N E W S L E T T E R - Portarlington

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|Very Rev. Thomas Dooley P.P. Tel: (057) 8643004 ( Rev. Pat Hughes C.C., Tel: (057) 8646517 |

|Very Rev. Michael Noonan P.E. Tel: (057) 8623431 ( Very Rev. Jack Walsh P.E. Tel: (057) 8626401 |

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|Tel: 057 8643004 - Email: portarlingtonparishoffice@ / Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm Mon. – Fri. |

|Anniversary Masses, Baptisms and Weddings can be booked by contacting the Parish Office during opening hours. |

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|DIOCESAN WEBSITE kandle.ie SAMARITANS 1850 60 90 90 or 090 6473133 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 087 7640557 |

|AWARE Lo-call Helpline 1890 303 302 MENTAL HEALTH ASSOC. 083 3476291 / 087 6966133 PHOENIX 1850 20 30 40 |

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|St. Michael’s Church, Portarlington |St. Paul’s Church, Emo |

|10am Daily Mass (Mon. – Fri.) [pic]|7.30pm (Vigil – Saturday), |

|[pic] |11am Sunday |

| |Sacred Heart Church, Rath |

|6.15pm (Vigil – Saturday), |9am Sunday |

|9am & 12.15pm Sunday | |

|St. John’s Church, Killenard | |

|10.30am Sunday | |

Sunday 15th March 2015 - Fourth Sunday of Lent - Mother’s Day


|Mon. 16th March 10am Gertie Healy |ANNIVERSARIES - EMO |Portarlington |

|Tues. 17th 9am People of the Parish |Saturday 14th March – 7.30pm |Mon. 16th March 7.30pm Ann Dunne |

|Tues. 17th 12.15pm – See Anniversaries |Mary Flynn, Hand Road, Morette; Attracta Kelly, |Tues. 17th March 9am Agnes Holland |

|Wed. 18th 10am --- |Ballybrittas (10th Anniv.); Thomas Carroll, New Inn;|Tues. 17th March 12.15pm Comhaltas |

|Thurs. 19th 10am Thomas Lawlor, Cushina |Tom Delaney, New Inn |Sat. 21st March 6.15pm Ailish Ridgeway |

|Fri. 20th 10am --- |Sunday 15th March – 11am |Sun. 22nd March 9am Agnes Holland / |

| |James O’Connor, Rossmore (4th Anniv.) |12.15pm Anita Donoher |

|Saturday 14th March – 6.15pm |Tuesday 17th March – 11am |Killenard |

|John (Jacko) Roycroft, Bracklone St. (1st Anniv.) & |St. Patrick’s Day |Tues. 17th March 10.30am Stephen Kealy |

|deceased members of the Roycroft Family, Donie |John Davis, Old Pound |Sun. 22nd March 10.30am Niall Briody |

|McDermott, Garryhinch (5th Anniv.), Fergus | |Emo |

|Geoghegan, Crowe Lane (6th Anniv.), Margaret & |Saturday 21st March – 7.30pm |Mon. 16th 7.30pm Ellen Dunne |

|Edward Rogers, |Joe Kennedy, Arklow (M.M.) |Tues. 17th March 11am Jean Horne |

|Hugh, Annie & Mary O’Leary, |(Father of Linda Greene, Morette) |Sat. 21st March 7.30pm Paul Donnelly |

|Patricia Bourke, Ballycullane (10th Anniv.), | |Sun. 22nd March 11am Tara Hanneffy |

|Rosaleen Purcell, Marian Hill |Sunday 22nd March – 11am |Rath |

| |Betty Doonan, Bellegrove |Tues. 17th March 9am Brian Nolan |

|Sunday 15th March – 12.15pm |Christopher & Annie Lawlor, Noel, Willie & Colm |Sun. 22nd March 9am Sheila McNair |

|Anna Maria Garry & deceased members of the Garry |Lawlor, James & Tommy O’Connor | |

|Family, Cloneyquinn, Kathleen, Thomas, John, Oswald,| | |

|Anne & Carmel McGrath, Closelands , Tom McDermott, | |EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS |

|Nancy Delaney, Bracklone St. (10th Anniv.) Peter |ANNIVERSARIES - RATH |Portarlington |

|Finnegan, Arlington Est., (6th Anniv.), Elizabeth | |St. Patrick’s Day Vigil. Mon. 7.30 & Tues. |

|Allen, Bishopswood, Kathleen Kelly, Seskin, |Tues. 17th March – 9am – St. Patrick’s Day |9am & 12.15pm Team B |

|Joe Keegan, Cloneyhurke, |Baby Mary Patricia Duffy |Sat. 21st & Sun. 22nd March Team C |

