of the less affluent constituents than those who are wealthier. True or False

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why are Americans more likely than Europeans to work in a campaign? a) Elections take place more often in Europe than the United States, b) Europeans place greater restrictions on their voters, limiting their participation to just voting, c) In Europe it is the local boss that decides who votes and who doesn't, d) Because Americans have more opportunities to do so.

2. Political participation through the Internet has been most evident in the following type of campaign: a) presidential campaigns, b) local races, c) governorships, d) congressional races.

3. The following online organization has a network of more than three million “online activists” that it mobilizes in support of liberal causes: a) Huffington Report, b) Heritage Foundation, c) MoveOn, d) American Enterprise Institute.

4. What has Robert Putnam labeled the face-to-face interactions between people that contribute to a sense of community and foster civic cooperation? a) social capital, b) solidary interaction, c) group identification, d) nationalism.

5. According to Patterson, what is the chief obstacle to participate in community activities? a) lack of opportunities at the local level, b) the lack of motivation to join in, c) a tradition of not participating, d) the exorbitant financial costs charged, limiting involvement to wealthy people.

6. Of the roughly 60 million Americans involved in community affairs through local organizations what percent are affiliated church-related groups? a) about 20%, b) roughly 35%, c) slightly more than 57%, d) more than 70%.

7. Which state has the highest volunteer rate involved in community service work of one type or another? a) Utah, b) North Dakota, c) Wisconsin, d) Florida.

8. Why does the Upper Midwest region have the highest volunteer rate? a) the level of serious social ills, such as poverty and unemployment, is much higher in this region, requiring greater social assistance, b) many residents of these states live in smaller communities with relatively stable populations that know each other, c) the opioid epidemic and the rise of gangs in this area is much more profound, d) this region is much more ethnically and racially diverse, requiring greater cooperation with law enforcement to assure greater security.

9. Why is voting a double-edged sword according to Patterson? a) Although the vote gives citizens a degree of control over government, the vote also gives government control over citizens, b) Voting strips the citizen of feeling a need to socialize and communicate with elected officials, c) One has to go the polls and watch who wins, d) Elected officials have the incentive to lie to their constituents far too often.

10. The following refers to broad efforts to achieve change by citizens disenchanted with government policy to actively express their opposition: a) cohesive interaction, b) non-aligned accountability, c) political assimilation, d) political movements.

11. The passage of the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act can be attributed primarily to the following catalyst: a) members of Congress motivated by their work, b) President Lyndon Johnson concerns, c) the civil rights movement, d) Television.

12. Sparked by the killing of young black men by police officers in several cities, including Baltimore, Chicago, and Ferguson, Missouri, this movement seeks to change, not just the behavior of law enforcement agencies, but of public agencies broadly: a) the Black Berets, b) Black Lives Matter, c) the NAACP, d) the Underground Weathermen.

13. Why did Occupy Wall Street’s (OWS) public support weaken? a) They had no coherent message, alienating the average American, b) The media shifted its attention from the issue of wealth concentration to public order, c) The public always gets bored with a protracted movement and eventually moves on to the nest latest fad, d) A number of scandals eroded the credibility of OWS’s leaders came into question when they were caught selling illegal drugs to minors.

14. According to Bernie Sanders, what is the great moral issue of our time? a) racism, b) income inequality, c) climate change, d) taxes.

15. When unarmed student protesters at Kent State University and Jackson State University were shot to death in May 1970 by members of the National Guard, most Americans polls faulted: a) the national guardsmen, b) the government, c) the students, d) the Vietnam War.

Fill-in Questions

1. Why are Americans more likely than Europeans to take part in election activity even though they are less likely to show up at the polls on Election Day?

a) American campaigns last much ________ than those in Europe…

b) U.S. candidates launch their campaigns _______ in advance of Election Day, offering citizens plenty of _____ to join in.

c) The U.S. has a ________ system with campaigns for national, state, and local offices, providing citizens easier ______________ at any level of government to volunteer.

2. Why do Americans participate more often in local communities, such as rotary clubs, parent-teacher associations, etc., compared with local communities in Europe?

a) Americans are more than ______ as likely as Europeans to attend church regularly, which increases the likelihood they will engage in church-related community activity.

b) Compared with cities and towns in Europe, those in the United States have greater control over ______ policy, which provides residents an __________ to participate in local affairs.

c) Local control and _________ involvement in ________ are stronger traditions in the United States than in Europe.

3. What policies did the Tea Party support after the 2010 elections?

a) backed ____________ in Congress

b) took a hard line on _______ issues,

c) demanding large _____ in government _________ and

d) opposed any increase in ______.

4. What type of characteristics did the majority of Trump supporters exhibit?

a) Trump’s supporters were ______,

b) more likely to be _____, and

c) less likely to have a ________ __________.

Party Government by E.E. Schattschneider

Woll, pgs. 182-185

True or False Questions

1. The hopes of the Framers of the Constitution in dealing with factions (parties) is based on the assumption that such organizations would exhaust themselves in a futile attempt to fight their way through the American system of government. True or False

2. In the opinion of Madison, argues Schattschneider, parties are intrinsically good, and assist the government organize itself more efficiently. True or False

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the proparty aspect of the Constitution? a) the right to due process found in the 5th Amendment, b) the right to agitate and to organize found in the 1st Amendment, c) the right to be protected against cruel and unusual punishment found in the 8th Amendment, d) the right against self-incrimination found in the 5th Amendment.

2. Schattschneider argues that: a) rarely, if ever, can government destroy interest groups, b) people have conflicting interests and nothing else, c) in the democratic process, the nation moves from controversy to agreement, to forgetfulness, d) powerful factions are inhibited in their pursuit of special interests.

3. What is meant by the law of imperfect political mobilization? a) Every individual focuses only on his own self interest, b) Every individual is torn by a diversity of his own interests, c) Because of the multiplicity of interest groups, people come away too confused to pursue any interest, d) The more resources become dispersed throughout society, the larger the number of interest groups in society.

Fill In Questions

1. When evaluating interest groups, Schattschneider argues:

a) there are many interests, including a great body of ________interests,

b) that the government pursues a multiplicity of policies and _________ and __________ interests in the process,

c) that each ___________ is capable of having many interests,

d) that interests cannot be mobilized ___________, and

e) that conflicts among interests are not cumulative, it seems reasonable to suppose that the government is not the ________ of blind forces from which there is no escape.


Patterson, 200-213

True or False Questions

1. True

3. False

5. True

7. False

9. True

11. True

13. True

15. True

Multiple Choice Questions

1. d

3. c

5. b

7. a

9. a

11. c

13. b

15. c

Fill-in Questions

1. a) longer, b) months, time, c) federal, opportunities

3. a) Republican, b) fiscal, c) cuts, spending, d) taxes

Woll, pgs. 182-185

True/False Questions

1. True

Multiple Choice Questions

1. b

3. b

Fill-In Questions

1. a) common, b) creates, destroys, c) individual, d) perfectly, e) captive


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