St. Edward Catholic Church

Good Teacher Area Faith Community-40005-1511305893435-111760Churches of St. Edward & St. EloiPastor: Rev. Craig Timmerman (829-3014)Senior Associate Pastor: Fr. Keith Salisbury (1-507-224-2289)Associate Pastor:? Fr. Zach Peterson (476-1688)Parish Sec – Caren Buysse 872-6346 Area Faith Website: Religious Ed. Coordinator –Tina MyhreEmail-?goodteacherafcre@Deacons- Bruce Bot 872-5465Travis Welsh 829-0986Jason Myhre 829-2829 Formed: (Z8Q2WJ)St. Edward & St. Eloi Email – cbuyssegoodteacherafc@ St. Edward Website -Facebook – St. Edward Catholic Church St. Eloi Website – steloicatholicchurch.Convent - 428-3919Bulletin Coordinator- Cynthia Beisler Bulletin email- stedsbulletin@ Catholic Charities (1-866-670-5163)Victim’s Hotline – 1-507-233-5313Facebook – One More Time Thrift StoreSt. Edward & St. Eloi Mailing Parish Office Address408 N Washington St, Minneota, MN. 56264Office hours: 8:00 am - 11:45 am -12:45 pm?– 4:00 pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 2019 –SECOND SUNDAY IN LENTSUNDAY – Mar 17- SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT*Second Collection for Mission of Love7:45 am – Confessions at St. Edward8:30 am – Mass at St. Edward (Clara Buetel)COFFEE AND ROLLS AFTER MASS at St Edward. ALL ARE WELCOME!!10:00 am – Confessions at St. Eloi10:30 am – Mass at St. Eloi (Conrad Hennen) *Confession after MassMONDAY – Mar 1812:00 pm - Mass at St. Eloi Convent (Providers Intention) TUESDAY – Mar 1911:15 am – Mass at St. Eloi Convent (Shirley Sussner) 6:00 pm – Education Committee Meeting at St Edward7:30 pm – Parish Council Meeting at St EdwardWEDNESDAY – Mar 20 10:00 am – Confessions at St Edward10:30 am – Kindergarten & 1st Grade Mass at St Edward (Delores Seifert) Servers: 12:00 pm – Mass at St. Eloi Convent (Vincent Boerboom) 6:30 pm – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St Edward6:30 pm – Religious Education at St EdwardTHURSDAY – Mar 217:00 am – Mass at St Edward (Marion Stone)10:15 am – 11:15 am – St Edward School Adoration 5:30 pm – Mass at St Eloi Convent (Alfred & Irene Rabaey)5:15 pm – 6:45 pm – Confessions at St Edward 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Adoration at St EdwardFRIDAY – Mar 227:30 am - Mass at St. Eloi Convent (Alex Polfliet)2:30 pm –Mass at Manor (Hank & Alice Buysse)7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Healing Prayer Service at St Peter5:30 pm – Confession at St Edward & St Leo6:00 pm – Stations of the Cross at St. Edward & St Leo6:40 pm – 7:00 pm – Confession at St. Edward & St LeoSATURDAY – Mar 23*Second Collection for the Needy12:00 pm – Mass at St Eloi Convent (Richard Moorse)4:30 pm – Confessions at St Edward5:30 pm – Mass at St. Edward (Brian, Vince, & Terry Gossen) * Confession after MassSUNDAY – Mar 24 - THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT*Second Collection for the Needy7:45 am – Confessions at St. Edward8:30 am – Mass at St. Edward (For the Parish Family) 10:00 am – Confessions at St. Eloi10:30 am – Mass at St. Eloi (August & Irma Vanendries) *Confession after Mass10:30 am – 1:00 pm – COF SOUP AND CHILI FUNDRAISER and RAFFLE; PLEASE JOIN US!!!72390102870SOUP & CHILI FEED AND SILENT AUCTION at St. Eloi Sunday, March 24h. Come support our students catholic education. We will be serving from 11:00 to 12:30. Bidding will end at 12:20. This is a Catholic Order of Forester Matching Funds event! Come on down and enjoy some great fellowship!!00SOUP & CHILI FEED AND SILENT AUCTION at St. Eloi Sunday, March 24h. Come support our students catholic education. We will be serving from 11:00 to 12:30. Bidding will end at 12:20. This is a Catholic Order of Forester Matching Funds event! Come on down and enjoy some great fellowship!!466725028575 Radio Rosary: Mar 18: In memory of Aaron Strootman by Dennis & Evelyn LouwagieMar 19: In memory of Helen C Van Acker and all deceased Family membersMar 20: For World PeaceMar 21: In memory of Decise Van Uden and Mary Bump by Carol Louwagie and FamilyMar 22: In memory of Clarence and Margie Lipinski by their FamilyMar 23: For all the Souls in PurgatoryMar 24: Sponsored by St Clotilde Altar and Rosary Society of Green ValleyTo Schedule Radio Rosary Call Carol Louwagie at 532-6081.For Rosary Times call Radio Station at 532-2696 00 Radio Rosary: Mar 18: In memory of Aaron Strootman by Dennis & Evelyn LouwagieMar 19: In memory of Helen C Van Acker and all deceased Family membersMar 20: For World PeaceMar 21: In memory of Decise Van Uden and Mary Bump by Carol Louwagie and FamilyMar 22: In memory of Clarence and Margie Lipinski by their FamilyMar 23: For all the Souls in PurgatoryMar 24: Sponsored by St Clotilde Altar and Rosary Society of Green ValleyTo Schedule Radio Rosary Call Carol Louwagie at 532-6081.For Rosary Times call Radio Station at 532-2696 -381000142874Area Faith Weekly Mass ScheduleThese Mass times are Subject to ChangeMon, Mar 186:00 pm – Mass at St James (Presiders Intention)Tue, Mar 196:00 pm – Mass at St. Peter (Joan Duis) Wed, Mar 209:00 am – Mass at St Peter (Norbert Deslauriers by KC’s)Thur Mar 219:00 am - Mass at St Leo (Conrad & Danny Jo Doom)Friday, Mar 2210:30 am – Mass at Sylvan Court (Lamorne Wiest)Saturday, Mar 235:30 pm - St. Peter (Leonard Keimig)Sunday, Mar 248:30 am – Mass at St James in Dawson (Presiders Intention) Sunday, Mar 249:30 am - Mass at St. Peter (Raymond Benson)Sunday, Mar 2410:30 am – St Leo (Jonny Eischens) 00Area Faith Weekly Mass ScheduleThese Mass times are Subject to ChangeMon, Mar 186:00 pm – Mass at St James (Presiders Intention)Tue, Mar 196:00 pm – Mass at St. Peter (Joan Duis) Wed, Mar 209:00 am – Mass at St Peter (Norbert Deslauriers by KC’s)Thur Mar 219:00 am - Mass at St Leo (Conrad & Danny Jo Doom)Friday, Mar 2210:30 am – Mass at Sylvan Court (Lamorne Wiest)Saturday, Mar 235:30 pm - St. Peter (Leonard Keimig)Sunday, Mar 248:30 am – Mass at St James in Dawson (Presiders Intention) Sunday, Mar 249:30 am - Mass at St. Peter (Raymond Benson)Sunday, Mar 2410:30 am – St Leo (Jonny Eischens) -247650165735UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETING: (*** means new event added)Mar 227:00 pm - Prayer Service for Hope and Healing at St PeterMar 2410:30 am – Lenten Scripture Reflection with Fr Craig at St PeterMar 3111:30 am – Lenten Scripture Reflection with Fr. Craig at St LeoApr 13:15 pm – Schoenstatt Girls Group at the KC HallApr 44:30 pm – 5:30 pm – Children’s Adoration with the Sisters at St Eloi ConventApr 5 8:15 am - CUF Council #307 Meeting at St John Cantius in WilnoApr 711:30 am - Lenten Scripture Reflection with Fr Craig at St EloiApr 117:00 pm - CHRISM MASS at St Aloysius, OliviaApr 26-28World Wide Marriage Encounter weekend April 27Council of Catholic Women (CCW) Convention?