WEBMAIL - Web Design, Web Hosting and Domains- AIT

WebStats User’s Guide

(Windows Version)

Advanced Internet Technologies, Inc.

December 18, 2005

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Revision History: This is version 1.0 of the WebStats User’s Guide for AIT Web Hosting customers using Windows fully managed web hosting accounts.

|Version 1.0 |This version has information about installation and simple configurations of Webalizer in the AIT fully managed |

| |Windows Web Hosting environment. |


This document is the user’s manual for the WebStats program offered by AIT to all Windows fully managed web hosting customers. This application can be installed for all domains on a fully managed web hosting account through the SMT.

Target Audience:

AIT Customers

Table of Contents

1. Installing logs through the SMT for a Top Level Domain

2. Installing logs through the SMT for a Virtual Host

3. Installing WebStats for a Top Level Domain or a Virtual Host

4. Using WebStats

5. Tracking Reports

o Who’s On

o Watches

▪ IP Watch

▪ URL Watch

▪ Click thru Watch

6. Summaries

o Yesterday

o Last Week

o Last Month

7. Usage by

o Analysis

o Sessions

o Hits

o Page Views

o Kilobytes

o Session Time

o Kilobytes per Session

o Hits per Session

8. Pages by

o Analysis

o Usage Map

o Page Views

o Downloads

o Download Errors

o Least Views

o Entry Point

o Exit Point

o Viewed Once

o Time Spent

o Page View Errors

o Directory

9. Browsers by

o Analysis

o Agent Type

o User OS

o Browser Tag

o New Tags

10. Referrers by

o Analysis


o New URLs

o Domain

o Search Eng

o Keyword

11. Sessions by

o Analysis

o Net Identity

o Net Location

o Machine ID

12. Troubleshooting WebStats

Installing logs through the SMT for a Top Level Domain

To have web statistics, you must first have web server logs. To ensure logs are enabled for a top level domains, follow the instructions below:

1. Log in to the SMT / cpanel as reseller (reseller@)

2. Click the “Enable Web Logs” link under Web Services. Figure 1-1 below shows an example of what the user will see. To create web logs for a domain name, select the domain’s radio button and then click the “Enable Logs” link.


Figure 1-1

3. After the link is clicked, a screen like Figure 1-2 will appear. This form just confirms that the user would like to generate logs or to stop logs.


Figure 1-2

4. To enable or disable logs, simply click the appropriate radio button and click “Update Site”. This ensures that logs are enabled for the domain in question.

5. To verify that logs have started, you will need to stop and start the ‘WWW’ service for the domain that has had logs enabled. Follow the instructions for stopping and starting the ‘WWW’ service in the SMT 4.1 for Windows User’s Guide.

Installing logs through the SMT for a Virtual Host

To have logs for a virtual host, follow the same instructions as installing logs for a top level domain.

Installing WebStats for a Top Level Domain or a Virtual Host

1. Log in to the SMT / cpanel as reseller (reseller@)

2. Make sure the domain you are adding a stats server to, does not have a stats server.  Meaning delete it, if it is there.

3. Add Stats server with the following specifics.

1. Selected Website - Choose the domain in the drop down menu that you wish to add a stats server to.

2. Date Format - Make sure that the directory shown is pointing to the correct folder containing the log files.  The correct folder beginning with W3...  This is usually in the log directory.  If not check the www or elsewhere.

3. Log Path – The default log file path is already selected for most installations, however it can be changed by using the ‘Browse’ button to find the log file on the server that you would like to use.

4. Log Scan - In the Log scan option, change it to 0 so the stats will update quicker. The values range from 2 minutes to 24 hours. This is how often the stats will be updated with logs from the web server.

5. Log Filter - The log filter should be left alone except the capital "L" should be lowercase.

6. Default User Account - Make sure the right default account and password is selected for that specific domain.

7. Aliases – This should include all domain names that are pointed to that website. For example, you may include ‘’ in this aliases box.

8. Exclude – This option can be used to input different IP addresses that you want to exclude from being analyzed. For example, if your office has several people in it and each of them surf the internet through 1 external IP address, and you don’t want to count their traffic towards your stats, you can include the IP address there so it is not analyzed.

9. Suspend – This option will stop the web stats from running. If ‘no’ is selected, web stats are enabled. If ‘yes’, the stats server is stopped for that domain.

4. Simply click submit, and you have added this stats server.  The existing stats will be update with the next 2-5 minutes. 

Using WebStats (LiveStats)

With Web Stats tracking your visitors, you’ll know:

• How many users visit your web site every day, week, or month?

• Who are they?

• Where they come from?

• What pages they enter on, exit from and visit longest?

• How today is shaping up?

• Who’s on right now?

• What part of your site is most popular?

• What search engines people are using to find your site?

• What keywords people use to find your site?

To find this information inside of the WebStats reporting interface, follow the instructions below:

1. Login to the SMT / cpanel as a reseller or a webadmin.

2. Click Web services > Manage > Web Stats Analyzer.

3. Select the domain that you would like to review stats for.

4. Click “Login to stats server”

5. When the new window opens, you can copy the URL and provide that to your customers for future use. This way, your customers do not need to login to the SMT to see the stats server URL. Figure 4-1 below shows the beginning of the login area where the domain name is input.


Figure 4-1

6. Enter the domain name that you want to view.

7. After you click “View Statistics” a username and password prompt will appear. This prompt should be filled in with the username/password that you used in the installation steps.


Figure 4-2

The WebStats interface offers a near infinite number of Web statistics reports. There are 40 major reports and most have zoom views that show more details. Most reports can be viewed for any day, week, month or range up to 93 days in the previous year. The Who’s On, Summaries and Watches have fixed ranges.

Each interface will have it’s own specific options, however the options below are pretty common among each report.

• Refresh Button - The [pic] button forces the WebStats to calculate a new report. Note the time stamp located in the upper left corner of the report showing report generation time.

• Printing Reports - WebStats can generate a printable version of a report anywhere the [pic] icon is displayed. Printable reports contain no navigation controls such as buttons. The print icon is used to send the report to the printer.

o Select the report you want to print then click the Print button.

o Use your Web Browser File/Print option to send the print job to your printer.

o Use your Web Browser Back button to return to the WebStats interface.

• Export - The [pic] button is used to download files containing statistics data in CSV (Comma Separated Variables) format. Many database packages support CSV imports. To save the CSV to hard disk:

o Select the report you want to export then click the Export button.

o Back Button

o The Back button is used to take you back from zoomed reports to the main report.

• Help – The [pic]icons will be shown on the upper right hand corner of all most any page. Use this help to guide you through reports, or options on each page.

Zoomed Views

On many reports you will see magnifying glasses indicating a detailed report is available for the adjacent item. The globally selected report period is automatically applied to detailed reports.

Reports are selected from the expanding menu located on the left side of the WebStats interface. Also, where applicable, you will get detailed graphs. Graphs, in some instances, can be changed from pie charts, to line charts, to bar graphs. Below is an example of each:

Bar graph option


Figure 6-1

Line graph option


Figure 6-2

Pie chart option


Figure 6-3

2D option


Figure 6-4

Date Selection

The date selection, shown in Figure 7-1 below, shows that you can select specific date ranges, months, or days to look at your statistics.


Figure 7-1


o Who’s On - Who’s On displays individual sessions by their unique IP Address. The corporate identity, geographic origin and machine name of the IP Address are identified if available.

o Who’s On is accurate to within 2, 5 or 10 minutes depending on what granularity option was selected by the global administrator (see Scan Logs Every). Who’s On will not be displayed if the scan time is greater than 10 minutes. Additional information is available in the zoomed view for individual sessions. The Who’s On zoomed view The Who’s On zoomed view displays extended session information. Each session is identified by its unique IP Address. RDNS, corporate identity, geographic location, time spent, hits vs. kilobytes, Browser tag and referring URL where possible. A record of the date, time and URL requested is displayed. This record is purged when the session expires after 15 minutes of inactivity.

o Session details can be turned off from the Disable Who’s On session history option located at .Global Settings/Behavior Settings.

o Watches - Watches are used to provide enhanced details where required. Watches are created and managed by the Virtual Server administrator. They allow individual Web site resources, IP Addresses, inbound click-thrus and outbound click-thrus to be tracked in detail. Watch reports can be viewed for any day, week or month or date range within recorded Web site history.

• IP Watch - Created to watch an IP Address or range of IP Addresses, this watch will count the number of times the IP Address or range of IP Addresses will access the Web site. With detailed logging enabled a record of the date, time and the requested URL is created.

• URL Watch - Created to watch a URL, this watch will count the number of times the URL is requested. With detailed logging enabled a record of the date, time and IP that requested the entity is created.

• Click Thru Watch - Created to accurately count the number of times a link between two pages is used. The URL of the referring page is changed to direct the browser to WebStats, and WebStats transparently redirects them to the target site. With detailed logging enabled a record of the date, time and IP of the referred browser is created.


o Summaries are predefined reports that contain all the analysis information for the date ranges of Yesterday, Last Week and Last Month.

o Yesterday - Yesterday covers the last full day of history. The period is one day.

o Last Week- Last Week covers the last full week of history. The period is 7 days.

o Last Month - Last Month covers the last full month of history. The period is the number of days in the month.

Usage by

• Analysis - The Site Activity Analysis, Page Usage Analysis, User Agent Analysis, Referrer Activity Analysis, and Sessions by Network Location sections are included in all of the reports.

o Site Activity Analysis - The Site Activity Analysis section provides a breakdown of the amount and nature of traffic that has occurred on the Web site.

o Server Activity Totals for Period - The Server Activity Totals for Period displays totals for sessions, kilobytes and hits, including a breakdown of hits into page views and non-page views.

o Session Averages for Period - The Session Averages for Period displays average activity for a session in the time period, including average hits, average time spent and average kilobytes transferred.

▪ Total sessions served shows the number of sessions that have occurred in the period.

▪ Total sessions served with time history shows the total number of sessions that occurred in the period that had more than one hit. Sessions with only one hit are assigned a length of one second, but don’t get counted in this total.

▪ Average hits per session shows the average number of hits that occur per session, calculated by dividing the total hits for the period by the total sessions for the period.

▪ Average Page Views per session shows the average number of page views that occur per session, calculated by dividing the total page views for the period by the total sessions for the period.

▪ Average Time Spent per session shows the average length of a session for the period, calculated by dividing the total time spent for the period by the total sessions for the period.

▪ Average Bandwidth Usage per session shows the average number of kilobytes transferred each session for the period, calculated by dividing the total kilobytes transferred for the period by the total sessions for the period.

o Session Origins for Period - The Session Origins for Period provides general information on the type of referrer for each session.

▪ Total sessions served shows the number of sessions that have occurred in the period.

▪ Total Search Engine Referred Sessions shows the total number of sessions in the period that have a known search engine as the referrer and the percentage of total sessions for the period this represents.