|Gerard & Margaret Kearney | |Killenard |

| |DECEASED |St. Patrick’s Day 17th March Team B |

|Tuesday 17th March – 12.15pm |Your prayers are requested for the following who |Sun. 22nd March 10.30am C |

|St. Patrick’s Day |died recently:- | |

|Deceased members of Comhaltas, |Nancy Whelehan, Closelands, |BAPTISMS |

|Tony Ryan, Lea Rd. (1st Anniv.), James Gorry, St. |James (Jim) McMahon, 41, St. Michael’s Park |We welcome into the Christian Community through |

|Brigid’s Sq., John Kelly, St. Michael’s Pk., Patrick| |Baptism: |

|& Mary (Maisie) Brennan, Derryvilla & Crowe Lane, |ST. PATRICK’S DAY - TUES. 17TH MARCH |PORTARLINGTON |

|Thomas Carey, St. Brigid’s Sq., Sarah & Leonard |Mass will be celebrated as follows: |Jason John O’Neill, St. Mary’s Terrace |

|McEvoy, Gracefield, Elizabeth & Edward Coogan, |Portarlington: Mon. 16th March Vigil 7.30pm Tues. |Ella Rose McDonough, Sranure |

|Shiphouse |17th March 9am / 12.15pm Comhaltas |Elliott Jack Deffew-McKeever, Railway Mews |

| |Emo: Mon. 16th March Vigil 7.30pm |Finbarr Philip Murphy, Bellegrove |

|Saturday 21st March – 6.15pm |Tues. 17th March 11am | |

|Mary Smith, Church View (M.M.) |Rath: Tues.17th March 9am |CONFIRMATION 2015 |

|Elizabeth (Peg) Nolan, Bracklone (M.M.) |Killenard: Tues.17th March 10.30am |Congratulations to the Boys and Girls from |

|Maura & Patrick Williams, Crowe Lane, Mary, Terence | |the Parish who received the Sacrament of |

|& Joseph McGuire, Martha Wyse, Orchard Drive (1st |MASSES FOR LENT |Confirmation during the past week. |

|Anniv.), Mick (Raz) Murphy, Bridie McEvoy, St. |Portarlington: 10am each day | |

|Joseph’s Tce., Brendan & Celine Lawless, Patrick |Rath: 10am each day (or as announced) |TROCAIRE / MOTHER’S DAY |

|Street |Emo: Wednesday 7.30pm |“You created my inmost self, knit me together in my |

| |Killenard: Friday 7.30pm |mother's womb.” Psalms 139:13. On this |

|Sunday 22nd March – 12.15pm | |Mothering Sunday we remember mothers all over the |

|Stephen (Sonny) Byrne, Cloneyhurke (40th Anniv.), |LENT 2015 |developing world who face the daily struggle to feed|

|Patricia Murray, Cushina, |We pause today to reflect on our Lenten journey to |their children, clothe them and send them to school.|

|Bridget, Mary & Elizabeth Knight, Patrick St., Chris|date & our connection to the earth & life around us.|Trócaire works with thousands of families in the |

|& Peg Maher, St. Mary’s Tce. |The Camina Gadelica is a collection of ancient |world’s poorest countries to support them in this |

| |Celtic prayers collected in the islands off the |struggle.  |

|ANNIVERSARIES – KILLENARD |coast of Scotland in the last decades of the 19th |Find out more at lent​ |

| |century by Alexander Carmichael. The spirituality | |

| |of these prayers was influenced by the nature & |CHRISM MASS |

|Sunday 15th March – 10.30am |beauty of the great monastic settlement founded by |You are warmly invited to join with |

|Nora Moloney, Ballintogher, (1st Anniv) |St. Columba on Iona. |Bishop Denis & the priests of the diocese in |

|John Tynan, Springfield (2nd Anniv.), | |the Cathedral, Carlow at 7.30pm on |

|Brigid & William Coleman, Closelands, |There is no plant in the ground, but is full of His |Mon. 30th March to celebrate the |

|John Davis, Old Pound |virtue. There is no form in the strand, but is full |Chrism Mass – the largest diocesan celebration held |

| |of His blessing. There is no life in the sea, there |during the year! |

|Tuesday 17th March – 10.30am |is no creature in the river, There is naught in the | |

|Alan Donnelly, Killenard |firmament, but proclaims His goodness. There is no | |

| |bird on the wing, there is no star in the sky, | |

|Sunday 22nd March – 10.30am |There is nothing beneath the sun, but proclaim his | |

|Gretta Fitzmaurice, Killenard |goodness. | |


|PILGRIMAGE COMMITTEE MEETING | |A course will take place in Mount St. Anne’s on April|

|Sat. 14th March after 6.15pm Mass in Our Lady’s | |22nd, 29th & May 6th, 2015 (Wednesdays). All |