@ St. Anastasia, HutchinsonMay 510:30 am – Baccalaureate Mass at St EloiMay 198:30 am - Baccalaureate at St. Edward Church00UPCOMING EVENTS AND MEETING: (*** means new event added)Mar 227:00 pm - Prayer Service for Hope and Healing at St PeterMar 2410:30 am – Lenten Scripture Reflection with Fr Craig at St PeterMar 3111:30 am – Lenten Scripture Reflection with Fr. Craig at St LeoApr 13:15 pm – Schoenstatt Girls Group at the KC HallApr 44:30 pm – 5:30 pm – Children’s Adoration with the Sisters at St Eloi ConventApr 5 8:15 am - CUF Council #307 Meeting at St John Cantius in WilnoApr 711:30 am - Lenten Scripture Reflection with Fr Craig at St EloiApr 117:00 pm - CHRISM MASS at St Aloysius, OliviaApr 26-28World Wide Marriage Encounter weekend April 27Council of Catholic Women (CCW) Convention?@ St. Anastasia, HutchinsonMay 510:30 am – Baccalaureate Mass at St EloiMay 198:30 am - Baccalaureate at St. Edward Church-381000163830*MOVING/CHANGE OF ADDRESS – If you are moving or changing your address please, contact the Rectory. We need to keep our records current. If you know of a family member that has moved away and is no longer a member here please have them call in to take their name off the registry.00*MOVING/CHANGE OF ADDRESS – If you are moving or changing your address please, contact the Rectory. We need to keep our records current. If you know of a family member that has moved away and is no longer a member here please have them call in to take their name off the registry. Lenten Scripture reflection series with Fr. CraigFr. Craig would like to invite you to dive deeper into the Sunday Scriptures with him after Sunday morning Masses. Plan on sticking around 1 hour after Mass. Father will lead us in a discussion about the Gospel, the homily or any questions you might have that week. He is looking forward to having this time with you to listen together to what God is speaking to us each week during Lent. *Due to the bad weather last week and other?weeks, Father has not been in Canby much recently, so he is switching to Mass in?Canby this weekend. Therefore, he will not be doing the Lenten series in?Ghent this weekend. There will be 3 dates to do this Lenten reflection, one at each parish:Sunday March 24 - after 9:30 Mass in CanbySunday March 31 - after 10:30 Mass in St. LeoSunday April 7 - after 10:30 Mass in Ghent142875-1822450MESSAGE FROM FR CRAIGBy: Author UnknownPLEASE Take a few minutes out of your busy lives to read this. How do you answer this question?Satan called a worldwide Convention.In his opening address to his demons, he said, “We can’t keep the Christians from going to church. We can’t keep them from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth. We can’t even keep them from biblical thoughts of virtue. But we can do something else” “We can keep them from forming an intimate, abiding experience in Christ. If they gain that connection with Jesus, our power over them is broken. So, let them go to church, let them have their thoughts of virtue, but steal their time so they can’t gain that experience with Jesus Christ”.“This is what I want you to do, evil angels. Distract them from gaining hold of their Savior and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day.” “How shall we do this?” shouted his evil angels.“Keep them busy with the nonessentials of life and invest unnumbered schemes to occupy their minds,” he answered. “Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, then borrow, borrow, borrow. Convince them to work six or seven days a week, with both husbands and wives working 10-12 hours a day, so they can afford their lifestyles. Keep them from spending time with their children. By these tactics alone, we will fragment their families.“Overstimulate their minds so they cannot hear that still small voice of the Holy Spirit. Entice them to play the radio or CD player whenever they drive, to keep the TV, the DVD player, and their video games going constantly in their homes. And see to it that every store and restaurant in the world plays music constantly. This will jam their minds and keep them from Communion with Christ.“Fill their coffee tables with magazines and newspapers. Pound their minds with news 24 hours each day. Invade their driving moments with billboards. Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, sweepstakes, mail order catalogues, and every kind of newsletter and promotion offering free products, services, and false hopes.“In their recreation, entice them be excessive. Flood Sunday mornings with sports and recreation. Exhaust them, so that they will be too tired for serious bible study and prayer. Exhaust them so that they will have no time for Christian hospitality. Exhaust so that they will have no heart for ministry. Keep them going to amusement parks, sporting events, concerts and movies; keep them consumed with the cares of this life? Have them return from their recreation exhausted, disquieted, and unprepared for the coming week. And when they do meet for Mass, instead of spiritual fellowship, have them involve in gossip and small talk so that they leave with troubled consciences and unsettled emotion”.“Let them be involved in soul-winning. but crowd their lives with so many causes that they have no time to seek power from Christ. Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing their health, and family unity for the good of the cause.”It was quite a convention in the end! The evil angels went eagerly to their assignments causing Christians everywhere to get busy, busy, busy and rush here and there. **Has the devil been successful in his scheme?Hope you are able to take time out of your busy schedule to pray daily and attend Mass once a week. Don’t let the devil take your time away from prayer and the celebration of Mass!PRAYER SERVICE FOR HOPE AND HEALING Prayer Service for Hope and Healing. 7-8:30 p.m. Friday, March 22, Church of St. Peter, Canby?Are you struggling or hurting? Come and lay your burden at the feet of Jesus. All faiths welcome!? Share your trials with your brothers and sisters. Receive prayer for your physical, spiritual, and emotional needs Let the Holy Spirit heal and renew you. We are blessed to have Bishop John LeVoir lead us in this service!?There will be Eucharistic Adoration, Music provided by Sisters of Mary, Morning Star, opportunity for healing prayer, or confession or spiritual guidance. Anyone is welcome. Those who want can ask a prayer team to privately pray with them for healing. Those who want can receive the healing Sacrament of Confession. Or just come to experience a beautiful Friday in Lent of adoration, music and prayer. I feel very excited and blessed to have this so close, so please plan on attending and invite anyone you think would benefit from hope and healing this Lent.-22860200025PLEASE PRAY!!! - Prayer for an End to Infanticide The U.S. Senate recently failed to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act— legislation that prohibits infanticide by ensuring that a child born alive following an attempted abortion would receive the same degree of care to preserve her or his life and health as would be given to any other child born alive at the same gestational age. Please join us in prayer for an end to infanticide: “Jesus, Lord of Life, transform the hearts of our elected leaders to recognize that infanticide is wrong and must not be tolerated. We especially pray for our Senator(s) __________ (and __________). Open his/her/their heart(s) and mind(s) to recognize and defend the precious gift of every human life.” Or (if your senators supported the prohibition on infanticide) “Jesus, Lord of Life, transform the hearts of all elected leaders to recognize that infanticide is wrong and must not be tolerated. Open hearts and minds to recognize and defend the precious gift of every human life.”PLEASE PRAY!!! - Prayer for an End to Infanticide The U.S. Senate recently failed to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act— legislation that prohibits infanticide by ensuring that a child born alive following an attempted abortion would receive the same degree of care to preserve her or his life and health as would be given to any other child born alive at the same gestational age. Please join us in prayer for an end to infanticide: “Jesus, Lord of Life, transform the hearts of our elected leaders to recognize that infanticide is wrong and must not be tolerated. We especially pray for our Senator(s) __________ (and __________). Open his/her/their heart(s) and mind(s) to recognize and defend the precious gift of every human life.” Or (if your senators supported the prohibition on infanticide) “Jesus, Lord of Life, transform the hearts of all elected leaders to recognize that infanticide is wrong and must not be tolerated. Open hearts and minds to recognize and defend the precious gift of every human life.”MASS READINGS and PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS FOR UPCOMING WEEKSunday, Mar 17: Pray for Fr. Lawrence Hansen, Shawn Poleman; Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18; Psalm 27:1, 7-9, 13-14; Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 9:28-36What comfort zones am I willing to leave in order to see Jesus more clearly? Monday, Mar 18: Pray for Fr. Anthony Hesse, Sam Rosemeier; Daniel 9:4-10; Psalm 79:8-9, 11, 13; Luke 6:36-38What forgiveness do I most need to ask or give today?Tuesday, Mar 19: Pray for Fr Jeffrey Horejsi, Tanner Thooft; 2 Samuel 7:4-5, 12-14, 16; Psalm 89:2-5, 27, 29; Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22; Matthew 1:16, 28-21, 24How might I listen more closely to embrace the plan God has for me and my life?Wednesday, Mar 20: Pray for Fr Ronal Huberty, Joshua Bot; Jeremiah 18:18-20; Psalm 31:5-6, 14-16; Matthew 20:17-28How might I better seek service rather than privilege to follow Jesus today?Thursday, Mar 21: Pray for Fr Aaron Johanneck, Nathan Hansen; Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1:1-4, 6; Luke 16:19-31 In what ways am I more like the rich man? In what ways more like Lazarus?Friday, Mar 22: Pray for Fr Jeremy Kucera, John Hayes; Genesis 37:3-4,12-13, 17-28; Psalm 105:16-21; Matthew 21:33-43, 45-56What is the cornerstone of my personal or family life?Saturday, Mar 23: Pray for Fr Dennis Labat, James Herzog; Micah 7:14-15, 18-20; Psalm 103:1-4, 9-12; Luke 1515:1-3, 11-32Who in my life is waiting for me to open my arms in welcome?TECHNOLOGY UPDATE!! - We are keeping up with technology! Our parish provides Online Giving as an electronic tool for contributions so you can give via the Internet. Online Giving helps you maintain your giving even if you cannot be here at Mass. This also helps the parish streamline our cash flow, especially during bad weather or vacation times. Go to our parish website at??to get started today. Our Online Giving system provides you the opportunity to give to our special collections in addition to regular offerings. You can choose to do a One Time Gift or a special remembrance, or you can set up regularly scheduled contributions that are withdrawn on the date you specify in the system. Even if you typically use your offering envelopes, you may wish to contribute online to a particular collection. It’s easy and it’s convenient!CUF Meeting - Catholic United Financial Council #307 