▪ Total Referred Session shows the total number of sessions in the period that have a referrer and the percentage of total sessions in the period this represents.

▪ Total Blind (no referrer) Sessions shows the number of sessions in the period that had no referrer and the percentage of total sessions in the period this represents.

o Page Views per Session Breakdown - The Page Views per Session Breakdown section breaks down sessions by the number of page requests made. The number of sessions and the percentage of total sessions these represent are shown.

o Time Spent per Session Breakdown - The Time Spent per Session Breakdown section breaks down sessions by the number of minutes each session lasted. The number of sessions and the percentage of total sessions these represent are shown.

• Sessions - Total sessions served shows the number of sessions that have occurred in the period.

o The Usage By - Sessions report shows the number of sessions served for the Web site. A session is defined as one or more transactions between the Web server and a specific IP Address. Sessions expire after 15 minutes of inactivity. This report can be viewed by day, week, month or range.

o Daily report - The Daily report contains the 365 Day History graph, 24 Hour Breakdown of the Day, Summary for the Day and the Hourly Breakdown of Day.

o The 365 Day History is divided into daily units, showing the total number of user sessions started in each day.

o The 24 Hour Breakdown of Day is divided into hourly units. It shows the active and average hourly usage by sessions.

o The active hourly usage by sessions is the total number of sessions started in each hour.

o The average hourly usage by sessions is the average number of sessions started in each hour over the entire year. It is equal to the total number of sessions started in that hour in the entire year divided by the total number of days since the first statistics including the current day.

o The Summary shows the Total For Day, the Average Daily, the Top Hour, the Average Top Hour, the Low Hour and the Average Low Hour. In a case where two or more hours have the same number of sessions, and this number of sessions would make those hours the Top Hour, the Average Top Hour, the Low Hour or the Average Low Hour, the first hour chronologically from the start of the day will be reported.

o The Total For Day is the sum of all the sessions started since 12:00:00 AM Web server time.

o The Average Daily Total is calculated by taking the total number of sessions in the year and dividing by the total number of days since the first statistics including the current day.

o The Top Hour is the hour of the current day with the most sessions.

o The Average Top Hour is the hour with the highest average. The average for each hour is calculated as in Historic Averages below.

o The Low Hour is the hour of the current day with the least sessions.

o The Average Low Hour is the hour with the lowest average. The average for each hour is calculated as in Historic Averages below.

o The Hourly Breakdown of Day shows Time, Hourly Total, Historic Averages and % of Total. It also includes the Daily Total and the Hourly Average. Time shows the hour of the information. Hourly Total is the total number of sessions started in that hour.

o Historic Averages is the average number of sessions in that hour. The average for each hour is calculated by taking the total number of sessions for that hour in the year and dividing by the total number of days since the first statistics including the current day.

o % of Total shows what part of the days sessions occurred in the hour. This is calculated by dividing the number of sessions in the hour by the total number of sessions in the day and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

o Daily Total is the total number of sessions in the day.

o Hourly Average is the total number of sessions started in the day divided by 24. It is the same as The Active Daily Average in the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day.

o Weekly view - The Weekly view contains the 365 Day History, the Breakdown of Week, the Summary and the Daily Breakdown of Week.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into weekly units, showing the total number of user sessions started in each week.

▪ The Breakdown of Week is divided into daily units. It shows the active and average daily usage by sessions.

▪ The active daily usage by sessions is the total number of sessions started in each day.

▪ The average daily usage by sessions is the average number of sessions started in each day over the entire year. It is equal to the total number of sessions started in that day in the entire year divided by the total number of weeks since the first statistics including the current week.

▪ The Summary shows the Total For Week, the Average Weekly, the Top Day, the Average Top Day, the Low Day and the Average Low Day. In a case where two or more days have the same number of sessions and this number of sessions would make those days the Top Day, the Average Top Day, the Low Day or the Average Low Day, the first day chronologically from the start of the week will be reported.

▪ The Total For Week is the sum of all the sessions started since 12:00:00 AM Web server time on the Sunday starting the week.

▪ The Average Weekly Total is calculated by taking the total number of sessions in the year and dividing by the total number of weeks since the first statistics including the current week.

▪ The Top Day is the day of the current week with the most sessions.

▪ The Average Top Day is the day with the highest average. The average for each day is calculated as in Historic Averages below.

▪ The Low Day is the day of the current week with the least sessions.

▪ The Average Low Day is the day with the lowest average. The average for each day is calculated as in Historic Averages below.

▪ The Daily Breakdown of Week shows Day, Daily Total, Historic Averages and % of Total. It also includes the Weekly Total and the Daily Average.

▪ Day shows the day of the information.

▪ Daily Total is the total number of sessions started in that day.

▪ Historic Averages is the average number of sessions in that day. The average for each day is calculated by taking the total number of sessions for that day in the year and dividing by the total number of weeks since the first statistics including the current week.

▪ % of Total shows what part of the weeks sessions occurred in the day. This is calculated by dividing the number of sessions in the day by the total number of sessions in the week and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

▪ Weekly Total is the total number of sessions in the week.

▪ Daily Average is the total number of sessions started in the week divided by. It is the same as The Active Daily Average in the Breakdown of Week.

o Monthly view - The Monthly view contains the 365 Day History, the graphical Breakdown of Month, the Summary, the textual Breakdown of Month and the Breakdown of Year.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into monthly units, showing the total number of user sessions started in each month.

▪ The graphical Breakdown of Month is divided into daily units. It shows the daily usage by sessions and the overall average daily usage.

▪ The daily usage by sessions is the total number of sessions started in each day.

▪ The overall average daily usage is the total number of sessions started in the month divided by the number of days in that month.

▪ The Summary shows the Total For Month, the Average Monthly Total and the Average Daily Total.

▪ The Total For Month is the sum of all the sessions started since 12:00:00 AM Web server time on the first day of the month.

▪ The Average Monthly Total is calculated by taking the total number of sessions in the year and dividing by the total number of months since the first statistics including the current month.

▪ The Average Daily Total is the total number of sessions started in the month divided by the number of days in that month.

▪ The textual Breakdown of Month shows Day of Month, Total and % of Total.

▪ It also includes the Monthly Total and the Daily Average.

▪ Day of Month is the weekday and full date (Month/Day/Year).

▪ Total is the total number of sessions started on each day.

▪ % of Total shows what part of the months sessions occurred in the day. This is calculated by dividing the number of sessions in the day by the total number of sessions in the month and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

▪ Monthly Total is the total number of sessions started in the month.

▪ Daily Average is the total number of sessions in the month divided by the total number of days in the month.

▪ The Breakdown of Year shows the Month, Total and % of Total. It also includes the Year Total and Monthly Average.

▪ Month is the month and the year.

▪ Total is the number of sessions for the Month.

▪ % of Total shows what part of the years sessions occurred in the month. This is calculated by dividing the number of sessions in the month by the total number of sessions in the year and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

▪ Year Total is the total number of sessions in the year.

▪ Monthly Average is the total number of sessions in the year divided by the number of months in the year. This will be less than 12 if statistics start later in the year.

o The Range view - The Range view contains the 365 Day History and the textual Breakdown of Range.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into daily units, showing the total number of sessions that occurred on the Web site each day.

▪ The textual Breakdown of Range shows Day of Month, Total and % of Total.

▪ It also includes the Range Total and the Daily Average.

▪ Day of Month is the weekday and full date (Month/Day/Year).

▪ Total is the total number of sessions on each day.

▪ % of Total shows what part of the ranges sessions occurred in the day. This is calculated by dividing the number of sessions in the day by the total number of sessions in the range and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

▪ Range Total is the total number of sessions in the range.

▪ Daily Average is the total number of sessions in the range divided by the total number of days in the range.


• Hits - Total hits made on server shows the number of requests made on the Web server in the period.

o The Usage By - Hits shows the number of requests made to the Web server.

▪ This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. A hit is any request made on the Web server.

o Daily view - The Daily view contains the 365 Day History, the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day, the Summary and the Hourly Breakdown of Day.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into daily units, showing the total number of requests made on the Web server for each day.

▪ The 24 Hour Breakdown of Day is divided into hourly units. It shows the active and the average hourly usage by hits.

▪ The active hourly usage by hits is the total number of hits in each hour.

▪ The average hourly usage by hits is the average number of hits in each hour over the entire year. It is equal to the total number of hits in that hour in the entire year divided by the total number of days since the first statistics including the current day.

▪ The Summary shows the Total For Day, the Average Daily Total, the Top Hour, the Average Top Hour, the Low Hour and the Average Low Hour. In a case where two or more hours have the same number of hits and this number of hits would make those hours the Top Hour, the Average Top Hour, the Low Hour or the Average Low Hour, the first hour chronologically from the start of the day will be reported.

▪ The Total For Day is the sum of all the hits since 12:00:00 AM Web server time. The Average Daily Total is calculated by taking the total number of hits in the year and dividing by the total number of days since the first statistics including the current day.

▪ The Top Hour is the hour of the current day with the most hits.

▪ The Average Top Hour is the hour with the highest average. The average for each hour is calculated as in Historic Averages below.

▪ The Low Hour is the hour of the current day with the least hits.

▪ The Average Low Hour is the hour with the lowest average. The average for each hour is calculated as in Historic Averages below.

▪ The Hourly Breakdown of Day shows Time, Hourly Total, Historic Averages and % of Total. It also includes the Daily Total and the Hourly Average.

▪ Time shows the hour of the information.

▪ Hourly Total is the total number of hits in that hour.

▪ Historic Averages is the average number of hits in that hour. The average for each hour is calculated by taking the total number of hits for that hour in the year and dividing by the total number of days since the first statistics including the current day.

▪ % of Total shows what part of the days hits occurred in the hour. This is calculated by dividing the number of hits in the hour by the total number of hits in the day and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

▪ Daily Total is the total number of hits in the day.

▪ Hourly Average is the total number of hits in the day divided by 24. It is the same as The Active Daily Average in the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day.

o Weekly view - The Weekly view contains the 365 Day History, the Breakdown of Week, the Summary and the Daily Breakdown of Week.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into weekly units, showing the total number of hits in each week.

▪ The Breakdown of Week is divided into daily units. It shows the active and average daily usage by hits.

▪ The active daily usage by hits is the total number of hits in each day.

▪ The average daily usage by hits is the average number of hits in each day over the entire year. It is equal to the total number of hits in that day in the entire year divided by the total number of weeks since the first statistics including the current week.

▪ The Summary shows the Total For Week, the Average Weekly, the Top Day, the Average Top Day, the Low Day and the Average Low Day. In a case where two or more days have the same number of hits and this number of hits would make those days the Top Day, the Average Top Day, the Low Day or the Average Low Day, the first day chronologically from the start of the week will be reported.

▪ The Total For Week is the sum of all the hits since 12:00:00 AM Web server time on the Sunday starting the week.

