


1. Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary - Page 640

1) What other human invention uses a keyboard__________________?

2) What year did the word "keyboard" come to mean?

" To capture data with a keyboard"? ________________

3) Write out a definition for the word "typewriter"

4) How is a typewriter like a computer and keyboard?

5) How is a typewriter different from a computer and keyboard?

2. World of Invention - page 651

1) When was the first recorded patent for a typewriter? ___________

2) Who held the patent? _______________________

3) Page 651, paragraph 2. What was C.L. Sholes problem when a person typed really fast on his machine? _______________________________

4) How did he solve the problem? ________________________________


5) What is his key arrangement called: ___________________________

3. World of Invention - page 651-2 (Typing Correction Fluid)

1) What was the problem for a typist who made a mistake?____________ ___________________________________________________________

2) How did Bette Graham fix her mistakes? _______________________

3) List 5 ways you can correct your errors in keyboarding:

1) 2) 3)

4) 5)

4) Do you have Bette Graham's invention in your pocket today?______

4. Compare and contrast 3 machines: How are they the same? How are they different? Brainstorm as many ideas as you can - prize for most original.l

Similarities Differences

Manual typewriter

Panasonic Electronic Typewriter

AST computer keyboard

5. The Order of Things - page 99

In a few sentences,.explain the difference between QWERTY and DVORAK.

6. ON A SEPARATE SHEET draw your own, personal, "ideal" keyboard taking into consideration a)how commonly letters are used letters and b) the strength and length of your fingers.

7. The Order of Things - page 100

1) List the nine computers, smallest to largest

1) 2) 3)

4) 5) 6)

7) 8) 9)

2) Are keyboards on these computers different sizes, too?

Check________YES or ________NO

3) Read article, "Is that a Qwerty in your pocket?"

What does the author suggest for shrinking the keyboard? ____________

8. Guinness Book of World Records - use the index

1)What is the highest recorded typing speed? _______Wpm/5 min/10 errors

2) How fast do you type with no mistakes? _________________Wpm

9. Pamphlets: "Coquitlam Continuing Education" and "Capilano College"

1) Do you type fast enough to enroll in the following courses (yes or no)?

Medical assistant____Desktop publishing____Computerized accounting____

2) Do you type fast enough to enroll in the Legal Secretarial Program at Capilano College? (yes or no)________

10. Career Opportunities in Computers and Cyberspace - scan book

Every career in this book requires the use of a keyboard. Choose one you like. Name of career________________________


11. At Computer Work Station - ERGONOMICS - skim the article "Computer Ease"

1) Write out a definition of "Ergonomics"

2) Sit at a workstation in the library. Mark it (poor, good, excellent) using criterion in article.

Lighting_________ Chair __________Keyboard__________Monitor__________

3) Open Internet explorer and go to:

Do you think this is a good idea? ____Yes or ____No

Explain in 2-3 lines.... Why or Why not?


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