|Chapel, St. Michael’s Church. | |participants will receive a certificate & the |

| | |Diocesan Guide for Readers. If you would like to |

| | |become a Reader in the Parish, please leave your name|

|GRACEFIELD GAA CLUB | |into the Parish office. |

|Lotto Draw Results:  09/03/2015. numbers were | | |

|12-17-19-14 - There was no winner of the Jackpot |Wishing all Mother’s a |SOLEMN NOVENA TO |

|of  €17,400 |very Happy Mother’s Day |Our Lady of Perpetual Help |

|Next week’s Jackpot will be €17,600 | |St. Peter & Paul’s Church, Monasterevin |

|Club Registration: Is on March 20th from 7pm to 9pm |EMO/RATH LOTTO 9/3/15 |Wed. 18th Mar. Commencing with Rosary at 7.10pm – |

|at the club house. €10 per child (under 18) , €10 per|Numbers 2, 10, 12, 19, – No winner. |Speaker commencing 7.30pm – Bishop Brendan Comiskey. |

|OAP, €40 per family and €30 per Adult. Membership is |€25 to each of the following:- Anna Luttrell, c/o |Retired Bishop of Ferns & renowned retreat giver. |

|required for all players. |Maeve, Aaron Carroll, c/o Emo Shop, Margaret O’Brien,| |

|Gracefield Juveniles 2015:  Training times etc. |c/o Hilary, Paddy Fitzgerald, c/o Maeve, Frances |MOUNT ST. ANNES, KILLENARD |

|contact Ailish Higgins on (087)7059587. |Gleeson, c/o Rath Cards, |Our next talk on Pope Francis takes place on Tues. |

| |Next Jackpot €6,200 |24th March from 8-9.30pm with Marie Manley Smith & |

|SUAIMHNEAS – CAPPAKEEL | |Fr. John Cummins. An evening of reflective prayer.  |

|(( |PORTARLINGTON ST. VINDENT DE PAUL |Tea/Coffee served.  No Charge – donations at your |

|Mindfulness & Meditation |Thanks to everyone who supported the recent Coffee |discretion. |

|From “The Art of Stillness” Mindfulness, Meditation, |Day in our shop on Main Street & to all who helped in|Meditation Day on Saturday 28th March, 2015 from 10am|

|Contemplation – Sat. 14th March 10am-4.30pm. |any way to make the day a success. To everyone who |– 3.30pm with Marie Manley Smith |

|Facilitated by John Doherty. Wed. 18th, 25th & 1st |came in for a cuppa & supported our Raffle & had a |Enjoy a day of relaxation and peace where we come |

|April (optional) 7.30am-9.30pm – Facilitated by Anne |browse around our wide range of goods on display. |away from our daily pressures in the beautiful |

|& Mai. |Your continued support to our Shop is much |surrounds of Mount St. Anne’s. |

|Deeper Mindfulness & Stages of Life |appreciated. |Cost: €25 (please bring Packed Lunch)  Tea/Coffee and|

|From “Deep Stillness”. Sat. 25th April 10am-4.30pm. | |biscuits provided. |

|Facilitated by John Doherty. Wed. 29th, 6th & 13th |PORTARLINGTON LEISURE CENTRE |Palm Sunday Afternoon – Sun. 29th March 3-6pm. |

|May (optional). 7.30am-9.30pm facilitated by Anne & |Week 1 – March 30th |Reflection in preparation for Easter. |

|Mai. |Swim Camp for little swimmers through to Level 6 |No Charge – donations at your discretion. |

|Mindfulness & Mysticism |10.45am. €42 / Lanes Swim Camp Levels 7 and 8 at |Photography Course – Commencing Mon. 13th April for |

|From “Sacred Stillness’’ Mindfulness, Meditation, |11.30am €35 / Soccer Skills Camp 12 Noon €25 / |four Mondays with local photographer, Con Murphy. |

|Contemplation. Sat. 6th June – Facilitated by John |National pool Lifeguard Course 8.15am – 4.30pm €350 |Suitable for beginner/intermediate level. You will |

|Doherty. Wed. 10th, 17th & 24th June (optional) |(Early Bird price). |learn new tips and techniques in a relaxed |

|7.30am-9.30pm. Facilitated by Anne & Mai. Phone |Week 2 – April 6th |environment. Cost of full course: €50 (please bring |

|Ann/Mai 057-8626541 |Kayaktive Teen Camp 10.30am-1pm €60 |your camera each evening) |

| |This includes pool kayaking, lifesaving, fitness |Further information & booking contact Catherine on |