▪ The Average Weekly Total is calculated by taking the total number of hits in the year and dividing by the total number of weeks since the first statistics including the current week.

▪ The Top Day is the day of the current week with the most hits.

▪ The Average Top Day is the day with the highest average. The average for each day is calculated as in Historic Averages below.

▪ The Low Day is the day of the current week with the least hits.

▪ The Average Low Day is the day with the lowest average. The average for each day is calculated as in Historic Averages below.

▪ The Daily Breakdown of Week shows Day, Daily Total, Historic Averages and % of Total. It also includes the Weekly Total and the Daily Average.

▪ Day shows the day of the information.

▪ Daily Total is the total number of hits in that day.

▪ Historic Averages is the average number of hits in that day. The average for each day is calculated by taking the total number of hits for that day in the year and dividing by the total number of weeks since the first statistics including the current week.

▪ % of Total shows what part of the weeks hits occurred in the day. This is calculated by dividing the number of hits in the day by the total number of hits in the week and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

▪ Weekly Total is the total number of hits in the week.

▪ Daily Average is the total number of hits in the week divided by 7. It is the same as The Active Daily Average in the Breakdown of Week.

o Monthly view - The Monthly view contains the 365 Day History, the graphical Breakdown of Month, the Summary, the textual Breakdown of Month and the Breakdown of Year.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into monthly units, showing the total number of hits in each month.

▪ The graphical Breakdown of Month is divided into daily units. It shows the daily usage by hits and the overall average daily usage.

▪ The daily usage by hits is the total number of hits in each day.

▪ The overall average daily usage is the total number of hits in the month divided by the number of days in that month (make sure).

▪ The Summary shows the Total For Month, the Average Monthly Total and the Average Daily Total.

▪ The Total For Month is the sum of all the hits since 12:00:00 AM Web server time on the first day of the month.

▪ The Average Monthly Total is calculated by taking the total number of hits in the year and dividing by the total number of months since the first statistics including the current month.

▪ The Average Daily Total is the total number of hits in the month divided by the number of days in that month.

▪ The textual Breakdown of Month shows Day of Month, Total and % of Total.

▪ It also includes the Monthly Total and the Daily Average.

▪ Day of Month is the weekday and full date (Month/Day/Year).

▪ Total is the total number of hits on each day.

▪ % of Total shows what part of the months hits occurred in the day. This is calculated by dividing the number of hits in the day by the total number of hits in the month and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

▪ Monthly Total is the total number of hits in the month.

▪ Daily Average is the total number of hits in the month divided by the total number of days in the month.

▪ The Breakdown of Year shows the Month, Total and % of Total. It also includes the Year Total and Monthly Average.

▪ Month is the month and the year.

▪ Total is the number of hits for the Month.

▪ % of Total shows what part of the years hits occurred in the month. This is calculated by dividing the number of hits in the month by the total number of hits in the year and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

▪ Year Total is the total number of hits in the year.

▪ Monthly Average is the total number of hits in the year divided by the number of months in the year. This will be less than 12 if statistics start later in the year.

o The Range view - The Range view contains the 365 Day History and the textual Breakdown of Range.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into daily units, showing the total number of hits made on the Web site each day.

▪ The textual Breakdown of Range shows Day of Month, Total and % of Total.

▪ It also includes the Range Total and the Daily Average.

▪ Day of Month is the weekday and full date (Month/Day/Year).

▪ Total is the total number of hits on each day.

▪ % of Total shows what part of the ranges hits occurred in the day. This is calculated by dividing the number of hits in the day by the total number of hits in the range and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

▪ Range Total is the total number of hits in the range.

▪ Daily Average is the total number of hits in the range divided by the total number of days in the range.

• Page Views - Total page view hits shows the number of requests for page elements made on the Web server in the period. Total non-page view hits number of requests for non-page elements made on the Web server in the period.

o The Usage By - Page Views shows the number of requests for elements considered pages made to the Web server. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Extensions that are considered page views are configured in the Virtual Server administration.

o Daily view - The Daily view contains the 365 Day History, the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day, the Summary and the Hourly Breakdown of Day.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into daily units, showing the total number of requests for page elements made on the Web server in each day.

▪ The 24 Hour Breakdown of Day is divided into hourly units. It shows the active and the average hourly usage by page views.

▪ The active hourly usage by page views is the average number of page views in each hour.

▪ The hourly usage by page views is the average number of page views in each hour over the entire year. It is equal to the total number of page views in that hour in the entire year divided by the total number of days since the first statistics including the current day.

▪ The Summary shows the Total For Day, the Average Daily Total, the Top Hour, the Average Top Hour, the Low Hour and the Average Low Hour. In a case where two or more hours have the same number of page views and this number of page views would make those hours the Top Hour, the Average Top Hour, the Low Hour or the Average Low Hour, the first hour chronologically from the start of the day will be reported.

▪ The Total For Day is the sum of all the page views since 12:00:00 AM Web server time.

▪ The Average Daily Total is calculated by taking the total number of page views in the year and dividing by the total number of days since the first statistics including the current day.

▪ The Top Hour is the hour of the current day with the most page views.

▪ The Average Top Hour is the hour with the highest average page views. The average for each hour is calculated as in Historic Averages below.

▪ The Low Hour is the hour of the current day with the least page views.

▪ The Average Low Hour is the hour with the least average page views. The average for each hour is calculated as in Historic Averages below.

▪ The Hourly Breakdown of Day shows Time, Hourly Total, Historic Averages and % of Total. It also includes the Daily Total and the Hourly Average.

▪ Time shows the hour of the information.

▪ Hourly Total is the total number of page views in that hour.

▪ Historic Averages is the average number of page views in that hour. The average for each hour is calculated by taking the total number of page views for that hour in the year and dividing by the total number of days since the first statistics including the current day.

▪ % of Total shows what part of the days page views occurred in the hour.

▪ This is calculated by dividing the number of page views in the hour by the total number of page views in the day and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

▪ Daily Total is the total number of page views in the day.

▪ Hourly Average is the total number of page views in the day divided by 24.

o Weekly view - The Weekly view contains the 365 Day History, the Breakdown of Week, the Summary and the Daily Breakdown of Week.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into weekly units, showing the total number of page views in each week.

▪ The Breakdown of Week is divided into daily units. It shows the active and average daily usage by page views.

▪ The active daily usage by page views is the total number of page views in each day.

▪ The average daily usage by page views is the average number of page views in each day over the entire year. It is equal to the total number of page views in that day in the entire year divided by the total number of weeks since the first statistics including the current week.

▪ The Summary shows the Total For Week, the Average Weekly, the Top Day, the Average Top Day, the Low Day and the Average Low Day. In a case where two or more days have the same number of page views and this number of page views would make those days the Top Day, the Average Top Day, the Low Day or the Average Low Day, the first day chronologically from the start of the week will be reported.

▪ The Total For Week is the sum of all the page views since 12:00:00 AM Web server time on the Sunday starting the week.

▪ The Average Weekly Total is calculated by taking the total number of page views in the year and dividing by the total number of weeks since the first statistics including the current week.

▪ The Top Day is the day of the current week with the most page views.

▪ The Average Top Day is the day with the highest average page views. The average for each day is calculated as in Historic Averages below.

▪ The Low Day is the day of the current week with the least page views.

▪ The Average Low Day is the day with the lowest average page views. The average for each day is calculated as in Historic Averages below.

▪ The Daily Breakdown of Week shows Day, Daily Total, Historic Averages and % of Total. It also includes the Weekly Total and the Daily Average.

▪ Day shows the day of the information.

▪ Daily Total is the total number of page views in that day.

▪ Historic Averages is the average number of page views in that day. The average for each day is calculated by taking the total number of page views for that day in the year and dividing by the total number of weeks since the first statistics including the current week.

▪ % of Total shows what part of the weeks page views occurred in the day.

▪ This is calculated by dividing the number of page views in the day by the total number of page views in the week and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

▪ Weekly Total is the total number of page views in the week.

▪ Daily Average is the total number of page views in the week divided by 7. It is the same as The Active Daily Average in the Breakdown of Week.

o Monthly view - The Monthly view contains the 365 Day History, the graphical Breakdown of Month, the Summary, the textual Breakdown of Month and the Breakdown of Year.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into monthly units, showing the total number of page views in each month.

▪ The graphical Breakdown of Month is divided into daily units. It shows the daily usage by page views and the overall average daily usage.

▪ The daily usage by page views is the total number of page views in each day.

▪ The overall average daily usage is the total number of page views in the month divided by the number of days in that month.

▪ The Summary shows the Total For Month, the Average Monthly Total and the Average Daily Total.

▪ The Total For Month is the sum of all the hits since 12:00:00 AM Web server time on the first day of the month.

▪ The Average Monthly Total is calculated by taking the total number of hits in the year and dividing by the total number of months since the first statistics including the current month.

▪ The Average Daily Total is the total number of page views in the month divided by the number of days in that month.

▪ The textual Breakdown of Month shows Day of Month, Total and % of Total.

▪ It also includes the Monthly Total and the Daily Average.

▪ Day of Month is the weekday and full date (Month/Day/Year).

▪ Total is the total number of page views for each day.

▪ % of Total shows what part of the months page views occurred in the day.

▪ This is calculated by dividing the number of page views in the day by the total number of page views in the month and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

▪ Monthly Total is the total number of page views in the month.

▪ Daily Average is the total number of page views in the month divided by the total number of days in the month.

▪ The Breakdown of Year shows the Month, Total and % of Total. It also includes the Year Total and Monthly Average.

▪ Month is the month and the year.

▪ Total is the number of page views for the Month.

▪ % of Total shows what part of the years page views occurred in the month.

▪ This is calculated by dividing the number of page views in the month by the total number of page views in the year and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

▪ Year Total is the total number of page views in the year.

▪ Monthly Average is the total number of page views in the year divided by the number of months in the year. This will be less than 12 if statistics start later in the year.

• Kilobytes - Usage By Kilobytes shows the number of kilobytes sent by the Web server. This report can be viewed by day, week or month.

o Daily view - The Daily view contains the 365 Day History, the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day, the Summary and the Hourly Breakdown of Day.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into daily units, showing the total number of kilobytes sent in each day.

▪ The 24 Hour Breakdown of Day is divided into hourly units. It shows the active and average hourly usage by kilobytes sent.

• The active hourly usage by kilobytes is the total number of kilobytes sent in each hour.

• The average hourly usage by kilobytes is the average number of kilobytes sent in each hour over the entire year. It is equal to the total number of kilobytes sent in that hour in the entire year divided by the total number of days since the first statistics including the current day. The Summary shows the Total For Day, the Average Daily, the Top Hour, the Average Top Hour, the Low Hour and the Average Low Hour. In a case where two or more hours have the same number of kilobytes sent and this number of kilobytes sent would make those hours the Top Hour, the Average Top Hour, the Low Hour or the Average Low Hour, the first hour chronologically from the start of the day will be reported.