will hold a meeting on Friday, April 5th, 2019 following the 8:15 am Mass in Wilno. All are welcome to attend!0150495Sponsorship of St. Edward SchoolMar 17:OpenMar 18:Sponsorship in honor of the Engels & Poepping familiesMar 19:Sponsorship in honor of Barb Guttormson on her BirthdayMar 20:OpenMar 21:OpenMar 22:Prayers for the Eggermont FamilyMar 23:OpenMar 24:Open *For questions on how you could seize the opportunity to become a sponsor for St Edwards please call – 872-639100Sponsorship of St. Edward SchoolMar 17:OpenMar 18:Sponsorship in honor of the Engels & Poepping familiesMar 19:Sponsorship in honor of Barb Guttormson on her BirthdayMar 20:OpenMar 21:OpenMar 22:Prayers for the Eggermont FamilyMar 23:OpenMar 24:Open *For questions on how you could seize the opportunity to become a sponsor for St Edwards please call – 872-6391COF Youth MembersThere will be a Catholic Order of Foresters MN State Youth Bowling Tournament at Lancer Lanes in Canby on Friday, March 22, at 4:00 pm.? The Entrance Fee is just $10 and it includes bowling, shoes, pizza, pop, a gift and the chance to win a trophy.? Contact Karen Eickhoff, YD at 507-223-7438 or at?ceickhoff@?if you want to sign up or if you have any questions.? It is for all COF youth members ages 5-21.? If interested email Karen the name and ages of youth members participating. Deadline is Wed. March 20th. ThanksKC RAFFLE - The Minnesota Knights Foundation is holding a state-wide raffle. The proceeds are used to help our local and state councils with many charity programs. Half of the proceeds stay with our local council, so please consider helping our local Knights by purchasing a ticket or two. Tickets are $5 each. There are 25 prizes totaling $20,000. 1st prize is $5000.Contact John Winters @507-591-0253 Thank-you for helping our local Knights!??2644140121920NOVENA FOR LIFETo help our church, community and country establish a culture of life for all nations, the Knights of Columbus and their families will come together in both public and private acts of prayer to promote the protection of life from conception to natural death.To help promote this reverence toward life the Knights will have a Novena, nine days of sustained prayer. The Novena will be from Mar. 23 to Mar.31. We will be saying a prayer at all the week-day and week-end masses during this time. We will also be saying several rosaries during some of the masses and in private. We ask all parishioners to join us for this most spiritual event. Consider attending daily masses and saying an extra rosary for this noble cause.Life is a very special gift, let us pray to protect it for everyone.00NOVENA FOR LIFETo help our church, community and country establish a culture of life for all nations, the Knights of Columbus and their families will come together in both public and private acts of prayer to promote the protection of life from conception to natural death.To help promote this reverence toward life the Knights will have a Novena, nine days of sustained prayer. The Novena will be from Mar. 23 to Mar.31. We will be saying a prayer at all the week-day and week-end masses during this time. We will also be saying several rosaries during some of the masses and in private. We ask all parishioners to join us for this most spiritual event. Consider attending daily masses and saying an extra rosary for this noble cause.Life is a very special gift, let us pray to protect it for everyone.BAPTISM PREP – To set up a baptism date please call the St. Edward Office at 507-872-6346. Please check the Church website for the God Parent Requirements.RCIAWe believe that Jesus Christ came to reveal the fullness of God's love for us, and we continue to celebrate that love through praise, sacraments, service, and community. If you or someone you know is interested in joining our Church, or in learning more about the Catholic Church please contact Deacon Bruce Bot at 507-828-7012CHURCH ENVELOPES – Donation Envelopes are ready to be picked up in the Church basement for St Edward and in the back of Church for parishioners at St. Eloi.CONCERNED CATHOLICSOn Tuesday, supporters of commercial surrogacy will be meeting with legislators in an attempt to gain their legislators' support. They will be asking their legislators to support a bill (HF 1140/SF 1533) that would create a marketplace where women can be rented and children become products that can be bought and sold. It is important that your legislators hear from you before then. Ask them to oppose HF 1140/SF 1533 and to support?Surrogacy Abuse Prevention Act (HF 1000/SF 1152) to help ensure women and children do not become wombs for rent and products for sale.Well-meaning people--perhaps even our family or friends--have chosen surrogacy (contracting with another woman to carry a child for them) to satisfy their deep longing to become parents, despite the challenges of infertility. Though we may be touched by the stories of those for whom surrogacy was an apparent success, we cannot ignore the?many stories?that did not have such a happy ending. In fact, surrogacy arrangements undermine the basic rights and well-being of women and children. For this reason, many countries and states have either banned or strictly limited surrogacy arrangements.For years, Minnesota surrogacy proponents (surrogacy brokers, lawyers, fertility clinics, pharmaceutical companies) have been pushing for Minnesota to enact legislation that would enable a commercial surrogacy market.?Unfortunately, their flawed legislation would unwittingly allow the industry to prey upon socioeconomically vulnerable women to serve as surrogates, as well as turn children into products to be bought and sold.?However, the Surrogacy Abuse Prevention Act (HF 1000/SF 1152) aims to prevent the exploitation of women and the commodification of children. Asking for your representative and senator to support the Surrogacy Abuse Prevention Act can?help to prevent predatory, for-profit surrogacy agencies and brokers from preying on women, especially the poor who are most vulnerable.Take Action***If you have:One?Minute:?Visit the Catholic Advocacy Network Action Center to learn more about the bill and?send a message?to your legislators asking for their support of?HF 1000/SF 1152?