Lotto: Last week’s Hall lotto winners were

Buaiteoirí an Lotto: Buaiteoir Lotto an Halla ar an 29/4/2017- Mary Doherty Burke le Bonus Uimhir 47 €100 goes to the winner. Go raibh maith agaibh as bhur tacaíocht.

Ranganna Oíche/Night Classes in Halla Tuar Mhic Éadaigh:

Ranganna Drámaíochta/Drama Classes. Ranganna Drámaíochta ar siúl chuile tráthnóna Dé Luain san Halla Pobail. Drama classes take place Monday afternoons. Young Children 4-6pm, older children 6.00-9.30pm. Tuilleadh eolais ó Niamh 087-6072123.

Ciorcail Cniotáil/Knitting Circle: Ciorcail Cniotáil ag teacht le chéile chuile tráthnóna Dé Luain. Knitting Circle get together every Monday afternoon. Children @ 6pm. Adults @ 7.30pm. Further details from 087-7657191.

Club Sóisialta Thuar Mhic Éadaigh-Social Club (Formerly over 60’s club) ag teacht le chéile chuile Déardaoin san Halla ón 2-5pm. Social Club get together every Thursday @ 2pm.

Grúpa Tuis. & Paisti ag teacht le chéile gach Máirt ón 10.30-12.30 i.n san Halla Pobail. Fáilte roimh baill nua, buail isteach, neart bréagáin agus cupán tae do na tuismitheoirí!

Parent & Toddler group get together in Halla Tuar Mhic Éadaigh on Tuesday mornings from 10.30-12.30 pm. Plenty of toys for the children, parents can have chat and a cuppa. New members welcome.

Ranganna Damhsa ar siúl chuile Céadaoin i Halla Thuar Mhic Éadaigh. Irish Dancing classes every Wednesday. Gasúir óga 4.30-5.30pm Gasúir níos sinne 5.30-6.30pm. Tuilleadh eolais ó Tracey 087-6274154.

Bunchlub Thuar Mhic Éadaigh teacht le chéile chuile tráthnóna Aoine san Halla Pobail ó 5.30 -7.00 i.n.. Buchlub get together every Friday evening in Halla Pobail every Friday evening from 5.30-7.00pm. Tuilleadh eolais ó 094-9544295.

Ciorcail Comhrá Gaeilge Ciorcail Comhrá Gaeilge ar siúl chuile oíche Dé Máirt Aibreáin san Halla @ 7.00 i.n. Irish Conversational classes takes place in Halla on Tuesday evenings 25th @ 7.00pm. All welcome, come along and practise your cúpla focal. Deis iontach é seo do na daoine a bheas ag obair ag Comórtas Peile na Gaeltachta i mí Meitheamh freastal ar na ranganna seo. Glaoigh ar 094-9544295 le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais. Bain trial as.

Open Day Drimbawn House: The annual open Tea Day in Drimbawn House will take place this year on Sat 10th & Sun 11th June.

Comórtas Bruscar-Toradh do Mí Aibreáín: Ni raibh ach 13 píosa bruscar le fáíl ar lá a rinneadh an moltóireacht. Seo tús maith do comortas nab liana seo. Tá muid ag iarraidh air chuile dhuine páírt a glacadh agus an cheantar a choinneáíl saor ó bruscar. Beidh glanadh suas mór le déanamh sa cheantar an deire seachtaine roimh an cómórtas. Níos mó eolais níos deanai/

Litter Action League: Results for month of April: We received a good result for month of April with only 13 pieces of litter found on day of inspection. 10 pieces of litter found from college to O’Toole’s, consisting of cigarette boxes, plastic bottles, papers and chewing gum wrappers. There was 2 pieces of litter found from O’Toole’s on Gortfree road and one piece of litter on road to Health Centre. We appeal to everyone to try and keep the area litter free. Judging takes place unannounced each month. Report will be published in newsletter each month. There will be a major litter clean up taking place in the area the weekend before the Comórtas. More details later.


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