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Interpreting Idioms and Cultural ReferencesPractice ActivitiesPart #1 Glossary Definitions are from Merriam-Webster Dictionary expressionMeaningTranslation/EquivalentExample sentence(s)Out of the woods clear of danger or difficultyTo knock it out of the parkto perform extremely wellTo be on the same pageagreeing about something (such as how things should be done)Cross that bridge when one comes to itto not worry about a possible problem until it actually happensFit as a fiddlein good physical condition; very healthy and strongOff the batwithout delay; immediately Icing on the cakesomething extra that makes a good thing even betterTo move at a snail's pacemove extremely slowly Good things come to those who wait.if people are persistent and patient, they will finally achieve their goalTo preach to the choirto speak for or against something to people who already agree with one's opinionsTo keep one’s fingers crossedto hope for a particular or stated outcomeNecessary evilsomething unpleasant that must be accepted in order to achieve a particular resultGame plana strategy for achieving an objectiveSail throughto move or proceed through in an easy, quick, and smooth wayTo spill the beansto divulge secret or hidden information?Tried-and-truesomething that has proved effective or reliable beforeBetween a rock and a hard placein a difficult or uncomfortable position with no attractive way outTo throw in the towelto abandon a struggle or contest; acknowledge defeat; to give up ?Hindsight is 20/20The full knowledge and complete understanding that one has about an event only after it has happenedThrew a wrench into the worksto damage or change (something) in a way that ruins it or prevents it from working properlyTo call offto cancelTo brush up on somethingto renew one's skill in somethingMusic to someone’s earssomething that someone is very happy to hearhigh and dryin a helpless or abandoned positionTo bring (smth) upto bring to attention; to introduceTo test the watersto make a preliminary test or survey (as of reaction or interest) before embarking on a course of actionThumbnail a miniature computer graphic sometimes hyperlinked to a full-size versionA little goes a long way.used to say that a small amount will be enoughmileage the amount of service that something will yield especially as expressed in terms of miles of travel; usefulness or benefitFace the musicto meet an unpleasant situation, a danger, or the consequences of one's actionsTo take a tollto have a serious, bad effect on someone or something; to cause harm or damageThe cake is not worth the candle. ?not worth the necessary effort, cost, or troubleTo call it a day to stop for the remainder of the day or for the present whatever one has been doing ................

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