• The Total For Day is the sum of all the kilobytes sent since 12:00:00 AM Web server time.

• The Average Daily Total is calculated by taking the total number of kilobytes sent in the year and dividing by the total number of days since the first statistics including the current day.

• The Top Hour is the hour of the current day with the most kilobytes sent.

• The Average Top Hour is the hour with the highest average. The average for each hour is calculated as in Historic Averages below.

• The Low Hour is the hour of the current day with the least kilobytes sent.

• The Average Low Hour is the hour with the lowest average. The average for each hour is calculated as in Historic Averages below. The Hourly Breakdown of Day shows Time, Hourly Total, Historic Averages and % of Total. It also includes the Daily Total and the Hourly Average.

• Time shows the hour of the information.

• Hourly Total is the total number of kilobytes sent in that hour.

• Historic Averages is the average number of kilobytes sent in that hour. The average for each hour is calculated by taking the total number of kilobytes sent for that hour in the year and dividing by the total number of days since the first statistics including the current day.

• % of Total shows what part of the days kilobytes were sent in the hour. This is calculated by dividing the number of kilobytes sent in the hour by the total number of kilobytes sent in the day and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

• Daily Total is the total number of kilobytes sent in the day.

• Hourly Average is the total number of kilobytes sent in the day divided by 24. It is the same as The Active Daily Average in the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day.

o Weekly view - The Weekly view contains the 365 Day History, the Breakdown of Week, the Summary and the Daily Breakdown of Week.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into weekly units, showing the total number of kilobytes sent in each week.

▪ The Breakdown of Week is divided into daily units. It shows the active and average daily usage by kilobytes sent.

• The active daily usage by kilobytes is the total number of kilobytes sent in each hour.

• The average daily usage by kilobytes is the average number of kilobytes sent in each day over the entire year. It is equal to the total number of kilobytes sent in that day in the entire year divided by the total number of weeks since the first statistics including the current week. The Summary shows the Total For Week, the Average Weekly, the Top Day, the Average Top Day, the Low Day and the Average Low Day. In a case where two or more days have the same number of kilobytes sent and this number of kilobytes sent would make those days the Top Day, the Average Top Day, the Low Day or the Average Low Day, the first day chronologically from the start of the week will be reported.

• The Total For Week is the sum of all the kilobytes sent since 12:00:00 AM Web server time on the Sunday starting the week.

• The Average Weekly Total is calculated by taking the total number of kilobytes sent in the year and dividing by the total number of weeks since the first statistics including the current week.

• The Top Day is the day of the current week with the most kilobytes sent.

• The Average Top Day is the day with the highest average. The average for each day is calculated as in Historic Averages below.

• The Low Day is the day of the current week with the least kilobytes sent.

• The Average Low Day is the day with the lowest average. The average for each day is calculated as in Historic Averages below. The Daily Breakdown of Week shows Day, Daily Total, Historic Averages and % of Total. It also includes the Weekly Total and the Daily Average.

• Day shows the day of the information.

• Daily Total is the total number of kilobytes sent in that day.

• Historic Averages is the average number of kilobytes sent in that day. The average for each day is calculated by taking the total number of kilobytes sent for that day in the year and dividing by the total number of weeks since the first statistics including the current week.

• % of Total shows what part of the weeks kilobytes were sent in the day. This is calculated by dividing the number of kilobytes sent in the day by the total number of kilobytes sent in the week and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

• Weekly Total is the total number of kilobytes sent in the week.

• Daily Average is the total number of kilobytes sent in the week divided by 7. It is the same as The Active Daily Average in the Breakdown of Week.

o Monthly view - The Monthly view contains the 365 Day History, the graphical Breakdown of Month, the Summary, the textual Breakdown of Month and the Breakdown of Year.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into monthly units, showing the total number of kilobytes sent in each month.

▪ The graphical Breakdown of Month is divided into daily units. It shows the daily usage by kilobytes sent and the overall average daily usage.

• The daily usage by kilobytes is the total number of kilobytes sent in each day.

• The overall average daily usage is the total number of kilobytes sent in the month divided by the number of days in that month. The Summary shows the Total For Month, the Average Monthly Total and the Average Daily Total.

• The Total For Month is the sum of all the kilobytes sent since 12:00:00 AM Web server time on the first day of the month.

• The Average Monthly Total is calculated by taking the total number of kilobytes sent in the year and dividing by the total number of months since the first statistics including the current month.

• The Average Daily Total is the total number of kilobytes sent in the month divided by the number of days in that month. The textual Breakdown of Month shows Day of Month, Total add % of Total. It also includes the Monthly Total and the Daily Average.

• Day of Month is the weekday and full date (Month/Day/Year).

• Total is the total number of kilobytes sent on each day.

• % of Total shows what part of the months kilobytes were sent in the day. This is calculated by dividing the number of kilobytes sent in the day by the total number of kilobytes sent in the month and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

• Monthly Total is the total number of kilobytes sent in the month. Daily Average is the total number of kilobytes sent in the month divided by the total number of days in the month.

• The Breakdown of Year shows the Month, Total and % of Total. It also includes the Year Total and Monthly Average.

• Month is the month and the year.

• Total is the number of kilobytes transferred in the Month.

• % of Total shows what part of the years kilobytes transferred were transferred in the month. This is calculated by dividing the number of kilobytes transferred in the month by the total number of kilobytes transferred in the year and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage. Year Total is the total number of kilobytes transferred in the year.

• Monthly Average is the total number of kilobytes transferred in the year divided by the number of months in the year. This will be less than 12 if statistics start later in the year.

o Range View - The Range view contains the 365 Day History and the textual Breakdown of Range.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into daily units, showing the total number of kilobytes transferred each day.

▪ The textual Breakdown of Range shows Day of Month, Total and % of Total. It also includes the Range Total and the Daily Average.

• Day of Month is the weekday and full date (Month/Day/Year).

• Total is the total number of kilobytes transferred on each day.

• % of Total shows what part of the ranges kilobytes transferred in the day. This is calculated by dividing the number of hits in the day by the total number of hits in the range and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

• Range Total is the total number of kilobytes transferred in the range.

• Daily Average is the total number of kilobytes transferred in the range divided by the total number of days in the range.

• Session Time - Total time spent by all sessions displays in seconds the total session time accumulated by all the sessions during the period.

o The Usage By Session Time report shows the average number of seconds in a session. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range.

o Daily view - The Daily view contains the 365 Day History, the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day, the Summary and the Hourly Breakdown of Day.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into daily units, showing the average number of seconds per session for each day in the year. The average number of seconds per session for each day is calculated by taking the total number of seconds during that day and dividing by the total number of sessions for that day.

▪ The 24 Hour Breakdown of Day is divided into hourly units. It shows the average seconds per session for each hour and the historic average seconds per session for each hour.

▪ The average seconds per session for each hour is equal to the total number of seconds in that hour in the selected day divided by the number of sessions in that hour in the selected day.

▪ The historic average seconds per session for each hour is equal to the total number of seconds for that hour in the year divided by the total number of sessions for that hour in the year.

▪ The Summary shows the Top Hour, the Average Top Hour, the Low Hour and the Average Low Hour. In a case where two or more hours have the same value and this value would make those hours the Top Hour, the Average Top Hour, the Low Hour or the Average Low Hour, the first hour chronologically from the start of the day will be reported.

▪ The Top Hour is the hour of the current day with the highest average number of seconds per session.

▪ The Average Top Hour is the hour with the highest historic average number of seconds per session, as calculated above in the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day.

▪ The Low Hour is the hour of the current day with the lowest average number of seconds per session.

▪ The Average Low Hour is the hour with the lowest historic average number of seconds per session, as calculated in the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day.

▪ The Hourly Breakdown of Day shows Time, Hourly Total, Historic Averages and % of Total. It also includes the Hourly Average.

▪ Time shows the hour of the information.

▪ Hourly Total is the number of seconds per session for that hour, as calculated in the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day.

▪ Historic Averages is the total number of seconds per session for that hour, as calculated in the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day.

▪ Hourly Average is the average number of seconds per session over the period and is calculated by taking the total number of seconds during the day and dividing by the total number of sessions for that day. The Historic Average is the total seconds in the entire history divided by the total sessions in the entire history.

▪ % of total is calculated by dividing the average seconds per session for the hour by the total number of seconds in the day and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

o Weekly view - The Weekly view contains the 365 Day History, the Breakdown of Week, the Summary and the Daily Breakdown of Week.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into weekly units, each showing the number of seconds per session for the week.

▪ The number of seconds per session for each week is calculated by taking the total number of seconds for the week and dividing by the total number of sessions for that week. The Breakdown of Week is divided into daily units. It shows the number of seconds per session for each day, as well as the historic average number of seconds per session for each day.

▪ The number of seconds per session (marked active) for each day is equal to the total number of seconds in that day divided by the number of sessions in that day.

▪ The historic average number of seconds per session (marked average) for each day is equal to the total number of seconds for that day in the year divided by the total number of sessions in that week day in the year. The Summary shows the Top Day, the Average Top Day, the Low Day and the Average Low Day. In a case where two or more days have the same number of seconds per session and this number would make those days the Top Day, the Average Top Day, the Low Day or the Average Low Day, the first day chronologically from the start of the week will be reported.

▪ The Top Day is the day of the current week with the highest number of seconds per session.

▪ The Average Top Day is the day with the highest total number of seconds per session, as calculated above in the Breakdown of Week.

▪ The Low Day is the day of the current day with the lowest number of seconds per session.

▪ The Average Low Day is the day with the lowest total number of seconds per session, as calculated in the Breakdown of Week. The Daily Breakdown of Week shows Day, Daily Total, Historic Averages and % of Total. It also includes the Daily Average.

▪ Day shows the day of the information.

▪ Daily Total is the number of seconds per session of the day, as calculated in the Breakdown of Week.

▪ Historic Averages is the total number of seconds per session for that day over the whole year, as calculated in the Breakdown of Week.

▪ Daily Average is the average number of seconds per session over the period and is calculated by taking the total number of seconds during the week and dividing by the total number of sessions for that week. The Historic Average is the total seconds in the entire history divided by the total sessions in the entire history.

o Monthly view - The Monthly view contains the 365 Day History, the graphical Breakdown of Month, the textual Breakdown of Month and the Breakdown of Year.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into monthly units, showing the number of seconds per session for each month.

▪ The number of seconds per session for each month is calculated by taking the total number of seconds spent in the month and dividing by the total number of sessions in the period. The graphical Breakdown of Month is divided into daily units. It shows the daily number of seconds per session and the monthly number of seconds per session.

▪ The daily number of seconds per session is equal to the total number of seconds in that day divided by the number of sessions in that day.

▪ The monthly number of seconds per session is calculated as in the 365 day history above.