- The Surrogacy Abuse and Prevention Act.Three?Minutes:?Call your legislators,?and share the message below?with him or her.?Fifteen?Minutes:?Pray a Rosary and offer it up for our legislators that their hearts and minds be open to God's grace, and that they would always come to the defense of life, human dignity, and the common good.More Time:?Visit??to learn more about this issue. 2994660121920BENEFIT FOR COLE LOUWAGIEA benefit is planned for Cole Louwagie, Son of Derek & Kristen Louwagie, to help with medical expenses, lodging, etc. on March 24, from 10 am -1 pm at the Cottonwood Community Center. There will be an all you can eat pancakes, sausage and beverage. There will also be a bake sale and Silent Auction. We continue to ask for prayers for Captain Cole!!BENEFIT FOR COLE LOUWAGIEA benefit is planned for Cole Louwagie, Son of Derek & Kristen Louwagie, to help with medical expenses, lodging, etc. on March 24, from 10 am -1 pm at the Cottonwood Community Center. There will be an all you can eat pancakes, sausage and beverage. There will also be a bake sale and Silent Auction. We continue to ask for prayers for Captain Cole!!2019 WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER - God gave us the greatest gift of love when He sent His Son to redeem us. In loving one another as He loves us, consider giving your spouse the gift of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The tools on this weekend are gifts that keep on giving, throughout the year Weekends Apr. 26-28 Nov. 15-17 Questions: 507-227-8229 **To apply & for more information: SouthMNWWME.OR -1270071917ST. ELOI NEWSSt. Eloi Website: steloicatholicchurch.00ST. ELOI NEWSSt. Eloi Website: steloicatholicchurch.ACTUALBUDGETED DIFFERENCEAdult$510.00$ 1,439.42 -$929.42Loose $ 118.75$ 317.30 -$198.55Ash Wed. $ 287.20 $ 0 $ 0Year to date $ 75,355.16$ 73,525.00 $1,830.16 DMARECEIVED:$8,024.95GOAL:$6,746.45 $1,278.50Catholic Ed. SubsidiesRECEIVED: $10,400.00GOAL: $18,00.00 - $7,6.00SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH: Marriage, Becoming Catholic, Baptisms, Sacrament of the Sick (Anointing) – Call the Rectory 872-6346 An offering of $10 is accepted for each Mass intention. $3 offering for the vigil light stipend; St. EloiCemetery graves are $500Holy Communion Outside-of-Mass Contacts: Sandy Nuytten 428-3473.Bulletin news - Please email Cynthia Beisler at stedsbulletin@FACEBOOK PAGE - ? IT! SHARE IT! INVITE YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILIES TO LIKE IT!? 3909060134620THANK YOU Thank you to all of you who are giving back to God some of your time, talent, and finances that God has given you. St. Eloi Church and its mission and ministry would not exist without your giving.00THANK YOU Thank you to all of you who are giving back to God some of your time, talent, and finances that God has given you. St. Eloi Church and its mission and ministry would not exist without your giving.SUNDAY, MARCH 24 2019 10:30 am MassSacristan: Darla TimmermanServers: Travis Engels, Thomas Hennen, Jacob HennenLector: Doug Maeyaert, Cindy NelsonEucharistic Minister: B: T. Welsh, J. Head; C: J. Welsh, L. Head, S. Maeyaert, C. NelsonMUSICIAN: SistersGIFT: Ray & Colleen Noyes-2476585725Sisters of Mary Morning Star NewsSt. Eloi Convent Masses: Call 428-3919 for times. Mass on M-W-Thru-F and SatVespers: 6:15 pm, Adoration: 7:30–8:30 pm?00Sisters of Mary Morning Star NewsSt. Eloi Convent Masses: Call 428-3919 for times. Mass on M-W-Thru-F and SatVespers: 6:15 pm, Adoration: 7:30–8:30 pm?4455175374842CHILDRENS HOLY HOUR WITH THE SISTERSOur next Children’s Adoration hours will be held Thursday, April 4th from 4:30-5:30pm; children womb-12 are invited!!Sr. Pia Maria00CHILDRENS HOLY HOUR WITH THE SISTERSOur next Children’s Adoration hours will be held Thursday, April 4th from 4:30-5:30pm; children womb-12 are invited!!Sr. Pia MariaNOTICE - We will begin emailing announcements for the different activities that we do:? our prayer vigils, come and see weekend retreats for young women, and philosophy evenings or weekends for youth.??If you would like to receive these announcements, please send an email to us at?sistersofmarymorningstar@?and let us know which of the 3 (or all) announcements you are interested in.? It is always a joy when you come to pray with us! You are welcome to pray in our chapel whenever you'd like.Sisters of Mary Morning Star?– The Sisters of Mary Morning Star are called to be a presence of prayer in the heart of the world. Their contemplative vocation calls them to a life of silent prayer centered on the mystery of the Eucharist.? The Sisters live their vow of poverty through their life of manual work and chores. Some of their daily needs are met thanks to free-will donations.? Some ask:?“How can I help support their mission?”? You can help support the Sisters of Mary Morning Star by donating items they need such as fish, chicken, fruits and vegetables.? If you are interested in donating to the Sisters of Mary Morning Star please contact Lila Schmidt (507/530-3001).-108585165100St. Edward NewsPlease email any bulletin news to stedsbulletin@ by Tuesday00St. Edward NewsPlease email any bulletin news to stedsbulletin@ by TuesdayMISSION OF LOVE ? - ? ?The weekend masses of March 16 & 17 we will be having a second collection for the San Lucas Mission.? It is our Mission of Love collection.? This year's collection will help the mission school in San Lucas.? Thank you for your generosity.? We will be accepting donations until the end of March.? You can place your donation in a marked envelope in the collection basket.Thank you for helping our less fortunate brothers and sisters.ST EDWARD WEEKLY REPORT:429006037465Thank you to all of you who are giving back to God some of your time, talent, and finances that God has given you. St. Edward Church and its mission and ministry would not exist without your giving.EUCHARIST TO SHUT-INS –If you or someone you know would like to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist at home during the week of Mar 16- Mar 23 please contact Judy Bot at 872-6525..INFORMATION CENTERS – remember to check out our Facebook page (St. Edward Catholic Church) or the website () to keep up with new information. 