|PORTARLINGTON GAA NOTES |classes & Gym workouts. |057-8626153 Email: msannes@ |

|St. Patrick’s Day Parade: |Book today on 057 8645800 | |

|Port GAA will be marching in this year’s parade – | |ST. BRIGID’S COMMUNITY |

|Anyone wishing to take part check out our Facebook |LAOIS ARCH CLUB  |TEXT ALERT |

|page for details. |(social club for adults with intellectual |Table Quiz will take place in Portarlington Golf Club|

|Membership 2015: Family-€60 Adult €40 Child €25. |disabilities) |on Sat. 21st March commencing 8pm. €5 per person / |

|Alternative payment options available. |presents the  |Table of 4 €20. We will make up tables or if you can|

|Poker Tournament: Takes place in the Hall on Good |Dublin Welsh Male Voice Choir |fill a table all the better!!! |

|Friday – See Facebook page. |for a Choral Evening on Sat. 28th March commencing |What a better way to meet people in our community. |

|Following us on Twitter @PortGAA or our |8pm. Local guest choir. |Our quiz master has assured us that the questions are|

|website ​​ |Venue@ St. Peter’s Church of Ireland, Portlaoise. |not too mind boggling! All proceeds are in aid of |

| |Tickets €15 available from Breslin’s Pharmacy, |the ongoing costs of running our text alert in our |

|KILLENARD TIDY TOWNS AGM |Portlaoise or phone 087 632 3269 / 086 326 1512. |community. |

|Killenard Tidy Towns AGM will take place on Mon. 23rd|Your support is greatly appreciated. | |

|March at 8pm in the Ballycarroll Room of Killenard | | |

|Community Centre. We invite everyone to come & bring|LAOIS HOSPICE | |

|your ideas on how we can best serve the community |Sincere thanks from Mary Miller, to everyone who | |

|through the ‘Tidy Towns’ effort.  Come along on the |supported the recent fundraised at No. 57 Boutique, | |

|night & show your support. As always we would like |Main Street, Portarlington. €750 was collected on | |

|to encourage as many as possible to get involved with|the day for our local hospice. |SPONSORED WALK |

|this initiative. | |Ben & Jake Connolly Fund |

| |PORTARLINGTON LAWN TENNIS CLUB |Jack Overton has recently moved into his own purpose |

|MUIRIOSA FOUNDATION |AGM takes place on Tues. 24th March at 8.30pm in the |built home. He now wants to help Ben and Jake |

|Become a volunteer and make a difference! |Club House. All adult & student members & parents of|Connolly move into theirs. Jack is going to do a |

|Volunteers required for one/two hours per fortnight. |junior members invited. |sponsored walk on Sunday 15th of March (Mother’s Day)|

|Male and Female. Contact Gerry McLaughlin on | |– today - at midday on the grounds of Emo Court. If |

|087-8059667. |ST. PADRE PIO GLOVE |you wish to sponsor Jack, contact him on 087-6434690,|

| |St. Pio’s Glove will be back in Malone’s Home, |or after 11am Mass this Sunday in Emo. |

|EMO BABY & TODDLER GROUP |Shindella, Rathangan, Sun. 29th March from | |

|Meet on Friday mornings from 10am-12 Noon in the Old |11.30am-5.30pm. Everyone welcome. Items of St. Pio |CHILDMINDER’S REQUIRED |

|School, Emo. Pop in for a cuppa and a chat while |available on the day. Further info. call betty on |After School Child-minder: Mature lady required to |

|the little ones play.  |045-525094. |collect two school going children from Emo School at |

| | |1.30pm and 2.30pm and mind them in their own home |


|Computer Training on a one to one basis from |Intensive preparation for Irish exams (oral & |Full-time work during school holidays. |

|beginners to Advanced users.  All ages catered for. |written, / ordinary & higher). Small groups / |Contact 086 8135600 |

|Choose Email, Internet, Skype, Facebook, Booking |Results focused. Further info. 086-1023411. |Child-minder required to look after 8 month old baby |

|Tickets, Holidays , Shopping, Using IPads, Tablets, | |boy from mid-April. Contact 0861068214. |

|Kindle, Iphones, Memory Sticks, Music, Photos, Word |EMO TIDY TOWN AGM | |

|Excel etc.  086-3034540 |Emo Tidy Towns AGM will take place on Thurs. 19th |EASTER REVISION COURSES 2015 |

| |March in the Old School Community Centre at 8pm. New|Mon. 6th April – Fri. 10th April – Midlands Institute|

|ARLINGTON SOCCER CLUB LOTTO RESULTS 10TH MARCH |members welcome with new ideas and help to keep our |of Education, Portlaoise. To book phone 057-8621042 |

|Letters I, O, X, Z – No winner. Next draw 24th March|village clean |/ 086-0567271 |

|– Jackpot €2,000 |and tidy. | |

|( | |( |



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