▪ The textual Breakdown of Month shows Day of Month, Total and % of Total. It also includes the Daily Average.

▪ Day of Month is the weekday and full date (Month/Day/Year).

▪ Total shows the daily average for each day.

▪ Daily Average is the average number of seconds per session over the period and is calculated by taking the total number of seconds during the month and dividing by the total number of sessions for that week. The Breakdown of Year shows the Month, the Total, and the % of total. It also shows the Monthly Average.

▪ Month is the month.

▪ Total shows the monthly average number of seconds per session of the Month.

▪ Monthly Average is the sum of all the monthly number of seconds per sessions in the year divided by the total number of months since the beginning of statistics.

o Range View - The Range view contains the 365 Day History, and the textual Breakdown of Range.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into daily units, showing the average number of seconds per session for each day in the year.

▪ The average number of seconds per session for each day is calculated by taking the total number of seconds during that day and dividing by the total number of sessions for that day. The textual Breakdown of Range shows Date, Total and % of Total. It also includes the Daily Average.

▪ Day of Month is the weekday and full date (Month/Day/Year).

▪ Total shows the average number of seconds per session for each day.

▪ Daily Average is the sum of all the daily number of seconds per sessions in the range divided by the total number of days in the range.

• Kilobytes per Session - Total bandwidth displays in kilobytes the total size of all elements requested from the Web server in the period.

o The Usage By KB/Session report shows the average number of kilobytes in a session. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range.

o Daily view - The Daily view contains the 365 Day History, the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day, the Summary and the Hourly Breakdown of Day. The 365 Day History is divided into daily units, showing the average number of kilobytes per session for each day in the year.

▪ The average number of kilobytes per session for each day is calculated by taking the total number of kilobytes during that day and dividing by the total number of sessions for that day. The 24 Hour Breakdown of Day is divided into hourly units. It shows the average kilobytes per session for each hour and the historic average kilobytes per session for each hour.

▪ The average kilobytes per session for each hour is equal to the total number of kilobytes in that hour in the selected day divided by the number of sessions in that hour in the selected day.

▪ The historic average kilobytes per session for each hour is equal to the total number of kilobytes for that hour in the year divided by the total number of sessions for that hour in the year. The Summary shows the Top Hour, the Average Top Hour, the Low Hour and the Average Low Hour. In a case where two or more hours have the same value and this value would make those hours the Top Hour, the Average Top Hour, the Low Hour or the Average Low Hour, the first hour chronologically from the start of the day will be reported.

▪ The Top Hour is the hour of the current day with the highest average number of kilobytes per session.

▪ The Average Top Hour is the highest historic average number of kilobytes per session, as calculated above in the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day.

▪ The Low Hour is the hour of the current day with the lowest average number of kilobytes per session.

▪ The Average Low Hour is the lowest historic average number of kilobytes per session, as calculated in the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day. The Hourly Breakdown of Day shows Time, Hourly Total, Historic Averages and % of Total. It also includes the Hourly Average.

▪ Time shows the hour of the information.

▪ Hourly Total is the number of kilobytes per session for that hour, as calculated in the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day.

▪ Hourly Average is the average number of kilobytes per session over the period and is calculated by taking the total number of kilobytes during the day and dividing by the total number of sessions for that day. The Historic Average is the total kilobytes in the entire history divided by the total sessions in the entire history.

▪ % of total is calculated by dividing the average kilobytes per session for the hour by the total number of kilobytes in the day and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

o Weekly view - The Weekly view contains the 365 Day History, the Breakdown of Week, the Summary and the Daily Breakdown of Week.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into weekly units, each showing the number of kilobytes per session for the week.

▪ The number of kilobytes per session for each week is calculated by taking the total number of kilobytes for the week and dividing by the total number of sessions for that week. The Breakdown of Week is divided into daily units. It shows the number of kilobytes per session for each day, as well as the historic average number of kilobytes per session for each day.

▪ The number of kilobytes per session for each day is equal to the total number of kilobytes in that day divided by the number of sessions in that day.

▪ The historic average number of kilobytes per session for each day is equal to the total number of kilobytes for that day in the year divided by the total number of sessions in that week day in the year.

▪ The Summary shows the Top Day, the Average Top Day, the Low Day and the Average Low Day. In a case where two or more days have the same number of kilobytes per session and this number would make those days the Top Day, the Average Top Day, the Low Day or the Average Low Day, the first day chronologically from the start of the week will be reported.

▪ The Top Day is the day of the current week with the highest number of kilobytes per session.

▪ The Average Top Day is the day with the highest total number of kilobytes per session, as calculated above in the Breakdown of Week.

▪ The Low Day is the day of the current day with the lowest number of kilobytes per session.

▪ The Average Low Day is the day with the lowest total number of kilobytes per session, as calculated in the Breakdown of Week. The Daily Breakdown of Week shows Day, Daily Total, Historic Averages and % of Total. It also includes the Daily Average.

▪ Day shows the day of the information.

▪ Daily Total is the number of kilobytes per session of the day, as calculated in the Breakdown of Week.

▪ Historic Averages is the total number of kilobytes per session for that day over the whole year, as calculated in the Breakdown of Week. Daily Average is the average number of kilobytes per session over the period and is calculated by taking the total number of kilobytes during the week and dividing by the total number of sessions for that week. The Historic Average is the total kilobytes in the entire history divided by the total sessions in the entire history.

o Monthly view - The Monthly view contains the 365 Day History, the graphical Breakdown of Month, the textual Breakdown of Month and the Breakdown of Year.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into monthly units, showing the number of kilobytes per session for each month.

▪ The number of kilobytes per session is calculated by taking the total number of kilobytes for the month and dividing by the total number of sessions in the month. The graphical Breakdown of Month is divided into daily units. It shows the daily number of kilobytes per session and the monthly number of kilobytes per session.

▪ The daily number of kilobytes per session is equal to the total number of kilobytes in that day divided by the number of sessions in that day.

▪ The monthly number of kilobytes per session is calculated as in the monthly 365 day history above. The textual Breakdown of Month shows Day of Month, Total and % of Total. It also includes the Daily Average.

▪ Day of Month is the weekday and full date (Month/Day/Year). Total shows the daily average for each day.

▪ Daily Average is the average number of kilobytes per session over the period and is calculated by taking the total number of kilobytes during the week and dividing by the total number of sessions for that month. The Breakdown of Year shows the Month, the Total, and the % of Total. It also shows the Monthly Average.

▪ Month is the month.

▪ Total shows the monthly average number of kilobytes per session of the Month.

▪ Monthly Average is the sum of all the monthly number of kilobytes per sessions in the year divided by the total number of months since the beginning of statistics.

o Range View - The Range view contains the 365 Day History, and the textual Breakdown of Range.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into daily units, showing the average number of kilobytes per session for each day in the year.

▪ The average number of kilobytes per session for each day is calculated by taking the total number of kilobytes during that day and dividing by the total number of sessions for that day.

▪ The textual Breakdown of Range shows Date, Total and % of Total. It also includes the Daily Average.

▪ Day of Month is the weekday and full date (Month/Day/Year).

▪ Total shows the average number of kilobytes per session for each day.

▪ Daily Average is the sum of all the daily number of kilobytes per sessions in the range divided by the total number of days in the range.

• Hits per Session - Usage by Hits per Session is a comparative report showing the average number of hits made per session for any day, week, month or range within recorded Web Site history.

o The Usage By Hits/session report shows the average number of hits in a session. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range.

o Daily view - The Daily view contains the 365 Day History, the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day, the Summary and the Hourly Breakdown of Day.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into daily units, showing the average number of hits per session for each day in the year.

▪ The average number of hits per session for each day is calculated by taking the total number of hits during that day and dividing by the total number of sessions for that day. The 24 Hour Breakdown of Day is divided into hourly units. It shows the average hits per session for each hour and the historic average hits per session for each hour.

▪ The average hits per session for each hour is equal to the total number of hits in that hour in the selected day divided by the number of sessions in that hour in the selected day.

▪ The historic average hits per session for each hour is equal to the total number of hits for that hour in the year divided by the total number of sessions for that hour in the year.

▪ The Summary shows the Top Hour, the Average Top Hour, the Low Hour and the Average Low Hour. In a case where two or more hours have the same value and this value would make those hours the Top Hour, the Average Top Hour, the Low Hour or the Average Low Hour, the first hour chronologically from the start of the day will be reported.

▪ The Top Hour is the hour of the current day with the highest average number of hits per session.

▪ The Average Top Hour is the hour with the highest average number of hits per session, as calculated above in the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day.

▪ The Low Hour is the hour of the current day with the lowest average number of hits per session.

▪ The Average Low Hour is the hour with the lowest average number of hits per session, as calculated in the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day. The Hourly Breakdown of Day shows Time, Hourly Total, Historic Averages and % of Total. It also includes the Hourly Average.

▪ Time shows the hour of the information.

▪ Hourly Total is the number of hits per session for that hour, as calculated in the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day.

▪ Historic Averages is the total number of hits per session for that hour, as calculated in the 24 Hour Breakdown of Day.

▪ Hourly Average is the average number of hits per session over the period and is calculated by taking the total number of hits during the day and dividing by the total number of sessions for that day. The Historic Average is the total hits in the entire history divided by the total sessions in the entire history.

▪ % of total is calculated by dividing the average hits per session for the hour by the total number of hits in the day and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

o Weekly view - The Weekly view contains the 365 Day History, the Breakdown of Week, the Summary and the Daily Breakdown of Week.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into weekly units, each showing the number of hits per session for the week.

▪ The number of hits per session for each week is calculated by taking the total number of hits for the week and dividing by the total number of sessions for that week. The Breakdown of Week is divided into daily units. It shows the number of hits per session for each day, as well as the historic average number of hits per session for each day.

▪ The number of hits per session (marked active) for each day is equal to the total number of hits in that day divided by the number of sessions in that day.

▪ The historic average number of hits per session (marked average) for each day is equal to the total number of hits for that day in the year divided by the total number of sessions in that week day in the year. The Summary shows the Top Day, the Average Top Day, the Low Day and the Average Low Day. In a case where two or more days have the same number of hits per session and this number would make those days the Top Day, the Average Top Day, the Low Day or the Average Low Day, the first day chronologically from the start of the week will be reported.

▪ The Top Day is the day of the current week with the highest number of hits per session.

▪ The Average Top Day is the day with the highest total number of hits per session, as calculated above in the Breakdown of Week.

▪ The Low Day is the day of the current day with the lowest number of hits per session.

▪ The Average Low Day is the day with the lowest total number of hits per session, as calculated in the Breakdown of Week. The Daily Breakdown of Week shows Day, Daily Total, Historic Averages and % of Total. It also includes the Daily Average.

▪ Day shows the day of the information.

▪ Daily Total is the number of hits per session of the day, as calculated in the Breakdown of Week.