00Thank you to all of you who are giving back to God some of your time, talent, and finances that God has given you. St. Edward Church and its mission and ministry would not exist without your giving.EUCHARIST TO SHUT-INS –If you or someone you know would like to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist at home during the week of Mar 16- Mar 23 please contact Judy Bot at 872-6525..INFORMATION CENTERS – remember to check out our Facebook page (St. Edward Catholic Church) or the website () to keep up with new information. ACTUALBUDGETED DIFFERENCEAdult $2,953.00$ 4,134.61 -$1,181.61Youth $44.56$7.69 $36.87Loose $147.75$ 163.00 -$15.25Commodity $0 $ 0 $ 0Year to date$ 193,158.01$ 181,650.50 $11,507.51DMARECEIVED: $12,920.45GOAL: $13,733.84 -$813.39ROLLS AND COFFEE AFTER MASS: March 17th?Council of Catholic Women will serve coffee and rolls following mass at St. Edward.? Free will donation will go towards the Mission of Love.? Please join us!-146685297180SEVERAL IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTSHOSPITALITY COMMITTEE – If you know of anyone who is sick or new to the parish, please call Marlene Polejewski at 507-872-6042.PARISHIONERS WHO ARE ILL OR ASKING FOR PRAYERS – If you know of anyone from our parish who is sick or has had surgery recently or is ill and would like to be remembered in prayer during the weekend Masses, ask them to contact the church office. The Parish Secretary will add their name/names to the petitions. CD’s AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE – Reminder CD’s are available in the back of church. If you don’t see something you would like contact Margrit Rabaey at 872-693700SEVERAL IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTSHOSPITALITY COMMITTEE – If you know of anyone who is sick or new to the parish, please call Marlene Polejewski at 507-872-6042.PARISHIONERS WHO ARE ILL OR ASKING FOR PRAYERS – If you know of anyone from our parish who is sick or has had surgery recently or is ill and would like to be remembered in prayer during the weekend Masses, ask them to contact the church office. The Parish Secretary will add their name/names to the petitions. CD’s AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE – Reminder CD’s are available in the back of church. If you don’t see something you would like contact Margrit Rabaey at 872-6937ROSARY SOCIETY MEMBERS – Our general intention throughout the year is for world peace and an increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. (March is for the return of fallen away Catholics) We need and welcome new members to complete our roses. If you have any questions and/or would like to join, please call Judy Bot at 872-6525 or Marian Laleman at 872-6807. Thank you LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR THIS WEEK ARE Please remember to find replacements if you won’t be in church on this day. Also, if Bruce Bot or Travis are serving, we only need 4 Eucharistic Minister1270070485ADULT CHOIR MEMBERSRehearsals for the Lent/Easter season will resume on Wednesday, February 6 at 7:30 PM in the church choir loft.? New voices (high school age and above) are always welcome.00ADULT CHOIR MEMBERSRehearsals for the Lent/Easter season will resume on Wednesday, February 6 at 7:30 PM in the church choir loft.? New voices (high school age and above) are always welcome.SATURDAY MARCH 23, 5:30 pmSaturday March 23, 2019Sacristan: Pauline WambekeServers: Noah Gorecki, Tristan Bierschenck, Regan BierschenckLector: Nate WelshEucharistic Minister: Bonnie Laleman, Ed Laleman, Sherry Kern, Ann Longtin, Marlene DeSmetSunday MARCH 24, 2019 -8:30 amSunday March 24 2019Sacristan: Cindy NovotnyServers: Faith Beisler, Hope Beisler, Robert BeislerLector: Fran SturmEucharistic Minister Seth Myhre, Fran Sturm, Kevin Swedzinski, Terry VanKeulen, David Vlaminck Usher: Ushers: Jerry Differding, Tanner Differding, Justin Buysse, Rick Konold-60960-614680FOOD FOR THE NEEDYSt. Edward’s Council of Catholic Women and the Knights of Columbus are sponsoring their annual Lenten food collection. Nonperishable food items may be placed in boxes at the front door of the church or at the side door. Food shelf donations will be split between the Marshall Food Shelf and the Lincoln County Food Shelf @ Ivanhoe. Be sure that no food items are expired.Needed food items include: ouches that contain mashed potatoes, noodles, rice, etc; Any bean products, pork and beans, chili beans, dry beans, etc.; Chunky & creamed soups. Potatoes; Peanut Butter. Stew. Tuna Juices; Ramen noodles. Applesauce. Puddings, Tomato products. Hamburger helper, Pasta -plain or whole-wheat, Cereal, Any canned or boxed items, Paper products personal care items.? ? ? ?Cash donations are always welcome. Cash may be placed in an envelope that is marked “food shelf” and dropped in the collection basket; or dropped off at the parish office.? ? ? ? Thank you for your generosity as we help those who are less fortunate.00FOOD FOR THE NEEDYSt. Edward’s Council of Catholic Women and the Knights of Columbus are sponsoring their annual Lenten food collection. Nonperishable food items may be placed in boxes at the front door of the church or at the side door. Food shelf donations will be split between the Marshall Food Shelf and the Lincoln County Food Shelf @ Ivanhoe. Be sure that no food items are expired.Needed food items include: ouches that contain mashed potatoes, noodles, rice, etc; Any bean products, pork and beans, chili beans, dry beans, etc.; Chunky & creamed soups. Potatoes; Peanut Butter. Stew. Tuna Juices; Ramen