▪ Historic Averages is the total number of hits per session for that day over the whole year, as calculated in the Breakdown of Week.

▪ Daily Average is the average number of hits per session over the period and is calculated by taking the total number of hits during the week and dividing by the total number of sessions for that week. The Historic Average is the total hits in the entire history divided by the total sessions in the entire history.

o Monthly view - The Monthly view contains the 365 Day History, the graphical Breakdown of Month, the textual Breakdown of Month and the Breakdown of Year.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into monthly units, showing the number of hits per session for each month.

▪ The number of hits per session is calculated for each month by taking the total number of hits in the month and dividing by the total number of sessions in the month. The graphical Breakdown of Month is divided into daily units. It shows the daily number of hits per session and the monthly number of hits per session.

▪ The daily number of hits per session is equal to the total number of hits in that day divided by the number of sessions in that day.

▪ The monthly number of hits per session is calculated as in the 365 day history of the month above. The textual Breakdown of Month shows Day of Month, Total and % of Total. It also includes the Daily Average.

▪ Day of Month is the weekday and full date (Month/Day/Year).

▪ Total shows the daily average for each day.

▪ Daily Average is the average number of hits per session over the period and is calculated by taking the total number of hits during the month and dividing by the total number of sessions for that month. The Breakdown of Year shows the Month, the Total, and the % of Total. It also shows the Monthly Average.

▪ Month is the month.

▪ Total shows the monthly average number of hits per session of the Month.

▪ Monthly Average is the sum of all the monthly number of hits per sessions in the year divided by the total number of months since the beginning of statistics.

o Range View - The Range view contains the 365 Day History, and the textual Breakdown of Range.

▪ The 365 Day History is divided into daily units, showing the average number of hits per session for each day in the year.

▪ The average number of hits per session for each day is calculated by taking the total number of hits during that day and dividing by the total number of sessions for that day. The textual Breakdown of Range shows Date, Total and % of Total. It also includes the Daily Average.

▪ Day of Month is the weekday and full date (Month/Day/Year).

▪ Total shows the average number of hits per session for each day.

▪ Daily Average is the sum of all the daily number of hits per sessions in the range divided by the total number of days in the range.

Pages by

• Analysis - The Page Usage Analysis details the pages requested from the Web server.

o Total Pages Tracked During Period - The Total Pages Tracked During Period shows the number of unique page elements requested from the Web server, whether they were successfully served or not.

o Total Page Views Recorded - The Total Page Views Recorded. shows the number of requests for page elements during the time period.

o Average Number of Views per Page - The Average Number of Views per Page shows the average number of times each page was viewed in the period.

o Top 10 Most Commonly Accessed Pages during period - The Top 10 Most Commonly Accessed Pages during period shows which page elements have been requested most in the period. The number of page views for each element for the period and the percentage of the total page views these represent are also displayed. The URL shown is the relative URL.

o Top 10 Least Commonly Accessed Pages during period - The Top 10 Least Commonly Accessed Pages during period shows which page elements have been requested least in the period. The number of page views for each element for the period and the percentage of the total page views these represent are also displayed. The URL shown is the relative URL.

o Top 10 Most Common Error Pages - The Top 10 Most Common Error Pages shows the URLs to the page elements have returned errors most often in the period. The number of page views for each element for the period and the percentage of the total page views these represent are also displayed. The URL shown is the relative URL.

o Top 10 Entry Point Pages (first pages viewed) - The Top 10 Entry Point Pages (first pages viewed) Shows which page elements have been requested first most often for the period. The number of page views for each element for the period and the percentage of the total page views these represent are also displayed. The URL shown is the relative URL.

o Top 10 Exit Point Pages (last pages viewed) - The Top 10 Exit Point Pages (last pages viewed) shows what page elements have been requested last most often for the period. The number of page views for each element for the period and the percentage of the total page views these represent are also displayed. The URL shown is the relative URL.

o Top 10 Pages which were the only page viewed - The Top 10 Pages which were the only page viewed shows which page elements have been the only page requested in a session most often for the period. The number of page views for each element for the period and the percentage of the total page views these represent are also displayed. The URL shown is the relative URL.

• Usage Map - The Pages by Usage Map report shows the usage patterns of traffic on the Web site. Groups are defined in the Virtual Server administration. The number of unique user sessions is the number of sessions that have occurred on the Web site. Each group shows the total number of sessions, the average number of sessions and the percent of total sessions.

o Total number of sessions displays the number of sessions that have made requests for elements within the group.

o Average number of sessions shows the daily average number of sessions that have made requests from the group. It is calculated by dividing the total number of sessions by the number of days in the period.

o Percent shows the percent of total site sessions that the groups sessions represents. A session can occur in two or more subgroups of one group, which can cause the sum of session in the subgroups to be more than the sessions in the group. Alternatively, a session can appear in only the group and none of the subgroups, which can cause the sum of the subgroups to be less than the sessions in the group.

• Page Views - The Pages by Page Views report shows how many times elements that are considered pages are requested. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. The extensions for Web page files are set in the Virtual Server administration. All date ranges show the Top Pages and the Pages viewed the most.

o Top Pages shows the five pages with the greatest total number of requests for the time period being displayed. Pages viewed the Most shows the pages viewed the most, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period (.All Elements.). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

• Page is the relative URL of the element requested.

• Total for Period is the total number of times that page has been requested.

• Average for Period is the average number of times the page element was requested each day. It is calculated by taking the total number of requests for the element in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

• % of Total is the percentage of all page views the page views to the specific page represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific page by the overall Total for Period.

• Overall Total for Period is the total number of page requests made in the time period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of page views per item. It is calculated by dividing the total page views for the period by the number of items for the period.

• Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day.

• Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the total views for the page for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the total views for the page for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of page views for that page, which is calculated by dividing the total number of views for the page in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of page views in the time period is also displayed.

• Downloads - The Pages by Downloads report shows how many times elements that are considered downloaded files are requested. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. The extensions for downloaded files are set in the Virtual Server administration.

o All Date Ranges - All date ranges show the Top Downloads and the Files Downloaded the Most.

• Top Files shows the five files with the greatest total number of downloads for the time period being displayed.

• Files Downloaded the Most shows the file, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period (.All Elements.). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

• The file is the relative URL of the element requested.

• Total for Period is the total number of times that file has been requested.

• Average for Period is the average number of times the file was requested each day. It is calculated by taking the total number of requests for the element in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

• % of Total is the percentage of all downloads the downloads of this specific file represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific file by the overall Total for Period.

• Overall Total for Period is the total number of file downloads made in the time period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of file downloads per item. It is calculated by dividing the total downloads for the period by the number of items for the period.

• Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day.

• Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the total downloads for the file for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the total downloads for the file for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of downloads for that file, which is calculated by dividing the total number of downloads for the file in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of downloads in the time period is also displayed.

• Download Errors - The Pages by Download Errors report shows how many times elements that are considered downloaded files returned errors when requested. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. The extensions for downloaded files are set in the Virtual Server administration.

o All Date Ranges - All date ranges show the Top Download Errors and the Download Errors.

o Top Download Errors shows the five files with the greatest total number of requests for the time period being displayed. Download Errors shows the file, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period (.All Elements.). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

o The file is the relative URL of the element requested.

o Total for Period is the total number of times that file has returned an error when it has been requested.

o Average for Period is the average number of times the file returned an error each day. It is calculated by taking the total number of errors for the file in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

o % of Total is the percentage of all download errors the errors returned by this specific file represent. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific file by the overall Total for Period.

o Overall Total for Period is the total number of errors the file returned in the time period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of download errors per item. It is calculated by dividing the total download errors in the period by the number of items for the period.

o Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day. Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the total download errors for the file for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the total download errors for the file for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of download errors for that file, which is calculated by dividing the total number of errors for the file in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of download errors for the file in the time period is also displayed.

• Least Views - The .Pages by Least Views report shows how many times elements that are considered pages are requested. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. The extensions for Web page files are set in the Virtual Server administration. All date ranges show the Pages viewed the Least. Pages Viewed the Least shows the page, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period (.All Elements.). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

o Page is the relative URL of the element requested.

o Total for Period is the total number of times that page has been requested.

o Average for Period is the average number of times the page element was requested each day. It is calculated by taking the total number of requests for the element in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

o % of Total is the percentage of all page views the page views to the specific page represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific page by the overall Total for Period.

o Overall Total for Period is the total number of page requests made in the time period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of page views per item. It is calculated by dividing the total page views in the period by the number of items for the period.

o Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day.

o Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table.

o The Item History graph shows the total views for the page for each day in the time period.

o The Item History table shows the total views for the page for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of page views for that page, which is calculated by dividing the total number of views for the page in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of page views in the time period is also displayed.

• Entry Point - The Pages By Entry Point report shows which pages are the most common first pages requested by a session, and how often they are the first page requested. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. The extensions for Web page files are set in the Virtual Server administration. All date ranges show the Top Pages and the Pages.

o Top Pages shows the five pages with the greatest total number of being the first page requested for the time period being displayed. Pages shows the Relative URL, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period(.All Elements.). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

o Page is the Relative URL of the element requested. It is linked to the appropriate page.

o Total for Period is the total number of times that page has been the first page requested.

o Average for Period is the average number of times the page element was the first page requested each day. It is calculated by taking the total number of times it has been the first page requested in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

o % of Total is the percentage of all first page views the first page views to the specific page represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific page by the overall Total for Period.

o Overall Total for Period is the total number of page first page views made in the time period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of first page views per item. It is calculated by dividing the total first page views in the period by the number of items for the period. Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day. Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item history graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the total first page views for the page for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the daily total first views for the page for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of first page views for that page, which is calculated by dividing the total number of first views for the page in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of first page views in the time period is also displayed.

• Exit Point - The Pages By Exit Point report shows which pages are the most common last pages requested by a session, and how often they are the last page requested. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. The extensions for Web page files are set in the Virtual Server administration. All date ranges show the Top Pages and the Pages.

o Top Pages shows the five pages with the greatest total number of being the last page requested in a session for the time period being displayed. Pages shows the Relative URL, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period(.All Elements.). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

o Page is the Relative URL of the element requested. It is linked to the appropriate page.

o Total for Period is the total number of times that page has been the last page requested in a session.

o Average for Period is the average number of times the page was the last page requested in a session each day. It is calculated by taking the total number of times it has been the last page requested in a session in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

o % of Total is the percentage of all last page hits the last page hits to the specific page represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific page by the overall Total for Period.

o Overall Total for Period is the total number of last page hits made in the time period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of last page views per item. It is calculated by dividing the total last page views in the period by the number of items for the period. Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day. Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the daily total last page hits for the page for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the daily total last hits for the page for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of last page hits, which is calculated by dividing the total number of last hits for the page in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of last page hits in the time period is also displayed.

• Viewed Once - The Pages By Viewed Once report shows which pages are the most common only page requested by a session, and how often they are the only page requested. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. The extensions for Web page files are set in the Virtual Server administration.

o All date ranges show the Top Pages and the Pages.

o Top Pages shows the five pages with the greatest total number of being the only page requested in a session for the time period being displayed.

o Pages shows the Relative URL, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period (.All Elements.). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

o Page is the Relative URL of the element requested. It is linked to the appropriate page.

o Total for Period is the total number of times that page has been the only page requested in a session.

o Average for Period is the daily average number of times the page was the only page requested in a session each day. It is calculated by taking the total number of times it has been the only page requested in a session in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

o % of Total is the percentage of all only page hits the only page hits to the specific page represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific page by the overall Total for Period.

o Overall Total for Period is the total number of only page hits made in the time period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of only page views per item. It is calculated by dividing the total only page views in the period by the number of items for the period. Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day. Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the daily total only page hits for the page for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the daily total only hits for the page for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of only page hits which is calculated by dividing the total number of only hits for the page in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of only page hits in the time period is also displayed.146

• Time Spent - The Pages By Time Spent report shows how long a page is viewed. Time spent for a page is defined as the time between the browser request for that page and the browser request for the next page. Time spent for a page cannot be accurately determined for the last page in a session. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. All date ranges show the Top Pages and the Pages.

o Top Pages shows the five pages with the longest total time spent during the time period. Pages shows the Relative URLs, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period(.All Elements.). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

o Page is the Relative URL of the element requested. It is linked to the appropriate page.

o Total for Period is the total time spent on that page during the time period.

o Average for Period is the average time spent on the page each session. It is calculated by taking the total time spent on the page during the time period and dividing by the number of sessions that include that page.

o % of Total is the percentage of average total time spent on the Virtual Server represented by the average time spent on the page. It is calculated by dividing the Average for Period for the specific page by the total of all Averages for Period.

o Overall Total for Period is the total time spent in the time period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of seconds spent per item. It is calculated by dividing the total seconds spent in the period by the number of items for the period. Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day. Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the average time spent for the page for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the average time spent for the page for each day in the time period. It also shows the total time spent on the page in the time period.

• Page View Errors - The Pages By Page View Errors report shows which pages are the most common pages that returned an error when requested, and how often they did. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. The extensions for Web page files are set in the Virtual Server administration. All date ranges show the Top Pages and the Pages.

o Top Pages shows the five pages with the greatest total number of errors for the time period being displayed. Pages shows the Relative URLs, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period (All Elements). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

o Page is the Relative URL of the element requested. It is not linked for obvious reasons.

o Total for Period is the total number of times that page has returned an error in the time period selected.

• Average for Period is the daily average number of times the page has returned an error. It is calculated by taking the total number of times it has returned an error in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

• % of Total is the percentage of all errors that the errors from the specific page represent. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific page by the overall Total for Period.

• Overall Total for Period is the total number of errors returned in the time period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of page view errors per item. It is calculated by dividing the total page view errors in the period by the number of items for the period.

• Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day.

• Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the daily total errors for the page for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the daily total errors returned by the page for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of errors for that page, which is calculated by dividing the total number of errors for the page in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of errors returned in the time period is also displayed.

• Directory - The Pages by Directory report shows how many times elements that are considered pages are requested from each directory on the Web site. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. The extensions for Web page files are set in the Virtual Server administration.

o The top level directory ( / ) will include all the pages requested from the Web server, while lower directories will include only the Web pages that are included in the directory and its subdirectories. All date ranges show the Directory Usage. Directory Usage shows the Directory Breakdown, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period. This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

o Directory Breakdown shows each directory.

o Total for Period is the total number of times pages in that directory and its subdirectories have been requested.

o Average for Period is the average number of times page elements were requested from the directory and its subdirectories each day. It is calculated by taking the total number of requests for elements in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

o % of Total is the percentage of all page views the page views to the specific directory and subdirectory represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific directory and subdirectory by the overall Total for Period.

o Overall Total for Period is the total number of page requests made in the time period.

o Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day.

o Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the total number of requests for page elements from the directory or its subdirectories for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the total number of requests for page elements from the directory or its subdirectories for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of requests for page elements from the directory or its subdirectories, which is calculated by dividing the total number of requests for page elements from the directory or its subdirectories in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of requests for page elements from the directory or its subdirectories in the time period is also displayed.

Browsers by

o Analysis - The User Agent Analysis section provides a breakdown of the identification tags for the browsers that have made requests on the Web server. Total sessions served shows the number of sessions that have occurred in the period.

o Most Active Browsers by Type and Version - The Most Active Browsers by Type and Version shows the 10 most used Web browser type and version combinations. The number of sessions and the percentage of total sessions these represent are also displayed.

o Most Browsers by Brand Preference - The Most Browsers by Brand Preference shows the 10 most used Web browser types by brand. The number of sessions and the percentage of total sessions these represent are also displayed.

o Most Popular User Operating Systems used for access - The Most Popular User Operating Systems used for access shows the 10 operating systems most used when visiting the Web site. The number of sessions and the percentage of total sessions these represent are also displayed.

o Top 10 New Browser Tags during Period - The Top 10 New Browser Tags during Period shows the 10 most used Web browser tags that have not appeared before this period. The number of sessions and the percentage of total sessions these represent are also displayed.

o Agent Type – The Browsers By Agent Type report shows what browser types have visited the Web site. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day.

o Browser Agent Types are counted once per session.

o All views show the Top Browsers Type and the Browser Type and Version.

o Top Browsers shows the five browser types with the greatest number of sessions for the time period being displayed.

o Browser Type and Version shows the type and version, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period (.All Elements.) and has a Browser Type Summary. This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

o Type and version is the browser name and version number. In the Browser Type Summary, it is only the browser name.

o Total for Period is the total number of times that browser type and version has been present on the site. In the Browser Type Summary, it is the total number of times the browser type (all versions) has been present on the site.

o Average for Period is the daily average number of times the browser type and version has been present on the site. It is calculated by taking the total number of times the browser type has occurred in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period. In the Browser Type Summary, only type is shown, but calculations are done the same way.

o % of Total is the percentage of the total number of browser types that the specific browser type represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific browser type and version by the overall Total for Period.

o Overall Total for Period is the total number of browser types counted in the time period.

o Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day.

o Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the total number of sessions in which the browser type has been present for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the total number of times the browser type has been counted for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of sessions in which the browser type has been present, which is calculated by dividing the total number of sessions in which the browser type has been present in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of sessions in which the browser type has been present in the time period is also displayed.

o User OS - The Browsers By User OS report shows what operating systems have visited the Web site. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. Browser operating systems are counted once per session. All date ranges show the Top Browser OS and the Browser Operating System.

o Top Browser OS shows the five browser operating systems with the greatest number of appearances for the time period being displayed.

o Browser Operating System shows the browser operating system, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period (.All Elements.). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

o Browser operating system is the operating system that the Web browser communicates to the Web server.

o Total for Period is the total number of sessions that browser OS has been used for on the site for the period.

o Average for Period is the daily average number of times the browser OS has been present on the site. It is calculated by taking the total number of times the browser OS has occurred in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

o % of Total is the percentage of the total number of browser operating systems that the specific browser OS represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific browser information by the overall Total for Period.

o Overall Total for Period is the total number of browser operating systems counted in the time period.

o Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day.

o Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the total number of sessions in which the browser OS has been present for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the total number of times the browser OS has been counted for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of sessions in which the browser OS has been present, which is calculated by dividing the total number of sessions in which the browser OS has been present in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of sessions in which the browser OS has been present in the time period is also displayed.

o Browser Tag - The Browsers By Tag report shows what Browser types have visited the Web site. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. Browser Tags are counted once per session. All Date Ranges show the Top Browsers and the Browser Tag.

o Top Browsers shows the five Browser types with the greatest number of session for the time period being displayed. Browser Tag shows the Tag, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period (.All Elements.). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

o Tag is the full technical name and version that the Web Browser communicates with the Web server.

o Total for Period is the total number of times that Browser tag has been present on the site.

o Average for Period is the daily average number of times the Browser tag has been present on the site. It is calculated by taking the total number of times the Browser tag has occurred in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

o % of Total is the percentage of the total number of Browser tags that the specific Browser tag represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific Browser element by the overall Total for Period.

o Overall Total for Period is the total number of Browser tags counted in the time period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of sessions per item. It is calculated by dividing the total sessions in the period by the number of items for the period.

o Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day. Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. 4The Item History graph shows the total number of sessions in which the Browser tag has been present for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the total number of times the Browser tag has been counted for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of sessions in which the Browser tag has been present, which is calculated by dividing the total number of sessions in which the Browser tag has been present in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of sessions in which the Browser tag has been present in the time period is also displayed.

o New Tags - The Browsers By New Browser Tags report shows what Browser tags have visited the Web site for the first time in the time period being viewed. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. Browser Tags are counted once per session, and only Browser tags that have not been seen before the period being viewed are shown. All Date Ranges show the Top Browsers and the Browser Tag.

o Top Browsers shows the five Browser types that have not appeared before this period with the greatest number of sessions for the time period being displayed. Browser Tag shows the Tag, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period (.All Elements.). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

o Tag is the full technical name and version that the Web Browser communicates with the Web server.

o Total for Period is the total number of times that Browser tag has been present on the site.

o Average for Period is the daily average number of times the Browser tag has been present on the site. It is calculated by taking the total number of times the Browser tag has occurred in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

o % of Total is the percentage of the total number of new Browser tags that the specific Browser tag represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific Browser element by the overall Total for Period.

o Overall Total for Period is the total number of new Browser tags counted in the time period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of session per item. It is calculated by dividing the total sessions in the period by the number of items for the period.

o Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day. Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the total number of sessions in which the Browser tag has been present for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the total number of times the Browser tag has been counted for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of sessions in which the Browser tag has been present, which is calculated by dividing the total number of sessions in which the Browser tag has been present in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of sessions in which the Browser tag has been present in the time period is also displayed.