noodles. Applesauce. Puddings, Tomato products. Hamburger helper, Pasta -plain or whole-wheat, Cereal, Any canned or boxed items, Paper products personal care items.? ? ? ?Cash donations are always welcome. Cash may be placed in an envelope that is marked “food shelf” and dropped in the collection basket; or dropped off at the parish office.? ? ? ? Thank you for your generosity as we help those who are less fortunate.Sympathy- Our sympathy to the family and friends of Richard Moorse and James Henline. Whose Christian Burials were held at St Edward this past week. May they rest in Peace and may their family be comforted by their faith and the promise of eternal life.THANK YOU - THANK YOU – Thank you funeral committee and guilds 6, 7 & 8 who provided food and service for the funeral dinners for Richard Moorse and Eunice Haugen. This extra help was very much appreciated by the family.THANK YOU - Thank you to the family of Eunice Haugen and Richard Moorse for the lovely flowers that she left for the church following her funeral.-167640110490ST. EDWARD SCHOOL NEWSLETTERSCHOOL PRINCIPAL – Jaci GarveySCHOOL OFFICE – 872-6391SCHOOL SECRETARY – Sharon Fox00ST. EDWARD SCHOOL NEWSLETTERSCHOOL PRINCIPAL – Jaci GarveySCHOOL OFFICE – 872-6391SCHOOL SECRETARY – Sharon FoxSCHOOL MASS –? ?Our next?school Mass?will be Wednesday, March 20th.??The Kindergarten & 1st?grade will be leading us.? ? ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US!! STATIONS OF THE CROSS - For the duration of Lent, we will be praying the?Stations of the Cross?each Friday beginning at 2:10pm. ?Please feel free to join us. ?EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEETING - Education committee?will be meeting on Tuesday, March 19th?at 6:00pm. ?Our agenda is attached to this letter. ?Everyone is welcome!-302260144780PARENTS WEB We still have some families who have not signed into ParentsWeb yet. ( – then log in to ParentsWeb) As ParentsWeb and FACTS (our tuition management system) are connected, it is very important that you take this step. If you need help with this process, please feel free to let us know and we will get you on the right track.**WEATHER UPDATES - The weather forcast is telling us that school cancelations and postponements may not be far away. Information regarding school schedule changes will be sent directly to you via School Reach and RenWeb Parent Alert.00PARENTS WEB We still have some families who have not signed into ParentsWeb yet. ( – then log in to ParentsWeb) As ParentsWeb and FACTS (our tuition management system) are connected, it is very important that you take this step. If you need help with this process, please feel free to let us know and we will get you on the right track.**WEATHER UPDATES - The weather forcast is telling us that school cancelations and postponements may not be far away. Information regarding school schedule changes will be sent directly to you via School Reach and RenWeb Parent Alert.NOTICE - The?end of the 3rd?quarter?is Friday, March 22nd. ?Report cards will be sent home with family folders on March 28th. ?We will be?dismissing at?12:10pm on Friday, March 22nd?and Monday, March 25th. The students will have lunch before dismissing on both days.?2000250332105SUMMER CARE PROGRAMEnclosed in today’s folder is a flyer and registration form for the St. Edward School?Summer Care Program. ?This program will run weekdays beginning on Monday, June 10th?through Friday, August 9th.??All children between the ages of 5 and 12 are eligible to attend. ?There will be a weekly fee for attendance, but families may choose the weeks that they enroll their children. ?Summer Care Program staff will provide indoor and outdoor organized activities as well as plenty of playtime. ?Meals and snacks will be provided. ? Please share this information with friends and family members who may be in need of child care this summer. ?Please help us to help your school grow. ? 00SUMMER CARE PROGRAMEnclosed in today’s folder is a flyer and registration form for the St. Edward School?Summer Care Program. ?This program will run weekdays beginning on Monday, June 10th?through Friday, August 9th.??All children between the ages of 5 and 12 are eligible to attend. ?There will be a weekly fee for attendance, but families may choose the weeks that they enroll their children. ?Summer Care Program staff will provide indoor and outdoor organized activities as well as plenty of playtime. ?Meals and snacks will be provided. ? Please share this information with friends and family members who may be in need of child care this summer. ?Please help us to help your school grow. ? 19812002107565Kindergarten Round UpKindergarten Round Up?is scheduled for Monday, April 1 from 4:30 - 6 pm. ?This will be an open house event with a parent information session beginning at 5:30 pm. ?Personal invitations will be sent out next week. ?Please share with us any names of community members that you feel we should send an invitation to. ?Our community will grow better with your kind’s words and support.00Kindergarten Round UpKindergarten Round Up?is scheduled for Monday, April 1 from 4:30 - 6 pm. ?This will be an open house event with a parent information session beginning at 5:30 pm. ?Personal invitations will be sent out next week. ?Please share with us any names of community members that you feel we should send an invitation to. ?Our community will grow better with your kind’s words and support.