Referrers by

o Analysis – The Referrer Activity Analysis section provides an overview of the locations that have referred traffic to the Web site.

o Total sessions served shows the number of sessions that have occurred in the period.

o Total search engine referred sessions shows the number of sessions that have occurred in the period that have a known search engine as a referrer.

o Total referred session shows the number of sessions that have occurred in the period that have a referrer.

o Total blind (no referrer) sessions shows the number of sessions that have occurred in the period that have no referrer.

o Total referring domains tracked during period shows the number of domains that have referred traffic to the Web site.

o Top 10 Most Active Referring Domains during period - The Top 10 Most Active Referring Domains during period shows the 10 domains that have referred the most sessions to the Web site during the period. The number of sessions referred from each domain for the period and the percentage of the total referrals these represent are also displayed.

o Top 10 Most Active Referring Search Engines - The Top 10 Most Active Referring Search Engines shows the10 search engines that have referred the most sessions to the Web site during the period. The number of sessions referred from each search engine for the period and the percentage of the total referrals these represent are also displayed.

o Top 10 Referring URLs during Period - The Top 10 Referring URLs during Period shows the 10 URLs that have referred the most sessions to the Web site during the period. The number of sessions referred from each URL for the period and the percentage of the total referrals these represent are also displayed.

o Top 10 NEW Referring URLs Recorded during Period - The Top 10 NEW Referring URLs Recorded during Period shows the 10 URLs that have referred the most sessions to the Web site, and that have not appeared before this period. The number of sessions referred from each URL for the period and the percentage of the total referrals these represent are also displayed.

o URL - The Referrers By URL report shows which pages have sent visitors to the Web site. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. Referrals are counted once per session.

o All date ranges show the Top Referring URL and the Referring URL.

o Top Referring URL shows the five Referring URLs with the greatest number of referrals for the time period being displayed.

o Referring URL shows the Referring URL, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period(.All Elements.). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

▪ Referring URL is the URL to the page that made the referral.

▪ Total for Period is the total number of times that URL has made a referral.

▪ Average for Period is the daily average number of referrals the URL makes. It is calculated by taking the total number of referrals made by the URL in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

▪ % of Total is the percentage of the total number of referrals that the referring URL represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific URL by the overall Total for Period.

▪ Overall Total for Period is the total number of referrals counted in the time period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of referrals per item. It is calculated by dividing the total referrals in the period by the number of items for the period. Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day. Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the daily total referrals from the URL for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the daily total number of referrals for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average referrals from the URL, which is calculated by dividing the total number of referrals in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of referrals in the time period is also displayed.

o New URLs - The Referrers By New URLs report shows which new pages have sent visitors to the Web site. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. Referrals are counted once per session. All date ranges show the Top Referring URL and the Referring URL.

o Top Referring URL shows the five Referring URLs with the greatest number of referrals for the time period being displayed that have not referred traffic to the Web site before.

o Referring URL shows the New Referring URL, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period(.All Elements.). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

▪ Referring URL is the URL to the page that made the referral.

▪ Total for Period is the total number of times that URL has made a referral.

▪ Average for Period is the daily average number of referrals the New URL makes. It is calculated by taking the total number of referrals made by the New URL in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

▪ % of Total is the percentage of the total number of referrals that the New Referring URL represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific New URL by the overall Total for Period.

▪ Overall Total for Period is the total number of referrals counted in the time period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of referrals per item. It is calculated by dividing the total referrals from new URLs in the period by the number of items for the period.

▪ Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day. Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the daily total referrals from the New URL for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average referrals from the New URL, which is calculated by dividing the total number of referrals in the period by the number of days in the period. The Item History table shows the daily total number of referrals for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average referrals from the New URL, which is calculated by dividing the total number of referrals in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of Referrals in the time period is also displayed.

o Domain - The Referrers By Domain report shows which domains have sent visitors to your Web site. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. Referrals are counted once per session. All date ranges show the Top Referring Domain and the Referring domain.

o Top Referring Domain shows the five Referring Domains with the greatest number of referrals for the time period being displayed.

o Referring Domain shows the Referring Domain, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period(.All Elements.). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

▪ Referring domain is the domain of the page that made the referral.

▪ Total for Period is the total number of times that domain has made a referral.

▪ Average for Period is the daily average number of referrals the domain makes. It is calculated by taking the total number of referrals made by the domain in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

▪ % of Total is the percentage of the total number of referrals that the Referring Domain represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific domain by the overall Total for Period.

▪ Overall Total for Period is the total number of referrals counted in the time period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of referrals per item. It is calculated by dividing the total referrals in the period by the number of items for the period.

▪ Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day

▪ Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the daily total referrals from the domain for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the daily total number of referrals for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of referrals, which is calculated by dividing the total number of referrals in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of referrals is also displayed.

o Search Eng - The Referrers By Search Engine report shows which search engines have sent visitors to your Web site. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. Referrals are counted once per session. All date ranges show the Top Referring Search Engine and the Referring search engine.

o Top Referring Search Engine shows the five Referring Search Engines with the greatest number of referrals for the time period being displayed.

o Referring Search Engine shows the Referring Search Engine, the Total for Period, the Average for Period and the % of Total. It also shows the overall Total for Period(.All Elements.). This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

▪ Referring Search Engine is the search engine of the page that made the referral.

▪ Total for Period is the total number of times that search engine has made a referral.

▪ Average for Period is the daily average number of referrals the search engine makes. It is calculated by taking the total number of referrals made by the search engine in the time period and dividing by the total number of days in the period.

▪ % of Total is the percentage of the total number of referrals that the Referring Search Engine represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period for the specific search engine by the overall Total for Period.

▪ Overall Total for Period is the total number of referrals counted in the time period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of referrals per item. It is calculated by dividing the total referrals in the period by the number of items for the period. Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day

▪ Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the daily total referrals from the search engine for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the daily total number of referrals for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of referrals, which is calculated by dividing the total number of referrals in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of referrals is also displayed.

o Keyword - The Referrers By Keyword report shows which Keywords have been used on common Referring Search Engines and resulted in a referral to your Web site. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. Referrals are counted once per session.

o All date ranges show the Search Engine Keywords reports.

o Search Engine Keywords shows the Search Engine, the Total for Period, Average for Period and % of Total. Keywords are divided by Referring Search Engine.

▪ Search Engine column shows the Keywords divided by Referring Search Engine.

▪ Total for Period is the total number of times the Keyword was used in the time period.

▪ Average for Period is the average number of times that the specific Keyword has been used each day over the period being viewed. It is calculated by dividing the total number of times the Keyword has been used in the time period by the total number of days in the time period.

▪ % of Total is the portion of total Keywords from the Referring Search Engine that the specific Keyword represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period of the specific Keyword by the total for the specific Referring Search Engine. Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day

▪ Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the daily total number of times the Keywords was used for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the daily total number of times the Keyword was used for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of times the Keyword was used, which is calculated by dividing the total number of times the Keyword was used in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of times the Keywords was used is also displayed.

Sessions by

o Analysis - The Sessions by Network Location section provides the geographic and corporate identity of IP Addresses found in the Web server log files.

o Total sessions served shows the number of sessions that have occurred in the period.

o Breakdown of American Traffic by State - The Breakdown of American Traffic by State shows the US states that have generated traffic on the Web site. The number of sessions and percentage of overall traffic is shown. The total traffic from the United States and the percentage of overall traffic this represents is also displayed.

o Breakdown of Canadian Traffic by Province - The Breakdown of Canadian Traffic by Province shows the Canadian Provinces and territories that have generated traffic on the Web site. The number of sessions and percentage of overall traffic is shown. The total traffic from Canada and the percentage of overall traffic this represents is also displayed.

o Breakdown of Traffic by Continent - The Breakdown of Traffic by Continent shows global origins by continent. The number of sessions from each continent and the percentage of total traffic this represents are shown. A section is also dedicated to each continent, providing the number of sessions from each country and the percentage of overall traffic this represents.

o Net Identity – The Sessions By Net Identity report shows which net identities have requested information from your Web server. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. Network Identity is counted once per session. All date ranges show the Top Network Identity and the Inbound Identity reports.

o Top Network Identity shows the five network identities with the greatest number of sessions for the time period being displayed. The daily total number of sessions for each network identity is graphed.

o Inbound Identity shows the Inbound Identity, the Total for Period, Average for Period and % of Total. This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

▪ The Inbound Identity shows the first 3 bytes of the IP address and the corporate identity associated with the first address in that class C.

▪ Total for Period is the total number of sessions associated with the net identity in the time period.

▪ Average for Period is the average number of session from the net identity each day over the period being viewed. It is calculated by dividing the total number of sessions with the net identity in the time period by the total number of days in the time period.

▪ % of Total is the portion of the total number of net identities that the specific net identity represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period of the specific net identity by the total for all net identities.

▪ Overall Total for Period is the total number of sessions in the period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of session per item. It is calculated by dividing the total session in the period by the number of items for the period.

▪ Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day. Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the daily total number of sessions with the net identity for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the daily total number of sessions with the number of sessions with the net identity for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of sessions with the net identity, which is calculated by dividing the total number of sessions with the net identity in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of sessions with the net identity in the time period is also displayed.

o Net Location – The Sessions By Net Location report shows which net locations have requested information from your Web server. This report can be viewed by day, week, month and range. Zoomed views are available for any range over a day. Network Location is counted once per session. Only those IP Addresses that have a resolved net location are displayed. All date ranges show the Top Network Location and the Geographic Network Location reports.

o Top Network Location shows the five network locations with the greatest number of sessions for the time period being displayed. The daily total number of sessions for each network location is graphed.

o Geographic Network Location shows the geographic location, the Total for Period, Average for Period and % of Total. This table can be trimmed to 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 entries.

▪ The geographic location shows the Geographic Location that is registered to the owner of the first IP Address in the class C.

▪ Total for Period is the total number of sessions associated with the net location in the time period.

▪ Average for Period is the average number of session from the net location each day over the period being viewed. It is calculated by dividing the total number of sessions with the net location in the time period by the total number of days in the time period.

▪ % of Total is the portion of the total number of net locations that the specific net location represents. It is calculated by dividing the Total for Period of the specific net location by the total for all net locations.

▪ Overall Total for Period is the total number of sessions in the period. The value in the Average for Period column is the average number of session per item. It is calculated by dividing the total session in the period by the number of items for the period.

▪ Weekly, Monthly and Ranges over a day. Only reports for a week, month or range of more than a day have zoomed views. The zoomed view shows the Item History graphically and in a table. The Item History graph shows the daily total number of sessions with the net location for each day in the time period. The Item History table shows the daily total number of sessions with the number of sessions with the net location for each day in the time period. It also shows the daily average number of sessions with the net location, which is calculated by dividing the total number of sessions with the net location in the period by the number of days in the period. The total number of sessions with the net location in the time period is also displayed.

o Machine ID – The Sessions by RDNS Machine Identity report provides the user with information about IP ownership and the fully qualified domain name (using RDNS) for the IP.

o Identity Inbound shows the IP address, fully qualified domain name (if able to resolve), the number of hits for the specified period, the average number of hits for that period and the % of the total hits.

Troubleshooting WebStats

How do I correct Live Stats on a windows account when current stats do not generate?

1. Log into your stat server and verify that it is set up for log scans=0 (every 2 minutes). 

2. Uninstall and then reinstall stat server, remember to set log scan for every 2 minutes. This will not remove any log files.

3. FTP to your server and check logs files for spaces. Don't worry about the space at the end of your log file. Search for spaces 5 or more in the middle of your logs. This could cause problems while the log is being analyzed. If you find spaces in the middle of the logs, you will need to login to the SMT as Reseller, and ‘Stop’ the web services for the domain in question to be able to edit the log file in question. Once the log has been fixed, you can ‘Start’ the web server again.


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