-9829801100455UPCOMING EVENTS**The?Education Committee?sponsored “St. Patrick’s Day Meal” has been reschedules for Saturday, March 30th?after Mass. ?Come join us for friendship and fellowship.00UPCOMING EVENTS**The?Education Committee?sponsored “St. Patrick’s Day Meal” has been reschedules for Saturday, March 30th?after Mass. ?Come join us for friendship and fellowship.SCHOENSTATT - The Schoenstatt?girls’ group will be meeting on Monday, April 1st, this has been another change to the date.?Liturgical Minister Schedule for April, 2019Reminder to please find your own replacement if you can’t make your scheduled dateSunday, April 7th, 2019 10:30 AMSacristan: Corissa VanKeulenServers: Mariah Buysse, Ashlynn Monnet, Robert BeislerLector: Brad Hennen, Mike VanKeulenEucharistic Minister: B:VanKeulen, R. Sussner C: Dan Sik, Deb Sik, M. Senden, D. SendenMusicians: Barb Hennen & Shirley Maeyaert and Youth ChoirGifts: John & Jennifer Rabaey FamilyUshers: M. Hennen, G. Nuytten, R. SussnerPalm Sunday, April 14th, 2019 10:30 AMSacristan: Jeanne SchmidtServers: David Rabaey, Mark Rabaey, Trevor VanKeulen, Brett VanKeulen, Tyler WelshLector: Jason Boerboom, Steve HennenEucharistic Minister: B:Deacon Travis, J. Kesteloot C: J. Welsh, Corissa VK, Brewers, J. HeadMusicians: SistersGifts: Dale & Lila SchmidtUshers: M. Hennen, G. Nuytten, R. SussnerGood Friday, April 19th, 2019 3:00PMSacristan: Lila SchmidtServers: Deacons & SeminariansLectors: Monica Senden, Bernie DeCockEucharistic Minister: DeaconMusicians: Barb Hennen & Brad HennenUshers: M. Hennen, G. Nuytten, R. SussnerHoly Saturday, April 20th, 2019 SunsetSacristan: Lila SchmidtServers: Levi VanKeulen, Zach Hennen, Evan HennenLectors: Laura Hennen, Steve HennenEucharistic Minister: B: S. Nuytten, L. OftedahlC: D. Timmerman, VanKeulenMusicians: John Rabaey & FamilyGifts: Don & Julie Schuelke FamilyUshers: M. Hennen, G. Nuytten, R. Sussner, Timmerman (Choir Loft)Easter Sunday, April 21st, 2019 10:30 AMSacristan: Darla TimmermanServers: Thomas Hennen, Jacob Hennen, Morgan HennenLector: Monica Senden, Bernie DeCockEucharistic Minister: B:Bossuyt, JocosityC: R. Sussner, Dan Sik, Deb Sik, Corissa VKMusicians: Barb Hennen and Brad HennenGifts: Don & Monica SendenUshers: M. Hennen, G. Nuytten, R. SussnerSunday, April 28th, 2019 10:30 AM1st Communion Sacristan: Darla TimmermanServers: Zach Hennen, Kate Hennen, Evan HennenLector: Karla EngelsEucharistic Minister: B:Deacon Travis, M. Senden C: J. Kesteloot, J. Welsh, Brewers, L. HeadMusicians: Barb Hennen & Brad HennenGifts: First CommunicantsUshers: Timmerman, G. Nuytten, R. SussnerLiturgical Minister Schedule for May, 2019Sunday, May 5th, 2019 10:30 AMBaccalaureateSacristan: Corissa VanKeulenServers: Levi VanKeulen, Brett VanKeulen, Jacob HennenLector: Jennifer Rabaey, Mike VanKeulenEucharistic Minister: B:Bossuyt, S. MaeyaertC: Nelson, S. Nuytten, L. Oftedahl, L. SchmidtMusicians: Barb Hennen & Laura HennenGifts: GraduatesUshers: T. VanKeulen, S. Boerboom, C KackSunday, May 12th, 2019 10:30 AMSacristan: Jeanne SchmidtServers: Lyzah Sussner, Morgan Hennen, Abby HennenLector: John Head, Cindy NelsonEucharistic Minister: B:J. Head, D. Timmerman C: L. Head, VanKeulen, R. Sussner, Dan SikMusicians: Barb Hennen & Brad HennenGifts: Mike & Julie Speltz FamilyUshers: T VanKeulen, S. Boerboom, C KackSunday, May 19th, 2019 10:30 AMSacristan: Lila SchmidtServers: Mariah Buysse, Zach Hennen, Evan HennenLector: Betsy Jo KackEucharistic Minister: B:Deb Sik, J. Kesteloot C: Corissa VK, Brewers, J. Head, L. HeadMusicians: John Rabaey & FamilyGifts: Dan & Deb SikUshers: T VanKeulen, S. Boerboom, C KackSunday, May 26th, 2019 10:30 AM Sacristan: Darla TimmermanServers: Kate Hennen, Robert Beisler, Ashlynn MonnetLector: Brad Hennen, Mike VanKeulenEucharistic Minister: B:Nelson, S. NuyttenC: L. Oftedahl, L. Schmidt, VanKeulen, R. SussnerMusicians: SistersGifts: Dennis & Mary Jo ThooftUshers: T VanKeulen, S. Boerboom, C KackMonday, Memorial Day, May 27th, 2019, TBASacristan: Darla TimmermanServers: Tyler Welsh, Faith Beisler, Mark RabaeyLectors: Doug Maeyaert, Steve HennenEucharistic Minister: B:Deacon Travis, Dan Sik C: R. Sussner, Brewers, Corissa VK, D. SendenMusicians: John Rabaey & FamilyGifts:LegionnairesLiturgical Minister Schedule for June, 2019Sunday, June 2nd, 2019 10:30 AMSacristan: Corissa VanKeulenServers: Trevor VanKeulen, Brett VanKeulen, Levi VanKeulenLector: Monica Senden, Bernie DeCockEucharistic Minister: B:M. Senden, J. KestelootC: Brewers, J. Head, L. Head, S. NuyttenMusicians: Barb Hennen & Laura HennenGifts: Vincent & Charlotte ThooftUshers: M. Nelson, G Crowley, S. BoerboomSunday, June 9th, 2019 10:30 AMSacristan: Jeanne SchmidtServers: Tyler Welsh, Hope Beisler, Thomas HennenLector: Karla EngelsEucharistic Minister: B:Bossuyt, L.Oftedahl C: MJ.Bossuyt, D.Timmerman, C.VanKeulen, R.SussnerMusicians: Barb Hennen & Laura HennenGifts: Brian & Darla TimmermanUshers: M.Nelson, G.Crowley, G.BoerboomSunday, June 16th, 2019 10:30 AMSacristan: Lila SchmidtServers: Jacob Hennen, Lyzah Sussner, Morgan HennenLector: John Head, Laura HennenEucharistic Minister: B:Dan Sik, Deb Sik C: Corissa VK, M.Senden, D.Senden, J.KestelootMusicians: SistersGifts: Jerry & Caroline VanKeulenUshers: M.Nelson, G.Crowley, G.BoerboomSunday, June 23rd, 2019 10:30 AMSacristan: Darla TimmermanServers: Abby Hennen, Mariah Buysse, Zach HennenLector: Betsy Jo KackEucharistic Minister: B:Deacon Travis, J.Welsh C: B.Brewers, J.Head, L.Head, S.MaeyaertMusicians: John Rabaey & FamilyGifts: Ron SussnerUshers: M.Nelson, G.Crowley, G.BoerboomSunday, June 30th, 2019 10:30 AMSacristan: Jeanne SchmidtServers: Evan Hennen, Kate Hennen, Robert BeislerLector: Doug Maeyaert, Jennifer RabaeyEucharistic Minister: B:G.Bossuyt, L.OftedahlC: L.Schmidt, S.Nuytten, MJ.Bossuyt, D.TimmermanMusicians: John Rabaey & FamilyGifts: Mike & Donna VanKeulen ST EDWARDS / ST ELOI CHURCH MEMBERSHIP INFORMATIONPlease circle which Church Please fill this out as completely as you can. We are up dating our data base. MemberSpouseName: (First-Middle Last)Name: MaidenSex: (Check one)Male Female Male Female Birthday: My Religion: Baptism date:Church Baptized at: yes no Date: ___________yes no Date: ___________Address:City, State / Zip:Home Phone:( ) - Unlisted? ( ) - Unlisted? Cell Phone:( ) - Unlisted? ( ) - Unlisted? EmailConfirmed:Church Confirmed at:yes no Date: ___________yes no Date: ___________Marital Status:Marriage Date:Church Married at: Transferred from:ChildrenName (first, middle, last)Birth DateGrade Baptizedyes yes ................

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